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July 2005 - present
July 2000 - July 2005
Publications (61)
Business leaders and HR professionals have long recognized the importance of social skills for effective organizational functioning, particularly in roles requiring high levels of interpersonal interaction. Accordingly, organizational science scholars have produced a large amount of research that can be organized under the broad heading of social s...
Entrepreneurship researchers commonly use survey‐based research designs. However, surveying entrepreneurs poses unique challenges. A principal concern for survey‐based research is non‐response bias, which occurs when survey respondents systematically differ from those who were sampled but did not participate in the study. To address this concern, w...
The purpose is to understand how affective events employees experience at work, and emotions those events elicit, influence within-person fluctuations in perceived organizational support (POS). The authors explore the possibility of socioemotional needs as a boundary condition of the effects. They integrate affective events theory with orga...
Over the last couple of decades, studies using the experience sampling methodology (ESM) have been used with increasing frequency within the management‐related sciences as the method allows researchers the opportunity to investigate questions involving ongoing, dynamic, intra‐individual processes. Given the longitudinal nature of the methodology an...
Although both cognitive ability and trait emotional intelligence (EI) have been shown to be predictors of important work outcomes, little research has examined how they work together as determinants of performance. Building on the perspective that emotionally intelligent employees can use emotion regulation and interpersonal skills to garner and re...
For decades, the trait approach has dominated the field of personality. However, perspectives proposed by interactionist theorists, such as Mischel and Shoda’s (1999) cognitive-affect personality system and Fleeson and Jayawickreme’s (2015) whole trait theory, have begun to expand the concept of personality by differentiating between the concepts o...
Education scholars have long been interested in the role of personality as a determinant of educational performance and success. Recent meta‐analytic investigations indicate that of the Big Five traits, Conscientiousness is the most strongly linked to educational performance. At more narrowly defined trait levels, achievement motivation, leaning go...
Education scholars have long been interested in the role of personality as a determinant of educational performance and success. Recent meta‐analytic investigations indicate that of the Big Five traits, Conscientiousness is the most strongly linked to educational performance. At more narrowly defined trait levels, achievement motivation, leaning go...
The psychometric soundness of measures has been a central concern of articles published in the Journal of Applied Psychology (JAP) since the inception of the journal. At the same time, it isn't clear that investigators and reviewers prioritize psychometric soundness to a degree that would allow one to have sufficient confidence in conclusions regar...
We provide practical, evidence-based recommendations derived from organizational support theory to enhance the effectiveness of human resource (HR) strategies designed to treat employees well. We also include the first ever benchmarking information for perceived organizational support (POS), the extent to which employees believe their organization...
In describing measures used in their research, authors frequently report having adapted a scale, indicating that they changed something about it. Although such changes can raise concerns about validity, there has been little discussion of this practice in our literature. To estimate the prevalence and identify key forms of scale adaptation, we cond...
Despite women's advancements in the workplace, gender inequality persists. We classify and test two frameworks used to explain gender differences in career success: Unequal Attributes and Unequal Effects. The Unequal Attributes framework suggests that gender is related to other attributes, which result in unequal career outcomes for men and women (...
As a result of globalization, large-scale modern-day businesses extend across borders as they engage in multinational enterprises. Such enterprises must conduct operations in disparate, culturally diverse contexts, which present challenges for implementing human resource management activities, such as whether to standardize or localize activities a...
Surveys are one of the most popular ways to collect employee information. Because of their widespread use, data quality is an increasingly important concern. The purpose of this paper is to (1) introduce the intra-individual response variability (IRV) index as an easily calculated and flexible way to detect insufficient effort responding (IER); (2)...
The present study builds on prior research involving organizational support theory and the trickle-down effects of supervisors’ perceived organizational support (POS). We examine benefits of supervisor POS for the supervisors themselves (enhanced affective commitment and in-role performance), and a behavioral mechanism through which supervi...
The labor force in the United States is increasingly becoming diverse, fueled by a growth in Latino/as, which increases the prevalence of cross-cultural interactions at work. The purpose of the current study is to understand the implications of microaggressions and communication values for Latino/as’ interpersonal and informational justice. Qualtri...
An effective workforce performing within the context of a positive cultural environment is central to a healthcare organization’s ability to achieve quality outcomes. The Nursing Culture Assessment Tool (NCAT) provides nurses with a valid and reliable tool that captures the general aspects of nursing culture. This study extends earlier work confirm...
Nonresponse to organizational surveys is a vexing problem. Although scholars have a reasonable understanding of how systematic nonresponse influences estimates of population means, they are likely to have less context for understanding how it impacts correlations. We present the results of a simulation study designed to provide a frame of reference...
This study adds to the growing body of research on the interactive effects of personality traits and trait activation research. Despite conscientiousness being a consistent predictor of high task performance, we challenged this relationship and hypothesized that the positive relationship between conscientiousness and task performance would decrease...
This study investigated the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) validity, clinical, restructured clinical, supplementary, and content scales in a female correctional population. The study used archival data for a final sample of 116 women who had been evaluated for acceptance into a residential rehabilitative treatment program fo...
Purpose – The theoretical and practical criticality of self-talk for leader success receives extensive multidisciplinary discussion, without a great deal of empirical research given the challenge of assessing actual self-talk. The purpose of this paper is to advance research and theory on self-leadership by examining leader self-talk and its relati...
Managerial derailment, which includes failure in the form organizational exit, poses costly consequences for organizations. We investigated the relationship between dysfunctional interpersonal tendencies, derailment potential behaviors, and actual managerial derailment in the form of voluntary and involuntary turnover. Data were from an archival da...
Self-report personality questionnaires often contain validity scales designed to flag individuals who intentionally distort their responses toward a more favorable characterization of themselves. Yet, there are no clear directives on how scores on these scales should be used by administrators when making high-stakes decisions about respondents. Two...
The APTID framework builds from this earlier taxonomy of types of automation, and provides a basis to begin to consider the implications of automation across different phases of skill acquisition. Taken together the reasoning behind the framework suggests optimization will occur when a specific level of automation is chosen for a particular phase o...
Researchers have studied the expected effects of faking and explored potential solutions to the problem it presents without first developing a thorough understanding of its nature. The goal of this chapter is to provide a conceptual framework for understanding faking. This framework is based on two key ideas: 1) that faking is a behavior rather tha...
Polynomial regression with response surface analysis is a sophisticated statistical approach that has become increasingly
popular in multisource feedback research (e.g., self-observer rating discrepancy). The approach allows researchers to examine
the extent to which combinations of two predictor variables relate to an outcome variable, particularl...
This study examined how the degree of automation provided during training and the general intelligence of the learner operate to influence task learning, and transfer to a no automation environment. An experiment was conducted using the Pasteuriser simulation, with participants assigned to one of three training groups: manual control, user-initiate...
Of the four possible “futures” for I-O psychology discussed by Ryan and Ford (2010), one (Scenario 2: Identity Merger) struck close to home. In fact, it is not the future for us, it is the present. The three of us are I-O psychologists with appointments in both a psychology department and a fully integrated interdisciplinary organizational science...
Of the four possible “futures” for I-O psychology discussed by Ryan and Ford (2010), one (Scenario 2: Identity Merger) struck close to home. In fact, it is not the future for us, it is the present. The three of us are I-O psychologists with appointments in both a psychology department and a fully integrated interdisciplinary organizational science...
Tactile and auditory cues have been suggested as methods of interruption management for busy visual environments. The current experiment examined attentional mechanisms by which cues might improve performance. The findings indicate that when interruptive tasks are presented in a spatially diverse task environment, the orienting function of tactile...
We identify sources of biases in personality-based job analysis (PBJA) ratings and offer a Web-based frame-of-reference (FOR) training program to mitigate these biases. Given the use of job analysis data for the development of staffing, performance management, and many other human resource management systems, using biased PBJA ratings is likely to...
The assessment of cognitive abilities, whether it is for purposes of basic research or applied decision making, is potentially susceptible to both facilitating and debilitating influences. However, relatively little research has examined the degree to which these factors might moderate the criterion-related validity of cognitive ability tests. To a...
There is no agreement regarding the nature or number of dimensions that make up the social effectiveness domain. We inductively explore the relationships between a set of social effectiveness measures with the intention of identifying an initial set of dimensions. An exploratory factor analysis of the Social Competence Inventory (SCI, Schneider, 20...
Using a latent variable approach, the authors examined whether retesting on a cognitive ability measure resulted in measurement and predictive bias. A sample of 941 candidates completed a cognitive ability test in a high-stakes context. Results of both the within-group between-occasions comparison and the between-groups within-occasion comparison i...
Both tests of cognitive ability and assessment center (AC) ratings of various performance attributes have proven useful in personnel selection and promotion contexts. To be of theoretical or practical value, however, the AC method must show incremental predictive accuracy over cognitive ability tests given the cost disparities between the two predi...
The present study proposes and tests a model of psychological processes underlying faking, which integrates concepts from earlier models of faking by McFarland and Ryan (2000; 2001) and Snell, Sydell, and Lueke (1999). The results provided partial support for the model, suggesting personality factors and perceptions of situational factors contribut...
Tactile cuing has been suggested as a method of interruption management for busy visual environments. This study examined the effectiveness of tactile cues as an interruption management strategy in a multi-tasking environment. Sixty-four participants completed a continuous aircraft monitoring task with periodic interruptions of a discrete gauge mem...
Despite the importance of reliability in personality assessment, little research has evaluated the influence of transient error on observed scores. In this study, we estimated transient error in scores from two personality measures and compared these estimates across honest and faking responding conditions. Results indicated that transient error wa...
Recent research suggests multidimensional forced-choice (MFC) response formats may provide resistance to purposeful response distortion on personality assessments. It remains unclear, however, whether these formats provide normative trait information required for selection contexts. The current research evaluated score correspondences between an MF...
In response to Schmidt, Le, and Ilies' (2003) call for further assessment of transient error variance in measures of key individual difference variables, the current study examines transient error estimates for eight speeded cognitive ability scales and a composite scale. One hundred twenty-three participants were tested on two occasions with a 1-w...
Past research on the influence of self-efficacy in training has provided mixed results. Key differences between studies pertain to whether past performance is operationalized as a residual variable or as an unadjusted variable and to the type of task used. In this study, the authors conducted and performed a reanalysis to examine the influence of s...
This article presents a psychometric approach for extracting normative information from multidimensional forced-choice (MFC) formats while retaining the method's faking-resistant property. The approach draws on concepts from Coombs's unfolding models and modern item response theory to develop a theoretical model of the judgment process used to answ...
Previous research has suggested that providing informative cues about interrupting stimuli aids management of multiple tasks. However, auditory and visual cues can be ineffective in certain situations. The objective of the present study was to explore whether attention-directing tactile cues aid or interfere with performance. A two-group posttest-o...
This paper describes a new attrition screen for non-high school diploma graduate (NHSDG) applicants for service in the U.S. Army. A sample of 21,432 NHSDG Army accessions from FY00 through FY03 was used in the model development process. The new screen combines several indicators of adaptability from the motivational, mental, and physical fitness do...
The purpose of the current study was to investigate the interrelationship of general cognitive ability and vocational interest in the context of person-vocation fit. Drawing on evidence of systematic differences in the average cognitive complexity of occupational domains and the tenets of the gravitational hypothesis, we propose a set of hypotheses...
The U.S. Total Army Personnel Command requested an evaluation of the Army Continuing Education System (ACES) to demonstrate its value in improving enlisted soldier retention and performance. This report describes the planning of the evaluation, including a review of the relevant research literature and the development of evaluation and database dev...
The effects of faking on criterion-related validity and the quality of selection decisions are examined in the present study by combining the control of an experiment with the realism of an applicant setting. Participants completed an achievement motivation measure in either a control group or an incentive group and then completed a performance tas...
The development and initial evaluation of a measure of motivational traits, the Motivational Trait Questionnaire (MTQ), is described. Based upon theorizing by Kanfer and Heggestad (In B.M. Staw, & L.L. Cummings (Eds.), Research in organizational behaviour, vol. 19 (pp. 1–56). Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, Inc.) development of the MTQ began by identifyi...
The authors review the development of the modern paradigm for intelligence assessment and application and consider the differentiation between intelligence-as-maximal performance and intelligence-as-typical performance. They review theories of intelligence, personality, and interest as a means to establish potential overlap. Consideration of intell...
We report a series of investigations that focus on the nature of motivational skills and self-regulation for learning as traits, in contrast to consideration of self-regulation as resulting from particular interventions. In this context, we consider how self-report measures of motivational and self-regulation skills relate to other traits, such as...
Personality testing in organizational research and HR practice has had a long and tumultuous history. After a lengthy period of excitement and widespread use beginning in the early 1900s, a failure to identify clear patterns of validity for personality measures in the prediction of job performance (Ghiselli & Barthol, 1953; Guion & Gottier, 1965) r...