Ena Marlina

Ena Marlina
Universitas Islam Malang | INISMA · Departement of Mechanical engineering


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Crude vegetable palm oil (CPO) is one of the natural resources that can be used as an alternative fuel[1];[2]. However, the presence of OH molecules in the carbon triglyceride chain has the potential to inhibit fuel combustion performance. Furthermore, the physical properties of CPO fuels have high density and viscosity. This makes the fuel difficult to burn at low temperatures[3] so that it has the potential to reduce fuel performance [4];[5];[6]. However, these factors makes the atomization pr


Publications (17)
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This study investigated the catalytic pyrolysis of polypropylene (PP) and low-density polyethylene (LDPE) using 10 wt.% red mud and 10 wt.% limestone catalysts in a batch reactor. The process was conducted at an operating temperature of 350°C with retention times of 30, 60, and 90 minutes. The effects of adding red mud and limestone catalysts on th...
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Penggunaan etanol sebagai bahan bakar semakin berkembang, sedangkan sumber energinya dihasilkan dari bahan bakar fosil yaitu dengan sumber daya alam yang tidak dapat diperbaharui sehingga suatu saat pasti akan menipis persediannya. Maka dari itu dibutukan bioetanol sebagai bahan bakar terbaharui, Bioetanol merupakan bahan bakar yang berbahan baku t...
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Voltage generation was obtained using a water droplet characterization on a taro (Colocasia esculenta L) leaf surface. This method relies on the superhydrophobic effect from the contact angle between the water droplet and the taro leaf’s surface allowing electron jumping and voltage generation. Water droplets were dropped on the top of taro leaf su...
The droplet evaporation characteristics of crude vegetable oils, including crude coconut oil (CCO), crude palm oil (CPO), crude jathropa oil (CJO), and crude sunflower oil (CSFO) mixed with and without nanocarbon (fullerene C60) were investigated. The nanocarbon was produced from the waste biomass-based coconut shell. The droplet evaporation experi...
Jabung village has a fairly high number of dairy farmers compared to other livelihoods, such as employees, farmers and laborers. This is a great potential for the village to become a special tourism village on dairy farmer edutourism. Currently, the village government is taking inventory of various potential villages that are developed to become to...
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Online learning is currently an alternative learning strategy for continuous learning amidst the limitations of face-to-face learning due to the spread of the Covid-19 outbreak. However, the implementation of online learning certainly does not only provide solutions but also provides obstacles in its implementation which results in the non-delivery...
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One of the strong candidates for biodiesel is Crude Coconut Oil (CCO) but its high viscosity cannot be applied directly without treatment. Therefore, nanocarbon is added to reduce the viscosity of CCO. Nanocarbon is a natural material with semiconductor properties, a good heat conductor, and can attract other molecules. By adding nanocarbon, it is...
The use of Crude Vegetable Oils (CVO) in diesel engine faces several problems related to viscosity and combustion characteristics. This research aims to reveal the role of 1.8-cineole on performance characteristics of vegetable oil droplets. In this study, bubble growth, ignition delay, micro-explosion, and flame evolution process with and without...
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Peran, Tantangan, Strategi, Transformasi dan Inovasi Kebijakan Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka. Bab Merdeka dalam Pengembangan Berkelanjutan adalah bagaimana mengimplementasikan aktivitas MBKM untuk peduli terhadap lingkungan hidup, kesejahteraan sosial dan ekonomi (bisnis, kewirausahaan) terhadap mahasiswa, agar menjadi kesadaran dari dalam diri (s...
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Research on the combustion behavior of a mixture of palm oil and carbon nanoparticles has been carried out. The burning phenomenon is observed through oil droplets that are ignited at the thermocouple junction, and the evolution of the droplets is recorded with a high-speed camera. The results indicate that the addition of carbon nanoparticles incr...
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Aktivitas keseharian manusia akan menghasilkan sampah, begitu juga dengan yang terjadi di Desa Wonoagung Kecamatan Tirtoyudo, Malang. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini membahas mengenai bagaimana proses pengelolaan sampah yang belum terstruktur dengan baik, dikarenakan proses dalam pengelolaan sampah belum memadai serta fasilitas dan kesadaran masy...
Program kerja ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan perekonomian masyarakat desa. Melihat dari keadaan warga desa, Tim KKN membuat program kerja yang berhubungan untuk pengembangan perekonomian desa Wonoagung, selain itu program kerja ini sebagai bentuk kreatifitas mahasiswa. Budidaya ikan lele merupakan suatu usaha yang menjanjikan untuk di geluti wak...
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Utilization of crude palm oils (CPO) as biodiesel faces difficulty due to their high level of viscosity. Mixing crude eucalyptus oils (CEO) with CPO may reduce the viscosity due to the presence of aromatic compounds in CEO. The single droplet analysis was performed to determine the characteristics of mixing CPO with the CEO. The results showed that...
Vegetable oils consist of glycerol and three variants of fatty acid. Each fatty acid gives different influence on ignition process which is important to be studied. Generally, fatty acids are categorized into polar and nonpolar fatty acids. Both of them have straight and bent molecule geometry. Their roles on evaporation and ignition are discussed...
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The effect of fatty acid polarity on the combustion characteristics of vegetable oils droplets, CCO and CJO vegetable oil droplets have been studied experimentally with atmospheric pressure and room temperature. The role of intermolecular forces on the combustion characteristics of vegetable oils droplets. CCO and CJO are multicomponent vegetable o...


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