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Publications (450)
In the biosphere, limits for diversity among species, communities, and biomes are revealed through intensive and extensive field-based inventory and assembly of voucher specimens and associated informatics examined in a phylogenetic, historical, ecological, and biogeographic arena. Archival resources for specimens and information contribute to a cu...
The COVID-19 pandemic is the latest example of the profound socioeconomic impact of the emerging infectious disease (EID) crisis. Current health security measures are based on a failed evolutionary paradigm that presumes EID is rare and cannot be predicted because emergence requires the prior evolution of novel genetic capacities for colonizing a n...
Emerging infectious diseases (EIDs) pose a growing threat to technological humanity. Strategies for coping with EIDs have been mostly focused on preparing for recurrences of known pathogens and reactive crisis response for all outbreaks. The DAMA protocol (Document, Assess, Monitor, Act), the policy extension of the Stockholm Paradigm (SP), adds a...
Cultural and conceptual transformation is essential for recognizing the necessity of placing pathogens in an environmental, evolutionary, and ecological context by incorporating specimens and associated informatics into a foundation for actionable information. Historically, we have been hindered by interdependent, flawed, and deeply held paradigms...
Assessing the risk a pathogen poses before there is a disease outbreak is the lynchpin of the DAMA (Document, Assess, Monitor, Act) protocol. By taking advantage of the predictive power of evolutionary conservatism and of the Stockholm Paradigm (SP) modeling platform, we can narrow our focus to particular pathogens in particular places and times, p...
The dynamic climate history that drove sea level fluctuation during past glacial periods mediated the movement of organisms between Asia and North America via the Bering Land Bridge. Investigations of the biogeographic histories of small mammals and their parasites demonstrate facets of a complex history of episodic geographic colonization and refu...
This article sets out the essential nature of knowing the biosphere and maintaining that information in archives and natural history collections for implementing the DAMA protocol for coping proactively with the emerging infectious disease crisis
The emerging infectious disease (EID) crisis represents an immediate existential threat to modern humanity. Current policies aimed at coping with the EID crisis are ineffective and unsustainably expensive. They have failed because they are based on a scientific paradigm that produced the parasite paradox. The Stockholm paradigm (SP) resolves the pa...
Globally, humanity is coming to recognize the magnitude of the interactive crisis for emerging infectious disease (EID). Strategies for coping with EID have been largely in the form of reactive measures for crisis response. The DAMA protocol (Document, Assess, Monitor, Act), the operational policy extension of the Stockholm paradigm, constitutes a...
The emerging infectious disease (EID) crisis represents an immediate existential threat to modern humanity. Current policies aimed at coping with the EID crisis are ineffective and unsustainably expensive. They have failed because they are based on a scientific paradigm that produced the parasite paradox. The Stockholm paradigm (SP) resolves the pa...
The COVID-19 pandemic is the latest example of the profound socioeconomic impact of the emerging infectious disease (EID) crisis. Current health security measures are based on a failed evolutionary paradigm that presumes EID is rare and cannot be predicted because emergence requires the prior evolution of novel genetic capacities for colonizing a n...
The COVID19 pandemic is the latest example of the profound socio-economic impact of the Emerging Infectious Disease (EID) crisis. Current health security measures are based in a failed evolutionary paradigm that presumes EID is rare and cannot be predicted because emergence requires the prior evolution of novel genetic capacities for colonizing a n...
Over the years, we have come to recognize that evolution is a dynamic process and a fundamental organizing principle for exploring diversity and the biosphere. Basic knowledge of systematics and phylogenetics within an evolutionary context is essential for gaining a flexible understanding of contemporary parasite diversity and developmental pathway...
Orthostrongylus macrotis (Dikmans, 1931) is a protostrongylid lungworm in wild ungulates from western North America, including mule and Columbia black-tailed deer, pronghorn, and rarely moose and elk. The lack of morphological data for certain developmental stages of O. macrotis and the unresolved taxonomic status of the genus indicate a more detai...
The unusual genetic diversity of the Omicron strain has led to speculation about its origin. The mathematical modeling platform developed for the Stockholm Paradigm (SP) indicates strongly that it has retro‐colonized humans from an unidentified non‐human mammal, likely originally infected by humans. The relationship between Omicron and all other SA...
Evolution involves temporal changes in the characteristics of a species that are subsequently propagated or rejected through natural selection. In the case of parasites, host switching also plays a prominent role in the evolutionary process. These changes are rooted in genetic variation and gene flow where genes may be deleted, mutated (sequence),...
Humans represent ecological super-spreaders in the dissemination and introduction of pathogens. These processes, consistent with the dynamics of the Stockholm paradigm, are exemplified in the origin and globalized distributions of SARS-CoV-2 since initial recognition in central Asia during 2019 and 2020. SARS-like viruses are not widespread in mamm...
Climate change, emerging infectious diseases (EIDs) and food security create a dangerous nexus. Habitat interfaces, assumed to be efficient buffers, are being disrupted by human activities which in turn accelerate the movement of pathogens. EIDs threaten directly and indirectly availability and access to nutritious food, affecting global security a...
Climate change, emerging infectious diseases (EIDs) and food security create a dangerous nexus. Habitat interfaces, assumed to be efficient buffers, are being disrupted by human activities which in turn accelerate the movement of pathogens. EIDs threaten directly and indirectly availability and access to nutritious food, affecting global security a...
: The unusual genetic diversity of the Omicron strain has led to speculation about its origin. The mathematical modeling platform developed for the Stockholm Paradigm (SP) indicates strongly that it has retro-colonized humans from an unidentified animal reservoir originally infected by humans. The relationship between Omicron and all other SARS-CoV...
We begin resolution of the Tetrabothrius jagerskioeldi–species complex with descriptions of Tetrabothrius alcae n. sp. based on numerous specimens, primarily in murres (species of Uria), from the greater North Pacific basin and Tetrabothrius sinistralis n. sp. based on cestodes in guillemots (species of Cepphus) from the central Bering Sea and West...
The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic reveals a major gap in global biosecurity infrastructure: a lack of publicly available biological samples representative across space, time, and taxonomic diversity. The shortfall, in this case for vertebrates, prevents accurate and rapid identification and monitoring of emer...
Abstract Background Species of Trichinella are globally important foodborne parasites infecting a number of domestic and wild vertebrates, including humans. Free-ranging carnivores can act as sentinel species for detection of Trichinella spp. Knowledge of the epidemiology of these parasites may help prevent Trichinella spp. infections in northern C...
Emerging infectious diseases (EID) increasingly threaten global food security and public health. Despite technological breakthroughs, we are losing the battle with (re)emerging diseases as treatment costs and production losses rise. A horizon scan of diseases of crops, livestock, seafood and food-borne illness suggests these costs are unsustainable...
Investigations of intercontinental dispersal between Asia and North America reveal complex patterns of geographic expansion, retraction and isolation, yet historical reconstructions are largely limited by the depth of the record that is retained in patterns of extant diversity. Parasites offer a tool for recovering deep historical insights about th...
Rapid climate warming in the Arctic results in multifaceted disruption of biodiversity, faunal structure, and ecosystem health. Hypotheses have linked range expansion and emergence of parasites and diseases to accelerating warming globally but empirical studies demonstrating causality are rare. Using historical data and recent surveys as baselines,...
An understanding of the mechanisms influencing prenatal characteristics is fundamental to comprehend the role of ecological and evolutionary processes behind survival and reproductive success in animals. Although the negative influence of parasites on host fitness is undisputable, we know very little about how parasitic infection in reproductive fe...
We test the predictions of the Stockholm Paradigm, a synthesis of eco‐evolutionary theory explaining the nature of faunal assembly, host range and parasite diversification. Faunal diversification and assembly, manifested in patterns of host colonization, co‐adaptation and parasite speciation, are predicted to emerge as a consequence of alternat...
The Stockholm Paradigm suggests that the capacity for pathogens to be associated with a given host is related to the occurrence of specific traits possessed by the host that represent required resources for the pathogen. The capacity for a pathogen to be associated with more than one host is related to how phylogenetically widespread those same res...
Introduction On 30 January 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a Global Health Emergency of international concern attendant to the emergence and spread of SARS-CoV-2, nearly two months after the first reported emergence of human cases in Wuhan, China. In the subsequent two months, global, national and local health personnel and infra...
Species of the genus Arostrilepis were discovered and definitively identified for the first time in rodents from geographically disparate localities along the Appalachian Mountain range of eastern North America (West Virginia, Virginia, and Maine). These are the first confirmed records for species of Arostrilepis occurring east of the Rocky Mountai...
Gastrointestinal nematode (GIN) infections in cattle cause appetite suppression which leads to poor feed conversion, reduced weight gain and reduced milk production. Overuse and exclusive reliance on anthelmintic drugs has resulted in widespread resistance in many parasitic nematode species infecting livestock making control increasingly difficult....
Marshallagia marshalli is a multi-host gastrointestinal nematode that infects a variety of artiodactyl species from temperate to Arctic latitudes. Eggs of Marshallagia are passed in host feces and develop through three larval stages (L1, L2, and L3) in the environment. Although eggs normally hatch as L1s, they can also hatch as L3s. We hypothesized...
Understanding parasite diversity and distribution is essential in managing the potential impact of parasitic diseases in animals and people. Imperfect diagnostic methods, however, may conceal cryptic species. Here, we report the discovery and phylogeography of a previously unrecognized species of Trichinella in wolverine (Gulo gulo) from northweste...
Tetrabothriid cestodes are characteristic helminths that infect species of seabirds globally. We begin with the exploration of the diversity of tapeworms of the genus Tetrabothrius Rudolphi, 1819 (Eucestoda: Tetrabothriidae), some of which are distributed among seabirds of the family Alcidae (Charadriiformes) at boreal to higher latitudes of Holarc...
Varestrongylus eleguneniensis (Nematoda; Protostrongylidae) is a recently described species of lungworm that
infects caribou (Rangifer tarandus), muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus) and moose (Alces americanus) across northern
North America. Herein we explore the geographic distribution of V. eleguneniensis through geographically extensive
sampling and dis...
Although logistically challenging to study, the Arctic is a bellwether for global change and is becoming a model for questions pertinent to the persistence of biodiversity. Disruption of Arctic ecosystems is accelerating, with impacts ranging from mixing of biotic communities to individual behavioral responses. Understanding these changes is crucia...
Despite the economic, social and ecological importance of the ostertagiine abomasal nematode Marshallagia marshalli, little is known about its life history traits and its adaptations to cope with environmental extremes. Conserved species-specific traits can act as exaptations that may enhance parasite fitness in changing environments. Using a serie...
Species of Trichinella are a globally distributed assemblage of nematodes, often with distinct host ranges, which include people, domestic, and wild animals. Trichinella spp. are important in northern Canada, where dietary habits of people and methods of meat preparation (drying, smoking, fermenting as well as raw) increase the risk posed by these...
Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) are known to host a wide variety of parasites, including those in the gastrointestinal system. Here, we review the current knowledge of the main gastrointestinal parasites of reindeer focusing on northern Fennoscandia, which comprises parts of Finland, Sweden, Norway and Russia. We explore both the historical b...
Museum specimens play an increasingly important role in predicting the outcomes and revealing the consequences of anthropogenically driven disruption of the biosphere. As ecological communities respond to ongoing environmental change, host-parasite interactions are also altered. This shifting landscape of host-parasite associations creates opportun...
Haemonchus contortus, in common with many nematode species, has extremely high levels of genetic variation within and between field populations derived from distant geographical locations. MHco10(CAVR), MHco3(ISE) and MHco4(WRS) are genetically divergent H. contortus strains, originally derived from Australia, Kenya and South Africa, respectively,...
Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) host numerous parasites. Although there is a general knowledge about parasite diversity in reindeer, detailed baseline information about parasitic infections is limited. Detailed knowledge of parasite prevalence and diversity provide a pathway for more targeted parasite control, an increasing need expected in t...
Larval Baylisascaris nematodes (L3), resulting from transuterine infection and neural migration, were discovered in the cerebrum of sibling moose calves (Alces alces gigas) near 1–3 days in age from Alaska. We provide the first definitive identification, linking morphology, biogeography, and molecular phylogenetics, of Baylisascaris transfuga in na...
Entomological surveillance for pathogens based on molecular screening of putative arthropod vectors such as blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae) is becoming increasingly important. Surveillance provides a means to understand host and geographical patterns of underestimated biodiversity among North American species of Onchocerca and a pathway...
Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) has played an important role in the evolution of nematodes. Among candidate genes, cyanase, which is typically found only in plants, bacteria and fungi, is present in more than 35 members of the Phylum Nematoda, but absent from free-living and clade V organisms. Phylogenetic analyses showed that the cyanases of clade...
Natural history collections spanning multiple decades provide fundamental historical baselines to measure and understand changing biodiversity. New technologies such as next generation DNA sequencing have considerably increased the potential of museum specimens to address significant questions regarding the impact of environmental changes on host a...
Whipworms (Nematoda: Trichuridae), among the most common soil-transmitted helminths (STHs), can cause the socioeconomically important disease trichuriasis in various mammalian hosts including humans and non-human primates. For many years, Trichuris from non-human primates has been assigned to the same species as the one infecting human...
Colonization of novel hosts is thought to play an important role in parasite diversification, yet little consensus has been achieved about the macroevolutionary consequences of changes in host use. Here we offer a mechanistic basis for the origins of parasite diversity by simulating lineages evolved in silico. We describe an individual‐based model...
Varestrongylus Bhalerao, 1932 comprises ten valid lungworm species infecting wild and domestic ungulates from Eurasia and North America. Here, we present a phylogenetic hypothesis for the genus based on morphological characters in a broader context for the family Protostrongylidae and discuss species relationships and aspects of character evolution...
Varestrongylus lungworms (Nematoda: Protostrongylidae) include 10 nominal species that parasitize wild and domesticated artiodactyles. Eight species are endemic to the western Palearctic and Eurasia, whereas two are limited in distribution to the Nearctic. Complex host associations, primarily among Cervidae and Bovidae (Caprinae), and biogeography...
Gastrointestinal helminths can have a detrimental effect on the fitness of wild ungulates. Arctic and Subarctic ecosystems are ideal for the study of host-parasite interactions due to the comparatively simple ecological interactions and limited confounding factors. We used a unique dataset assembled in the early seventies to study the diversity of...
Comparison of infection intensity and prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites among categories of Dall’s sheep.
Models to test the association of gastrointestinal parasites and fitness indicators.
To characterize a new species of parasitic nematode that triggers uveitis.
Three previously healthy, relatively young people each contracted a corneal stromal nematode that, upon surgical removal and examination, did not match any known nematodes. Clinical ocular findings included corneal opacification, visible corneal worms,...
The livestock industries are a major contributor to the economy of the northeastern United States. Climate models predict increased average maximum temperatures, days with temperatures exceeding 25 °C, and higher annual precipitation in the Northeast. These environmental changes combined with increased atmospheric CO2 concentration are expected to...
Parasite-host and insect-plant research have divergent traditions despite the fact that most phytophagous insects live parasitically on their host plants. In parasitology it is a traditional assumption that parasites are typically highly specialized; cospeciation between parasites and hosts is a frequently expressed default expectation. Insect-plan...
The specific status of Echinococcus canadensis has long been controversial, mainly because it consists of the mitochondrial lineages G6, G7, G8 and G10 with different host affinity: G6 (camel strain) and G7 (pig strain) with domestic cycles and G8 (cervid strain) and G10 (Fennoscandian cervid strain) with sylvatic or semi-domestic cycles. There is...
Hookworms belonging to the genus Ancylostoma (Dubini, 1843) cause ancylostomiasis, a disease of considerable concern in humans and domestic and wild animals. Molecular and epidemiological data support evidence for the zoonotic potential among species of Ancylostoma where transmission to humans is facilitated by rapid urbanization and inc...
This original form of this rebuttal was submitted to Science on 3 March 2017 (limited to 300 words as per Science
editorial policy) but rejected on 13 March 2017. Herein, we elaborate on our original Science submission in order to
more fully address the issue without the length limitations. This rebuttal is followed by the list of the signatories w...
Climate oscillations and episodic processes interact with evolution, ecology and biogeography to determine the structure and complex mosaic that is the biosphere. Parasites and parasite–host assemblages are key components in a general explanatory paradigm for global biodiversity. We explore faunal assembly in the context of Quaternary time frames o...
Accurate measures of nematode fecundity can provide important information for investigating parasite life history evolution, transmission potential, and effects on host health. Understanding differences among fecundity assessment protocols and standardizing methods, where possible, will enable comparisons across different studies and host and paras...
Although trichinellosis is known to cause thrombotic disease, serious thrombotic events are rare and have not been previously associated with Trichinella nativa infection.
Patient interviews and medical chart reviews were conducted on 10 men who became ill following consumption of a common source of black bear meat. Trichine...
The nematodes Setaria tundra, Onchocerca spp. and Rumenfilaria andersoni appear to have emerged in Fenno-Scandinavian reindeer during the latter half of the 20th century, associated with microfilaraemia, peritonitis, necrotic granulomas and tarsitis. Filarioid nematode faunas now recognized in Fennoscandia are a mosaic assembled from disparate sour...
Diagnosis is often equated with identification or detection when discussing parasitic diseases. Unfortunately, these are not necessarily mutually exclusive activities; diseases and infections are generally diagnosed and organisms are identified. Diagnosis is commonly predicated upon some clinical signs; in an effort to determine the causative agent...
History is the foundation that informs about the nuances of faunal assembly that are essential in understanding the dynamic nature of the host–parasite interface. All of our knowledge begins and ends with evolution, ecology and biogeography, as these interacting facets determine the history of biodiverse systems. These components, relating to Haemo...
The Beringian Coevolution Project (BCP), a field program underway in the high northern latitudes since 1999, has focused on building key scientific infrastructure for integrated specimen-based studies on mammals and their associated parasites. BCP has contributed new insights across temporal and spatial scales into how ancient climate and environme...