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Publications (116)
Le Crétacé constitue une période cruciale de réorganisation paléogéographique en Europe de l’Ouest. Au Crétacé inférieur, l’ouverture du Golfe de Gascogne, résultant de la propagation vers le nord de l’expansion de l’Atlantique, provoque un amincissement crustal d’intensité variable dans la région future Pyrénéeo-Aquitain. Ce processus d’extension...
Le Crétacé est une période de réorganisation paléogéographique majeure dans le domaine Ouest-Européen. Au Crétacé Inférieur, l'ouverture du Golfe de Gascogne, liéeà la migration vers le nord de l'ouverture de l'Atlantique, provoque une phase d'amincissement crustale dans le futur domaine Pyrénéen et en Aquitaine. Elle se marque par la mise en place...
The Central English Channel troughs correspond to elongated incisions up to 250 m-deep, at several locations at the bottom of this sea corridor. Depending on their location, they are usually interpreted as part of the submerged quaternary paleovalley network or as resulting from megaflood events. Shedding light on these features, their age, and the...
“The Source-to-Sink Vade Mecum: History, Concepts and Tools” is the latest Open-Access addition to the SEPM series Concepts in Sedimentology and Paleontology. In the form of a carry-along vade-mecum, in English and French, this volume offers a comprehensive history of the source-to-sink approach, tracing its origins from early geomorphological thin...
"The Source-to-Sink Vade Mecum: History, Concepts and Tools" is the latest Open-Access addition to the SEPM series "Concepts in Sedimentology and Paleontology."
In the form of a carry-along vade-mecum, in English and French, this volume offers a comprehensive history of the source-to-sink approach, tracing its origins from early geomorphological t...
The Aquitaine Basin is closely linked to the evolution of the Pyrenees, providing precious evidences of the early stages of the Pyrenean orogeny in the Late Cretaceous. Although the timing and geometry of the Early Cretaceous rifting stage is well constrained in the Pyrenees and surrounding north Pyrenean basins, the subsequent early inversion stag...
The Lower Cretaceous corresponds, in northwestern Europe, to a period of significant extension with the rifting of the Bay of Biscay and its eastern prolongation, the Parentis Basin. This basin has a long history of rifting and several important discontinuities between the uppermost Jurassic and the Albian (at the top of the Jurassic, top of the Ba...
The Paleogene records the most prominent global climate change of the Cenozoic Era with a shift from a greenhouse to an icehouse world. Several transient hyperthermal events punctuated this long-term evolution. The most pronounced and the best known of these is the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM-56 Ma). This event is associated with global...
Sediment accumulation rates in foreland basins results from a complex interplay between surface and deep processes in both the exhumed relief domain and sedimentary basins. The growth and decay of a mountain belt during orogenic and post-orogenic phases have been largely studied thanks to thermochronological and structural studies. The sedimentary...
Collisional shortening in the external Western Alps was first accommodated by internal (distributed) deformation in the External Crystalline Massifs (ECM) and then on frontal crustal ramps (localized deformation). However, the timing of transition between these two periods is still under-constrained, mainly because the available dataset is incomple...
The Early Cretaceous hyperextended Mauléon rift is localized in the north-western Pyrenean orogen. We infer the Tertiary evolution of the Mauléon basin through the restoration of a 153 km-long crustal-scale balanced cross-section of the Pyrenean belt, which documents at least 67 km (31%) of orogenic shortening in the Western Pyrenees. Initial short...
The present-day tectonic setting of the Western Mediterranean region, from the Pyrénées to the Betics and from the Alps to the Atlas, results from a complex 3-D geodynamic evolution involving the interactions between the Africa, Eurasia and Iberia plates and asthenospheric mantle dynamics underneath. In this paper, we review the main tectonic event...
The Mauléon basin, in the northwestern Pyrenean belt, is related to Early Cretaceous rifting and mantle denudation. Here we review the evolution of depositional systems in the Mauléon rift basin during Albian and Cenomanian time. This review includes the lithostratigraphy, regional distribution, boundaries, age and facies sedimentology of the basin...
An understanding of the evolution of foreland basins improves our knowledge of how mountain belts have grown and helps us to decipher events which may not be preserved in the orogen. The infilling of the north Pyrenean retro-foreland basin (Aquitaine Basin, France) during the main exhumation of the Pyrenees and its corresponding thermal history hav...
The Cenomanian to early Santonian interval is usually considered a time of postrifting tectonic quiescence around the northern margins of Iberia that preceded the onset of the Pyrenean convergence by crustal thrusting in the latest Santonian. However, plate kinematic models of the Mesozoic evolution of Iberia poorly constrain the Turonian-Santonian...
Les connaissances acquises sur l’exhumation de la chaîne pyrénéenne et l’évolution des bassins d’avant-pays adjacents permettent à présent d’appréhender ce système orogénique complexe dans une démarche intégrative dans l’espace et le temps.
Cette approche, dite « source-to-sink » s’attache à comprendre l’évolution du routage sédimentaire depuis la...
Rapport disponible gratuitement à l'adresse suivante : http://ficheinfoterre.brgm.fr/document/RP-70301-FR Le projet MODGEAU (MODèle Géologique pour la gestion des ressources en EAU), réalisé dans le cadre de la convention n°2016C006 avec l’Agence de l’Eau Loire – Bretagne, vise à mieux comprendre la géométrie des grands ensembles aquifères de la pa...
Le transfert des sédiments dans un domaine orogénique est contrôlé par les interactions entre les processus géodynamiques et tectoniques, le climat, les conditions de drainage dans les bassins ainsi que les variations de niveaux marins. Les approches de traçage de sources considèrent généralement un temps négligeable d'export des sédiments depuis l...
The Early Cretaceous hyperextended Mauléon rift is localized in the northwestern Pyrenean orogen. We infer the Tertiary evolution of the Mauléon basin through the restoration of a 153‐km‐long crustal‐scale balanced cross‐section of the Pyrenean belt, which documents at least 67 km (31%) of orogenic shortening in the Western Pyrenees. Initial shorte...
The Turonian-Early Santonian interval is usually considered as a tectonic quiescent stage around the northern margins of Iberia that preceded the onset of the Pyrenean convergence in the Late Santonian. However, the plate kinematic models explaining the evolution of Iberia during the Mesozoic have serious limitations when estimating the Turonian-Sa...
This study documents the sedimentary and structural response of continental crust in relatively hot lithosphere that is subjected to extension. We focus on the Permian rift system in the Western Pyrenees, where the narrow, post-orogenic intracontinental extensional Bidarray Basin is in contact with late Variscan granulites of the Ursuya massif. The...
L’intervalle Turonien-Santonien inférieur est habituellement considéré, sur les marges nord-ibérique et sud européenne, comme une période de quiescence tectonique associée à une subsidence post rift précédant le début de la convergence pyrénéenne durant le Santonien terminal (e.g. Rosenbaum et al., 2002; Sibuet et al., 2004; Leleu et al., 2009). Ce...
The aim of this study is to unravel the tectono-sedimentary evolution of a hyper-thinned rift, based on the example of the Mauléon Basin, a basin filled by thick synrift deposits. The integrated study combines field data, detailed geological mapping and seismic interpretation. The field study focuses on the Iberian margin of the Mauléon Basin. Seis...
Microtexture describes the type of particles and their arrangement in matrix samples at scanning electron microscopy scale. Although a microtexture classification exists for micritic limestone, it cannot be directly applied to chalk. This study therefore proposes a classification of chalk microtextures and discusses the origin of microtexture varia...
The Mesozoic Aquitaine Basin (alternations through time of rifts and intracratonic to passive margin basins) is marked by a huge change during Cenozoic times to become the retro-foreland of the Pyrenees Mountain Belt. A lot of studies were carried out on the Eocene paroxystic phase of the retro-foreland activity, few paid attention on the latest-po...
Les écoulements dans la craie de Normandie sont contraints par des caractéristiques sédimentologiques très particulières. A la suite de la présentation de la théorie des horizons karstogènes de la craie lors du colloque du CFH de 2018, cet article propose une approche originale fondée sur des observations hydrogéologiques, pétrologiques et sédiment...
The Albian Mauléon basin is a privileged field laboratory to unravel the tectono-sedimentary evolution of a highly subsiding asymmetric hyper-thinned rift. The evolution of this basin is synchronous to the one of the Bay of Biscay continental margins that are characterized by a hyper-thinned continental crust and a probable exhumed mantle at the oc...
Evolution post-orogénique des rétro-foreland Pyrénéens (Bassind'Aquitaine,Golfe de Gascogne), implications sur le routage des sédiments
The collision between the Gondwana plate and the Laurussia continent leads to the European Hercynian mountain building. This belt defines the pre-Permian basement of Europe, whose southwestern part materializes the current basement of the Pyrenees. The Permian is known to be an extensive phase, affecting a thick continental crust, inherited from th...
The Lower Cretaceous is a key period of Western Europe since it spanned the opening of the Bay of Biscay together along the North Pyrenean Basins. Recent studies highlight the role of crustal detachment on the genesis of the adjacent asymmetric Mauléon and Parentis basins (southward and westward continuation of the Aquitan Basin). Similar studies h...
Flamborough Head chalks are located at the extremities of E-W and N-S trending fault systems along the Yorkshire coast (UK). Rock deformation is expressed in Selwicks Bay where a normal fault is exposed along with a high density of calcite veins. The fault mineralization is tested using geochemistry. Crosscutting relationships are used to different...
Argillaceous chalk intervals from the North Sea are characterised by matrix permeabilities lower than 0.2 mD and therefore they are defined as tight chalks. Hence, fracture networks within these chalks are of major importance to predict fluid flow and reservoir or seal behaviour. This study aims to understand the geological parameters controlling t...
Sedimentary gaps are a major obstacle in the reconstruction of a carbonate platform's history. In order to improve the understanding of the early diagenesis and the succession of events occurring during the formation of discontinuity surfaces in limestones, secondary ion mass spectrometry was used for the first time to measure the δ18O and δ13C sig...
The Albian Mauleon rift system is located in the western part of Pyrenees (France). This rift basin is interpreted to be related to a hyper-thinned continental crust and an exhumed sub-continental mantle dome. The objective of this study is to understand the sedimentary evolution of this type of rift. This integrated study combines: field data, det...
The Mesozoic Aquitaine Basin (alternations through time of rifts and intracratonic to passive margin basins) is inverted during Cenozoic times to become the retro-foreland of the Pyrenees Mountain Belt. A lot of studies were carried out on the paroxystic phase of the retro-foreland activity, few paid attention on the latest-post orogenic-stage, the...
The geological record of Hispaniola documents a continuous increase in island surface since the Early Pleistocene due to the emergence of marine deposits. In eastern Hispaniola, the Llanura Costera del Caribe and the Los Haitises regions formed by the emergence in the Early-Middle Pleistocene of limestone of the Los Haitises Formation, and marls an...
This paper presents a methodology that is currently tested at the French geological survey in order to validate drill holes interpretation. Validated drill holes are intended to be included in the future French geological reference platform which is under construction. To validate drill holes, a first subset of high-quality holes is selected. This...
To improve the understanding of the distribution of reservoir properties along carbonate platform margins, the connection between facies, sequence stratigraphy, and early diagenesis of discontinuities along the Bathonian prograding oolitic wedge of the northeastern Aquitaine platform was investigated. Eight facies are distributed along a 50 km-outc...
Le Bassin de Dieppe-Hampshire est un bassin tertiaire situé en Manche orientale qui s’étend du Sud-Est de l’Angleterre jusqu’au littoral fran¸cais des régions Nord-Pas-de-Calais, Picardie et Haute-Normandie. Ce domaine se met en place dans un contexte d’inversion des bassins mésozoïques bordiers, en réponse à l’ouverture de l’Atlantique Nord et aux...
The objective of this work is to improve our understanding of the processes controlling changes in the architecture and facies of intracontinental carbonate platforms. We examined the facies and sequence stratigraphy of Aalenian to Oxfordian limestones of western France. Seventy-seven outcrop sections were studied and thirty-one sedimentary facies...
This study is based on the analysis of industrial seismic lines reprocessed by the BRGM (French Geological Survey), calibrated on petroleum wells, water supply wells (coming from the BSS, BRGM database) and outcrops.
The Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC), which widely affected the whole Mediterranean basin, induced rapid and spectacular palaeoenvironmental changes. It led to a major erosion of the onshore areas and the upper parts of the continental shelves and slopes, as well as important evaporitic deposits in the offshore deep basins. The Corsica Basin belongs...
Chalk reservoirs are usually characterized by a high porosity, but also by a low primary permeability. Argillaceous chalk intervals, described in the reservoirs of the North Sea, reveal a matrix permeability which is lower than 0.2mD. Hence, fracture networks within these types of reservoirs are of a major importance to predict fluid flow and reser...
The uppermost Cretaceous to early Palaeogene is a period of major deformations of the western part of the Eurasian plate with prominent basin inversions starting from the Coniacian onwards. These deformations occur in a complex geodynamic setting within both the context of the Africa-Eurasia convergence and the North Atlantic opening. While Mesozoi...
The uppermost Cretaceous to early Palaeogene is a period of major deformations of the western part of the Eurasian plate with prominent basin inversions starting from the Coniacian onwards. These deformations occur in a complex geodynamic setting within both the context of the Africa–Eurasia convergence and the North Atlantic opening. While Mesozoi...
In the coastal multilayer aquifer system of a highly urbanized southern city (Recife, Brazil), where groundwaters are affected by salinization, a multi-isotope approach (Sr, B, O, H) was used to investigate the sources and processes of salinization. The high diversity of the geological bodies, built since the Atlantic opening during the Cretaceous,...
This paper is an attempt to reconstruct the palaeogeographic and geomorphic evolution of the Llanura Costera del Caribe during the Pleistocene, adding new sedimentological, radiometric and geomorphological data and interpretations to previously published information on the Pliocene-Early Pleistocene deposits in the region. The Llanura Costera del C...
In 2008-2009, a severe cold snap affected the otherwise temperate mid-latitude coasts of the English Channel of France. In March 2009, we gathered rock spalling observations at Mesnil Val, NW France, to document the effect of frost on platform lowering in macro-tidal environments. Six epochs of frost were recorded in two months, the two longest las...
Los objetivos principales del estudio para el sondeo de Couy han sido en primer lugar caracterizar de forma precisa la evolución palinológica en la sucesión Triásica de la Cuenca de París a través del re-estudio y re-análisis de las series atribuidas al Pérmico, Triásico y Jurásico inferior. Se han realizado 54 análisis palinológicos, obteniéndose...
Cartographie géologique du plateau continental et sismique marine très haute résolution en Manche : amélioration de la connaissance géologique du bassin de Paris Fabien Paquet1, Isabelle Thinon1, Eric Lasseur1, Renaud Couëffé1, Justine Briais1;2, Olivier Dugue3, Christian Dupuis4, François Guillocheau2, Florence Quesnel1;5, Cécile Robin2, Bernadett...
In 2012 BRGM launched an extensive program to build the new French Geological Reference platform (RGF). Among the objectives of this program is to provide the public with validated, reliable and 3D-consistent geological data. Approx. 100,000 boreholes over the whole French national territory provide a preliminary interpretation in terms of depths o...
The ability of airborne Time Domain ElectroMagnetic (TDEM) to image plurikilometric chalk heterogeneities and its implications for the development of a karstic system is addressed in this study. A heliborne TDEM survey was conducted around Courtenay (France) over the Paris Basin Upper Cretaceous chalk. This aquifer is known as a highly weathered an...
The main goal of this study is a better knowledge of the deformation and sedimentary evolution of the southwestern part of the Paris basin, a low subsiding domain, at the transition between the Paris and Aquitaine basins. This study is based on the analysis of industrial seismic lines reprocessed by the BRGM (French Geological Survey), calibrated o...
The Upper Rhine Graben (URG) of NW Europe is a Cenozoic wrench rift basin about 300 km long and 30-40 km wide, with an Eocene to Quaternary sedimentary fill up to 4 km thick. The finite extension is about 5 km with a transtensional sinistral component of about 30-40 km. These Cenozoic deposits unconformably rest on Triassic to Jurassic sediments re...
Our presentation deals with the subsurface late Variscan basins identified in France under the Mesozoic cover of the Paris basin. Well-known late orogenic basins, Stephano-Permian in age, crop out in small places in and around the French Variscan basement. But very little is known about their occurrences, and therefore their geological evolution, u...
La formation carbonatée de l'Oolithe Blanche (Bathonien) du Bassin de Paris est, avec le Trias, un aquifère salin profond majeur qui présente un potentiel réservoir important et reconnu, notamment via l'exploitation géothermique ou les grands projets de recherche dans le domaine du stockage géologique du CO2. Elle a été largement étudiée d'un point...
La Isla Saona se ubica en el extremo suroriental de la República Dominicana y pertenece a uno de los principales dominios fisiográficos de la República Dominicana, la Llanura Costera del Caribe. Sus principales rasgos geomorfológicos responden a una historia geológica muy reciente, resultado de la relación eustatismo-sedimentación y del levantamien...
The aim of this study is to define the depositional environment of the Permian succession within the southwestern part of the Paris Basin, using core, well-log, and seismic data. A detailed palynological study allows the palynological evolution of the Middle–Upper Triassic succession in the Paris Basin to be precisely specified.
Stephano-permian basins are found in several rather small places in and
around the present-day French Variscan basement. They are mostly
considered as intramontane post-orogenic (Variscan) basins, developing
in close relationships with crustal to lithospheric geological events
(such as extensive strike-slip, exhumation of metamorphic rocks, and
We explore a new method for documenting the long-term retreat rate of seacliffs based on measurements and modeling of 10Be concentration transects across present-day shore platforms. The proposed forward numerical model relies on a scenario of sea-level rise since the last deglaciation, and predicts the shape of 10Be concentration transects as a fu...