Eric C. RowellTexas A&M University | TAMU · Department of Mathematics
Eric C. Rowell
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January 2015 - January 2021
September 2006 - present
September 2003 - July 2006
September 1997 - June 2003
Publications (106)
In this note we give a complete classification of all indecomposable yet reducible representations of $B_3$ for dimensions $2$ and $3$ over an algebraically closed field $K$ with characteristic $0$, up to equivalence. We illustrate their utility with an example.
We introduce the condensed fiber product of two $G$-crossed braided fusion categories, generalizing existing constructions in the literature. We show that this product is closely related to the cohomological construction known as zesting. Furthermore, the condensed fiber product defines a monoidal structure on the 2-category of $G$-crossed and brai...
Zesting of braided fusion categories is a procedure that can be used to obtain new modular categories from a modular category with non-trivial invertible objects. In this paper, we classify and construct all possible braided zesting data for modular categories associated with quantum groups at roots of unity. We produce closed formulas, based on th...
Given a premodular category $\mathcal{C}$, we show that its $R$-symbol can be recovered from its $T$-matrice, fusion coefficients and some 2nd generalized Frobenius-Schur indicators. In particular, if $\mathcal{C}$ is modular, its $R$-symbols for a certain gauge choice are completely determined by its modular data.
We find all solutions to the constant Yang–Baxter equation R12R13R23=R23R13R12 in three dimensions, subject to an additive charge-conservation (ACC) ansatz. This ansatz is a generalization of (strict) charge-conservation, for which a complete classification in all dimensions was recently obtained. ACC introduces additional sector-coupling parameter...
For a finite group , a ‐crossed braided fusion category is a ‐graded fusion category with additional structures, namely, a ‐action and a ‐braiding. We develop the notion of ‐crossed braided zesting: an explicit method for constructing new ‐crossed braided fusion categories from a given one by means of cohomological data associated with the invertib...
We use the computer algebraic system GAP to classify modular data up to rank 11, and integral modular data up to rank 12. This extends the previously obtained classification of modular data up to rank 6. Our classification includes all the modular data from modular tensor categories up to rank 11. But our list also contains a few potential unitary...
Modular data is a significant invariant of a modular tensor category. We pursue an approach to the classification of modular data of modular tensor categories by building the modular S and T matrices directly from irreducible representations of SL2(Z/nZ)\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \u...
The construction and classification of super-modular categories is an ongoing project, of interest in algebra, topology and physics. In a recent paper, Cho, Kim, Seo and You produced two mysterious families of super-modular data, with no known realization. We show that these data are realized by modifying the Drinfeld centers of near-group fusion c...
Here a loop braid representation is a monoidal functor from the loop braid category $\mathsf{L}$ to a suitable target category, and is $N$-charge-conserving if that target is the category $\mathsf{Match}^N$ of charge-conserving matrices (specifically $\mathsf{Match}^N$ is the same rank-$N$ charge-conserving monoidal subcategory of the monoidal cate...
For a finite group $G$, a $G$-crossed braided fusion category is $G$-graded fusion category with additional structures, namely a $G$-action and a $G$-braiding. We develop the notion of $G$-crossed braided zesting: an explicit method for constructing new $G$-crossed braided fusion categories from a given one by means of cohomological data associated...
The topological model for quantum computation is an inherently fault-tolerant model built on anyons in topological phases of matter. A key role is played by the braid group, and in this survey we focus on a selection of ways that the mathematical study of braids is crucial for the theory. We provide some brief historical context as well, emphasizin...
In this paper, we introduce the definitions of signatures of braided fusion categories, which are proved to be invariants of their Witt equivalence classes. These signature assignments define group homomorphisms on the Witt group. The higher central charges of pseudounitary modular categories can be expressed in terms of these signatures, which are...
We study the Witt classes of the modular categories so(2r)2r associated with quantum groups of type Dr at (4r−2)-th roots of unity. From these classes we derive infinitely many Witt classes of order 2 that are linearly independent modulo the subgroup generated by the pointed modular categories. In particular, we produce an example of a simple, comp...
Modular data is the most significant invariant of a modular tensor category. We pursue an approach to the classification of modular data of modular tensor categories by building the modular $S$ and $T$ matrices directly from irreducible representations of $SL_2(\mathbb{Z}/n \mathbb{Z})$. We discover and collect many conditions on the $SL_2(\mathbb{...
Ocneanu rigidity implies that there are finitely many (braided) fusion categories with a given set of fusion rules. While there is no method for determining all such categories up to equivalence, there are a few cases for which can. For example, Kazhdan and Wenzl described all fusion categories with fusion rules isomorphic to those of $SU(N)_k$. In...
A braid representation is a monoidal functor from the braid category $\mathsf{B}$, for example given by a solution to the constant Yang-Baxter equation. Given a monoidal category $\mathsf{C}$ with $ob(\mathsf{C})=\mathbb{N}$, a rank-$N$ charge-conserving representation (or spin-chain representation) is a strict monoidal functor $F$ from $\mathsf{C}...
We establish rank-finiteness for the class of G-crossed braided fusion categories, generalizing the recent result for modular categories and including the important case of braided fusion categories. This necessitates a study of slightly degenerate braided fusion categories and their centers, which are interesting for their own sake.
We give a rigorous development of the construction of new braided fusion categories from a given category known as zesting. This method has been used in the past to provide categorifications of new fusion rule algebras, modular data, and minimal modular extensions of super-modular categories. Here we provide a complete obstruction theory and parame...
We study the Witt classes of the modular categories $SO(2r)_{2r}$ associated with quantum groups of type $D_r$ at $4r-2$th roots of unity. From these classes we derive infinitely many Witt classes of order 2 that are linearly independent modulo the subgroup generated by the pointed modular categories. In particular we produce an example of a simple...
We develop categorical and number-theoretical tools for the classification of super-modular categories. We apply these tools to obtain a partial classification of super-modular categories of rank [Formula: see text]. In particular we find three distinct families of prime categories in rank [Formula: see text] in contrast to the lower rank cases for...
We introduce a generalisation $LH_n$ of the ordinary Hecke algebras informed by the loop braid group $LB_n$ and the extension of the Burau representation thereto. The ordinary Hecke algebra has many remarkable arithmetic and representation theoretic properties, and many applications. We show that $LH_n$ has analogues of several of these properties....
We pursue a classification of low-rank super-modular categories parallel to that of modular categories. We classify all super-modular categories up to rank=$6$, and spin modular categories up to rank=$11$. In particular, we show that, up to fusion rules, there is exactly one non-split super-modular category of rank $2,4$ and $6$, namely $PSU(2)_{4k...
We unify and generalize several approaches to constructing braid group representations from finite groups, using iterated twisted tensor products. We provide some general characterizations and classification of these representations, focusing on the size of their images, which are typically finite groups. The well-studied Gaussian representations a...
We give a rigorous development of the construction of new braided fusion categories from a given category known as zesting. This method has been used in the past to provide categorifications of new fusion rule algebras, modular data, and minimal modular extensions of super-modular categories. Here we provide a complete obstruction theory and parame...
The necklace braid group \({\mathcal {NB}}_n\) is the motion group of the \(n+1\) component necklace link \(\mathcal {L}_n\) in Euclidean \(\mathbb {R}^3\). Here \(\mathcal {L}_n\) consists of n pairwise unlinked Euclidean circles each linked to an auxiliary circle. Partially motivated by physical considerations, we study representations of the nec...
A braided fusion category is said to have Property F if the associated braid group representations factor through a finite group. We verify integral metaplectic modular categories have property F by showing these categories are group-theoretical. For the special case of integral categories [Formula: see text] with the fusion rules of [Formula: see...
We give two proofs of a level-rank duality for braided fusion categories obtained from quantum groups of type $C$ at roots of unity. The first proof uses conformal embeddings, while the second uses a classification of braided fusion categories associated with quantum groups of type $C$ at roots of unity. In addition we give a similar result for non...
In this paper, we introduce the definitions of signatures of braided fusion categories, which are proved to be invariants of their Witt equivalence classes. These signature assignments define group homomorphisms on the Witt group. The higher central charges of pseudounitary modular categories can be expressed in terms of these signatures, which are...
We use zesting and symmetry gauging of modular tensor categories to analyze some previously unrealized modular data obtained by Grossman and Izumi. In one case we find all realizations and in the other we determine the form of possible realizations; in both cases all realizations can be obtained from quantum groups at roots of unity.
We develop categorical and number theoretical tools for the classification of super-modular categories. We apply these tools to obtain a partial classification of super-modular categories of rank $8$. In particular we find three distinct families of prime categories in rank $8$ in contrast to the lower rank cases for which there is only one such fa...
We unify and generalize several approaches to constructing braid group representations from finite groups, using iterated twisted tensor products. Our results hint at a relationship between the braidings on the $G$-gaugings of a pointed modular category $\mathcal{C}(A,Q)$ and that of $\mathcal{C}(A,Q)$ itself.
We establish rank-finiteness for the class of $G$-crossed braided fusion categories, generalizing the recent result for modular categories and including the important case of braided fusion categories. This necessitates a study of slightly degenerate braided fusion categories and their centers, which are interesting for their own sake.
A braided fusion category is said to have Property $\textbf{F}$ if the associated braid group representations factor over a finite group. We verify integral metaplectic modular categories have property $\textbf{F}$ by showing these categories are group theoretical. For the special case of integral categories $\mathcal{C}$ with the fusion rules of $...
We study novel invariants of modular categories that are beyond the modular data, with an eye towards a simple set of complete invariants for modular categories. Our focus is on the W-matrix—the quantum invariant of a colored framed Whitehead link from the associated TQFT of a modular category. We prove that the W-matrix and the set of punctured S-...
The necklace braid group $\mathcal{NB}_n$ is the motion group of the $n+1$ component necklace link $\mathcal{L}_n$ in Euclidean $\mathbb{R}^3$. Here $\mathcal{L}_n$ consists of $n$ pairwise unlinked Euclidean circles each linked to an auxiliary circle. Partially motivated by physical considerations, we study representations of the necklace braid gr...
Acyclic anyon models are non-abelian anyon models for which thermal anyon errors can be corrected. In this note, we characterize acyclic anyon models and raise the question whether the restriction to acyclic anyon models is a deficiency of the current protocol or could it be intrinsically related to the computational power of non-abelian anyons. We...
N$-Metaplectic categories, unitary modular categories with the same fusion rules as $SO(N)_2$, are prototypical examples of weakly integral modular categories. As such, a conjecture of the second author would imply that images of the braid group representations associated with metaplectic categories are finite groups, i.e. have property $F$. While...
We study novel invariants of modular categories that are beyond the modular data, with an eye towards a simple set of complete invariants for modular categories. Our focus is on the $W$-matrix $-$the quantum invariant of a colored framed Whitehead link from the associated TQFT of a modular category. We prove that the $W$-matrix and the set of punct...
Acyclic anyon models are non-abelian anyon models for which thermal anyon errors can be corrected. In this note, we characterize acyclic anyon models and raise the question if the restriction to acyclic anyon models is a deficiency of the current protocol or could it be intrinsically related to the computational power of non-abelian anyons. We also...
We discuss several useful interpretations of the categorical dimension of objects in a braided fusion category, as well as some conjectures demonstrating the value of quantum dimension as a quantum statistic for detecting certain behaviors of anyons in topological phases of matter. From this discussion we find that objects in braided fusion categor...
In topological quantum computing, information is encoded in "knotted" quantum states of topological phases of matter, thus being locked into topology to prevent decay. Topological precision has been confirmed in quantum Hall liquids by experiments to an accuracy of $10^{-10}$, and harnessed to stabilize quantum memory. In this survey, we discuss th...
In topological quantum computing, information is encoded in "knotted" quantum states of topological phases of matter, thus being locked into topology to prevent decay. Topological precision has been confirmed in quantum Hall liquids by experiments to an accuracy of $10^{-10}$, and harnessed to stabilize quantum memory. In this survey, we discuss th...
We pursue a classification of low-rank super-modular categories parallel to that of modular categories. We classify all super-modular categories up to rank=$6$, and spin modular categories up to rank=$11$. In particular, we show that, up to fusion rules, there is exactly one non-split super-modular category of rank $2,4$ and $6$, namely $PSU(2)_{4k...
A super-modular category is a unitary pre-modular category with M\"uger center equivalent to the symmetric unitary category of super-vector spaces. Super-modular categories are important alternatives to modular categories as any unitary pre-modular category is the equivariantization of a either a modular or super-modular category. Physically, super...
A super-modular category is a unitary pre-modular category with M\"uger center equivalent to the symmetric unitary category of super-vector spaces. Super-modular categories are important alternatives to modular categories as any unitary pre-modular category is the equivariantization of a either a modular or super-modular category. Physically, super...
We give a complete classification of modular categories of dimension $p^3m$ where $p$ is a prime and $m$ is a square-free integer coprime to $p$. Along the way, we classify so-called even metaplectic categories (modular categories with the same fusion ring as $SO(2N)_2$) of dimension $8N$ for $N$ odd.
We give a complete classification of modular categories of dimension $p^3m$ where $p$ is prime and $m$ is a square-free integer. When $p$ is odd, all such categories are pointed. For $p=2$ one encounters modular categories with the same fusion ring as orthogonal quantum groups at certain roots of unity, namely $SO(2m)_2$. As an immediate step we cl...
We provide an elementary introduction to topological quantum computation based on the Jones representation of the braid group. We first cover the Burau representation and Alexander polynomial. Then we discuss the Jones representation and Jones polynomial and their application to anyonic quantum computation. Finally we outline the approximation of t...
We provide an elementary introduction to topological quantum computation based on the Jones representation of the braid group. We first cover the Burau representation and Alexander polynomial. Then we discuss the Jones representation and Jones polynomial and their application to anyonic quantum computation. Finally we outline the approximation of t...
We study spin and super-modular categories systematically as inspired by fermionic topological phases of matter, which are always fermion parity enriched and modelled by spin topological quantum field theories at low energy. We formulate a 16-fold way conjecture for the minimal modular extensions of super-modular categories to spin modular categori...
We study spin and super-modular categories systematically as inspired by fermionic topological phases of matter, which are always fermion parity enriched and modelled by spin TQFTs at low energy. We formulate a $16$-fold way conjecture for the minimal modular extensions of super-modular categories to spin modular categories, which is a categorical...
Two-dimensional topological states of matter offer a route to quantum
computation that would be topologically protected against the nemesis of the
quantum circuit model: decoherence. Research groups in industry, government and
academic institutions are pursuing this approach. We give a mathematician's
perspective on some of the advantages and chall...
We obtain a classification of metaplectic modular categories: every
metaplectic modular category is a gauging of the particle-hole symmetry of a
cyclic modular category. Our classification suggests a conjecture that every
weakly-integral modular category can be obtained by gauging a symmetry of a
pointed modular category.
We obtain a classification of metaplectic modular categories: every metaplectic modular category is a gauging of the particle-hole symmetry of a cyclic modular category. Our classification suggests a conjecture that every weakly-integral modular category can be obtained by gauging a symmetry of a pointed modular category.
We find unitary matrix solutions R˜(a) to the (multiplicative parameter-dependent) (N, z)-generalized Yang-Baxter equation that carry the standard measurement basis to m-level N-partite entangled states that generalize the 2-level bipartite entangled Bell states. This is achieved by a careful study of solutions to the Yang-Baxter equation discovere...
It is conceivable that for some strange anyon with quantum dimension $>1$
that the resulting representations of all $n$-strand braid groups $B_n$ are
overall phases, even though the ground state manifolds for $n$ such anyons are
in general Hilbert spaces of dimensions $>1$. We observe that this cannot occur
for any anyon with quantum dimension $>1$...
Motivated by physical and topological applications, we study representations
of the group $\mathcal{LB}_3$ of motions of $3$ unlinked oriented circles in
$\mathbb{R}^3$. Our point of view is to regard the three strand braid group
$\mathcal{B}_3$ as a subgroup of $\mathcal{LB}_3$ and study the problem of
extending $\mathcal{B}_3$ representations. We...
The feasibility of a classification-by-rank program for modular categories
follows from the Rank-Finiteness Theorem. We develop arithmetic, representation
theoretic and algebraic methods for classifying modular categories by rank. As
an application, we determine all possible fusion rules for all rank=$5$ modular
categories and describe the correspo...
We prove a rank-finiteness conjecture for modular categories: up to
equivalence, there are only finitely many modular categories of any fixed rank.
Our technical advance is a generalization of the Cauchy theorem in group theory
to the context of spherical fusion categories. For a modular category
$\mathcal{C}$ with $N=ord(T)$, the order of the modu...
We study representations of the loop braid group $LB_n$ from the perspective
of extending representations of the braid group $B_n$. We also pursue a
generalization of the braid/Hecke/Temperlely-Lieb paradigm---uniform finite
dimensional quotient algebras of the loop braid group algebras.
In this paper we classify all modular categories of dimension $4m$, where $m$
is an odd square-free integer, and all rank 6 and rank 7 weakly integral
modular categories. This completes the classification of weakly integral
modular categories through rank 7. In particular, our results imply that all
integral modular categories of rank at most $7$ a...
We find unitary solutions $\tilde{R}(a)$ to the (multipicative
parameter-dependent) $(z,N)$-generalized Yang-Baxter equation that carry the
standard measurement basis to $m$-level $N$-partite states that generalize the
Bell states corresponding to $\tilde{R}(0)$ in the case $m=N=2$. This is
achieved by a careful study of solutions to the Yang-Baxte...
We give a description of the centralizer algebras for tensor powers of spin
objects in the pre-modular categories $SO(N)_2$ (for $N$ odd) and $O(N)_2$ (for
$N$ even) in terms of quantum $(n-1)$-tori, via non-standard deformations of
$U\mathfrak{so}_N$. As a consequence we show that the corresponding braid group
representations are Gaussian represen...
We investigate braid group representations associated with unitary braided
vector spaces, focusing on a conjecture that such representations should have
virtually abelian images in general and finite image provided the braiding has
finite order. We verify this conjecture for the two infinite families of
Gaussian and group-type braided vector spaces...
We classify integral modular categories of dimension pq 4 and p 2 q 2 where p and q are distinct primes. We show that such categories are always group-theoretical except for categories of dimension 4q 2 . In these cases there are well-known examples of non-group-theoretical categories, coming from centers of Tambara-Yamagami categories and quantum...
We prove a rank-finiteness conjecture for modular categories that there are
only finitely many modular categories of fixed rank $r$, up to equivalence. Our
main technical advance is a Cauchy theorem for modular categories: given a
modular category $\mathcal{C}$, the set of prime ideals of the global quantum
dimension $D^2$ of $\mathcal{C}$ in the c...
We classify integral modular categories of dimension pq^4 and p^2q^2 where p and q are distinct primes. We show that such categories are always group-theoretical except for categories of dimension 4q^2. In these cases there are well-known examples of non-group-theoretical categories, coming from centers of Tambara-Yamagami categories and quantum gr...
We classify integral modular categories of dimension pq 4 and p 2 q 2 where p and q are distinct primes. We show that such categories are always group-theoretical except for categories of dimension 4q 2 . In these cases there are well-known examples of non-group-theoretical categories, coming from centers of Tambara-Yamagami categories and quantum...
In this paper we explore natural connections among extraspecial 2-groups, almost-complex structures, unitary representations of the braid group and the Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) states. We first present new representa- tions of extraspecial 2-groups in terms of almost-complex structures and use them to derive new unitary braid representatio...
We develop a theory of localization for braid group representations
associated with objects in braided fusion categories and, more generally, to
Yang-Baxter operators in monoidal categories. The essential problem is to
determine when a family of braid representations can be uniformly modelled upon
a tensor power of a fixed vector space in such a wa...
It is a well-known result of Etingof, Nikshych and Ostrik that there are finitely many inequivalent integral modular categories of any fixed rank $n$. This follows from a double-exponential bound on the maximal denominator in an Egyptian fraction representation of 1. A na\"ive computer search approach to the classification of rank $n$ integral modu...
We develop a symbolic computational approach to classifying low-rank modular fusion categories, up to finite ambiguity. By a generalized form of Ocneanu rigidity due to Etingof, Ostrik and Nikshych, it is enough to classify modular fusion algebras of a given rank—that is, to determine the possible Grothendieck rings with modular realizations. We us...
Governed by locality, we explore a connection between unitary braid group representations associated to a unitary R-matrix and to a simple object in a unitary braided fusion category. Unitary R-matrices, namely unitary solutions to the Yang-Baxter equation, afford explicitly local unitary representations of braid groups. Inspired by topological qua...
We show that the braid group representations associated with the $(3,6)$-quotients of the Hecke algebras factor over a finite group. This was known to experts going back to the 1980s, but a proof has never appeared in print. Our proof uses an unpublished quaternionic representation of the braid group due to Goldschmidt and Jones. Possible topologic...
We study the problem of determining if the braid group representations obtained from quantum groups of types $E, F$ and $G$ at roots of unity have infinite image or not. In particular we show that when the fusion categories associated with these quantum groups are not weakly integral, the braid group images are infinite. This provides further evide...
We develop a symbolic computational approach to classifying low-rank modular categories. We use this technique to classify pseudo-unitary modular categories of rank at most 5 that are non-self-dual, i.e. those for which some object is not isomorphic to its dual object. Comment: Version 2: missing case included
We introduce a finiteness property for braided fusion categories, describe a
conjecture that would characterize categories possessing this, and verify the
conjecture in a number of important cases. In particular we say a category has
F if the associated braid group representations factor over a finite group, and
suggest that categories of integral...
We introduce a finiteness property for braided fusion categories, describe a conjecture that would characterize categories possessing this, and verify the conjecture in a number of important cases. In particular we say a category has F if the associated braid group representations factor over a finite group, and suggest that categories of integral...
We study the unitarizability of premodular categories constructed from representations of quantum group at roots of unity. We introduce Grothendieck unitarizability as a natural generalization of unitarizability to classes of premodular categories with a common Grothendieck semiring. We obtain new results for quantum groups of Lie types F4 and G2,...
We study the problem of deciding whether or not the image of an irreducible representation of the braid group $\B_3$ of degree $\leq 5$ has finite image if we are only given the eigenvalues of a generator. We provide a partial algorithm that determines when the images are finite or infinite in all but finitely many cases, and use these results to s...
We characterize unitary representations of braid groups $B_n$ of degree
linear in $n$ and finite images of such representations of degree exponential
in $n$.
We present two paradigms relating algebraic, topological and quantum computational statistics for the topological model for quantum computation. In particular we suggest correspondences between the computational power of topological quantum computers, computational complexity of link invariants and images of braid group representations. While at le...
We classify all unitary modular tensor categories (UMTCs) of rank $\leq 4$. There are a total of 70 UMTCs of rank $\leq 4$ (Note that some authors would have counted as 35 MTCs.) In our convention there are two trivial unitary MTCs distinguished by the modular $S$ matrix $S=(\pm1)$. Each such UMTC can be obtained from 10 non-trivial prime UMTCs by...
It has been conjectured that every (2 + 1)-TQFT is a Chern-Simons-Witten (CSW) theory labeled by a pair (G, λ), where G is a compact Lie group, and λ ∈ H ⁴ (BG; ℤ) a cohomology class. We study two TQFTs constructed from Jones' subfactor theory which are believed to be counterexamples to this conjecture: one is the quantum double of the even sectors...
We study the unitarizability of premodular categories constructed from representations of quantum group at roots of unity. We introduce \emph{Grothendieck unitarizability} as a natural generalization of unitarizability to any class of premodular categories with a common Grothendieck semiring. We obtain new results for quantum groups of Lie types $F...
In this paper we describe connections among extraspecial 2-groups, unitary representations of the braid group and multi-qubit braiding quantum gates. We first construct new representations of extraspecial 2-groups. Extending the latter by the symmetric group, we construct new unitary braid representations, which are solutions to generalized Yang-Ba...
We investigate the braid group representations arising from categories of representations of twisted quantum doubles of finite groups. For these categories, we show that the resulting braid group representations always factor through finite groups, in contrast to the categories associated with quantum groups at roots of unity. We also show that in...
We establish isomorphisms between certain specializations of Birman-Murakami-Wenzl algebras and the symmetric squares of Temperley-Lieb algebras. These isomorphisms imply a link-polynomial identity due to W. B. R. Lickorish. As an application, we compute the closed images of the irreducible braid group representations factoring over these specializ...
We derive generating functions for the ranks of pre-modular categories associated to quantum groups at roots of unity.
We consider the classification problem for compact Lie groups $G\subset U(n)$ which are generated by a single conjugacy class with a fixed number $N$ of distinct eigenvalues. We give an explicit classification when N=3, and apply this to extract information about Galois representations and braid group representations.
We investigate a family of (reducible) representations of Artin's braid groups corresponding to a specific solution to the Yang-Baxter equation. The images of the braid groups under these representations are finite groups, and we identify them precisely as extensions of extra-special 2-groups. The decompositions of the representations into their ir...