Endre DányiUniversity of the Bundeswehr Munich · Faculty of Social Sciences and Public Affairs
Endre Dányi
Dr. habil.
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I'm Professor for the Sociology of Globalisation at the University of the Bundeswehr in Munich. I'm also University Fellow at the Northern Institute at the Charles Darwin University, Australia, and co-editor of an Open Access book publisher called Mattering Press.
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October 2012 - June 2023
October 2006 - June 2012
October 2003 - August 2004
Publications (45)
Drawing on Judith Butler’s work and a series of studies associated with actor–network theory (ANT), this paper engages with political agency through the concept of performativity. Based on the empirical analysis of a hunger strike that took place in Brussels in 2012 and involved 23 illegal immigrants, we aim to achieve three things. First, we foreg...
This chapter examines whether parliaments are still privileged sites for studying politics and liberal democracy in three steps. In the first part, it presents the key terms of the title – politics, parliaments, liberal democracy – more or less as they appear in the Actor-Network Theory (ANT) literature. In the second part, in order to highlight a...
This paper focuses on a water management project in the remote Aboriginal community of Milingimbi, Northern Australia. Drawing on materials and experiences from two distinct stages of this project, we revisit a policy report and engage in ethnographic storytelling in order to highlight a series of sensing practices associated with water management....
In this paper, we explore possibilities for reconceptualising cosmopolitics by focusing on sites and situations where the problem of un/commonness plays a central role. Stemming from ethnographic research carried out as part of an ongoing collaboration called 'Landscapes of Democracy', we outline a study of democratic politics that extends beyond t...
How to engage with the recent crisis of liberal democracy in a politically productive manner? Using the example of Hungary, the first part of this paper contrasts two empirical strategies. The first takes inspiration from Science and Technology Studies (STS) and explores the conditions of critique within the architecture and infrastructure of liber...
I was recently asked to write a short piece for The EASST Review about mentoring and supervision. At first I thought I’d compose a note on the PhD process, the importance of letting go of being a good student, and the complications that may arise along the way. But then I realised most PhD students already know all of that – thankfully, in academia...
Many terms associated with contemporary politics – most notably ‘governing’ – refer to diverse skills and knowledges required to navigate a ship-as-a-polity and keep its crew content. However, while such skills and knowledges have been analysed extensively in the social sciences, there has been comparatively little discussion about the complex envi...
The present volume is the first contribution to Springer’s ‘Politische Ethno-
graphie’ book series, and as such helps to set the tone for subsequent monographs
and edited collections. It understands ethnography not simply as one research
method among others, but as a particular analytical stance—or a particular mode
of theorising. In this sense, it...
Arguably, we live in an era of hyperconnectivity. This is due not only to phenomena usually attributed to globalisation (e.g. an increase of trade, migration and mass tourism, digitalisation and the spread of social media, and climate change), but also to a radical transformation of sociology. In the past few decades, the latter has learned to exte...
The aim of this cumulative Habilitation is to explore the political-sociological implications of the assertion, that we're confronted not so much with a ‘climate crisis’ as the latest episode of the overall breakdown of modernity and the notion of progress. In the introduction I first review a small but highly significant literature on ‘the end of...
Experimenting with Ethnography collects twenty-one essays that open new paths for doing ethnographic analysis. The contributors—who come from a variety of intellectual and methodological traditions—enliven analysis by refusing to take it as an abstract, disembodied exercise. Rather, they frame it as a concrete mode of action and a creative practice...
A central promise of democratic politics has been that all issues, matters of concern, or problems relevant for a political community, can be dealt with in a standardised way. If climate change can be conceptualised as an issue at all, it is an issue that radically challenges this promise. As varying groups, communities and nations around the globe...
This paper aims to explore multiple problematisation processes through a former needle exchange programme run by Kék Pont (a non-governmental organisation) in the 8th district of Budapest. By presenting a collage of ethnographic stories, this paper attempts to preserve tacit knowledge associated with the programme and thereby keep its offic...
Present-day academic work is mostly done in English. What happens, or so the contributions to this monograph ask, when we open a few windows, let in some air, and invite elements drawn from other linguistic traditions into our texts? Doing so does not simply mean welcoming other words. Along with this it also changes the conditions, the terms, that...
This introduction to a special issue on parliaments identifies a tendency in STS to look for politics either inside or outside mainstream democratic institutions. Summarising the insights of the four contributions to the special issue, the introduction argues that-in light of current challenges to dominant modes of doing politics across the globe-t...
Es gibt viele Diskussionen über die aktuelle Krise der liberalen Demokratie. Der Aufschwung populistischer Bewegungen in Ost-und Westeuropa, das Brexit-Referendum, die Wahl von Donald Trump zum US-Präsidenten und Jair Bolsonaro zum Präsidenten Brasiliens (um nur die offensichtlichsten Beispiele zu nennen) wurden weithin als das Ende einer politisch...
Over the past few decades, Actor-Network Theory (ANT) has become a popular approach in the social sciences. Instead of providing a general overview, this chapter shows how ANT might be put to use when it comes to the empirical study of democratic politics. More precisely, drawing on historical and ethnographic research conducted on the Hungarian Pa...
Democratic politics is envisioned primarily as a politics of words. Nothing illustrates this better than the etymology of the term ‘parliament’, which comes from the Old French ‘parlement’ and refers to speaking or talk. Yet, as the imposing parliament buildings all over the world show, the politics of words is highly dependent upon a complex, well...
This chapter tries to stay faithful to the spirit of ANT and explore what happens to Actor-Network Theory when it is made to travel to the realm of politics. More precisely, based on ethnographic fieldwork I conducted in Lisbon in 2015, it shows how three key works – indicating three key episodes in the development of ANT – can be put to use in the...
What does it mean to personalize method? This essay by Endre Dányi is both a sociologist’s
historical study of the Hungarian Parliament building in the context of European democracy in crisis, and a means of activating the author’s own subjectivity. By walking us to archives,
through memories, and inside buildings, Dányi’s mobile narratives help us...
The term "mattering" in Mattering Press comes from science and technology studies (STS), which brings together a growing number social anthropologists, sociologists, human geographers, cultural economists, and many others with the aim of problematizing science's self-understanding as a disembedded and disembodied undertaking. STS as a field was est...
ThorpeNick. The Danube: A Journey Upriver from the Black Sea to the Black Forest. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2013. Pp. 328, illus. - Volume 47 - Endre Dányi
The central object of this chapter is the Hungarian parliament building, a neo-Gothic palace in the centre of Budapest, on the east bank of the Danube. Despite the fact that at the time of its opening, in 1902, this was the largest (and arguably the most impressive) parliament building in the world, for most political scientists it has been a large...
Democracy in Central Europe is said to have begun in 1989. This statement is relatively easy to maintain if one defines democracy as the presence of a particular set of abstract institutions and procedures, such as independent legislatures and regularly held elections, but the picture becomes more complicated when one looks at the actual places whe...
The central object of this thesis is the Hungarian Parliament – one of the largest and most impressive parliaments in the world – and yet it is neither about Hungary, nor about parliaments as such. Rather, it is about liberal democracy as a model of governance that after the fall of fascism and the collapse of communism appears to have no viable al...
This article shows how various meanings of a new communication technology are born or get transformed when placed in a different political context via a case study of a program organized by the Soros Foundation in 1984 to promote democratic values (the idea of an “open society”) in Hungary. This program, called the Xerox project, helped hundreds of...
The socio-political transformation induced in Central and Eastern Europe by the political turmoil of 1989-1990 happened in concordance with a communications revolution, characterized by the ubiquity of new media in many realms of life. Consequently, the use of information and communication technologies in political campaigns forced both institution...
A szociológia hagyományos eszköztára csak nehézkesen tudott lépést tartani az információs társadalom jelenségeivel, s ezért részben elvesztette korábbi domináns szerepét a társadalmi változásokat leíró és magyarázó tudományok között. Ez a tanulmány összefoglalja az ebben a témakörben elért fontosabb elméleti eredményeket, amelyek újszerűségük folyt...