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January 2008 - present
Publications (49)
Previous research has suggested that fine motor skills play a role in literacy development. However, it is necessary to confirm the causal nature of the relationships by using intervention studies. In addition, different explanatory mechanisms have been put forward to explain the relation between fine motor skills and literacy development. Executiv...
The worldwide popularity of playing practices has led to a growing research interest in games’ impact on behavior and cognition. Many studies have already reported the benefits of both video games and board games for cognitive functions. However, these studies have mainly defined the term players according to a minimum play time or in connection to...
Written word production is influenced by central and peripheral processes. Evidence suggests that the activation of morphological units in the lexicon influences the dynamics of handwriting. In this study, we designed two priming experiments to examine the representation level of morphological information in the lexicon during written word producti...
Entertainment video games are very popular among young audiences. Nevertheless, despite their potential to improve cognitive functioning, they are still studied rarely as a tool for digital game-based learning. To better understand video gaming practices’ value in the classroom, this article provides a systematic review of literature on the effect...
Several nonlanguage factors influence literacy development, and motor skills are among those most studied. Despite the publication of several studies that have supported the existence of this relationship, the type of influence and underlying mechanisms have been little explored. Herein, we propose modeling the relationship between motor skills and...
Several studies have shown the influence of rhythm skills on the processing of written language, especially at the beginning of literacy development. The first objective of this study was to determine the persistence of this link at an advanced grade level. The second objective was to better understand the factors underlying this relationship and,...
Cette étude vise à apporter une validité scientifique à une action de sensibilisation au handicap dans une grande entreprise française. Elle s’inscrit dans le champ de la psychologie expérimentale, et a pour but d’apporter un éclairage psychosocial à la problématique de l’insertion professionnelle des personnes reconnues handicapées. Des participan...
We investigated whether orthographic information influences speech production. We used a non-colour-word version of the Stroop task in which participants had to ignore the presented words but name their ink colour. In two experiments, we manipulated the phonological and orthographic relationships between the words and their ink colour,
and the task...
Research on the imagined contact hypothesis suggests that simply imagining a positive interaction with an out-group member can reduce prejudice toward stigmatized social groups. To date, however, it remains unclear whether imagined contact has transient or long-lasting effects. This preregistered study (N = 153) tested the hypothesis that a single...
Research on the imagined contact hypothesis suggests that simply imagining a positive interaction with an out-group member can reduce prejudice towards stigmatized social groups. To date, however, it remains unclear whether imagined contact has transient or long-lasting effects. This preregistered study (N = 153) tested the hypothesis that a single...
Grapheme and syllable units have been shown to influence the dynamics of handwriting in adults and children, but the influence of morphemes remains to be clarified. We tested the ability of French-speaking adults and fourth and sixth grade children to process the morphological structure of words during writing. They were asked to copy three types o...
During the three past decades, written production models were essentially aimed at proposing a static view of the processes implemented to produce words. However, there are an increasing number of studies with the aim of better understanding the dynamics of the course of the writing process. These studies have raised a number of issues regarding th...
Research on writing has shown the role of the syllable as a processing unit (Kandel et al., 2011; Lambert et al., 2008) and has suggested that such syllable would be orthographic and not phonological (the ortho-syllable, Lambert et al., 2015). To investigate this issue, Korean spelling (Hangul) has interesting features: Each Hangul letter represent...
The role of phonology in handwriting is still in debate. According to the obligatory phonological mediation hypothesis, activation of phonological codes is systematically required to recover orthography (Damian, et al., 2011). By contrast, the orthography autonomy hypothesis suggests that orthographic codes can be retrieved without mobilizing phono...
Many studies have shown phonological awareness to be a predictor of reading and spelling acquisition, but arguments that motor performance and manual laterality may also be predictors of literacy are much more controversial. We examined the links between manual performance, degree of laterality (absolute difference between the two hands) and litera...
It is now well documented that the syllable is a sublexical processing unit involved in writing words. In the present article, while reviewing the findings that support the role of syllable in writing in neuropsychological studies and in psycholinguistics experiments in adults and children, we address the following issues: Is the syllable involved...
RÉSUMÉ Un faisceau d’arguments soutient l’hypothèse selon laquelle la syllabe constituerait une unité de traitement sublexicale en production écrite de mots. Nous passons en revue et discutons ces arguments, issus d’études de cas en neuropsychologie ou de données provenant de la psychologie expérimentale chez l’adulte et chez l’enfant, guidés par p...
Un faisceau d’arguments soutient l’hypothèse selon laquelle la syllabe constituerait une unité de traitement sublexicale en production écrite de mots. Nous passons en revue et discutons ces arguments, issus d’études de cas en neuropsychologie ou de données provenant de la psychologie expérimentale chez l’adulte et chez l’enfant, guidés par plusieur...
Some research on written production has focused on the role of the syllable as a processing unit.
However, the precise nature of this syllable unit has yet to be elucidated. The present study examined whether
the nature of this processing unit is orthographic (i.e., the ortho-syllable) or phonological. Thirty-two native
French speakers were asked t...
Some research on written production has focused on the role of the syllable as a processing unit. However, the precise nature of this syllable unit has yet to be elucidated. The present study examined whether the nature of this processing unit is orthographic (i.e., an ortho-syllable) or phonological. We asked French adults to copy three-syllable a...
The relations between orthographic and graphomotor processes have been particularly studied (Delattre, Bonin & Barry, 2006 ; Lambert, Alamargot, Larocque & Caporossi, 2011 ; Olive, 2014 ; Sausset, Lambert & Olive, 2013). The studies suggest that the way these processes are coordinated is not fixed. Rather, it is likely to adapt to the constraints o...
The coordination of the various processes involved in language production is a subject of keen debate in writing research. Some authors hold that writing processes can be flexibly coordinated according to task demands, whereas others claim that process coordination is entirely inflexible. For instance, orthographic planning has been shown to be res...
We sought to identify, the impact of handwriting skills on the efficiency and temporal course of word spelling across Grades 2–9. Eighty-four students, drawn from primary and lower secondary schools, were asked to perform a dictation task to assess their word spelling. They also had to write out the letters of the alphabet, as well as their firstna...
The processing of syllables during the writing of isolated words has been shown to occur either before or during the writing of the word containing them. To demonstrate that this difference is related to graphomotor constraints, participants copied bi- and trisyllabic words three times, in four conditions where graphomotor constraints were graduall...
We analysed word reading and spelling in French adults with low levels of literacy (A-IL). As well as examining phonological and lexical processes, we explored the relationship between literacy and oral language skills. Fifty-two adult literacy students were compared with reading level-matched pupils in Years 1–3 of primary school on reading tasks...
The aim of this chapter is to show that even though the copy task is used less frequently than
the dictation task, it is just as relevant for understanding how the spelling process works,
especially when the real-time approach is adopted. In the case of languages with a deep
orthography, such as English or French, which are also morphophonemic o...
This study investigated the time course of spelling, and its influence on graphomotor execution, in a successive word copy task. According to the cascade model, these two processes may be engaged either sequentially or in parallel, depending on the cognitive demands of spelling. In this experiment, adults were asked to copy a series of words varyin...
UKLA Wiley-Blackwell Reasearch in Literacy Education Award 2013
In a 3-year longitudinal study, we examined the relationships between oral language development, early training and reading acquisition on word-identification and reading-comprehension tests administered to a sample of 687 French children. Hierarchical linear models showed that both p...
Lambert, E. & Alamargot, D. (2011). La dynamique du traitement orthographique au cours d’une copie de mots. In M. Audiffren & J. Chuquet (Eds.), Regards croisés sur la cognition : Du langage aux dynamiques sociales (161-173). Rennes : Presses Universitaires de Rennes.
This study was designed to enhance our understanding of the changing relationship between low- and high-level writing processes
in the course of development. A dual description of writing processes was undertaken, based on (a) the respective time courses
of these processes, as assessed by an analysis of eye and pen movements, and (b) the semantic c...
A sample of 1,273 4-year-old children were followed for 3 years. The children participated in 1 of 2 comprehension training programs, or in a phonological awareness training program. The comprehension programs explored the possibility of improving young children's oral comprehension in an educational setting. The first focused on the component skil...
French children program the words they write syllable by syllable. We examined whether the syllable the children use to segment words is determined phonologically (i.e., is derived from speech production processes) or orthographically. Third, 4th and 5th graders wrote on a digitiser words that were mono-syllables phonologically (e.g. barque=[baRk])...
Four experiments examined whether motor programming in handwriting production can be modulated by the syllable structure of
the word to be written. This study manipulated the number of syllables. The items, words and pseudo-words, had 2, 3 or 4 syllables.
French adults copied them three times. We measured the latencies between the visual presentati...
Four experiments examined whether motor programming in handwriting production can be modulated by the syllable structure of the word to be written. This study manipulated the number of syllables. The items, words and pseudo-words, had 2, 3 or 4 syllables. French adults copied them three times. We measured the latencies between the visual presentati...
The aim of this study was to compare the compositional performances of deaf and hearing students and to investigate the relationships
between these performances and working memory capacities. Fifteen prelingually deaf, sign-using students and 15 hearing students
composed a descriptive text and performed working memory tasks. The deaf students had p...
This article is aiming at explaining the relationships between text production activity and memory. Firstly, we present how the different pieces of knowledge and the processes stored in Long-term Memory contribute to written and compositional performances. Secondly, we consider how Working Memory, through two different conceptions, constraints the...
L’objectif de cet article est d’expliciter les relations entre l’activité de production écrite de textes et les systèmes mémoriels. Nous montrons d’abord comment les connaissances et les processus rédactionnels stockés en mémoire à long terme contribuent à améliorer les performances rédac- tionnelles. Nous décrivons ensuite comment la mémoire de tr...
Assemblage des unités traitées par les processus graphomoteurs et orthographiques au début de l'apprentissage de l'écriture. Résumé : Une recherche longitudinale (année de CP) étudie l'assemblage progressif des unités impliquées dans les processus graphomoteurs et orthographiques, au début de l'apprentissage de l'écriture. Les données sont recueill...
This paper presents the lexical database NOVLEX. NOVLEX is a tool that provides an estimate of the scope and lexical frequency of the written vocabulary intended for children in the elementary grades. NOVLEX was built based on the analysis of textbooks and others books intended for third grade students.
Cet article présente la base de données lexicales NOVLEX. Cette base est un outil permettant d'estimer l'étendue et la fréquence lexicale du vocabulaire écrit adressé à des élèves francophones de l'enseignement primaire. Elle a été constituée grâce à l'analyse de livres scolaires et extra-scolaires destinés à des élèves de CE2.
Mots-clés : f...