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Skills and Expertise
Publications (403)
This study aimed to examine the relationship between problem gambling and subjective well-being in the general population. Previous research on the subject has shown that problem gambling has varied harmful consequences, while controlled gambling could lead to recreation, sharing with others, and achieving higher levels of well-being. A representat...
The various systems of diagnosis and classification of mental disorders underline the need to evaluate the interference caused by the different disorders in a person’s daily life. The Maladjustment Inventory (MI) evaluates the impairment in the individual’s functioning in a brief and self-applied way, through six items. The objective of...
A pesar de la existencia de una mayor sensibilización social y de las medidas adoptadas por las Administraciones Públicas, todavía no se han logrado frenar los casos de feminicidio de pareja en nuestro país. En este artículo se analizan las variables psicológicas más relevantes de los feminicidas en el marco de la interacción entre víctimas y agres...
The consulting provided by forensic psychology professionals to judges and courts on matters related to fundamental rights and freedoms or public safety requires enormous professional specialization. Paradoxically, in Spain despite the fact that as a scientific discipline it has developed exponentially in recent decades. This article presents up to...
RESUMEN El SOGS (Lesieur y Blume, 1987) es un cuestionario de 20 ítems, basado en los criterios diagnósticos de juego patológico del DSM-111 y del DSM-111-R, que sirve para evaluar la dependencia al juego tanto en sujetos normales como en pacientes. En este articulo se describe la validación de este instrumento en una muestra española, que contó co...
Este trabajo recoge las ponencias plenarias del 17º Simposio Internacional de Victimología de la Sociedad Mundial de Victimología, celebrado, por primera vez en España, en 2022 en Donostia/San Sebastián, organizado por la Sociedad Mundial de Victimología, el Instituto Vasco de Victimología (UPV/EHU) y la Sociedad Vasca de Victimología. La obra perm...
Based on the original 22-item single-factor questionnaire, the 10-item second-order Acceptance and Action Questionnaire for Weight-Related Difficulties-Revised (AAQW-R) was developed for measuring weight-related experiential avoidance. This instrument showed good psychometric properties, and it has been validated to different contexts. However, no...
El objetivo de esta investigación fue conocer las distorsiones cognitivas referentes a la inferioridad de las mujeres, la culpabilización, la desresponsabilización y creencias erróneas sobre los roles sexuales que legitiman la violencia como forma de solucionar los conflictos. Método: se realizó un estudio de tipo descriptivo y comparativo entre mu...
The objective of this study is to validate The Gambler's Beliefs Questionnaire, a measure of gamblers' cognitive distortions. The psychometric properties of the scale were analyzed with a Spanish sample of 515 participants aged from 16 and 24 years. Three scales related to pathological gambling (SOGS-RA and MAGS) and to social desirability were adm...
Establecer perfiles psicológicos considerando el tipo de delito sexual es relevante para el desarrollo de tra- tamientos psicológicos diferenciados. Así, se examinaron las diferencias en las características demográficas, delictivas, de personalidad, psicopatológicas y psicopáticas entre quie- nes han cometido delitos sexuales contra menores de edad...
Despite the negative influence of cannabis use on the development and prognosis of first-episode psychosis (FEP), there is little evidence on effective specific interventions for cannabis use cessation in FEP. The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of a specific cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for cannabis cessation (CBT-CC) with trea...
Depression and anxiety are both prevalent among university students. They frequently co-occur and share risk factors. Yet few studies have focused on identifying students at highest risk of first-onset and persistence of either of these conditions.
Multicenter cohort study among Spanish first-year university students. At baselin...
The main objectives of this paper have been to analyze the emotional dependency in battered and non-battered women when they are involved in lasting relationships with the Partner’s Emotional Dependency Scale (SED; Camarillo et al., 2020). The relationship was examined between emotional dependency and clinical and personality variables (anxiety, de...
Estudios previos han señalado el importante papel que desempeña la dependencia emocional en el hombre en la dinámica del mantenimiento de la violencia contra la pareja. Los objetivos principales de este trabajo han sido estudiar la dependencia emocional y otras variables psicológicas asociadas (ansiedad, depresión, autoestima e ira) en hombres malt...
Ser víctima de un suceso violento en la infancia conlleva un mayor riesgo en el desarrollo de problemas
emocionales, de conducta y sociales. Sin embargo, no todos los menores muestran consecuencias negativas
graves. La mayor o menor resiliencia va a depender del equilibrio emocional previo, del grado de autoestima,
del estilo cognitivo y del tipo d...
IntroductionOne of the most consolidated classifications of adolescents adjudicated for sexual offending (ASO) is based on their antisocial behavior background. This allows identifying sex-only and sex-plus ASO. However, limited research related to this classification has been focused on relevant risk factors, such as sexual development, and none o...
Several studies have examined acceptance and commitment therapy’s (ACT) effectiveness for addressing physical and psychological distress people with obesity can face. Nevertheless, no review focusing specifically on ACT analyzing randomized controlled trials (RCT) has been done up to date in this field. The present systematic review was developed f...
PurposeTo investigate the associations of childhood adversities (CAs) with lifetime onset and transitions across suicidal thoughts and behaviors (STB) among incoming college students.Methods
Web-based self-report surveys administered to 20,842 incoming college students from nine countries (response rate 45.6%) assessed lifetime suicidal ideation, p...
There is evidence that early intervention contributes to improving the prognosis and course of first-episode psychosis (FEP). However, further randomised treatment clinical trials are needed.
The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of a combined clinical treatment involving Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)...
El artículo analiza la aportación de la prueba pericial psicológica al proceso judicial, así como los diferentes roles desempeñados por los psicólogos. Se describen los diferentes temas sobre los que cabe solicitar un dictamen a un psicólogo y se valora el rol procesal del psicólogo en el juicio, con especial mención a las diferencias entre su actu...
Online alcohol screening may be helpful in preventing alcohol use disorders. We assessed psychometric properties of an online version of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) among Spanish university students. We used a longitudinal online survey (the UNIVERSAL project) of first-year students (18–24 years old) in five universities,...
Although a very small group of adolescents adjudicated for sexual offending (ASO) will persist into adulthood, the use of official records of sexual recidivism after long-term follow-up periods underrates the repetition of sexually coercive behaviors during adolescence. Additionally, limited research has considered sexual reoffending as a criterion...
Although several interventions that target obesity have been examined, the success of these interventions in generating and maintaining positive results has yet to be confirmed. This study protocol therefore presents a trial aimed at analyzing the effectiveness of a well-being-centered acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)- and mindfulness-based...
Social cognition has been associated with functional outcome in patients with first episode psychosis (FEP). Social cognition has also been associated with neurocognition and cognitive reserve. Although cognitive reserve, neurocognitive functioning, social cognition, and functional outcome are related, the direction of their associatio...
Citación: Echeburúa-Odriozola, E. (2020). Abusos sexuales en la infancia: ¿Por qué se recuerdan o revelan años después? Revista Mexicana de Psicología, 37(2), 67-76. Revista Mexicana de Psicología, Julio-diciembre 2020 Volumen 37, Número 2, 67-76 orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7654-0781 Confl icto de intereses: El autor de este artículo declara...
This chapter deals with the new developments in the treatment of disordered gambling with or without other psychiatric comorbidities, as well as with the challenges for further research. Abstinence versus moderated gambling as therapeutic goals is an issue that raises many concerns and that needs to be addressed. Current psychological treatment for...
It is estimated that juvenile sexual offences constitute about 7% of the total annual rate of sexual offences in Spain. Nevertheless, research on Spanish juvenile sex offenders (JSO) is virtually non-existent. This paper analyzes the risk factors related to sexual violence committed by adolescents.
The participants were 73 ad...
Emotional dependency in a partner implies an excessive permanent affectional bonding to the other individual that is dysfunctional, associated with low self-esteem and conceals a lack of affection. Emotional dependency generates a series of negative emotional consequences: symptoms of anxiety and depression, obsessive thoughts, sleep...
Background: The university period carries risk for onset of common mental disorders. Epidemiological knowledge on mental disorders among Spanish university students is limited.
Aims: To estimate lifetime and 12-month prevalence, persistence and age-of-onset of mental disorders among Spanish first-year university students, as well as associated role...
Cognitive biases or distortions related to gambling, present in all people, are considered a relevant factor in the development of gambling-related problems.
to establish whether the presence of these biases or cognitive distortions, in gamblers and non-gamblers, is related to the presence of gambling problems.
3000 people ag...
Objective: This paper describes the results of testing a multi-component psychological therapy that includes integrated psychological therapy (IPT), together with an adaptation of emotional management therapy (EMT), versus treatment as usual (TAU), delivered in a community mental health setting for individual with chronic schizophrenia. We investig...
Social cognition has been associated with functional outcome in patients with first episode psychosis (FEP). Social cognition has also been associated with neurocognition and cognitive reserve. Although cognitive reserve, neurocognitive functioning, social cognition, and functional outcome are related, the direction of their associations...
To assess gender differences in the association between risk/protective factors and suicidal thoughts and behaviors (STB); and whether there is any gender-interaction with those factors and STB; among Spanish university students.
Data from baseline online survey of UNIVERSAL project, a multicenter, observational study of first-year...
To assess the accuracy of WMH-ICS online screening scales for evaluating four common mental disorders (Major Depressive Episode[MDE], Mania/Hypomania[M/H], Panic Disorder[PD], Generalized Anxiety Disorder[GAD]) and suicidal thoughts and behaviors[STB] used in the UNIVERSAL project.
Clinical diagnostic reappraisal was carried out...
Little is known yet about gender-related differences among pathological gamblers in clinical samples because available data on the etiology and treatment of pathological gambling (PG) have involved predominantly male patients. However, significant gender differences exist in the clinical presentation of pathological gambling. Female gamblers are ol...
El objetivo de este trabajo fue conocer la prevalencia de probable ludopatía en una muestra no aleatoria de reclusos hombres y mujeres (N = 334), localizados en cinco centros penitenciarios. Se empleó un cuestionario en dos versiones. La parte común a ambas formas incluyó el Cuestionario Breve de Juego Patológico ([CBJP]; Fernández-Montalvo, Báez,...
Effective group psychological therapies in the chronic phases of schizophrenia are rare. This paper describes the results of testing a group therapy that includes integrated psychological therapy (IPT) together with an adaptation of emotional management therapy (EMT), delivered in a sample of outpatients with chronic schizophrenia.
First-onset and Persistence of Suicidal Ideation in University Students: A One-year follow-up study
Author links open overlay panelMaria JesúsBlascoabcGemmaVilagutacItxasoAlayoacJoséAlmenaradAna IsabelCebriàefEnriqueEcheburúagAndreaGabilondohMargalidaGiliiCarolinaLagaresdJosé AntonioPiquerasjMiquelRocaiVictoriaSoto-SanzjLauraBallesterackArantxaUrda...
The chronic phase of schizophrenia is characterized by illness progression and patients encountering difficulties to return to premorbid level of functioning. The objective of this study was to describe the characteristics of a sample of patients with chronic schizophrenia, as well to assess differences between patients under and over 45 years of a...
In this paper the relationship between traumatic memories and coping skills to deal with them is analyzed. Traumatic memories are difficult to be integrated into the survivor's life story and can significantly interfere with social, educational and occupational functioning. From a psychopathological point of view, a distinction between normal and t...
In Spain gender violence is poorly defined in Organic Law 1/2004, focused on comprehensive protection measures for women, because it only includes intimate partner violence. Different forms of gender-based violence against women, such as rape, sexual harassment, mob violence, or trafficking in women, are excluded from this law. Gender violence depe...
El perdón no es olvido, pues para perdonar es ineludible la memoria del agravio. La capacidad de perdonar depende de la percepción de la ofensa, del sistema de valores y de la concepción de la vida de la víctima, así como de la actitud del ofensor. El perdón puede tener unos efectos psicológicos positivos para la víctima: no vivir atormentada por e...
The aim of the present study was to investigate stereotypes and prejudices among children and schoolteachers toward overweight/obesity. Two thousand fifty-five 8- to 12-year-olds and their teachers took part in the study. Children’s body mass index, children’s perceptions of overweight/obesity and teachers’ assessment of school adjustment were meas...
This study aimed to determine whether self-esteem and negative affect sequentially mediate the relationship between body dissatisfaction and disordered eating. A total of 806 adolescents (61.8% females) completed the Drive for Thinness, Bulimia, and Body Dissatisfaction subscales of the Eating Disorder Inventory-2, the Anxiety and Depression subsca...
We report on the prevalence of suicidal thoughts and behaviors in Spanish university students and their risk and protective factors (distal/proximal; individual/environmental).
First‐year university students completed an online survey including Self‐Injurious Thoughts and Behaviors Interview (SITBI) items, the screening version o...
El abuso sexual en la infancia es un fenómeno relativamente frecuente y tiene graves consecuencias para el desarrollo del menor. La víctima suele demorar la revelación del abuso sexual por temor a una reacción negativa de su entorno o por amenazas del abusador. El abuso sexual infantil se lleva a cabo habitualmente en la intimidad, por lo que no ha...
Although the presence of a gambling disorder (GD) together with another mental disorder poses special treatment challenges, such as relapses, severe outcomes for patients and families, and increased number of hospitalizations, there are only a few critical reviews in the literature.
To review empirical evidence of psychologi...
El objetivo de este trabajo fue obtener las propiedades psicométricas del Cuestionario Breve de Juego Patológico (CBJP, Fernández-Montalvo, Echeburúa y Báez, 1995), así como determinar la prevalencia de probable juego patológico en una muestra no aleatoria (n=5858) de estudiantes de formación superior de todas las ciudades capital de Colombia. El C...
The development of an effective instrument to assess the risk of partner violence is a topic of great social relevance. This study evaluates the scale of “Predicción del Riesgo de Violencia Grave Contra la Pareja” –Revisada– (EPV-R - Severe Intimate Partner Violence Risk Prediction Scale-Revised), a tool developed in Spain, which is fa...
The emergence of addictive problems associated with the development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) is a challenge for mental health in modern societies. For this reason, the Spanish Mental Health Strategy, currently in project, includes the problem of “emerging addictions” in young people, in the 14 mental health topics to be...
Se presenta la versión forense (EGS-F) de la Escala de Gravedad de Síntomas del trastorno de estrés postraumático (TEPT) según los criterios diagnósticos del DSM-5. Se analizan la gravedad de los síntomas, así como la probable simulación y exageración de síntomas en víctimas de violencia de género en un contexto forense. La muestra contó con 526 ví...
The main purpose of this paper is to point out the differences between psychological intimate partner violence (IPV) as usual strategy and relational process and a dysfunctional relationship in which partners do not know how to deal with everyday problems or how to negotiate the break-up process and manage the negative emotional states. In this pap...
The aim of the study is to assess distorted cognitions against women and violence in a sample of 2,919 secondary school students who speak Basque (mean age = 14.72, SD = 1.51). With this aim, the Inventory of Distorted Thoughts towards Women and Violence (IDTWV) by Echeburua and Fernandez-Montalvo (1998) was validated. It was translated into Basque...
Men who batter are often affected by cognitive distortions related to gender roles and the legitimization of violence as a valid way to solve conflicts. The objectives of this research were: to analyze the psychometric properties of the Inventory of Distorted Thoughts about Women and the Use of Violence-Revised (IPDMUV-R), to delete non-updated ite...
Gambling disorder (GD) in individuals with chronic schizophrenia is relevant because there are higher rates of GD in schizophrenic populations (10%) than in the non-schizophrenic population (1-5%). In addition, these patients have more severe alcohol use disorder (i.e., meeting at least 6 of the DSM-5 11 criteria for diagnosis of this disorder), hi...
The aim of the study was to assess distorted cognitions regarding women and violence in a sample of 2,919 Basque-speaking secondary school students (mean age = 14.72, SD = 1.51). To this end, the Inventory of Distorted Thoughts about Women and Violence (IDTWV) by Echeburúa and Fernández-Montalvo (1998) was validated. It was translated into Basque u...
Over the past 20 years, research shows that families of people affected by severe mental illness (schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and addiction) may suffer emotional distress and lack of self-esteem.
In this study, long-term effectiveness of a cognitive-behavioral treatment designed for relatives of people with severe mental i...
The high rate of cannabis use among patients with first-episode psychosis (FEP), as well as the associated negative impact on illness course and treatment outcomes, underlines the need for effective interventions in these populations. However, to date, there have been few clinical treatment trials (of pharmacological or psychological i...
Introducción: los problemas relacionados con el peso constituyen un problema importante de salud pública debido a su alta prevalencia y a las adversas consecuencias que tienen para la salud.Objetivo: el objetivo principal de este estudio fue analizar si la depresión y la ansiedad tienen un papel mediador en la relación entre la insatisfacción corpo...
the posttraumatic stress Disorder (ptsD) symptom severity scale-revised is a 21-item structured interview based in DSM-5 criteria and intended to assess the severity of the symptoms of this mental disorder. This paper describes the psychometric properties of this instrument for assessing PTSD. The sample consisted of 526 patients who had been victi...
Background. Suicide is a leading cause of death among young people. While suicide prevention is considered a research and intervention priority, longitudinal data is needed to identify risk and protective factors associate with suicidal thoughts and behaviors. Here we describe the UNIVERSAL (University and Mental Health) project which aims are to:...
There are many reasons why men who batter should be psychologically treated. In this paper the most relevant mental disorders, such as substance use disorder, pathological jealousy, and antisocial, borderline, narcissistic and paranoid personality disorders, and psychological deficits of batterer men, such as anger, emotional difficulties, cognitiv...
There is a strong link between drug use and crime, but this relationship is complex. Drug use does not necessarily lead to an increase in crimes, such as theft, rape or assault, even among regular users or addicts. However, in cases of individuals who consume drugs excessively and commit crimes, both factors are linked. Poverty, personality disorde...
En la opinión pública la esquizofrenia se vincula frecuentemente con la violencia. Si bien hay una asociación entre ambas, menos del 10% de la violencia social experimentada es atribuible a la esquizofrenia. El riesgo de violencia de los pacientes con esquizofrenia es mayor si hay consumo de drogas, trastornos de personalidad, historia de violencia...
En el presente artículo se aborda la violencia en la relación de pareja a partir de los datos derivados de la investigación científica. Se describen dos tipos básicos de violencia: la violencia coactiva y la violencia situacional (asociada a la gestión de los problemas cotidianos o al manejo del proceso de ruptura). A partir de esta distinción se p...
El objetivo de este trabajo fue realizar una revisión bibliográfica actual y complementaria de los últimos meta-análisis sobre factores de riesgo de la violencia de género. Este trabajo confirma que en el nivel socio-comunitario el bajo nivel educativo, el bajo desarrollo económico del país, pocos derechos sociales, la falta de democratización del...
The aim of this study was to conduct a complementary to current and recent meta-analysis of risk factors to intimate partner violence literature review. This work confirms that on community-level, low economic development and democracy, lack of social rights, culture of honor and masculine culture - characterized by sexist attitudes and tolerance t...
Within a critical victimological perspective we present and discuss fi ndings of a pioneer and specifi c victimization survey on terrorism. This study was developed in the Basque Country at the end of 2013, two years after ETA's ceasefi re declaration. Our concrete objective is to assess the well-being of victims and their personal evaluation of po...
Psychological help or assistance may have different ways of presentation: crisis intervention, psychological counseling and psychological treatment. Spanish universities begin offering psychological support services around 25 years ago for the university community. This study presents descriptive data of 9 years of activity (from October 2002 to Oc...
This paper reviews the most relevant ethical and malpractice issues in Clinical and Forensic Psychology arising in Spanish courts of justice. The main issues related to malpractice include: a) lack of informed consent regarding diagnosis and psychological treatment, b) mistakes in diagnosis because of professional negligence, c) violation of the pr...
Late onset bipolar disorder (LOBD) is often difficult to distinguish from degenerative dementias, such as Alzheimer disease (AD), due to comorbidities and common cognitive symptoms. Moreover, LOBD prevalence in the elder population is not negligible and it is increasing. Both pathologies share pathophysiological neuroinflammation featu...
This chapter deals with the new developments in the treatment of disordered gambling, as well as with the challenges for further research. Abstinence versus moderated gambling as therapeutic goals is an issue that raises many concerns and that needs to be addressed. Current psychological treatment for disordered gambling involves a number of differ...
En este estudio se hace una revisión bibliográfica de las principales lesiones y secuelas psíquicas generadas en las víctimas de accidentes de tráfico, así como su mayor o menor prevalencia. Se valora el establecimiento del nexo causal que incluye algunas concausas anteriores, concomitantes y subsiguientes al accidente. Asimismo se analizan...
A personality disorder can be considered to be a generalized pattern of behaviors, cognitions, and emotions that is enduring, begins in adolescence or early adulthood, remains stable over time, and generates stress or psychological damage. The current focus on personality disorders (PDs) is found in Section II of DSM-5 and is unchanged compared to...
Little is known about gender-related differences among pathological gamblers in clinical samples because available data on the etiology and treatment of pathological gambling have involved predominantly male patients. However, significant gender differences in the clinical presentation of pathological gambling exist. Female gamblers are older than...
The aim of this paper is to show the different clinical forms in which suicidal behaviors manifest, put them in connection with various mental disorders, display warning signs, analyze risk and protective factors and discuss the possible clinical decisions that therapist can take. Relevant information about factors associated with completed and att...
The objective of this study was to analyse emotional distress and concerns related to body image in 712 normal-weight and overweight adolescent girls. A total of 12.3 per cent of the normal-weight girls and 25 per cent of the overweight girls showed extreme weight-control behaviours. In normal-weight adolescents, their engagement in extreme weight-...
Although depressive symptoms in first episode psychosis have been associated with cannabis abuse, their influence on the long-term functional course of FEP patients who abuse cannabis is unknown. The aims of the study were to examine the influence of subclinical depressive symptoms on the long-term outcome in first episode-psychosis pa...