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Esmeralda Urquiza

Esmeralda Urquiza

PhD Biology
Independent consultant


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October 2017 - July 2019
Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad
  • Researcher
  • Name of the project: "Safeguarding Mesoamerican Crop Wild Relatives". This project was commissioned by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and financed by The Darwin Initiative of the United Kingdom.
March 2015 - June 2017
Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad
  • Information analysis expert
  • Name of the project: “Ecosystems and agrobiodiversity across small and large-scale maize production systems in three case studies”. Commissioned by the UN Environment TEEB office and financed by the Global Alliance for the Future of Food.
January 2009 - December 2010
Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad
  • Researcher
  • Project: “IV volume of the Natural Capital of Mexico”. This volume was part of the publication of Natural Capital of Mexico which represented a national level initiative equivalent to the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment of the United Nations.
September 2002 - September 2004
September 1994 - September 1998
Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia
Field of study
  • Physical Anthropology


Publications (18)
Full-text available
Crop wild relatives (CWR) intra- and interspecific diversity is essential for crop breeding and food security. However, intraspecific genetic diversity, which is central given the idiosyncratic threats to species in landscapes, is usually not considered in planning frameworks. Here, we introduce an approach to develop proxies of genetic differentia...
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The attribution of mental states ( MS ) to other species typically follows a scala naturae pattern. However, “simple” mental states, including emotions, sensing, and feelings are attributed to a wider range of animals as compared to the so-called “higher” cognitive abilities. We propose that such attributions are based on the perceptual quality ( i...
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Mental state attribution mediates human social interaction and is at the core of social cognition. When directed toward non-human entities it's generally labeled as anthropomorphism. Anthropomorphism has long been of interest to scholars from different disciplines because of its multiple implications. It has been linked to the emergence of religiou...
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Biodiversity conservation calls for spatial explicit approaches to maximize the representation and persistence of genetic diversity given species idiosyncratic threats in mosaic landscapes, but conservation planning methodologies seldom account for this. Here, we introduce a novel approach that uses proxies of genetic diversity to identify conserva...
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Mind attribution to nonhuman agents is claimed to be the base of ascribing moral rights to them. It is sufficiently common to be considered a human universal, and the way it is done is related with a range of personal and animal-related factors. The aim of the present study was to identify the folk representations that underlie the attribution of e...
This study proposes that anthropomorphism is a key factor in stimulating both wildlife value shift and changing attitudes toward wildlife management in modernized countries. Evidence suggests that cultural shift due to modernization increases anthropomorphic attributions which leads to seeing wildlife as more human-like. This provides a foundation...
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Crop wild relatives (CWR) are wild plants that are the ancestors of important crops for human well-being. CWR hold genetic diversity that can be vital for plant breeding programs and the sustainability of agriculture, particularly given global change. Conservation of CWR genetic diversity thus has become a global food security issue, and several co...
Technical Report
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Mesoamérica alberga una diversidad cultural y biológica excepcional que incluye a los ancestros o parientes silvestres de cultivos de gran importancia en el mundo, y en particular para la soberanía alimentaria de la región. Se requieren estrategias para su conservación y manejo sustentable, con la participación de actores de diversos sectores y dis...
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Nuestra alimentación y la riqueza gastronómica de nuestras cocinas se basa en gran medida en plantas que han sido sujetas a procesos continuos de domesticación a lo largo de miles de años y que siguen ocurriendo actualmente en varias regiones del mundo. La domesticación de plantas útiles para alimentación, vestido y otros usos ha consistido en tene...
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This study is part of a larger effort by The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity for Agriculture and Food (TEEBAgFood), from the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), which has been “designed to provide a comprehensive economic evaluation of the ‘ecoagri-food systems’ complex, and demonstrate that the economic environment in which far...
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En este capítulo se identifican las áreas de información en los diferentes niveles de organización de la biodiversidad (de genes a ecosistemas) y ámbitos espaciales (local a global), que es fundamental fortalecer para tomar mejores decisiones respecto a la conservación y manejo sustentable del capital natural. Para ello, se analizaron los vacíos en...
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L a conservación in situ de especies y de los hábitats que las albergan requiere estrategias de diferentes tipos que permitan la preservación del patrimonio natural, desde la eliminación casi total de actividades humanas cuando sea necesario, hasta su manejo sustentable. México ha adoptado diversos mecanismos de conservación in situ, algunos de los...
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La informática de la biodiversidad ha revolucionado la accesibilidad a los datos y la información que usualmente se encontraban dispersos, en distintos formatos y con difícil acceso. Hace más de 20 años, la Conabio empezó a desarrollar el Sistema Nacional de Información sobre Biodiversidad (snib) para hacer disponible el conocimiento sobre la diver...
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Humans readily attribute intentionality and mental states to living and nonliving entities, a phenomenon known as anthropomorphism. Recent efforts to understand the driving forces behind anthropomorphism have focused on its motivational underpinnings. By contrast, the underlying cognitive and neu-ropsychological processes have not been considered i...
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La atracción sexual en humanos ha sido replanteada desde una perspectiva evolutiva. Singh propuso que un índice cintura-cadera (ICC) bajo (distribución ginoide de grasa corporal) sería preferido por varones independientemente de su origen cultural, ya que señala con certeza la salud y el potencial reproductivo de sus portadoras. Hay evidencia de un...


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