Erica SchultzFederal University of Viçosa | UFV · Department of Animal Science
Erica Schultz
PhD Animal Scientist
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Publications (69)
Heat stress in animals affects productivity, health, and reproduction, with particularly pronounced effects in dairy cows. Identifying heat stress requires understanding both physiological and environmental indicators, such as increased heart rate, respiratory rate, and rectal temperature, which reflect the animal’s thermal condition within its env...
Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos da adição de níveis crescentes da combinação de levedura ativa e inativa sobre o consumo e digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca (MS) e seus componentes, e balanços de nitrogênio e de energia de borregas alimentadas com dietas de alto concentrado. Foram utilizadas 5 borregas mestiças Dorper x Santa Inês com peso i...
This research aimed to compare statistical methods (random forest, RIDGE, LASSO, and elastic net regression) for the prediction of body weight in purebred and crossbred pigs reared in Brazil. This prediction was based on dorsal-view images obtained from video image processing. The study involved 69 animals belonging to breeds such as Large White, P...
The nutrients required by cattle are influenced by body composition. Indirect methods, such as DXA scanning, have been used to predict lean, fat, and bone tissues without the need for carcass dissection. The rib section between the 9th and the 11th ribs (HH section, Hankins and Howe, 1946) is the most used section to estimate carcass chemical compo...
Biopsy techniques in dairy goats are currently limited. This study aimed to describe a liver biopsy technique in dairy goats and to evaluate liver triglyceride levels and glycogen content. Sixty-nine dairy goats in the final stage of pregnancy and early lactation period were selected. Fifty goats were selected randomly for hepatic biopsy (HB) accor...
A dynamic model has been developed to simulate aspects of feedlot lamb growth and body composition, including energy and protein requirements, growth rate, composition of gain, and body mass. Model inputs include initial body mass (kg), standard final mass (kg), age (days), and dietary energy concentration (Mcal·kg−1). The model was assessed as a d...
This study was conducted to assess prediction models for production indexes in batches of growing pigs using performance regressors (period of the year and farm size). A database containing 663 records on the performance of pig batches (18.83 ± 4.37 to 111.26 ± 10.59 kg body weight (BW) at housing and finisher, respectively) from a private company...
O agronegócio, que representou 24% do PIB brasileiro em 2023, destaca-se como um setor robusto. O ramo pecuário, contribuindo com 6,6% desse indicador, reforça sua significativa presença econômica. Dito isso, a atividade de criar bovinos de forma eficiente torna-se vital para a sustentabilidade desse setor. A pesagem convencional, realizada em bala...
O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar como a adição crescente de enzima fibrolítica exógena na dieta de borregas influencia o consumo alimentar, a capacidade digestiva e os metabólitos sanguíneos. O ensaio foi realizado em um quadrado latino (5x5) com cinco tratamentos e cinco repetições, utilizando borregas mestiças Santa Inês x Dorper com...
Two trials were carried out to develop and validate linear regression equations for body composition prediction using Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). In Trial 1, 300 Cobb500 male chickens raised from 1 to 42 d of age were scanned in DEXA to estimate total weight, fat mass, soft lean tissue (SLT) mass, bone mineral content (BMC), and fat pe...
Fat sources represent an important component in ruminant feed, as they provide 2.25 times more energy than carbohydrates, and new sources, such as inert fats from rumen degradation, are a good option due to their fatty acid profile. The objective was to evaluate the performance and ingestive behavior of goats fed increasing levels of inert palm fat...
The objective was to identify sets of relevant atributes for pricing Mangalarga Marchador horses at auctions and to estimate a hedonic pricing function. We analyzed 452 horses at 20 auctions. The studied variables were characteristics intrinsic to the animals and attributes that influence sale price, which were identified through generalized linear...
Análises de custo para produções caprinas leiteiras são escassas, especialmente no tocante às contribuições de outros produtos advindos desse sistema além do leite, como dos animais para reprodução ou para abate. Geralmente, estudos sobre sistemas leiteiros não relatam a participação de cabritos machos, por seu usual descarte precoce. Este estudo r...
Highlights Increased levels of amylolytic enzymes in the diet did not change ewe's comsumption. Changes in nutrients digestibility were observed. Inclusion of exogenous amylolytic enzyme can improve dry matter digestibility. Abstract The aim was to evaluate if the inclusion of exogenous amylolytic enzyme affect the nutrient intake and digestibility...
The aim was to evaluate if the inclusion of exogenous amylolytic enzyme affect the nutrient intake and digestibility in ewes fed high-concentrate diets containing flint corn. Five Santa Inês × Dorper crossbred ewes (54.04 ± 4.5 kg and aged 8 months) were used in a 5 x 5 Latin square design. All animals were housed in individual metabolic cages for...
The objective of our study was to promote advances in the economic valuation method of zootechnical indicators in dairy goat farming by incorporating the analysis of the modeling of biological relationships between the indicators. A Multiple Linear Regression model was developed to predict milk production as a function of zootechnical indexes and t...
The objective was to demonstrate the perception of the welfare of horses by people with different relationships with these animals. A questionnaire was carried out on in an online platform with electronic dissemination. The question-naire contained 15 multiple choice questions whose theme was welfare associated with pain, stereotypies, hooves, soci...
Heat stress negatively affects livestock, with undesirable effects on animals' production and reproduction. Temperature and humidity index (THI) is a climatic variable used worldwide to study the effect of heat stress on farm animals. Temperature and humidity data can be obtained in Brazil through the National Institute of Meteorology (INMET), but...
The objective was to review the main technologies in ruminant production for measuring respiratory rate (RR), heart rate (HR) and body temperature (BT). Physiological changes may indicate imbalance of vital body functions, so identifying their cause is crucial for early and assertive decision making. The use of technology aids in remote and continu...
Management of calves and heifers directly influence the future productivity of dairy animals. However, the pre-production stage is often neglected by farmers, as young cows do not yet produce milk and, therefore, revenue, while representing an important part of the total cost of the property. This study aimed to identify and determine the economic...
Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito de diferentes inclusões de enzimas exógenas: controle (sem enzimas), enzimas fibrolí- ticas, enzimas proteolíticas, enzimas amilolíticas e mix de enzimas em concentrados a base de milho desintegrado com palha e sabugo (MDPS) na ração de cordeiros sobre parâmetros nutricionais e metabólicos. O experimento foi realizado...
Objetivou-se avaliar dietas contendo diferentes níveis de inclusão de gordura inerte de palma como suplemento ali- mentar sobre o consumo de nutrientes e parâmetros bioquímicos de cabritos em desenvolvimento. Foram utilizados 16 cabritos (Anglo Nubiano x Saanen) com médias de 60 dias de vida e 18,66 kg de peso vivo. Dieta composta por silagem de so...
The objective was to evaluate levels of replacement of corn silage with extruded forage (Foragge®) in sheep feeding. Twenty adult Santa Inês ewes in maintenance, and 55.8 kg average weight were housed in metabolic cages, and the treatments consisted of 20, 40, 60 and 80% replacement of corn silage with Foragge® extruded forage with 60% Uruchloa bri...
Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito da utilização de níveis de concentrado extrusado sobre os parâmetros nutricionais, metabólicos e comportamento ingestivo em cordeiros mestiços Dorper x Santa Inês. Vinte cordeiros com aproxima- damente cinco meses de idade foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em gaiolas metabólicas e receberam dietas com duas relações vol...
This study assessed the capability of dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) to predict intramuscular fat (IMF) content of beef longissimus steaks against chemical IMF as the gold standard. DEXA performance of fat% prediction was assessed using a leave-one-out cross validation method among Angus and Nellore steaks, which generated a chemical fat%...
Objetivou-se estimar os intervalos de referência dos parâmetros bioquímicos de ovelhas lactantes nos trópicos. Foram compiladas informações de até 290 ovelhas lactantes no período de 2006 a 2017. Todos os animais eram saudáveis e não passaram por condições de desnutrição forçada. Os animais foram criados em diferentes sistemas de manejo (pasto, con...
Soy molasses is a by-product of the soy industry, with low commercial cost and rich in carbohydrates and proteins. Despite the great variety of by-products and being potentially beneÞ cial, it is not fully understood how the interaction between the nutrients in this product and the physiological changes in sheep occurs. Thus, the objective was to e...
This study aimed to evaluate the dry matter digestibility, intake and metabolic profile of ewe lambs fed active or inactive yeasts in the diet containing fibrolytic enzyme. Twenty crossbred animals with an average weight of 33.4kg and an average age of six months were distributed in a completely randomized design. The treatments consisted of yeasts...
Milk production is an important economic activity in Brazil. Dairy farmers would benefit from animal breeding programs that aid in identification and selection of animals with the best cost/benefit ratio to maximize productivity, and additionally provide advice on disposal of less productive animals. This study aims to estimate the heritability and...
A produção de leite é uma das atividades econômicas mais importantes da agropecuária brasileira. Produtores podem usufruir de programas de melhoramento genético que permitem a identificação dos melhores animais e sua seleção para maximizar a produtividade com a melhor relação custo/benefício, além do aconselhamento do descarte de animais menos prod...
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of adding exogenous enzymes to the diet on nutrient intake and digestibility, nitrogen balance, ingestive behavior and rumen movement of ewe lambs. Five ewe lambs, Dorper x Santa Inês crossbred, with an average age of 7 ± 1 months, average weight of 36.40 ± 2.36 kg were assigned in a 5x5 Latin...
The objective was to evaluate food digestibility, dry matter intake, ingestive behavior and metabolic profile of ewes fed with extruded roughage instead silage. Twenty animals were used, with an average 54.5kg. The treatments consisted: 80%F:20%S; 60%F:40%S; 40%F:60%S; 20%F:80%S; and 100%S. Food, leavings, feces, urine, ingestive behavior and blood...
The objective was to evaluate the effect of enzymes on consumption, digestion of dry matter and blood nutrients and metabolites. Sixteen lambs with an average age and weight of 3 months and 19.00 kg, respectively, were used. Treatments consist of the use of amylolytic, proteolytic and fibrolytic enzymes. A completely randomized design was used. No...
Metabolite levels can vary according to the farming region, age, physiological state and feeding of the animal, therefore, the objective was to estimate reference values for the energy, hepatic and mineral profiles of sheep (above 12 months) in the tropics. For this, data from healthy adult sheep, raised in different management systems in Brazilian...
The effect of concentrate supplementation on pregnancy and dry matter intake of ewes was evaluated. 41 animals were used, with 64.18 kg of average weight, distributed in a completely randomized design with repeated measures over time. The treatments consisted of two levels of concentrate. Analysis of variance and Tukey's test were performed at 5% o...
The objective was to evaluate effects of extruded soybean hulls as replacement for corn silage. Twenty animals with an average weight of 57.00kg were used. The treatments consisted different levels inclusion the extruded roughage to replace the silage. A completely randomized design was used. There was negative linear response for dry matter intake...
The purpose was to evaluate the effect of extruded roughage Foragge ® with different additives on intake, digestibility nutrients and nitrogen balance of sheep. Twenty adults, non-pregnant ewes with average weight 68 kg were used. The treatments were extruded roughage with additives (essential oil, virginiamycin, unpurified inactive yeast, tannin a...
The present study evaluated the influence of thermal management during the larviculture of Betta splendens on survival and sex ratio, aiming to increase the proportion of males. Newly hatched larvae were subjected to different thermal regimes, namely, T25, T28, T30 and T33 (25, 28, 30 and 33ºC, respectively). The experiment was laid out in a comple...
How to cite KREBS, L.C.; SANTOS, M.M. de M.; SIQUEIRA, M.C.; ARAUJO, B.P.G. de; OLIVEIRA, L.G.; FEITOSA, F.S.C.; CAMARGO, G.M.F. de; OLIVEIRA, C.A. de A.; COSTA, R.B.; SCHULTZ, E.B.; GODOI, F.N. de. Morphometric measurements for sexual dimorphism in the Campolina horse breed. Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, v.56, e02148, 2021. Abstract-The object...
The objective of this work was to distinguish the sexual dimorphism of horses of the Campolina breed, by morphometric measurements, and to classify them according to sex, using discriminating functions. Two-hundred and fifteen horses were measured, and 39 morphometric measurements were evaluated. The analysis of covariance and the discriminant anal...
The objective was to evaluate the effect of replacing common urea with protected urea in the supplement on the nutrient intake and digestibility and metabolic profile of sheep. Five adult sheep, with an average age of 4 years and an initial average body weight of 50 ± 4.03 kg, were used. The diet consisted of sorghum silage, supplemented with a mul...
This research aimed to investigate the factors that generate demand from food companies for eggs produced with a better level of animal welfare, and how this transition interferes in shaping the governance structures of the industry. The data were obtained in a case study with a multinational company in the business of pasta, sauces, and biscuits,...
Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos da substituição da silagem de milho por volumoso extrusado (Urochloa brizanthacvMarandu) sobre o consumo e digestibilidade da matéria seca, comportamento ingestivo, curva glicêmica e metabó-litos sanguíneos de ovinos. Foram utilizadas 20 ovelhas da raça Santa Inês com idade superior a três anos e peso corporal médio...
The aim was to evaluate the effects of different concentrate: roughage relationships, using extruded concentrate and
corn silage, on the intake, digestibility, ingestive behavior, and metabolism of sheep. Twenty Santa Inês ewes with
a weight of 50 kg and an average age of three years were used, assigned in a completely randomized design. The
The aim of this study was to examine the influence of caprine arthritis encephalitis (CAE) on the production of milk and its components (protein, fat and total solids) along the lactation curve of primiparous goats. The study was developed using a database from the years 2014 to 2018. Sixty-one animals were subjected to the serological test for CAE...
The study aimed to determine the biochemical reference ranges for lambs from birth to 1 year of age in the tropics. Data were obtained from experiments performed in several institutions and commercial farms using Santa Inês, Dorper, Lacaune, Morada Nova, Bergamacia and Suffolk lambs reared under different conditions (grazing, feedlot, semi-feedlot)...
We aimed to investigate the effects of maternal protein restriction during mid-gestation on the skeletal muscle composition of the offspring. In the restriction treatment (RES, n = 9), cows were fed a basal diet, while in the control (CON, n = 9) group cows received the same RES diet plus the protein supplement during mid-gestation (100–200d). Samp...
Os urólitos, que causam as urolitíases, são um exemplo dos efeitos de deficiências ou excessos de nutrientes e minerais na alimentação. Com intuito de inibir o crescimento e reincidência de urolitíases uma alternativa é a adoção da alimentação natural para cães. A alimentação natural é aliada na prevenção dos cálculos devido à possibilidade de se m...
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of docosahexaenoic in the concentrated acid on intake, digestibility, metabolic profile and ingestive behavior of lambs diets. Five crossbred Dorper x Santa Inês lambs with initial age and body weight average of six months and 33 kg, respectively, were used in the trial. The animals were assigne...
The purpose of the current study was to evaluate the in vitro fermentation (IVRF) and apparent in vivo digestibility (AIVD) of diets formulated with four inclusion levels of babassu mesocarp meal (BMM) (0.0; 7.5; 15.0 and 22.5%) in ewe lambs. The IVRF test was performed through the "Hohenheim Gas Test" technique, following a randomized complete blo...
Highlights: First caprine arthritis-encephalitis control program in a commercial herd. Limitations in the application of disease control measures. Necessary measures to minimize infection of young animals. Abstract This study examined the effectiveness of control measures for caprine arthritis-encephalitis in a herd with 431 dairy goats in an inten...
The objective was to evaluate soybean molasses as supplement for sheep at crescent levels. Five-crossbred ½ Dorper - Santa Inês ewes with initial body mass of 45 ± 3.5 kg and 12 ± 2 months of age were used. Treatments consisted of 0, 3, 6, 9 and 12% of soybean molasses inclusion to a basal corn silage diet, which fed exclusively supports the nutrit...
The purpose was to evaluate the effect of replacement of Tifton 85 hay with Guandu hay on the intake, digestibility and ingestive behavior of dairy goats. Five Saanen goats with average milk production of 2.26 ± 0.10 kg d-1, around 123 ± 4 days of lactation were assigned to a 5 x 5 Latin square design. The treatments consisted of five levels of rep...
Caprine arthritis encephalitis (CAE) is a chronic disease caused by a retrovirus from the Lentivirus genus. No effective vaccines or treatments exist, and therefore genetic selection for CAE resistance might be a feasible alternative. To our best knowledge, no other studies have investigated the genetic architecture of CAE resistance in dairy goats...
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of interaction between increasing neutral detergent fiber content and particle sizes on ingestive behavior of dairy goats. Forty-eight lactating, multiparous Saanen and Alpine goats, with average milk production of 1.4 ±0.57 kg d-1, around 60th ±12 day of lactation were distributed in a 3 x 4 fac...
Para avaliar a viabilidade técnica e econômica da inclusão da torta da polpa de macaúba na dieta de cabras no terço final da lactação, 16 animais adultos, foram separados em duas baias coletivas contendo oito animais cada, tendo uma das baias recebido concentrado contendo 41.2 g.kg-1de torta da polpa de macaúba. A adição da torta ao concentrado red...
Em sistemas de produção animal, a capacidade de consumo de alimentos em quantidade suficiente é um fator importante, suprindo as exigências de mantença e produção. O conteúdo fibroso da dieta tem como características ser inversamente proporcional à disponibilidade de energia e diretamente ligado ao efeito de repleção. O processamento ou redução de...
The present study aims to evaluate scientific dissemination, such as
videos for the internet, in the demystification of animal production and career
development. Thus, seventeen videos were created between October 2017 and
February 2018 on the "Ruminando Ciência" channel, available through the link:
http://www.youtube.com/c/RuminandoCiência. The th...
Avaliou-se a influência das diferentes proporções e tamanhos de partículas (dois e dez mm) de feno sobre o peso corporal (PC), consumo de matéria seca (CMS), parâmetros fisiológicos e comportamento ingestivo de ovelhas. O experimento foi realizado em Uberlândia utilizando cinco ovelhas canuladas no rúmen, alojadas em gaiolas metabólicas com piso ri...
Nos últimos anos, a caprinocultura tem demonstrado uma satisfatória evolução na criação e comercialização dos produtos advindos da atividade, porém ainda são escassos os estudos nacionais relacionados (Silva et al., 2004). A raça caprina Saanen geralmente apresenta uma menor cobertura muscular em relação às raças produtoras de carne (Costa et al.,...