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Publications (42)
The Tonghua area is located on the northeastern edge of the Eastern Block of the North China Craton (NCC), and connects the Northern Liaoning Block (NLB) in the west and Southern Jilin Block (SJB) in the north. The greenstone sequences in this region are voluminous metavolcanic rocks, which mainly comprise amphibolite, pyroxene amphibolite, pyroxen...
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The early Precambrian basement of the North China Craton, China, records a complex history during the Neoarchean and Paleoproterozoic. Southern Jilin Province is one of the best regions to evaluate the early Precambrian crustal growth of the Eastern Block of the North China Craton. We herein present new zircon cathodoluminescence images, U–Pb dates...
Geochronological, geochemical, and isotopic studies were carried out on the Paleoproterozoic granitic rocks, widely exposed on the southeastern Liaodong Peninsula in Northeast China, in order to determine their ages and petrogenesis and further to provide constraint on the tectonic nature of the north segment of Paleoproterozoic Jiao–Liao–Ji Belt....
A sequence of Paleoproterozoic meta-supracrustal rocks, known as the “Guanghua Group”, is exposed to the north of Tonghua City, Jilin Province, China. The composition and ages of formation and metamorphism of the protolith, and the tectonic petrogenesis of the Guanghua Group are poorly understood. Comprehending these rocks are important in constrai...
The Ji'an area in the Jiao-Liao-Ji Belt of the North China Craton is characterized by granulite-facies metamorphic rocks, including orthopyroxene-cordierite-garnet pelitic granulites and clinopyroxene-orthopyroxene mafic granulites. The pelitic granulites contain orthopyroxene, cordierite, garnet, biotite, and feldspar, whereas the mafic granulites...
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In this paper we present new petrological and whole-rock geochemical data for the Palaeoproterozoic metasedimentary rocks in the upper part of the Ji'an Group within the Jiao–Liao–Ji Belt, China, as well as zircon U–Pb age dates and in situ Lu–Hf isotope data. The new data improve our understanding of the original nature of the metasedimentary rock...
This study examines the original nature, tectonic setting, and evolution of Paleoproterozoic metasedimentary rocks of the North Liaohe and Laoling groups of the northern segment of the Jiao–Liao–Ji Belt, in the northeastern margin of the Eastern Block of the North China Craton, using new petrological, whole-rock geochemical, geochronological, and L...
In this paper we present new petrological and whole-rock geochemical data for the Paleoproterozoic metavolcanic rocks in the lower part of the Ji’an Group within the northern segment of the Jiao–Liao–Ji Belt, China, as well as U–Pb dates and Lu–Hf isotope data for the zircons in these rocks. The new data help in understanding the original nature of...
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Thin layers and lenses of granitic leucosomes are widely distributed within migmatites from the Ailao Shan–Red River (ASRR) and Gaoligong Shan (GS) complex belts, SE Tibetan Plateau. They are parallel to, or cross-cut, foliations in the host rocks at different scales and show evidence of coalescence and migration to form centimetre- to decimetre-sc...
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The precise constraints on the timing of metamorphism of the Changhai metamorphic complex is of great importance considering the prolonged controversial issue of the north margin and the extension of the Sulu-Dabie HP-UHP Belt. While the monazite U-Th-Pb and muscovite Ar-40/Ar-39 techniques are widely accepted as two of the most powerful dating too...
A quantity of strata and intrusions aged in Late Paleoproterozoic were reported recently, tectonic settings of which were mostly interpreted to be continental rifting. There has been a long lack of geochemical evidence for the related tectonic environments in the Dahongshan Group in 1. 7Ga. This study focused on geochemical characteristics of major...
In the area of Muzhaerte, southwestern Tianshan, three types of rocks are exposed in the low-pressure and hightemperature belt, including gneisses, amphibolites and granulites. Due to the effect of anatexis, various sizes of felsic leucosomes appear in the rocks. However, the age of the anatexis forming the felsic leucosomes has not been well const...
Voluminous Neoproterozoic gabbros, gabbro-diorites, and granites are exposed in the Baoxing area along the western margin of the Yangtze Block. We present here zircon U–Pb and Lu–Hf isotope data, as well as whole-rock geochemical data for these rocks, which help constrain the tectonic characteristics and evolution of the western margin of the Yangt...
The central Liaodong Peninsula is located in the northwestern part of the Jiao-Liao-ji Belt in the Eastern Block of the North China Craton. Surface rocks in this region are voluminous meta-mafic rocks, which mainly comprise amphibolite and metamorphic gabbro or diabase. We present zircon cathodoluminescence images, U-Pb dates, and Lu-Hf isotope dat...
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In the Jiaobei Terrane of the Jiao–Liao–Ji Belt, eastern China, layers and irregular lenses of granitic leucosomes are widely distributed within high-pressure (HP) mafic granulites, medium-pressure (MP) granulites, amphibolites, TTG gneisses, and HP and MP pelitic granulites. The layers and lenses may be parallel to or cross-cut the foliation in th...
The Changhai area is located in the southeastern part of the Liaonan Complex within the Eastern Block of the North China Craton (NCC) in China. Early Precambrian rocks in this area consist mainly of various types of gneisses and schists. We present cathodoluminescence images, U-Pb dates, and trace element and Hf isotope data for zircons from these...
The Changhai metamorphic supracrustal rocks, located in the eastern-central part of the Jiao-Li-Ji Belt in the North China Craton (NCC), are composed mainly of various garnet-mica schists, along with minor quartzites and marbles. This study presents whole-rock major and trace element data, zircon U-Pb dates and Hf isotope data for these rocks in or...
The high-pressure (HP) and ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metabasites including eclogite and blueschist are exposed in garnet phengite schists mainly as rock slices or variable tectonic lenses in the Habutengsu area, southwestern Tianshan, Xinjiang. Detailed petrology, mineralogy and geochemisitry studies have been carried out to put constrains on their...
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This paper summarizes geochronology and association of Mesozoic volcanic rocks and their spatial and temporal variations, with the aim of constraining evolutionary history, and ore-forming background of the circum Pacific and Mongol-Okhotsk tectonic systems in NE China. Zircon U-Pb dating results indicate that Mesozoic volcanisms in NE China can be...
LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb ages and geochemical data are presented for the previously believed Pre-Sinian intrusive rocks from the Dandong area of southeastern Liaoning Province, with the aim of determining their petrogenesis and the regional tectonic evolution. Detailed petrological studies have shown that the four-selected intrusive rocks are monzogra...
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Archean granitoid (tonalite–trondhjemite–granodiorite, TTG) gneisses are widely distributed in the early Precambrian metamorphic basement of the Jiaobei terrane, the North China Craton (NCC), and record the formation and evolution of the continental crust in the early Precambrian. In this study, zircon cathodoluminescence (CL) images have assisted...
South Liaohe Group widely occurred in Kuandian area of northeastern Liaodong Peninsula. LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb ages and micro trace-elements composition for the biotite-quartz schist, tourmaline-bearing leucoleptite and granitic gneiss from this group were carried out with the aim of restricting the ages of the protolith and metamorphism and the tec...
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In this paper we present U–Pb age data of detrital and magmatic zircons from sedimentary and volcanic rocks in the Zhangguangcailing Group (ZG), NE China, to constrain the tectonic evolution of the region as a whole. The ZG consists of slightly metamorphosed volcanic and sedimentary rocks, and from bottom to top is divided into the Zhenggou, Honggu...
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It remains a topic of debate that the tectonic evolution between the Songnen-Zhangguangcai Range and Jiamusi massifs and the timing of transformation from the Paleo-Asian Ocean to the circum-Pacific tectonic systems in the eastern Heilongjiang Province.. In the present study, the geochronology and rock association of the Paleozoic-Early Mesozoic ig...
In this paper, we performed systematically petrological and geochemical studies on the granitic gneisses near the Changhai Town in the southeastern Liaoning Province. Our data placed constraints on their protolith and tectonic setting. The results showed that these granitic gneisses could be divided into two types, (sodium) Na-rich and (potassium)...
To constrain the early Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the Songnen-Zhangguangcai Range and Jiamusi massifs, we undertook zircon U-Pb dating and geochemical analyses (major and trace elements, and Hf isotopic compositions) of early Paleozoic igneous rocks in the Lesser Xing'an-Zhangguangcai Range of eastern Heilongjiang province, NE China. The zirco...
In this paper, we performed systematically petrological and geochemical studies on the granitic gneisses near the Changhai Town in the southeastern Liaoning Province. Our data placed constraints on their protolith and tectonic setting. The results showed that these granitic gneisses could be divided into two types, (sodium) Na-rich and (potassium)...
LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating results indicate that the Mesozoic volcanic rocks in the study area can be divided into two stages, i.e., early Early Cretaceous (~144 Ma) and late Early Cretaceous (~125 Ma). The early Early Cretaceous volcanic rocks, represented by the rhyolites from the Jixiangfeng Formation, have high SiO2 and alkali content (especi...
We present geochronological, geochemical, and Sr–Nd–Pb isotope data for late Mesozoic granitoids in southern Jilin province, northeastern China, with the aim of ascertaining the genesis of the granitoids, and further constraining the nature of the lower crust and Mesozoic tectonic evolution of the eastern North China Craton (NCC). The results of LA...
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In this paper, we report on zircon U–Pb dating, Hf isotopes, major and trace elements, and Sr–Nd isotope data, with the aim of constraining the petrogenesis and regional tectonic evolution of late Paleozoic volcanic rocks in the Zhangguangcai Range of eastern Heilongjiang Province, NE China. Located in the eastern segment of the Central Asian Oroge...
We undertook LA-ICP-MS U–Pb dating of detrital zircons from Late Paleozoic sedimentary rocks in eastern Heilongjiang Province, NE China, with the aim of constraining the tectonic evolution of the eastern segment of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). Detrital zircons from quartz sandstone of the Devonian Heilonggong Formation in the Zhangguangc...
This paper reports the whole-rock K-Ar and amphibole 40Ar/ 39 Ar dating results and the geochemical data of the volcanic rocks from the Guosong and Sankeyushu formations, and discusses the nature of magma sources and its spatial variation. The dating results indicate the Guosong and Sankeyushu formations formed in the Early Cretaceous, i. e., 130....
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With the aim of constraining the Early Mesozoic tectonic evolution of the eastern section of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB), we undertook zircon U–Pb dating and geochemical analyses (major and trace elements, Sr–Nd isotopes) of volcanic rocks of the Luoquanzhan Formation and Daxinggou Group in eastern Heilongjiang and Jilin provinces, China...
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LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating and geochemical data for the Late Paleozoic volcanic rocks from eastern and southeastern margins of the Jiamusi Massif are presented to understand the regional tectonic evolution. Zircons from eight representative volcanic rocks are euhedral-subhedral in shape and display striped absorption and fine-scale oscillatory gr...


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