Emilia Arruda

Emilia Arruda
Federal University of Pernambuco | UFPE · Department of Botany



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Emilia Arruda currently works at the Department of Botany, Federal University of Pernambuco. Emilia does research in Botany. Their most recent publication is 'First record of galls in the tree fern Cyathea phalerata (Cyatheaceae) from a Tropical Rainforest in Brazil'.
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Publications (59)
Conference Paper
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A folha é um órgão de elevada plasticidade, sendo totalmente influenciada por fatores abióticos como a água, a temperatura e a luminosidade. Para plantas de regiões com disponibilidade hídrica temporalmente limitada, como ocorre na vegetação da Caatinga, os traços anatômicos foliares são considerados indicativos importantes de adaptabilidade. O pre...
Plants in seasonally dry forests, such as the Caatinga in Brazil, possess adaptive characteristics to endure prolonged periods of drought and intense sunlight. However, few studies have delved into understanding, as proposed here, the convergence of these traits based on morphoanatomical features. Therefore, based on a systematic review, we investi...
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Tradicionalmente, o fenômeno de convergência evolutiva pode ser descrito como o surgimento de características fenotípicas ou funcionais similares em espécies não relacionadas filogeneticamente, e que são fixadas por meio de seleção ou deriva, apesar de existir definições semelhantes ou terminologias relacionadas, como “convergência adaptativa”. Os...
This article describes detailed and novel data on the anatomy and histochemistry of leaves, stems, and roots of Camonea umbellata (L.) A.R.Simões & Staples in different environments for the identification of characters with taxonomical value and of ecological importance, with provision of light and scanning electron microscopy images. To analyze th...
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A new species of Jacquemontia found in Carajás National Forest, Brazil, Jacquemontia ferricola sp. nov., is described for an area with a unique flora threatened by mining. We provide a diagnosis of the new species, morphological and anatomical descriptions, illustrations, scanning electron microscopy images, with comments on its distribution and co...
Morphoanatomical studies can provide useful and relevant information to support taxonomic groupings. Jacquemontia evolvuloides shows great morphological variability, which has led to numerous taxonomic classifications. To determine if anatomical characters can be used to recognize operational taxonomic units within populations of that species, we a...
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Estudio morfoanatómico e histoquímico de Ipomoea hederifolia L. (Convolvulaceae) Ipomoea hederifolia L. es una planta herbácea, nativa de la región tropical en América con importancia medicinal. Se realizó un estu-dio farmacobotánico de las hojas y tallos, efectuando macro y mi-croscópicos morfodiagnósticos y pruebas histoquímicas. I. hederi-folia...
Both comparative anatomical and morphometric approaches have been used for the taxonomic delimitations of species complexes. Some of the prevailing taxonomic problems in Convolvulaceae concern interspecific delimitations, as the family contains numerous species complexes that reflect its high levels of morphological variation. We propose here the d...
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Daustinia montana (Moric.) Buril & A.R. Simões (Convolvulaceae) is currently classified as a highly polymorphic species with remarkable variations of leaf morphology, in terms of their sizes, shapes, margins, and indument. This foliar variability has led taxonomists to classify this taxon either as more than one species, with many varieties, or—mor...
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This research seeks to understand which elements are responsible for the mechanical properties of Agave sisalana and how these properties can conform to lightweight, resilient structures and materials for bio-inspired additive manufacturing processes with the possibility of design innovation and sustainability through of multidisciplinary research...
Cenostigma microphyllum (Mart. ex G. Don) E. Gagnon and G. P. Lewis (Fabaceae) is a species endemic and widely distributed in the Brazilian dry tropical forest, ecologically important as a nurse species, favoring the growth of other plants, and maintaining mutualistic interactions with ants. Understanding plant responses to environmental variation...
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Extrafloral nectaries (EFNs) are anti‐herbivory defense‐related glands. We measured morphological and anatomical EFN traits in Pityrocarpa moniliformis trees along a rainfall gradient in Caatinga dry forest. We observed a reduction in structural EFN traits as rainfall decreased. We conclude that this reduction is a cost‐saving strategy, probably me...
• Host plant selection by herbivores is driven by a complex array of cues, including leaf traits and previous leaf damage. Herbivore-associated cues to host selection at the plant and leaf scale aid understanding of mechanisms responsible for host preference that might translate into increased performance, as well as processes structuring herbivore...
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A botânica consiste em estudar as plantas, sendo, por vezes, necessários equipamentos inacessíveis como microscópios e estereomicroscópios contribuindo para o estigma da área no país. O cenário é ainda mais adverso para estudantes com de Necessidades Esducionais Especiais (NEE), como os deficientes visuais. Para melhorar o ensino em disciplinas com...
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Cenostigma pyramidale, a pioneer species presents in all different successional stage (early, intermediate and late) of fifteen natural regeneration areas of Caatinga after land used changed and abandonment was used to investigates the morphological and physiological attributes that are very important to xeromorphic conditions as against herbivorie...
Mangroves are naturally stressful habitats, with high salinity, regular flooding, strong winds, high temperatures, and muddy, hypoxic soils, requiring adaptations in plant anatomy. In this sense, we present a description of the leaf anatomy of Acrostichum aureum, a remarkable fern species growing in mangroves, focusing on novelties and the signific...
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In seasonally dry tropical forests such as the Brazilian Caatinga, factors such as soil type and luminosity are known to cause changes in foliar tissues that enable the survival of species in such places. The present study aimed to describe the leaf morphoanatomy of Senna cana and to observe the plasticity in leaf tissues receiving both direct and...
A Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), pautada pelos princípios da democracia, da transparência, da qualidade e do compromisso social, assume a Educação Superior como um bem público e um direito de todas e todos. Nesse sentido, estimula a melhoria das condições do trabalho docente, a inserção de metodologias de ensino inovadoras e a articulaç...
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The evergreen C3 plant Calotropis procera is native to arid environments. Thus, it grows under high vapor pressure deficit (VPD), intense light, and severe drought conditions. We measured several ecophysiological traits in C. procera plants growing in semi-arid and seacoast environments to assess the attributes that support its photosynthetic perfo...
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A new species of Ipomoea , endemic to the Cerrado domain in Maranhão, Brazil, is described. Ipomoea maranhensis D.Santos & Buril, sp. nov. has been misidentified as I. burchellii Meisn. in several herbaria. Even though both species have oblong, pubescent leaves, they can be distinguished by morpho-anatomical characters. We present a diagnosis, comp...
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An anatomical analysis of Evolvulus glomeratus (Convolvulaceae) specimens revealed a new species endemic to a rock outcrop in Pernambuco State, which is described and illustrated herein. Evolvulus saxatilis differs from Evolvulus glomeratus based on morphological and anatomical characters, including corolla and ovary shape, presence of epidermal ve...
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In the present study, we investigated the morphophysiological and biochemical responses of the species Lippia grata Schauer to water deficit. Plants from cuttings were submitted to two water regimes, irrigation (control) and suspended irrigation (stress) for 15 days and were then rehydrated for 10 days. During water regimes, we performed physiologi...
The objective of this study is to evaluate the effects of physical-chemical and biological variables of the water of the Capibaribe River (state of Pernambuco, Brazil) on leaf anatomy, including ultrastructure and photosynthetic pigment of Salvinia auriculata. Specimens of S. auriculata collected in the Gurjaú River, an area with a low pollution de...
Conference Paper
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O gênero Tillandsia geralmente apresenta um forte indumento de tricomas do tipo escama e um parênquima aquífero bem desenvolvido, que auxiliam a sobrevivência do grupo. Porém, espécies distintas podem adotar estratégias anatômicas diferenciadas que lhes favoreçam, mesmo estando próximas. Com base nisto, este estudo buscou descrever e analisar compa...
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Matérias-primas são fundamentais para fabricação de artefatos diversos. Porém, a crescente demanda por recursos naturais finitos para extrair matérias-primas contribui significativamente para a degradação ambiental. A substituição de materiais sintéticos por produtos naturais vêm ganhando espaço, como por exemplo, fibras lignocelulósicas. Dentre as...
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A família Bromeliaceae se destaca pela presença de uma cobertura de tricomas adaptados à captura de umidade atmosférica, as escamas, e estas possuem maior complexidade estrutural dentro da subfamília Tillandsioideae, característica de ambientes xéricos como a Caatinga. Com base nisto, este trabalho buscou caracterizar morfoanatomicamente os tricoma...
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Studies addressing the physiological and anatomical responses of plants under different light intensities normally are performed in short term. Thus, the present study includes a long term analysis. This study aims to verify whether the phenotypic variability off attributes in two woody tropical specieis, Paquira aquatica and Sterculia foetida, are...
Stomatal conductance is influenced by environmental variables and phytohormonal balance. However, the control of phytohormones on stomatal behavior is still unclear for woody species in seasonally dry tropical forests during the year. This study correlated stomatal behavior, environmental parameters and phytohormones levels in rainy and dry seasons...
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Although some anatomical studies have been performed in Angraecinae, knowledge about the anatomy of the genus Campylocentrum is as yet incipient. The aim of this study is to anatomically characterize the structure of the different kinds of roots in the genus. Roots from 12 species were analyzed, including all the morphological variation in the genu...
Conference Paper
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Ao longo da evolução as espécies passaram por inúmeras modificações adaptativas que lhes permitiram sobreviver às condições ambientais presentes em cada época. Para as plantas, a falta de locomoção fez com que estas apresentassem mudanças estruturais internas e externas para tentar lidar com os empecilhos impostos pelo habitat. Em relação à insolaç...
Conference Paper
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A educação inclusiva favorece a igualdade de ensino entre os estudantes, causando diversas mudanças educacionais, proporcionando o conhecimento a todos. Hoje existe a carência com os alunos portadores de necessidades especiais que devem ser atendidos da mesma forma que os alunos regulares. Observando que os conceitos de biologia, voltados a anatomi...
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Ao longo da evolução as espécies passaram por inúmeras modificações adaptativas que lhes permitiram sobreviver às condições ambientais presentes em cada época. Para as plantas, a falta de locomoção fez com que estas apresentassem mudanças estruturais internas e externas para tentar lidar com os empecilhos impostos pelo habitat. Em relação à insolaç...
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A educação inclusiva favorece a igualdade de ensino entre os estudantes, causando diversas mudanças educacionais, proporcionando o conhecimento a todos. Hoje existe a carência com os alunos portadores de necessidades especiais que devem ser atendidos da mesma forma que os alunos regulares. Observando que os conceitos de biologia, voltados a anatomi...
We investigated whether there were consistent differences in the physiological and anatomical traits and phenotypic variability of an invasive (Prosopis juliflora (Sw.) DC.) and native species (Anadenanthera colubrina (Vell.) Brenan) in response to seasonality in a tropical dry forest. The water potential, organic solutes, gas exchange, enzymes of...
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One of the most remarkable features of Cactaceae are the areoles, axillary outgrowths, which produce trichomes, spines and leaves. The subfamily Opuntioideae K. Schum. shows the widest diversity of transition forms between leaves and spines, which represents anatomical evidence that spines and glochids are modified leaves. The purpose of this paper...
Conference Paper
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A poluição atmosférica é um fator que atinge inúmeros organismos e têm aumentado com o passar dos anos e desenvolvimento humano, causando uma série de modificações na biota dos diferentes locais. Muitas plantas são utilizadas para ornamentação urbana, sendo estas submetidas a condições estressantes, necessitando de modificações estruturais em respo...
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The main goal of this study was to evaluate the performance of two palm species under semi-arid conditions during the rainy and dry periods: the semi-arid native Syagrus coronata and a native to tropical America, Acrocomia aculeata. The leaf water potential, gas exchange, leaf soluble sugars, starch, free amino acids, total soluble protein content...
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El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivos inducir la formación de embriones somáticos in vitro en el híbrido Phalaenopsis Classic Spotted Pink, utilizando diferentes medios nutritivos, y evaluar la morfología interna de estos embriones mediante análisis histológico e histoquímico. Hojas jóvenes de plantas cultivadas in vitro se utilizaron como explan...
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The ripening physiology of Jatropha curcas fruits involves the production of photoassimilates in its formation and development, until the oil body becomes present in its seeds. The anatomy of fruits and seeds aids in understanding the main structures and compounds produced during ontogeny of this species. Thus, the purpose of this chapter is to des...
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Jatropha curcas and Jatropha mollissima plants were evaluated under conditions of high (HSM) and low (LSM) soil moisture in a semi-arid environment, as changes in the content and concentration of epicuticular wax and the leaf metabolism which could have a relationship with drought tolerance. Besides epicuticular wax, gas exchange, antioxidant syste...
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Este trabalho apresenta uma caracterização anatômica dos segmentos caulinares de quatro espécies de Opuntioideae com ênfase nos sistemas de revestimento e fundamental, e uma revisão dos estudos anatômicos para a subfamília. Alguns caracteres permitiram distinguir as espécies examinadas, tais como: posição dos estômatos em relação às demais células...
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We investigated the presence and orientation of peripheral vascular bundles in leaves of 81 species representing 72 genera of Aizoaceae. Our study included a wide range of morphological shapes of leaves sampled from all four subfamilies of Aizoaceae, with an emphasis on succulent leaves found in Mesembryanthemoideae and Ruschioideae. Our anatomical...
Our review focuses on the projections of climate change in the Brazilian semiarid region, the Caatinga, based on recent publications about global climate change and biology. We found several vulnerable points in the initial estimates, the main one being that the data were collected and analyzed without a multidisciplinary knowledge. This review dis...
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Our review focuses on the projections of climate change in the Brazilian semiarid region, the Caatinga, based on recent publications about global climate change and biology. We found several vulnerable points in the initial estimates, the main one being that the data were collected and analyzed without a multidisciplinary knowledge. This review dis...
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Plant mines are structures with the form of a cavity caused by consumption of host plant tissue by the insect's miner larvae. Plant mines are more common in leaves, but in Cipocereus minensis, a species in which the leaves are modified spines, the miner activity is restricted to the stem. The aim of this paper was to document the morphological and...
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The absence of WBTs and wood polymorphisms in some species of the Caryophyllales may be related to the particular area of plant analyzed. The present research has the objective of studying the photosynthetic and nonphotosynthetic stems of different species and stages of differentiation to register wood polymorphisms and to understand the distributi...
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Anatomy of the vegetative organs of Cactaceae of the caatinga from Pernambuco). Root and cladode transections of five species of Cactaceae from a "caatinga" of Pernambuco ( Harrisia adscendens (Gürke) Britton & Rose; Melocactus × horridus Wedermann; M. zenhtneri (Britton & Rose) Luetzelb.; Tacinga inamoena (Schumann) Taylor & Stuppy, and T. palmado...


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