Erik van SchootenUniversity of Amsterdam | UVA · Institute Kohnstamm
Erik van Schooten
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August 1985 - present
Publications (72)
Teacher shortages are a significant concern in many countries. Hiring pre-service teachers could help to alleviate this problem while providing students an opportunity to develop skills in a real-work context. However, being employed alongside full-time studying might compete with attendance or self-study and, thereby, hinder study progress. This s...
A reflective goal-setting intervention could help students adjust to higher education, and improve their performance and well-being, as has been shown by small-scale and quasi-experimental studies conducted so far. However, a large experimental study found no effects, highlighting the importance of replication, and a better understanding of the mec...
Bilingual education using a Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) approach seems in many contexts to select or attract the more able and more academically-inclined pupils, or only be available to pupils in higher academic secondary streams. Positive effects of CLIL for target language proficiency development may therefore be due in part t...
Prior studies suggest that teaching reading strategies promotes reading comprehension in adolescents who have difficulties with reading comprehension, yet the results of those studies are mixed. Individual differences in students’ vocabulary knowledge may explain these mixed results. This article examines to what extent vocabulary knowledge influen...
In any country, there is a group of students who are at risk of dropping out of school without any qualifications. This is detrimental for many of those students, because failure to graduate increases risks of unemployment and societal exclusion. To reduce this risk, specialized curricula aim to prepare these students for their working life by fost...
Research has showed that aligning brand messages with topical events is a success formula for evoking positive consumer responses, in which ad creativity (i.e., originality, meaningfulness, and craftsmanship) and timing (i.e., the time between the start of an event and the appearance of a Topical Advertising message) play a pivotal role. This was d...
Mentors guide students in their challenges at school and in life. At-risk students in last-resort programs who are at a high risk of leaving school unqualified are especially in need of highly competent and adaptive mentors. This study therefore aimed to identify mentor qualities as perceived by at-risk students and their mentors that me...
Secondary school teachers expect students to write comprehensible paragraphs in their texts. However, an explicit way of teaching to write a paragraph doesn’t exist. This article describes a text analytic study of compliance with language norms in paragraphs in two genres: e-mails with a request and persuasive texts. It addresses the question to wh...
Low-achieving adolescents are known to have difficulties with reading comprehension. This article discusses whether principles of reciprocal teaching can improve low-achieving adolescents' reading comprehension in whole-classroom settings and to what extent treatment effects are dependent on implementation quality. Over the course of two years, exp...
Students often have trouble adjusting to higher education and this affects their performance, retention, and well-being. Scholars have suggested applying reflective goal-setting interventions, and most have found positive effects on academic performance and retention. However, one study found no effect at all, stressing the need for understanding t...
Spending time on work during a full-time study might compete with class attendance or self-study and slow study progress. At the same time, a domain-relevant job may grant beneficial effects that enhance academic outcomes. Prior research showed contradictory findings, possibly because of a lack of distinction between types of work and the different...
The way at-risk students see themselves as workers, their vocational identity, is important for their career development. Special programs for heterogeneous groups of at-risk students in the Netherlands aim to foster students’ vocational identity and their task may be eased by stimulating resilience. Therefore this cross-sectional study explored wh...
Vocational identity is a prerequisite for enhancing societal inclusion of at-risk emerging adults. School curricula and rebound programs need insights into individual differences of these youths to effectively foster their vocational identity. Identifying three aspects of vocational identity, a questionnaire study among at-risk emerging adults in T...
The effect of bilingual education (BE) on the attitude towards learning English of pupils in the first three years of pre-vocational secondary education in the Netherlands ( n = 488) was investigated. Contrary to several other BE/CLIL studies, in the present study pupils choosing for a bilingual stream are not preselected based on their attitude or...
Research has demonstrated that in controlled experiments in which small groups are being tutored by researchers, reading-strategy instruction is highly effective in fostering reading comprehension (Palincsar & Brown, Cognition and Instruction, 1(2), 117–175, 1984). It is unclear, however, whether reading-strategy interventions are equally effective...
In a longitudinal design, 51 low-achieving adolescents’ development in writing proficiency from Grades 7 to 9 was measured. There were 25 native-Dutch and 26 language-minority students. In addition, the roles of (1) linguistic knowledge, (2) metacognitive knowledge, and (3) linguistic fluency in predicting both the level and development of writing...
Eindrapport van het NRO onderzoeksproject EDiLe "Effecten van een digitaal leermiddel bij het leren lezen".
Computer assisted spelling instruction: The effect of the educational software ‘Snappet’ on the ability to spell of students in fifth grade In a quasi-experimental study in two fifth grade classes, the effect of using the computer program ‘Snappet’ on the growth in spelling ability was evaluated. Snappet consists of an application for use in primar...
In a longitudinal design, we measured 50 low-achieving adolescents’ reading comprehension development from Grades 7 to 9. There were 24 native Dutch and 26 language minority students. In addition, we assessed the roles of (a) linguistic knowledge, (b) metacognitive knowledge, and (c) reading fluency in predicting both the level and growth of readin...
In initial reading education, the use of educational software has much potential: students can practice individually and at their own pace with, among others, letter-sound correspondences and phonemic awareness, while receiving immediate feedback. However, proper implementation of educational software in the school practice is not straightforward,...
In this study, we analysed the relationships between word decoding, vocabulary knowledge, meta-cognitive knowledge and reading comprehension in low-achieving adolescents and examined whether the strength of these relationships differed between Grade 7 and 9 students and between monolingual and bilingual students. Tests were administered to 328 stud...
In this study we investigate the role of linguistic knowledge, fluency and meta-cognitive knowledge in Dutch reading comprehension of monolingual and bilingual adolescent academic low achievers in the Netherlands. Results show that these components are substantially associated with reading comprehension. However, their role appears to be different...
The Student-Teacher Relationship Scale (STRS) is widely used to examine teachers' relationships with young students in terms of closeness, conflict, and dependency. This study aimed to verify the dimensional structure of the STRS with confirmatory factor analysis, test its measurement invariance across child gender and age, improve its measurement...
We report a classroom experiment directed at increasing lexical fluency in writing. Participants were 107 Dutch students in bilingual (EFL) education (Grades 10 and 11). According to current theories of writing such fluency allows writers to devote more attention to higher order aspects of text production, such as idea generation, selection and org...
In the Netherlands, ethnic minority boys are heavily overrepresented in prisons and secure judicial institutions for juveniles. In a sample of 324 juveniles of both native Dutch and ethnic minority origin who have come into contact with the Dutch criminal justice authorities, we compared the number of days the 2 groups were kept in detention. We al...
De afgelopen jaren wordt in Amsterdam geconstateerd dat het aantal leerlingen dat niet het beoogde eindniveau van het basisonderwijs haalt onaanvaardbaar hoog is. Het gaat hierbij jaarlijks om 20 procent van de leerlingen in groep 8. Van alle leerlingen krijgt 18 procent het basischooladvies vmbo + leerwegondersteunend onderwijs (lwoo). Deze leerli...
The proportion of low-achieving children in a class can affect the progress of individual pupils in that class. Having a large proportion of low achievers in a class could slow down growth in cognitive achievement but, might also boost such growth, due to the effects of specialist teaching geared to low achievers' needs. In a longitudinal study of...
The present article synthesizes the results of four studies that concern attitudes towards reading fiction and the literary response of students in secondary education. Both cross sectional and longitudinal data sets were created with the cross sectional data used for establishing ‘model fit’ of both the attitude model and the literary response mod...
Across Europe, urban education systems are struggling with the process of integration of immigrants in schools. The process of inclusion and exclusion in European cities shows many similarities with earlier experiences in U.S. cities. This article explores the most important aspects of this new urban phenomenon and its impact on urban school system...
De studies betreffen de attitude ten aanzien van het lezen van fictie en de literaire respons van leerlingen in het voortgezet onderwijs. De attitude is gemeten met een vragenlijst gebaseerd op het 'Model of Planned Behavior' van Ajzen en Fishbein (Ajzen, 1991). De gebruikte literaire responsvragenlijst is de door Miall en Kuiken (1995) ontwikkeled...
In a longitudinal research the development of attitude toward reading adolescent literature and reading behavior is studied. Participants are students in higher general and pre-academic secondary education. The attitude model used is the Model of Planned Behavior [Ajzen, I., 1991. The theory of planned behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human De...
In the present article, we investigate the degree to which 15-year-old students in regular secondary education in the Netherlands
(N = 144) master four strategic reading activities and the relationship of the mastery to their first-language reading comprehension,
preference for self-direction and in-depth information processing, and attitude toward...
De tekstverwerker is als schrijfgereedschap niet meer uit het onderwijs weg te denken. Veel minder gangbaar is het gebruik van computerprogramma’s die het schijfonderwijs ondersteunen. Zo zijn er programma’s die oefeningen bieden voor deelvaardigheden of specifieke deelprocessen ondersteunen. Andere programma’s analyseren schrijfproducten en geven...
In the present article, we investigate the degree to which 15-year-old students in regular secondary education in the Netherlands (N = 144) master four strategic reading activities and the relationship of the mastery to their first-language reading comprehension, preference for self-direction and in-depth information processing, and attitude toward...
De tekstverwerker is als schrijfgereedschap niet meer
uit het onderwijs weg te denken. Veel minder gangbaar
is het gebruik van computerprogramma’s die
het schijfonderwijs ondersteunen. Zo zijn er programma’s
die oefeningen bieden voor deelvaardigheden
of specifieke deelprocessen ondersteunen. Andere
programma’s analyseren schrijfproducten en geven...
In a longitudinal study the development of literary response of students in upper secondary education is investigated. The theoretical model of literary response is corroborated. In addition, all seven aspects of literary response measured for this study decrease with age from grade 7 to 11. On average, in grade 7 students take a positive position...
The research presented in this article concludes that the widely accepted Model of Planned Behavior (MPB) is an adequate model for measuring the attitude toward reading adolescent literature [By ‘adolescent literature’ we mean works of fiction to be read by middle grade students. These can be works like ‘Huckleberry Finn’, but also more modern work...
To test the validity of the Literary Response Questionnaire (lrq, Miall & Kuiken, 1995b) and to assess its relationships with student, home-background, and school-related variables, the lrq was administered to Dutch students in grades 7, 8, and 9. The seven first-order factors of the lrq, as identified by Miall and Kuiken {1995b), were confirmed. O...
Allochtone jongeren blijken na correctie voor de ernst van het delichtgedrag en de zwaarte van de strafzaak gemiddeld 53 dagen meer vrijheidsbeneming te krijgen dan autochtoon-Nederlandse jongeren. Analyse wijst uit dat allochtone jongeren in rapportages aan de rechtbank beschreven worden als meer schuldig aan hun delictgedrag dan autochtone jonger...