Erik KjellströmSwedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute | SMHI · The Rossby Centre
Erik Kjellström
PhD, Professor
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Professor in climatology. Working at the Rossby Centre, SMHI, since 2003.
Previous background in atmospheric chemistry and dispersion modelling with global and regional models.
Adjunct professor at the Department of Meteorology at the Stockholm University
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Publications (228)
We review how the international modelling community, encompassing integrated assessment models, global and regional Earth system and climate models, and impact models, has worked together over the past few decades to advance understanding of Earth system change and its impacts on society and the environment and thereby support international climate...
Despite a growing interest in extreme event attribution, attributing individual weather events remains difficult and uncertain. We have explored extreme event attribution by comparing the method for probabilistic extreme event attribution employed at World Weather Attribution (https://www.worldweatherattribution.org, last access: 22 August 2024) (W...
The Fennoscandian boreal and mountain regions harbour a wide range of vegetation types, from boreal forest to high alpine tundra and barren soils. The area is facing a rise in air temperature above the global average and changes in temperature and precipitation patterns. This is expected to alter the Fennoscandian vegetation composition and change...
We review how the international modelling community, encompassing Integrated Assessment models, global and regional Earth system and climate models, and impact models, have worked together over the past few decades, to advance understanding of Earth system change and its impacts on society and the environment, and support international climate poli...
Despite a growing interest in extreme event attribution, attributing individual weather events remains difficult and uncertain. We have explored extreme event attribution by comparing a widely adopted method for probabilistic extreme event attribution to a more analogue approach utilising the extensive, and long-running, network of meteorological o...
The Fennoscandian boreal and mountain regions harbour a wide range of vegetation types, from boreal forest to high alpine tundra and barren soils. The area is facing a rise in air temperature above the global average and changes in temperature and precipitation patterns. This is expected to alter the Fennoscandian vegetation composition and change...
This paper studies the impact of land use and land cover change (LULCC) on the climate around 2500 years ago (2.5 ka), a period of rapid transitions across the European landscape. One global climate model was used to force two regional climate models (RCMs). The RCMs used two land cover descriptions. The first was from a dynamical vegetation model...
This paper studies the impact of land use and land-cover change (LULCC) on the climate around 2 500 years ago (2.5 ka), a period of rapid transitions across the European landscape. One global climate model was used to force two regional climate models (RCMs). The RCMs used two land cover descriptions. The first was from a dynamical vegetation model...
This paper presents results from high-resolution climate change simulations that permit convection and resolve mesoscale orography at 3-km grid spacing over Fenno-Scandinavia using the HARMONIE-Climate (HCLIM) model. Two global climate models (GCMs) have been dynamically down-scaled for the RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 emission scenarios and for both near and...
Various methods are available for assessing uncertainties in climate impact studies. Among such methods, model weighting by expert elicitation is a practical way to provide a weighted ensemble of models for specific real-world impacts. The aim is to decrease the influence of improbable models in the results and easing the decision-making process. I...
The collaboration between the Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) and the Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF) provides open access to an unprecedented ensemble of Regional Climate Model (RCM) simulations, across the 14 CORDEX continental-scale domains, with global coverage. These simulations have been used as a new line of...
Plain Language Summary
Vegetation‐climate feedback is an essential process between the terrestrial biosphere and the atmosphere. Greening of the Arctic can be invoked by increased solar radiation, for example, during the mid‐Holocene (6,000 years ago), or increased greenhouse gas, for example, ongoing global warming. Here we perform simulations of...
This study investigates present and future European heat wave magnitudes, represented by the Heat Wave Magnitude Index-daily (HWMId), for regional climate models (RCMs) and the driving global climate models (GCMs) over Europe. A subset of the large EURO-CORDEX ensemble is employed to study sources of uncertainties related to the choice of GCMs, RCM...
Collections of large ensembles of regional climate model (RCM) downscaled climate data for particular regions and scenarios can be organized in a usually incomplete matrix consisting of GCM (global climate model) x RCM combinations. When simple ensemble averages are calculated, each GCM will effectively be weighted by the number of times it has bee...
This study investigates present and future European heat wave magnitudes, represented by the Heat Wave Magnitude Index-daily (HWMId), for regional climate models (RCMs) and their driving global climate models (GCMs) over Europe. A subset of the large EURO-CORDEX ensemble is employed to study sources of uncertainties related to choice of GCMs, RCMs...
Multidecadal changes in regional climate can occur as a forced response to changing greenhouse gases and aerosols, as a result of natural internal climate variability, or due to their combination. Internal climate variability is frequently associated with regional changes in large-scale circulation. We investigate how changes in Scandinavian temper...
Land-cover changes have a clear impact on local climates via biophysical effects. European land cover has been affected by human activities for at least 6000 years, but possibly longer. It is thus highly probable that humans altered climate before the industrial revolution (AD1750–1850). In this study, climate and vegetation 6000 years (6 ka) ago i...
Based on the Baltic Earth Assessment Reports of this thematic issue in Earth System Dynamics and recent peer-reviewed literature, current knowledge of the effects of global warming on past and future changes in climate of the Baltic Sea region is summarised and assessed. The study is an update of the Second Assessment of Climate Change (BACC II) pu...
It is well established that using kilometer scale grid resolution for simulations of weather systems in weather and climate models enhances their realism. This study explores heavy- and extreme-precipitation characteristics over the Nordic region generated by the regional climate model HARMONIE-Climate (HCLIM). Two model setups of HCLIM are used: E...
The report treats different types of climate information available for work on climate change adaptation. This includes both historical climate information and information based on future climate change projections. It also gives an update on the scientific knowledge related to climate change and presents new results for future conditions in Sweden...
The report presents how the Swedish energy sector may be impacted by future climate change. Results are presented for a number of global warming levels, starting at 1.5 and 2.0 C above preindustrial conditions. A large number of regional climate models from EURO-CORDEX have been used to provide information that has subsequently been presented in th...
The report treats differences in temperature and precipitation climate between the
most recent normal period 1991–2020 and the previous normal periods during the 20th
century; 1901–1930, 1931–1960 and 1961–1990. The focus lies on describing how the
climate has changed in relation to the large-scale atmospheric circulation. We have
analysed this...
This report is a synthesis about climate extremes in Sweden. It addresses observed and possible future changes in major climate variables related to pre�cipitation, floods, droughts, wind and storminess inclu�ding thunderstorms and tornadoes, hailstorms, ice storms, freezing rain, heat waves and cold spells.
A natural hazard is a naturally occurring extreme event that has a negative effect on people and society or the environment. Natural hazards may have severe implications for human life and can potentially generate economic losses and damage ecosystems. A better understanding of their major causes, probability of occurrence, and consequences enables...
The Baltic Sea, located in northern Europe, is a semi-enclosed, shallow and tideless sea with seasonal sea-ice cover in its northern sub-basins. Its long water residence time contributes to oxygen depletion in the bottom water of its southern sub-basins. In this study, recently performed scenario simulations for the Baltic Sea including marine biog...
The Baltic Sea region is very sensitive to climate change; it is a region with spatially varying climate and diverse ecosystems, but it is also under pressure due to a high population in large parts of the area. Climate change impacts could easily exacerbate other anthropogenic stressors such as biodiversity stress from society and eutrophication o...
Coastal environments, in particular heavily populated semi-enclosed marginal seas and coasts like the Baltic Sea region, are strongly affected by human activities. A multitude of human impacts, including climate change, affect the different compartments of the environment, and these effects interact with each other. As part of the Baltic Earth Asse...
Various methods are available for assessing uncertainties in climate impact studies. Among such methods, model weighting by expert elicitation is a practical way to provide a weighted ensemble of models for specific real-world impacts. The aim is to decrease the influence of improbable models in the results and easing the decision-making process. I...
It is well established that using km scale grid resolution for simulations of weather systems in weather and climate models enhances their realism. This study explores heavy and extreme precipitation characteristics over the Nordic region generated by the regional climate model, HARMONIE-Climate (HCLIM). Two model setups of HCLIM are used: ERA-Inte...
Knowledge of the climate is essential to manage climate-related risks. Underpinning this knowledge is a huge range of climate research and climate service activities. There has been a marked expansion of such activities and while the numerous and diverse funding streams, activities and organizations involved means that climate service development i...
The use of regional climate model (RCM)‐based projections for providing regional climate information in a research and climate service contexts is currently expanding very fast. This has been possible thanks to a considerable effort in developing comprehensive ensembles of RCM projections, especially for Europe, in the EURO‐CORDEX community (Jacob...
Based on the Baltic Earth Assessment Reports of this thematic issue in Earth System Dynamics and recent peer-reviewed literature, current knowledge about the effects of global warming on past and future changes in climate of the Baltic Sea region is summarized and assessed. The study is an update of the Second Assessment of Climate Change (BACC II)...
The Baltic Sea Region is very sensitive to climate change; it is a region with spatially varying climate and diverse ecosystems, but also under pressure due to high population in large parts of the area. Climate change impacts could easily exacerbate other anthropogenic stressors such as biodiversity stress from society and eutrophication of the Ba...
Recently performed scenario simulations for the Baltic Sea including marine biogeochemistry were analyzed and compared with earlier published projections. The Baltic Sea, located in northern Europe, is a semi-enclosed, shallow and tide-less sea with seasonal sea ice cover in its northern sub-basins and a long residence time causing oxygen depletion...
Coastal environments, in particular heavily populated semi-enclosed marginal seas and coasts like the Baltic Sea region, are stongly affected by human activities. A multitude of human impacts, including climate change, affects the different compartments of the environment, and these effects interact with each other. As part of the Baltic Earth Asse...
A natural hazard is a naturally occurring extreme event with a negative effect on people and society or the environment. Natural hazards may have severe implications for human life and they can potentially generate economic losses and damage ecosystems. A better understanding of their major causes, probability of occurrence, and consequences enable...
Collections of large ensembles of regional climate model (RCM) downscaled climate data for particular regions and scenarios can be organized in a usually incomplete matrix consisting of GCM (global climate model) x RCM combinations. When simple ensemble averages are calculated, each GCM will effectively be weighted by the number of times it has bee...
This paper analyzes the ensemble of regional climate model (RCM) projections for Europe completed within the EURO‐CORDEX project. Projections are available for the two greenhouse gas concentration scenarios RCP2.6 (22 members) and RCP8.5 (55 members) at 0.11° resolution from 11 RCMs driven by eight global climate models (GCMs). The RCM ensemble res...
Two long-lasting high-pressure systems in summer 2018 led to persisting heatwaves over Scandinavia and other parts of Europe and an extended summer period with devastating impacts on agriculture, infrastructure, and human life. We use five climate model ensembles and the unique 263-year-long Stockholm temperature time series along with a composite...
Climate observations, research, and models are used extensively to help understand key processes underlying changes to the climate on a range of time scales from months to decades, and to investigate and describe possible longer-term future climates. The knowledge generated serves as a scientific basis for climate services that are provided with th...
Convection-permitting climate models have shown superior performance in simulating important aspects of the precipitation climate including extremes and also to give partly different climate change signals compared to coarser-scale models. Here, we present the first long-term (1998–2018) simulation with a regional convection-permitting climate mode...
Abstract. Two long-lasting high pressure systems in summer 2018 lead to long lasting heat waves over Scandinavia and other parts of Europe and an extended summer period with devastating impacts on agriculture, infrastructure and human life. We use five climate model ensembles and the unique 263 year long Stockholm temperature time series along with...
Climate projections for the 21st century for CMIP6 are warmer than those for CMIP5 despite nominally identical instantaneous radiative forcing. Many climate modeling groups attribute the stronger warming in the CMIP6 projections to the higher climate sensitivity of the new generation of climate models, but here we demonstrate that also changes in t...
A study of seasonal mean temperature, precipitation, and wind speed has been performed for a set of 19 global climate model (GCM) driven high-resolution regional climate model (RCM) simulations forming a complete 5 × 4 GCM × RCM matrix with only one missing simulation. Differences between single simulations and between groups of simulations forced...
We investigate the impact of model formulation and horizontal resolution on the ability of Regional Climate Models (RCMs) to simulate precipitation in Africa. Two RCMs (SMHI-RCA4 and HCLIM38-ALADIN) are utilized for downscaling the ERA-Interim reanalysis over Africa at four different resolutions: 25, 50, 100, and 200 km. In addition to the two RCMs...
The European CORDEX (EURO-CORDEX) initiative is a large voluntary effort that seeks to advance regional climate and Earth system science in Europe. As part of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) - Coordinated Regional Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX), it shares the broader goals of providing a model evaluation and climate projection framewor...
This paper presents a new version of HCLIM, a regional climate modelling system based on the ALADIN–HIRLAM numerical weather prediction (NWP) system. HCLIM uses atmospheric physics packages from three NWP model configurations, HARMONIE–AROME, ALARO and ALADIN, which are designed for use at different horizontal resolutions. The main focus of HCLIM i...
Two ensembles of climate simulations, one global and one regional, are used to investigate model errors and projected climate change in seasonal mean temperature and precipitation over South Asia. The global ensemble includes ten global climate models (GCMs). In the regional ensemble all ten GCMs are downscaled by a regional climate model—RCA4 over...
Abstract. We investigate the impact of model formulation and horizontal resolution on the ability of Regional Climate Models (RCMs) to simulate precipitation in Africa. Two RCMs – SMHI-RCA4 and HCLIM38-ALADIN are utilized for downscaling the ERA-Interim reanalysis over Africa at four different resolutions: 25, 50, 100 and 200 km. Additionally to th...
Climate change may have multifaceted impacts on the safety and performance of infrastructure. Accounting for the different ways in which potential climate change scenarios can affect our infrastructure is paramount in determining appropriate adaptation and risk management strategies. Despite gaining some attention among researchers in recent years,...