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Dr. Emiel Maliepaard is a researcher who works as postdoctoral researcher at the Netherlands Defense Academy, Faculty of Military Sciences. He conducts health and well-being related research with Dutch veterans (all branches, 21st century). .
Publications (36)
This article – originally published in a Dutch peer-reviewed journal but updated with extra theoretical discussions – is a tentative exploration of the positions that bisexuality/plurisexuality can occupy in romantic relationships. On the basis of interviews with 31 bisexual/plurisexual people (21 women, 10 men), I discuss how bisexuality is experi...
Bi+ people may face various challenges throughout their lives, including heteronormative assumptions, binary frames and monosexual norms. They often experience negative associations, prejudices and discrimination from their (direct) environment concerning being bi+ (Doan Van et al., 2019; Feinstein et al., 2020). These experiences and social norms...
Bisexuality in Europe offers an accessible and diverse overview of research on bisexuality and bi+ people in Europe, providing a foundation for theorising and empirical work on plurisexual orientations and identities, and the experiences and realities of people who desire more than one sex or gender
Counteracting the predominance of work on bisexu...
In current sociological work, bisexuality predominantly refers either to the sexual orientation of people who are attracted to people of more than one sex or gender, or to the sexual identity of people who have same‐sex and different‐sex sexual and/or romantic attraction. This entry discusses the different meanings of bisexuality throughout history...
Dit artikel (Tijdschrift voor Seksuologie) is een eerste verkenning naar de positie van biseksualiteit in romantische relaties. Op basis van interviews met 31 biseksuele personen (21 vrouwen, 10 mannen) wordt er een beeld geschetst van de acceptatie van biseksualiteit in relaties. Relaties zijn niet alleen een verbintenis of afspraak tussen de rela...
This report (written in Dutch, an English translation will be published in due time) provides insights in the developments of the Dutch bisexual organisations since the 1990s and the experiences of nine key bisexual activists who participated in the Dutch Bisexual Network and, often, in local bisexual organisations. This report discusses motivation...
This study critically reflects on recent conceptualisations of online dating apps for men-who-have-sex-with-men (MSM) as a telling example of the hybridisation of virtual and physical spaces. Online dating apps such as Grindr, Tinder, and PlanetRomeo, and websites such as Bullchat, show how physical and digital environments overlap. The authors of...
City governments worldwide have embraced urban agriculture, including community gardening, for the multiple societal benefits which they promise. Many academic studies have also emphasised and celebrated the benefits of community gardening but the debate surrounding it increasingly takes a more critical stance by also paying attention to the societ...
A collection of six peer-reviewed articles that together forms my dissertation on the sexual identity negotiations of bisexual people (18-35 years) in the two main cities of the Netherlands: Rotterdam and Amsterdam. The articles:
Maliepaard, E. (2015), Bisexual Spaces: exploring geographies of bisexualities. ACME: An International E-Journal for Cri...
This study challenges the coming-out imperative and understands coming out as a normative practice in which people need to confess their nonheterosexuality toward others. Interviews with bisexual participants, 31 bisexual men and women who are living in The Netherlands, reveal that they prefer to disclose their sexual identity in mundane situations...
Current understandings of sexualized spaces do not encompass bisexuality. In response, I use Schatzki’s theory of practice to identify bisexual practices and bisexual spaces. On the basis of 31 interviews with bisexual people (18–35 years old) in Rotterdam and Amsterdam, both located in the Netherlands, I contend that creating bisexual displays is...
This guest editorial is dedicated to introducing the First European Bisexual Research Conference, its theme, and, most importantly, the contributions to this special issue. I briefly discuss the specific context of this conference to explain its European focus, embeddedness in Dutch bisexual activism, and its standing on shoulders of giants (in par...
This study focuses on young men who have sex with men (MSM) and their experiences with online dating applications. The aim was to gain more insight in the scripts and communication during online dating and follow-up real life dates. In-depth face-to-face interviews were held with 21 MSM between 16 and 25 years old who had had sex with a man they ha...
This article explores bisexual passing and participants’ perceptions of (and, sometimes, experiences with) the Dutch organized bisexual community and other bisexual communities in The Netherlands. On the basis of 21 interviews with bisexual women and 10 with bisexual men, the author discusses firstly why people often pass as heterosexual, lesbian,...
In feminist studies, the figure of the mermaid has long been regarded as flawed, disabled and less-than-human. Her theoretical counterpart in that respect would be the cyborg, an image used to show that with the help of robotics, humankind could be larger than life. So, what would happen if we could combine those two images and apply them to create...
In feminist studies, the figure of the mermaid has long been regarded as flawed, disabled and less-than-human. Her theoretical counterpart in that respect would be the cyborg, an image used to show that with the aid of robotics, humankind could be larger than life. What would happen if we could combine those two images and apply them to create “sup...
Discussions on bisexual safe space(s) and online bisexual spaces are limited. This paper explores the potential of an online forum for bisexuals, their partners, and people who are interested in bisexuality to function as an online safe space. To understand whether the analysed forum is successful as a bisexual safe space, as conceptualised by Jo E...
Geographies of sexualities mainly focusses on the lived experiences and sexual identity negotiations of gay men and lesbian women in a society based upon binary divisions of sex, gender, and sexualities. This review article wants to consider a more theoretically informed relational approach to understand the creation and sustaining of the binary sy...
Since the 1990s, geographies of sexualities have evolved into a body of work which is able to provide an overview of everyday life experiences of sexual minorities, especially of gay men and lesbians. A review of the literature, however, observes that bisexuality is often neglected. I argue that this is the result of an approach to sexualised space...
Studies in sexual citizenship have been successful in revealing heteronormative assumptions that underlie most mainstream models on sexual citizenship and contemporary sexual politics. Discussions about sexual citizenship, however, focus on heterosexuals and homosexuals, and less on bisexual citizenship. This article aims to discuss the in/exclusio...
Dutch introduction on peacetime military geographies, esp. focusing on the interaction between civil and military actors
Amsterdam geniet een historische reputatie van internationale homohoofdstad. Die wordt echter bedreigd door toenemend antihomogeweld. Met homowijken wil de stad haar gayfactor versterken. Een onzalig idee.