Enrico Priolo

Enrico Priolo
National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics · Centre for Seismological Research

Degree (Italian Laurea) in Mathematics in 1982


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Enrico Priolo worked at the Center for Seismological Research of the National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics (OGS) until 2022, when he retired. However, he is still associated with the OGS and continues to be active in some specific areas of seismology.


Publications (247)
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Plain Language Summary Just as power banks store energy or artificial lakes store water for later use, depleted hydrocarbon reservoirs are used to store gas for later exploitation. Underground gas storage (UGS) is needed to optimize the distribution system and balance near‐constant production/distribution flows with variable market demand. It also...
Con questo volume, che fa parte della collana BookMS Manuali (download dal sito www. centromicrozonazionesismica.it), intendiamo raccogliere, organizzare e mettere in condivisione i principali elementi e insegnamentitratti dall'intensa attività svolta in questi ultimi due anni. In particolare, sono riportate indicazioni utili alle attività di racco...
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In August 2021, an extremely productive seismic sequence took place in northeastern Italy. Within 1 month, we identified and localized 407 microearthquakes in the area monitored by the local Collalto Seismic Network. This is about 20 times the average monthly rate of events detected in the last decade; 92% of them are clustered near the village of...
The detection level of a seismic network is a measure of its effective ability to record small earthquakes in a given area. It can vary in both space and time and depends on several factors such as meteorological conditions, anthropic noise, local soil conditions—all factors that affect the seismic noise level—as well as the quality and operating c...
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Seismic monitoring in areas where induced earthquakes could occur is a challenging topic for seismologists due to the generally very low signal to noise ratio. Therefore, the seismological community is devoting several efforts to the development of high-quality networks around the areas where fluid injection and storage and geothermal activities ta...
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Seismic monitoring in areas where induced earthquakes could occur is a challenging topic for seismologists due to generally very low signal to noise ratio. Therefore, the seismological com-munity is devoting several efforts to the development of high-quality networks around the areas where fluid injection and storage and geothermal activities take...
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We analysed the instrumental seismicity in a sector of the Po Plain (Italy) to define the baseline for seismic monitoring of a new underground gas storage plant that will use the depleted gas reservoir of Cornegliano Laudense, near Lodi. The target area – a square approximately 80 km × 80 km wide – is commonly considered aseismic. The analysed peri...
The application of earthquake recordings to the estimation of an event’s magnitude and the construction of rapid-response ground-motion maps requires an adequate classification of the recording stations in terms of their site response. For permanent stations, this information can be obtained from a sufficiently large database of past recordings. In...
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We analyse the instrumental seismicity in a sector of the Po Plain (Italy) with the aim of defining the baseline for seismic monitoring of a new underground gas storage plant that will use the depleted gas reservoir of Cornegliano Laudense, near Lodi. The target area – a square approximately 80 x 80 km wide – is commonly considered aseismic. The an...
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Underground fluid injection and extraction is able to change pore fluid pressure at depth and make faults unstable, due to friction-force reduction, with an increased possibility of triggering earthquakes. Studying the local seismicity, down to microearthquakes, and stress field in areas where such activities are developed are essential steps to di...
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This paper describes the seismological analyses performed within the framework of the seismic microzonation study for the reconstruction of 138 municipalities damaged by the 2016–2017 sequence in Central Italy. Many waveforms were recorded over approximately 15 years at approximately 180 instrumented sites equipped with permanent or temporary stati...
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Prompt detection and accurate location of microseismic events are of great importance in seismic monitoring at local scale and become essential steps in monitoring underground activities, such as oil and gas production, geothermal exploitation and underground gas storage, for implementing effective control procedures to limit the induced seismicity...
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The High Agri Valley is a tectonically active area in southern Italy characterized by high seismic hazard related to fault systems capable of generating up to M=7 earthquakes (i.e. the 1857 Mw=7 Basilicata earthquake). In addition to the natural seismicity, two different clusters of induced microseismicity were recognized to be caused by industrial...
Technical Report
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Seismic monitoring of the Veneto region recorded by the seismometric network of northeastern Italy managed by the National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics - OGS. Year 2019
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In this paper we evaluate the local seismic response for thirteen sites located in the municipalities of Arquata del Tronto and Montegallo, two areas which suffered heavy damage during the Mw 6.0 and Mw 5.4 earthquakes which struck Central Italy on August 24, 2016. The input dataset is made by ground motion recordings of 348 events occurred during...
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The High Agri Valley is a tectonically active area in southern Italy characterized by high seismic hazard related to fault systems capable of generating up to M=7 earthquakes (i.e., the 1857 Mw 7 Basilicata earthquake). In addition to the natural seismicity, two different clusters of induced microseismicity were recognized to be caused by industria...
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During the 2012 seismic sequence of the Emilia region (northern Italy), the earthquake ground motion in the epicentral area featured longer duration and higher velocity than those estimated by empirical-based prediction equations typically adopted in Italy. In order to explain these anomalies, we (1) build up a structural and geophysical 3-D digita...
Technical Report
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Annual monitoring of the seismicity recorded by the seismometric network of northeastern Italy managed by the National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics – OGS. Year 2018
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The study of seismic source parameters is crucial for understanding the origin of seismicity and retrieving information on the energy balance and the stress involved in earthquake rupture processes. In active tectonic areas, where underground industrial activities are carried out, such parameters may help to understand whether earthquakes are induc...
Technical Report
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Seismic monitoring of the Veneto region recorded by the seismometric network of northeastern Italy managed by the National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics - OGS. Year 2018
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During the 2012 seismic sequence of Emilia region (Northern Italy), the earthquake ground motion in the epicentral area featured longer duration and higher velocity than those estimated by empirical-based prediction equations typically adopted in Italy. In order to explain these anomalies, we (1) build up a structural and geophysical 3D digital mod...
Conference Paper
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Bibliografia Arpae;2018: Rilievo della subsidenza nella pianura emiliano-romagnola-Seconda fase https://www.arpae.it/ dettaglio_generale.asp?id=2045&idlivello=1425 Assomineraria-RIE; 2012: L'Importanza e le Opportunità dell'Industria Petrolifera Italiana. https://www.assomi-neraria.org/limportanza-e-le-opportunita-dellindustria-petrolifera-italiana...
Technical Report
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Rete di rilevamento sismico finalizzata al monitoraggio della sismicità naturale e microsismicità indotta presso la concessione di stoccaggio gas metano denominata "Collalto Stoccaggio" (TV) Contratto n. 1500117818 CO dd. 11/12/2017 Anno di esercizio 2018 Prima relazione annuale Prescr. min. di cui alla nota DVA-Direttore del CRS: Stefano Parolai R...
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A robust solution to the problem of the prompt detection and characterization of micro-seismic events is of great interest in the monitoring of the seismicity at local scale and is essential in the application of possible safety procedures related to induced seismicity. Given the large number of events handled by microseismic monitoring, automated...
Faults images can be obtained by several techniques able to investigate the earth crust at different depths, each one featuring its own resolution power and uncertainties. Besides to surface structural or geomorphological analyses and some geophysical methods, typically useful to map the fault plane trace or to detect its existence in the first hun...
Technical Report
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Edison Stoccaggio S.p.A. Rete di rilevamento sismico finalizzata al monitoraggio della sismicità naturale e microsismicità indotta presso la concessione di stoccaggio gas metano denominata "Collalto Stoccaggio" (TV) Anno di esercizio 2017-Seconda relazione annuale Prescr. min. di cui alla nota DVA-2013-0005150 dd. 27/03/2013 Responsabile scientific...
Technical Report
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Annual monitoring of the seismicity recorded by the seismometric network of northeastern Italy managed by the National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics – OGS. Year 2017
The site characterization in terms of the frequency‐dependent amplification of the ground motion is one of the main topics in engineering seismology. The generalized inversion technique (GIT) is a well‐established approach to evaluate the local amplification from the seismic records acquired during a seismological deployment. However, the implement...
This paper reports the results of a study aimed at analyzing the existing seismic monitoring infrastructures of underground activities for energy production. The study was carried out by the Italian National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics (OGS), in collaboration with the Italian National Research Council - Institute for Electromag...
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We estimate the Mw values of 1823 weak earthquakes (Mw≤4.0) that have occurred in northeastern Italy, an area with complex tectonics and moderate seismicity, using the method proposed by Atkinson et al. (2014). The Mw is obtained from the response spectra (SAs) at 1.0 s and 0.3 s, which have been properly corrected for path effects. After tuning a...
Technical Report
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Rete di rilevamento sismico finalizzata al monitoraggio della sismicità naturale e microsismicità indotta presso la concessione di stoccaggio gas metano denominata "Collalto Stoccaggio" (TV) Contratto n. 1500117249 UC dd. 09/01/2017 Anno di esercizio 2017 Prima relazione annuale Prescr. min. di cui alla nota DVA
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In this paper, we address the issue of evaluating the seismic site response for sites located on large alluvial plains, for which no reference sites can be identified, but some earthquakes can be simultaneously recorded at both surface and depth. In the proposed method, surface and borehole records are firstly used to assess the local 1D velocity m...
Technical Report
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Campagna sismometrica di Arquata-Montegallo 2016-2017 - Valutazione della risposta sismica locale dei comuni di Arquata del Tronto e Montegallo (AP)
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Due to the deep socioeconomic implications, induced seismicity is a timely and increasingly relevant topic of interest for the general public. Cases of induced seismicity have a global distribution and involve a large number of industrial operations, with many documented cases from as far back to the beginning of the 20th century. However, the spar...
Technical Report
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Seismic monitoring of the Veneto region recorded by the seismometric network of northeastern Italy managed by the National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics - OGS. Year 2017
Conference Paper
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After the seismic events occurred in Emilia (Italy) on May 20 th and May 29 th , 2012, the International Commission on Hydrocarbon Exploration and Seismicity in the Emilia Region (ICHESE) evaluated the possible links between E&P activities and the seismic activity in the area affected by the earthquakes. The Commission could not rule out the possib...
Conference Paper
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Il contributo descrive il " package " per Matlab realizzato presso l'OGS, per l'analisi spettrale delle forme d'onda di terremoti registrati da una rete sismica. Il package permette l'applicazione della tecnica d'inversione generalizzata (generalized inversion technique – GIT) per isolare nello spettro dei sismogrammi il contributo della sorgente s...
Conference Paper
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A stable and reliable estimation of the energy released by the seismic events is a fundamental step to understand the dynamic of the source processes even for earthquakes of small sizes recorded by local networks. In the case of seismic networks devoted to monitoring human activities carried out underground, such as oil/gas production, gas storage...
Conference Paper
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Underground gas storage is one of the industrial activities capable of inducing earthquakes and its development in areas of high seismic risk may cause anxiety among people. The need of working as close as possible to safety conditions becomes the minimum requirement to carry out such operations, which are crucial for the energetic policy of an ind...
Conference Paper
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The epistemic uncertainty in ground-motion prediction can be reduced with the aid of numerical modeling of seismic waves propagation. In this work we show how a good knowledge of the geological structure can be turned into quantitative site-specific features of the ground motion by means of High Performance Computing (HPC) tools for the numerical c...
Conference Paper
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We present preliminary results for a probabilistic seismic hazard assessment (PSHA) for an area centred around Collalto Stoccaggio, a natural gas storage facility in Northern Italy. The Collalto site is located at the outer front of the Venetian Alps fold and thrust belt, 50 km northwest of Venice in a region characterised by medium-high seismic ha...
Technical Report
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Rete di rilevamento sismico finalizzata al monitoraggio della sismicità naturale e microsismicità indotta presso la concessione di stoccaggio gas metano denominata “Collalto Stoccaggio” (TV) - Anno di esercizio 2016 - Prima relazione annuale
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Accurate and automated locations of microseismic events are desirable for many seismological and industrial applications. The analysis of microseismicity is particularly challenging because of weak seismic signals with low signal-to-noise ratio. Traditional location approaches rely on automated picking, based on individual seismograms, and make no...
Technical Report
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Edison Stoccaggio S.p.A. Rete di rilevamento sismico finalizzata al monitoraggio della sismicità naturale e microsismicità indotta presso la concessione di stoccaggio gas metano denominata "Collalto Stoccaggio" (TV) Anno di esercizio 2015-Seconda relazione annuale Prescr. min. di cui alla nota DVA-2013-0005150 dd. 27/03/2013 Responsabile scientific...
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One of the most critical problems affecting seismological data acquisition is related to possible misorientation of three-component seismic sensors. This generally happens when their orientation cannot be measured directly, as in the case of sensors deployed in boreholes. We describe here the sensor reorientation procedure of the Collalto Seismic N...
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The seismic hazard resulting from seismicity induced by human activity is not yet regulated in Italy. The presence of a significant natural seismicity complicates the differentiation of events possibly induced by human activity from ordinary natural seismicity, while it stimulates a comparison between the ground motion that can be expected due to t...