Eric T. Micheels

Eric T. Micheels
Eric verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Eric verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
University of Saskatchewan | U of S · Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics

PhD, University of Illinois


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Eric T. Micheels currently works at the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Saskatchewan. Eric does research in Marketing, Strategy, and Organizational Behaviour as it pertains to farm businesses. Their current project is 'Research on Market Orientation in Production Agriculture.'
Additional affiliations
July 2011 - present
University of Saskatchewan
  • Professor (Associate)
August 2005 - May 2010
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Field of study
  • Agricultural & Consumer Economics, Agribusiness Management
August 2002 - August 2004
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Field of study
  • Agricultural & Consumer Economics


Publications (36)
Previous research on agricultural innovation has focused on the role farm-level characteristics have with respect to rate of innovation adoption. While these studies often account for the effects of readily measureable farm characteristics (such as farm size or managerial experience) on innovation, they have been silent on the role that organizatio...
In the agricultural sector, the Law of Jante—a Scandinavian form of cultural intolerance towards standing out, being different and overachieving (akin to the Tall Poppy Syndrome and The nail that sticks out gets hammered down culture found in other countries)—may play an important role by influencing when entrepreneurship is an acceptable strategic...
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A large percentage of small- and medium-sized farms have ceased operations in the last 2 decades in part due to their inability to respond to increased competitive intensity. Consequently, the strategic responses farmers adopt to competitive intensity are important to understand as they may influence performance and ultimately their survival. Based...
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Research studies have differed over the importance of the relative emphasis of a customer versus competitor orientation in the development of a market orientation (Slater & Narver, 1994; Tajeddini, 2010). In this study, we assess whether the emphasis of one component over another of a market orientation is an important determinant of firm performan...
This incisive Handbook provides a global update on the state of knowledge in cooperatives and mutuals, expertly describing future directions for research and education. Showcasing extensive discussions of cooperative theory, Matthew Elliott and Michael Boland, and the contributors assess cooperatives' social, economic and environmental effects and...
The emergence of agricultural e‐commerce can solve the challenges of agricultural marketing, especially in developing countries such as Iran. This study aimed to extend the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) through adding the variables of social influence and facilitating conditions to understand farmers’ behavioral intention towards using agricult...
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Since 1973, 535 specific claims valued at more than $6 billion have been settled between the Government of Canada and First Nations governments for outstanding treaty obligations. Critics of specific land claims point to the absence of statistical evidence that shows a positive impact on First Nations economies and characterize specific claims as a...
In this study we investigate the investment behaviour of the First Nation governments (FNGs) (N=68) in Saskatchewan, Canada. FNGs invest revenues into First Nation-owned businesses or through joint ventures with neighbouring FNGs. We argue that in cases of jointly controlled capital stock through joint ventures between multiple FNGs, it is necessar...
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Development of new malting barley varieties depends crucially on value chain acceptance. A case study analysis of the adoption of new varieties in malting barley value chains in Canada and the United Kingdom (UK) indicates that openness in value chains is a major contributing factor to a faster adoption rate for new varieties, even if firms conduct...
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Using the 2016 Canada EU Trade Agreement as context, we develop a systems dynamics model to assess changes in the cost of production from a production system oriented toward the North American market where growth enhancing products are allowed, to a European market where these production practices are banned. We outline four different compliance sc...
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It has been suggested that provincial and national multipliers may provide incorrect estimates of the economic impacts when examining distinct communities. Using data collected from a comprehensive survey of household spending on two First Nations in Saskatchewan, Canada, we use Input-Output models to refine regional multipliers for these distinct...
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The identification and management of risk plays a significant role in reducing variability in farm income. The choice of risk management tools and strategies may depend on several factors, including the perceived importance of the risk and the perceived level of control that producers have in managing the risk. This study uses data from a 2017 surv...
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This paper examines the importance of two resources, namely a market orientation and an entrepreneurial orientation, in new product development and satisfaction with firm performance among direct and alternative marketers. Using a partial least squares structural equation model and data from a 2013 survey, this paper models the effect of a market o...
Saskatchewan has a history of restricting farmland ownership, often for political reasons and having uncertain economic impacts. We build a model that includes fundamental and nonfundamental components of land valuation as well as indicator variables to capture the effects of ownership restrictions. Using Saskatchewan farmland value data from 1950-...
A component of the supply management policy governing the Canadian dairy sector is a requirement that all milk and cream sold in Canada be sourced from Canadian producers. Cheese, yogurt, and ice cream, however, can be made using imported milk components. Recently, the Dairy Farmers of Canada launched a 100% Canadian Milk label for products that co...
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Successful firms are able to meet changing consumer needs through adopting new products, services and unique marketing mixtures. Using structural equation modeling, we examined the role of entrepreneurial and market orientation on the effectiveness of new product sales and the utilization of marketing channels among farm-based businesses in Ontario...
The issues of what drives consumers to trust the food industry in general and food brands specifically, and the outcomes of consumer trust, are increasingly of interest to food industry stakeholders and to policy makers. The extant knowledge of trust in food brands, and in particular the empirical investigation of brand trust, is relatively underre...
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Market awareness and innovativeness are important resources in any business environment. As customer needs and competitor responses change, performance may depend on the ability for firms to recognize and react to market shifts. Using survey data from beef farmers in Illinois, we examine the role market orientation, organizational learning, and inn...
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Research in agriculture and other industries has shown that innovativeness is a key driver of improved performance measures of small and medium-sized enterprises. The willingness to change current practice may be a function of the level of experience of the manager as well as the manager's commitment to learning. Firms with more experience may suff...
Marketing and strategy scholars have established the importance of a market orientation and innovativeness as drivers of firm performance. This study examines how a market orientation, innovativeness, entrepreneurship, organizational learning, and a cost focus contribute to a positional advantage within the context of agricultural SMEs. Using a sam...
It has been suggested that market-oriented firms are able to clearly define how they provide value to consumers (Narver, Slater, & Tietje, 1998; Treacy & Wiersema, 1993). Utilizing a sample of Illinois beef producers, the authors empirically examine the market orientation–clarity–performance link. Results indicate that trust and commitment positive...
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As the economic viability of small farms continues to be an issue facing policy makers and economists alike, a market orientation may be a valuable resource producers can develop as they compete in a marketplace dominated by larger firms. Marketing and strategy scholars have long established the importance of a market orientation in determining fir...
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A market orientation has been shown to lead to improved firm performance in a variety of industries (Narver and Slater, 1990; Deshpande et al., 1993). In previous research, it has been argued that performance benefits are a result of a greater awareness of the sources of value the product provides to the consumer, without specifically describing ho...
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The dramatically changing marketing structure for agricultural products is forcing agricultural producers to become more entrepreneurial, but what does this mean? How do agricultural producers produce sustainable competitive advantage within a commodity market characterised by homogeneous producers? The convergence of two academic literatures - Mar...
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This paper explores the importance of a producer’s market orientation on their subjective performance within agricultural commodity markets. Using a structural equation model of beef producers, our findings suggest that market oriented firms are highly innovative and achieve superior performance. These findings are consistent with previous resear...
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In this study, we attempt to prove some previously held ideas of machinery investment decisions using farm level data from Illinois. Investment decisions are analyzed taking into consideration past investment decisions in the county and on the individual farm. The results show there is a correlation between county level purchases and individual far...
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by Micheels and Gow. All rights reserved. Readers may make verbatim copies of this document for non-commercial purposes by any means, provided this copyright notice appears on all such copies.
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The U.S. beef industry is currently in a transition phase. As with most agricultural commodity sectors, beef producers generally perceive themselves as anonymous price takers in the market. As a result, most producers view increased operational efficiency as their only viable strategy available for improving farm profitability, as the socially embe...
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This article utilizes a farmer survey to analyze the relationships between farm business structure and the importance farmers place on risk management practices. The strongest relationships occur between farm size and risk management, while rating differences across age of operator, tenure, and use of debt are less pronounced.
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Over the past several decades, the agricultural marketplace has transitioned from a completely price driven, homogeneous, commodity market towards a more differentiated and fragmented product market characterized by heterogeneous consumers, firms and value offerings. Examples of this change are seen in product differentiation strategies such as gra...


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