Emilio Lucio-VillegasUniversity of Seville | US · Departamento de Teoría e Historia de la Educación y Pedagogía Social
Emilio Lucio-Villegas
Teaching and research at the University of Seville, Spain
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I am Professor on Adult Education at the University of Seville.I hold a PhD with a Thesis on Participatory Research in Adult Education. My works is focused on Adult Education. I also hold three positive evaluations (1998-2004, 2005-2010 and 2011-2016) of his research activities. In 2010 I was awarded with the Phyllis M. Cunningham Award for Social Justice. Currently I am member of the Steering Committee of the ‘European Society for Research on the Education of the Adults (ESREA), and convenor of the Network: ‘Between Global and Local: Adult Learning of Development’.
Additional affiliations
September 1988 - June 1991
October 1976 - June 1981
Publications (114)
One of the most significant accomplishments of the twentieth century – in Western societies – has been the achievement of basic literacy for almost the entire population. The past century also witnessed the development of some immensely powerful literacy methodologies, the well known of them drawn on by Paulo Freire. In this regard, I believe the n...
This paper explores the diversity of literacies needed for migrant adults to integrate in complex societies. Its main goal is to present diverse perspectives, from a theoretical journey to experiences such as those based on music or combating stereotypes. Our main conclusion is that research on multilingualism and multiliteracies needs further deve...
La Responsabilidad Social en el ámbito educativo constituye una base esencial para una pedagogía del encuentro y reconocimiento de los diferentes saberes que se comparten en comunidad, así como en la formación integral de las personas. La sostenibilidad, la justicia social y participación democrática son ejes fundamentales para abordar los desafíos...
La Responsabilidad Social Universitaria juega un papel relevante en la Educación Superior al ofrecer una visión integral de los impactos y puesta en marcha de procesos claves en la gestión, docencia, investigación y extensión. El presente estudio se realizó en la Universidad de Cádiz con el objetivo de conocer la opinión de los universitarios sobre...
Tradicionalmente se ha considerado el desarrollo como algo positivo que generaba una mayor riqueza y bienestar para las personas y las comunidades. Era una visión que partía del supuesto que el desarrollo, por sí mismo, impulsaba mayores cotas de bienestar y equidad. Este modelo, sustentado solo en la generación de riqueza económica, parece estar c...
Popular education as a way to organise the process of learning and teaching has a long tradition around the world. Usually, it is taken for granted that popular education was born in Latin America in the 1960s, with the primary representative of it being Paulo Reglus Neves Freire. In this chapter, I will explore the intellectual context that shapes...
After the restoration of democracy in Spain, the victims of the dictatorship were never recognized and the murderers were never judged. Silence was the norm in reference to the Civil War, the dictatorship, and the people who fought for democracy. Only a few civil society organizations and other similar groups tried to reclaim the memory of the vict...
In this article, I want to present some of the key elements that be part of Paulo Freire’s Theory of Education. Sometimes, this theoretical framework has been neglected and some mimetics understanding of his work focus, in am mimetic way, only in his methodological contributions has been presented. I am going to refer to three different elements: c...
This time is characterised by the policies and practices of Lifelong Learning. Against this process of dehumanisation, it could be important to ‘revisit’ some authors that enlighten us on how to recuperate an emancipatory adult education, valuable for developing critical thinking about the daily life of individuals and/or communities. In this direc...
1921 marca el centenario del nacimiento de Paulo Freire, y también del pensador galés Raymond Williams. No consta que se conocieran, aunque quizás tuvieron alguna noticia de la obra respectiva. Vivieron en contextos radicalmente diferentes y con preocupaciones intelectuales también diferentes, pero el pensamiento de ambos presenta puntos en común m...
Partiendo de una reflexión sobre diversos autores, presentamos uno de los conceptos
‘de moda’ como es el de transferencia de conocimiento desde las instituciones de enseñanza
superior y su vínculo con el sector productivo, así como la tendencia a la donación
de saberes. Este hecho provoca un diálogo que introduce la co-creación de conocimientos
Con una larga tradición, la educación popular ha sido durante mucho tiempo un referente para las prácticas educativas que pretendían una mayor autonomía para las personas y una sociedad más justa. Los contextos geográficos y conceptuales que señalan su nacimiento y desarrollo son muy variados. En nuestro entorno más cercano, las corrientes de pensa...
In this chapter I explore a research project which tries to reconstruct memories
of the river through oral history and photographs. This is based on a theoretical
framework that contends that in a society when many procedures are standardized,
the act of safeguarding popular creativity is a vital element in guaranteeing people’s
development. In thi...
Mientras preparamos la publicación de este monográfico sobre ‘Políticas educativas en el tiempo actual: necesidades y preocupaciones’ la pandemia del denominado COVID-19 se encuentra arrasando gran parte del planeta. Su incidencia es muy importante en los sistemas sanitarios de todo el mundo, pero también en los educativos: a principios de marzo ha...
Ahora bien, hay una pregunta que podemos hacernos: ¿es todo culpa del virus? A partir de la crisis financiera de 2008, si no antes, se intensificaron las medidas de austeridad que desembocaron en importantes reducciones en el gasto público, en el gasto en lo común. Estas reducciones tuvieron especial incidencia en la sanidad pública, en la educació...
In this article, I reflect on experiences linking adult education to citizenship and participation. I consider citizenship to be connected to social justice and social inclusion. I suggest that a key element in citizenship is participating in public issues which concern life in communities in order to build an egalitarian relationship among people....
En este artículo el autor pretende reflexionar sobre la participación, la democracia y la construcción de la ciudadanía enmarcadas en la educación de personas adultas y partiendo de la experiencia del experimento de los Presupuestos Participativos de la ciudad de Sevilla (España). Partiendo de la situación social actual, se hace referencia a los mo...
Resumen: Con este estudio pretendemos exponer una intervención con personas privadas de libertad vinculada a la formación para la búsqueda de empleo dentro y fuera de prisión con una metodología de aprendizaje-servicio. Los métodos empleados han sido la elaboración de una encuesta en la que los participantes describían sus expectativas y posteriorm...
Este artículo pretende mostrar los resultados de una investigación sobre el significado psicológico de participación entre jóvenes en situación de riesgo social atendidos en asociaciones de prevención de drogodependencias de la provincia de Sevilla. Se trabajó con una muestra de 19 personas distribuidas entre el ámbito urbano y rural. Se aplicó la...
En el momento presente la educación de personas adultas está siendo objeto de un proceso creciente de homogeneización, tanto en sus metodologías, como en sus contenidos, como, sobre todo, en sus finalidades.
En el presente artículo queremos reflexionar y valorar la diversidad
de la educación de personas adultas como un elemento de resistencia
The main aim of this article is to describe an ongoing study to recover the memories of the people and the traditional crafts associated with the Guadalquivir River where it passes through a town called C., 12km from the city of S. in the south of Spain. It seems that people are losing their sense of belonging to both a symbolic and geographical te...
Lucio-Villegas presents a short review of Paulo Freire’s life and works. After that, the chapter develops some Freirean key concepts addressed to build an adult education for emancipation: culture, dialogue, literacy method, the duality oppressor/oppressed, conscientisation, and the role of the educator. Deriving from these key concepts, Lucio-Vill...
Based on assumptions of inclusive education and increasing democratization of higher education, the university has been progressively opening up to various minorities, including students with Special Educational Needs (SEN). There is still little knowledge on the subject of diversity and inclusion among teachers and students, in general. Institutio...
Este artículo trata de considerar las diferencias entre los conceptos
de Aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida y Educación de personas adultas,
prestando especial atención a la evolución de la educación de personas
adultas en Andalucía (Sur de España). Desde 1982, Andalucía tiene
completa autonomía para legislar en educación. Desde esa fecha se desarro...
Aquest any 2016 se n' acompleixen 100, des de la publicació de Democra-cia y Educación de John Dewey. En aquests temps, on el focus s'ha situat en la cita d'allò més nou, l'última investigació, l'últim article d'algú −possiblement per tal de construir un discurs públic uniforme−; en aquests temps on hi ha autors ja no citats perquè els seus treball...
This paper focuses on three Southern European countries, Italy, Portugal and Spain, to explore examples of projects that provide signposts for a critical popular education that contributes to an ongoing democratic process – one whereby citizens are developed as social actors and members of a collectivity rather than simply passive producers/consume...
To reflect on education and citizenship, we have selected a singular
experience related to the fight for housing. In this specific case,
the struggle is linked to an endeavour for maintaining traditional
ways of life in the place where people were born and raised. Our
theoretical framework is related to several authors, such as Freire,
Gramsci, Neg...
In this article, I try to explore the squeezing concept of adult education that provides a
kind of identity to the field characterised by vagueness, diversity and the links to social
justice. This diversity is also present when talking about the participants in the process.
After presenting the concept of adult education, I explore three different...
The main aim of this article is to describe a singular experience in the University of Seville, Spain which connects universities and communities. It is a descriptive paper which strives to explore the work done to break the gap between universities and people in communities. Perhaps, one of the most important problems in our societies is a lack of...
Can adult education and learning be understood without reference to community and people’s daily lives? The response to be found in the chapters of this volume say emphatically no, they cannot. Adult learning can be best understood if we look at the social life of people in communities, and this book is an attempt to recover this view.
The chapters...
The introduction of the concept of learning at the centre of the educational processes seemed from the first to be a very positive issue (Faure, 1986; Guimarães, 2011). But the first thing that Lifelong Learning (LLL) policies and practices did was to transfer the responsibility of learning to individuals “who, in the last instance, are responsible...
Teaching material addressed to adult education
Este artículo presenta las ideas principales del pensamiento de Paulo Freire. Se ha
seguido para ello una estructura tradicional para desarrollar brevemente las
propuestas del autor: un recorrido por la vida y la bibliografía y la presentación de
los elementos considerados esenciales en su obra. La última parte está dedicada a
discutir sobre la act...
Este artículo presenta las ideas principales del pensamiento de Paulo Freire. Se ha seguido para ello una estructura tradicional para desarrollar brevemente las propuestas del autor: un recorrido por la vida y la bibliografía y la presentación de los elementos considerados esenciales en su obra. La última parte está dedicada a discutir sobre la act...
Over the last twenty years there has been well-structured vocational education and training (VET) in Spain involving both employer associations and trade unions. The model was built in 1992, after the first National Agreement for Vocational Education was signed. This added the agreement of trade unions and employers to the system of vocational educ...
This book tries to reflect on adult education and its close relationships with communities. It is a modest attempt to maintain adult education in the scope of the community life against the growing schooling, the focus on employability, and on the labour market. In the last years it seems that adult education has become a kind of provider of diplom...
Horta da Areia was an emergency quarter built in Faro to receive Portuguese people forced to return from portuguese colonies in Africa. It prevails until nowadays with evident problems of security, sanity, poverty and social exclusion. The present article exposes some of the main characteristics of the families from the neighborhood. It shows as we...
One of the major goals defined by the Lisbon Strategy for Lifelong
Learning (LLL) in 2000 was the attempt to encourage people to
participate in society and community as active citizens. But, what does
Active Citizenship mean? What does Active Citizenship mean in the
context of the Lisbon Strategy? This chapter endeavours to reflect on
the building...
Address: Sor Petra N. 20. Alcalá de Guadaira ZIP CODE: 41500 SEVILLA SPAIN Phone: +34 605080642 rhernandezcarrera@yahoo.es Vocational education and training from the perspective of employers' associations in Spain, a qualitative analysis. Abstract This research consists of two parts: The first is focused on a theoretical and epistemological approac...
Resumo O conceito de comunidade pode ser visto na sua complexidade desde um ponto de vista sociológico, mas também desde um ponto de vista político e, sobretudo, educativo. Neste artigo, depois de refletirmos sobre o conceito de comunidade, apresentamos os resultados de estudo de caso realizado numa comunidade do norte do Algarve. Esta investigação...
The concept of community can be seen in its complexity from a sociological perspective, but also from a political and educational one. In this article we begin by looking deeply at the concept of community. Then we present the results of case study conducted in a community of the northern Algarve. This research was designed to deeply understand the...
In this paper, we focus on the southern cross-border area between
Spain and Portugal, which includes eighteen different municipalities on
both sides of the border. We gathered information using a number of
different techniques from a wide range of informants, including
politicians, experts on cross-border cooperation, a broad range of
civil society...
In this paper, I attempt to present the state of adult education in Spain. Adult education in Spain is not unlike that of other countries in Europe in that it focuses on the policies and practices of lifelong learning rather than on the perspectives of people and communities.
However, Spain has two specific characteristics that are distinctive from...
Resumo Neste artigo procuro discutir as relações entre educação, neste caso particu-lar entre educação de adultos, e participação, enquanto caminhos e formas de cidadania. Parto do pressuposto de que a participação e a cidadania estão inter-relacionadas: os indivíduos só são cidadãos de pleno direito se tiverem possibilidades de participar na res p...
Remarkable events are often those that go by unremarked. One of these is the lack of public debate about the democratic impact of the economic crisis of 2011–12. In Greece, a new government was formed without a popular mandate led by a socalled ‘technocratic’ leader (in reality a former European banker) vouching an austerity programme to appease th...
The Adult Learning Project (ALP for short) was founded in 1979 in Gorgie Dalry in Edinburgh, Scotland. It was an initiative of the South West Edinburgh Area Team of the Community Education Service of Lothian Regional Council, led by Fraser Patrick. ALP was initially funded for three years by an urban aid grant from the Scottish Office. As a result...
The frontier between the south of Spain and Portugal is established by the river Guadiana. Lying next to the sea, the cities of Ayamonte (Spain) and Vila Real de Santo António (Portugal) face each other on opposite banks of the river. The research that feeds into this paper is focused on these two cities. We study specifically how identity is built...
En esta comunicación, a partir de una investigación comparativa de carácter básicamente cualitativo que combina una estrategia de sociología visual con el desarrollo de grupos de discusión e historias de vida a ambos lados de la frontera, nos interesamos por la influencia que tiene la experiencia de vida, la biografía y las relaciones sociales, en...
The focus of this article is the development of adult education. As Kjell Rubenson maintains,
adult education has gone through three eras of development: the humanistic, the strong
economic period and a softer version of the economic period. Based on this model, we examine
whether the development of adult education has similarities across countries...
Local development processes include a complex social dynamic where, frequently, conflicts has an important role, namely blocking the cooperation modes between social actors or institutions. Mediation can have an important role in local development processes. In this paper we analyse data from long lasting processes of local development, focusing on...
Resumo Neste artigo procuro discutir as relações entre educação, neste caso particular entre educação de adultos, e participação, enquanto caminhos e formas de cidadania. Parto do pressuposto de que a participação e a cidadania estão inter-relacionadas: os indivíduos só são cidadãos de pleno direito se tiverem possibilidades de participar na res pu...
At the dawn of the 21st century, one of the most important issues for adult education in people’s daily lives is the lack of democracy and participatory resources. In certain contexts, the shifting relationships between entities such as the state and civil society change the way that citizenship is lived. Usually, in Western societies, we can expre...
In this article we hope to reflect about education and development. We will look through several ideas, with special emphasis in multicultural relationships. We will finish with a Freire and Gramscis works review.
Starting by calling attention to the plurality of historical processes and
meanings that underlie the idea of nation and State, the authors deal with
some approaches that help to clarify conceptual differences and to understand
the construction of possible convergences often referred by the expression of
nation-State. With the contribution of the S...
In this article the author try to develop one trainings proposal for educators
from Social Educations perspective. We emphasize our attention about
educators work in prison. We make a pathway to rehabilitate measures that we
confront to punitive measures. We stress a community view of prison issue.
In our opinion, community focus suppose educatio...
En el presente trabajo pretendemos reflexionar sobre los procesos de cambio social provocados por el desarrollo de las fuerzas productivas y la incapacidad creciente de las personas de comprenderlos y situarse ante las nuevas realidades que se construyen. Haremos una mención especial a la situación de los jóvenes adultos.propensos a entrar en el te...
En el presente artículo pretendemos desarrollar una propuesta de formación de educadores que trabajan en al ámbito penitenciario partiendo de algunos supuestos conceptuales de la de la Pedagogía Social. Hacemos un recorrido por las propuestas rehabilitadoras, que enfrentamos a las punitivas, tomando como referencia lo que se ha denominado un enfoqu...
Incl. bibl., abstract. This paper reviews Portuguese adult education policies from 1974 to 1999. A realistic portrait in the evolution of adult education system is important primarily, because it may be able to guide other researchers in their investigations. Secondly, this type of analysis allows us to reflect upon wider issues that could represen...
Con este estudio los autores pretenden sensibilizar sobre los organismos encargados de la formación en las empresas y su vinculación con la educación de personas adultas así como de los objetivos y principios fundamentales de la formación ocupacional. Apoyándose en los fundamentos teóricos que inciden sobre el desarrollo personal y social se relaci...