Eric GoemaereInstitute of Natural Sciences
Eric Goemaere
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Publications (117)
Early Neolithic (Linear Pottery Culture) adzes originate from settlements and workshops accompany the neolithization of Belgium. They are made from a wide range of extraregional lithic raw materials such as metamorphic green rocks (amphibolite) and black volcanic rocks (“basalt’) beside more local or regional raw material as flints, light-coloured...
La villa gallo-romaine de la Grande Boussue est située sur le versant méridional du bassin de la Haine, en province de Hainaut (Belgique). Les campagnes de fouilles successives, menées à la fin du xixe s., puis de 1964 à 1985, démontrent l’étendue et la richesse de cet établissement rural de la cité des Nerviens, distant de 16 km à peine de sa capi...
Classification schemes and current terminology of Phanerozoic sedimentary iron deposits, particularly that of oolitic ironstones.
Ornaments and fragments of fluorite have been found at sixteen Neolithic sites in Belgium and Northern France,mainly Middle Neolithic sites associated with the Michelsberg culture and the Spiere and Chassean groups. These
sites are located in a large geographical area representing different types of sites and various geological backgrounds. One of...
Along the southern North Sea coast, Roman salt production sites are characterised by extensive refuse zones containing large quantities of what has been described as ‘salt slags’. These ‘salt slags’ are in fact amorphous, heavily vitrified waste materials. This is rather surprising since large-scale vitrification has never been associated with the...
Le coticule est une roche métamorphique d’âge ordovicien uniquement présente dans la partie sud du Massif de Stavelot sur les communes de Vielsalm et Lierneux. Il se présente en couches d’épaisseur centimétrique constituées de cristaux micrométriques de spessartite, de microphyllites de micas, ainsi que de quartz inframicrométriques. Ses propriétés...
Disposés en chapelets, les gisements de terres plastiques d’Andenne occupent des remplissages de cryptokarsts à argiles blanches ou colorées et associés à 3 bandes de calcaires dinantiens ou frasniens orientées E-W. Sables, lignites et argiles tertiaires (Néogène) se sont accumulés au fur et à mesure de la dissolution karstique formant une poche po...
Lead isotope analyses (by MC-ICP-MS) have been performed on lead-glazed pottery artefacts from several production and consumption sites in the Meuse basin (Belgium) spanning a long-time period from the 9th to the 16th century CE. Comparison of the lead isotope data of the glazes from three Mosan workshops with those of galenas from Palaeozoic (Vari...
This paper presents the results of laser ablation – inductively coupled plasma – mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) analysis of the clay fraction in 70 Late Mesolithic and Early/Middle Neolithic pottery sherds from the Scheldt basin and 10 sampled sediments. The elemental concentration results were visualized using multivariate chemometric techniques an...
This article focuses on one of the rare workshops for the production of small copper-based alloy objects in the late Middle Ages documented by archaeology. Located in Brussels and dating from the early 15th century, the workshop produced a serial and varied production of dress accessories and other personal objects, mainly in brass, by casting or p...
Archaeometric study and sourcing of the raw material of the pottery produced in the Gallo-Roman settlement at Tourinnes-Saint-Lambert (Brabant Wallon, Belgium)
Archaeometric analysis of ceramic production at Tourinnes-Saint-Lambert shows that the local tertiary clay (very pure clay associated with the Paleocene/Eocene transition), outcropping under...
Tourinnes-Saint-Lambert est une agglomération mineure de la cité des Tongres. Elle n’a jamais fait l’objet de fouilles de grande ampleur et la connaissance qu’on en a, demeure lacunaire. Cependant, l’existence d’un atelier de potiers y est attestée depuis les premières recherches véritables menées au début du xx e s. Malheureusement, cette producti...
Myths and legends related to geological phenomena or stunning landscapes are common in the cross-border Ardennes Massif. They represent an important intangible geo-cultural heritage. Those legends add an extra dimension to the holistic experience of geoheritage in the western part of the Variscan Rhenish massif, which is also world famous for its I...
A Correction to this paper has been published: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12371-021-00556-w
Solène Denis, Isabelle Deramaix, Nicolas Cayol, Benjamin Gehres, Éric Goemaere, Louise Gomart, Caroline Hamon, Ivan Jadin, Dimitri Teetaert, Martin Zeebroek, 2021. « Ath "Les Haleurs", two villages LBK and Blicquy/Villeneuve-Saint-Germain: search For transition mechanisms through the integrated study of productions ». Organisés par : Solène Denis,...
Although prehistoric sites frequently contain numerous fragments and traces of many different kinds of colouring matter, intensive study of this type of archaeological remains began only recently. Such studies, aimed at determining how raw materials formed and changed over time, and how they were transported by the groups of humans who used them, a...
De Privas aux gorges du Gardon, de nombreuses ressources de matières minérales colorantes riches en fer sont disponibles dans les environs de sites ornés et d’habitat du Paléolithique supérieur au sein desquels des traces d’utilisation de telles matières ont été découvertes. La mise en contexte historique, paléo-anthropologique et -économique de ce...
Abstract : The funeral site of the Tienne del Baticulle in Nismes (Viroinval - Namur) was discovered in 2012 by a metal detectorist who unearthed a copper alloy basin, a bone comb and some fragments of human bones, and who directly informed the Cedarc/ Musée du Malgré-Tout. A first excavation campaign carried out in collaboration between the Cedarc...
Report of the 2017-2018 excavations in the Grotte Genvier at Matignolle (Treignes - Belgium). Late Neolithic mortuary site with traces of passage at the end of the Late Palaeolithic.
GOEMAERE, E., BAELE, J.-M., DEJONGHE, L. TOURNEUR, F. & YANS, J. (2020). - Les ressources minérales du Massif ardennais. : 47-50. In : Meilliez & Goemaere. Le massif ardennais. Un jeune massif ancien. Géochronique, 154 :14-60.
Direct dates of pottery obtained from food crusts or other organic residues on the vessel surfaces can be affected by a reservoir effect and/or an old wood effect and therefore be unreliable. Hence, there is a need for alternative ways to directly date pottery. Moss is used as temper by several cultural groups of the late 6th to early 4th millenniu...
In : Burke A. L. (éd.), «L’archéométrie dans tous ses états. Perspectives interdisciplinaires sur une discipline en constante évolution / Archaeometry in all of its states: interdisciplinary perspectives for a discipline in constant evolution», XXIIe colloque du Groupe des Méthodes Pluridisciplinaires Contribuant à l'Archéologie, Université de Mont...
Summary : Associated with local adzes, composed of flint and sandstone or imported basalt or “greenstone” alpine rocks, there is a lesser known substitute comprised of black rocks accompanying the neolithization of Belgium. These black adzes originate from settlements (Linear Pottery Culture) and workshops. This research allows the characterization...
Brick samples from different archaeological sites represent mostly houses in Brussels (Belgium) built between the end of the Middle ages (end of 13th-beginning 14th centuries) and the end of the Modern Period (18th century). The study gives a mineralogical–petrographical–chemical characterization of the brick samples made in the Brussels-Region and...
The mausoleum of Vervoz-Fecheroux, erected in the civitas Tungrorum, has been known for a long time and was recently further investigated on the basis of an exhaustive inventory of four hundred and two fragments displayed, for the most significant pieces, at the Grand Curtius in Liege (Belgium). The mausoleum is comparable to the famous funeral mon...
The Trou de Chaleux is a cave site located in Belgium. It delivered a rich late Magdalenian material culture constituted mainly of lithic artefacts but also including bone industries and figurative art. This paper presents the results of the analysis of the large collection of bird remains recovered by E. Dupont in 1865, which was yet unstudied fro...
En 2014, les fouilles archéologiques préventives réalisées par Monument Vandekerckhove aux abords du village d’Oostvleteren (Flandre occidentale) ont révélé les vestiges d’un atelier métallurgique daté entre la fin du Xe et le début du XIe siècle. Établi aux confins du pagus de l’Yser, le domaine de Fletrinio in pago Isseretio est caractéristique d...
The macrolithic stone assemblages of four wetland sites – Doel “Deurganckdok” B and M, Bazel “Sluis” and Melsele “Hof ten Damme” – located in the sandy lowlands of northern Belgium were studied as part of a larger project investigating all material culture remains in view of understanding the neolithization process of the Lower Scheldt basin. These...
Pré- et Protohistoire de la commune de Libramont-Chevigny, Province de Luxembourg, Belgique. Synthèse des découvertes anciennes et récentes.
Societies rely on a secure, responsible and affordable supply of resources to meet their basic needs, in order to live life in a safe and healthy environment. The natural resources from the subsurface, i.e. groundwater, geo-energy and raw materials, represent essential elements in this provision. Safety from catastrophic events, such as those linke...
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the Roman period cross-Channel exchange of calcareous sandstone-type whetstones derived from the Weald (Sussex, UK). This particular type of whetstone is reported for the first time from several Roman sites on the Continent, more specifically in Belgium, France and the Netherlands. The morphology, geologi...
For some years, a French-Belgian team of archaeologists and geologists is investigating the provenance of ancient quern-stones and millstones. Their study revealed the frequent occurrence of particular coarse sandstones derived from Lower Devonian strata in the Ardenne region, known as either the “Arkose of Haybes” by geologists or the “Arkose of M...
1. IntroductionThe Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg is divided into two main geographical regions, the Eisleck (Oesling in German) to the north (32% of the area) and the Guttland to the south (68% of the area). They correspond to two main geological provinces of the country (Fig. 1).Figure 1. Location map of the studied area.In the Eisleck region, lithost...
This study aims to determine the nature, provenance and supply networks of stone tools from daily life such as querns and millstones, whetstones, the cosmetic palettes, etc., at the Civitas Menapiorum. This site in the north of the Roman province of Gallia Belgica is in a territory that is characterised by the virtual absence of outcrops of hard ro...
This paper presents the results of a multi-disciplinary provenance study of Roman stone ointment palettes (1st–4th century AD) found in the northern part of the provinces of Gallia Belgica and Germania Inferior. Comparative analysis allowed a geo-archaeological team to identify the raw materials used for carving the palettes. Geological origins as...
Campagne de fouilles 2017 à la Grotte Genvier (Matignolle, Viroinval - Prov. de Namur). Deux individus humains, probablement du Néolithique ont pu être découverts.
This paper focuses on the latest research on the production of Roman whetstones in northern Gaul. To date, little has been written about this specialised industry. However, three workshops producing whetstones were discovered recently in the north of Gaul in Buizingen (Province of Flemish Brabant, Belgium), Nereth (Province of Liège, Belgium) and L...
This paper presents the results of a multi-disciplinary provenance study of querns and millstones during the Roman period (1st-4th century CE) in the northern part of the Roman Empire (provinces of Gallia Belgica and Germania Inferior). Comparative petrographical, mineralogical and geochemical analysis allowed an international team of archaeologist...
Identifying the geological and geographical origin of lithic raw materials is critical to effectively address prehistoric forager raw material economies and mobility strategies. Currently, Paleolithic archaeology in Belgium lacks a systematic sourcing strategy to effectively substantiate detailed interpretations of prehistoric hunter-gatherer behav...
Since a few years a French-Belgian team of archeologists and geologists work on the characterization of ancient quern stones and millstones (mainly from the Antique period) linked with the identification of their stratigraphical and geographical provenances. This fruitful collaboration aims at reconstructing the ancient commercial roads and economi...
Through a combined historical and archaeological approach, this paper reports the mechanisms that allowed the city of Brussels to recover, quite rapidly, after the destruction caused by the bombardment of 1695. Two research approaches are used: the first analyzes the measures set up by the city and the central government to promote the material rec...
Early Neolithic & Mesolithic oolitic ironstones from Basse-Normandie (France): chemical and physical characterization and provenance study ". Oolitic ironstones (OIS) disccovered at archaeological (Early Neolithic & Mesolithic) sites in the Caen region (Bas-se-Normandie, France) were analyzed and compared with Ordovician OIS sampled in geological s...
“Chemical and physical characterization and provenance study of oolitic hematites found both in early Neo-
lithic sites of Hesbaye (Province of Liège, Belgium) and Neolithic sites from the Dendre River springs (Hainaut province, Belgium)”.
Oolitic ironstones (OIS) are red raw materials producing a strong red pigment that are frequently encountered...
Analyse critique du protocole de caractérisation des hématites oolithiques mis en place dans le cadre du projet collectif de recherche sur L'origine des hématites oolithiques exploitées durant la Préhistoire récente entre l'Eifel (DE) et la Normandie (FR) Abstract Critical analysis of the methodological approach, set up for the characterization of...
Appartient à la collection : Etudes et recherches archéologiques de l'Université de Liège (ERAUL), ISSN 0777-2173 ; 143
The Stavelot-Venn inlier (also called as the Stavelot-Venn Massif) exposes a thick series of sedimentary rocks that have been intensely deformed and fractured by two succeeding orogenies (Caledonian and Hercynian). In addition, the Massif has been metamorphised into greenschists (at least at its southern border), subsequently cut by a large collaps...
The compositional signature of the medieval ceramics produced at Autelbas was established using petrological, granulometric, geochemical and analyses by diffractometry. The ceramics are made of kaolinitic non-calcareous fine clays, quartz grains (in the size range of silt or fine sand) with no added temper. Petrography and geochemistry show that th...
The compositional signature of the medieval ceramics produced at Autelbas was established using petrological, granulometric, geochemical and diffractometry analyses. The ceramics are made of kaolinitic non-calcareous fine clays, quartz grains (in the size range of silt or fine sand) with no added temper. Petrography and geochemistry show that the a...