
Landscape Protection In Less Developed Regions With A Focus On Wetlands

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... In many studies (Schroeder, 1982;Arriaza et al., 2004;Özhancı and Yılmaz, 2011;Bolca et al., 2007) it was mentioned that the existence of water positively affects the aesthetic landscaping quality (Aşur, 2017). Despite the various initiatives in Turkey on the preservation and sustainability of the wetland views, especially in the Eastern Anatolia and Southeastern Anatolia regions, these landscapes are under the threat of existing financial activities as well as regional and local development plans prioritizing financial improvement (Baylan et al., 2013). ...
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Wetlands are points of interest for social scientists as much as they are for naturalists. Due to their ecological importance, they have been in contact with human communities throughout the history and as a result of this, they also became ecosystems that shape cultural periods. The main reason for choosing wetlands in this study was that Turkey is rich in wetlands as a result of its geographical location. On the other hand, in order to have a sustainable environment, significant steps should be taken in preserving and developing the wetlands. In the scope of this study; the significant wetlands in the immediate vicinity of Sivas were used as material with a holistic view. These wetlands are located to the north of Sivas are Hafik Lake (Koçhisar Lake), Lota Lakes and Tödürge Lake (Demiryurt Lake). The images representing the condition of the study area together with the necessary information and the score card, were submitted to the experts for their evaluation. The aim of this study was to find out wetlands of landscape photographs in terms of potential differences (water property size, plant existence, topographic diversity, neighbors views, natural elements, cultural existence) and was to develop sustainable recreational areas in terms of visual preferences. The results were evaluated with a Q-sort analysis. Suggestions are offered about the visual landscaping quality and the development and preservation of recreational application potential within the scope of sustainable landscaping.
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