Emanuela Ingusci

Emanuela Ingusci
University of Salento | Unisalento · Department of History, Society and Human Studies


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Publications (63)
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Following Wright’s theory, the process of acceptance of disability helps persons with an acquired disability to change their attitudes toward it. Consequently, a sense of self-satisfaction was developed, a de-emphasis on disability salience was placed, and compensatory behavioral qualities were acquired. Together, these factors promote an individua...
Nel corso degli ultimi anni è cresciuta l'attenzione intorno ai temi del benessere e della salute nel contesto accademico. Studi recenti suggeriscono che il personale docente e ricercatore è sottoposto a numerose pressioni sul lavoro provenienti da una varietà di fonti e questo determina importanti ricadute sui livelli di benessere. Nello specifico...
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In recent years, global events have redefined working life, stimulating new organizational models. This work focuses on job crafting, which is considered the way to improve the relationship between some organizational variables and other individual variables such as organizational identification and satisfaction with communication, both of which ar...
Pochi studi sul benessere accademico approfondiscono l'intera comunità accademica (personale docente e tecnico amministrativo e componente studentesca). La ricerca esplorativa ha esplorato i desideri di benessere nel contesto universitario foggiano. 390 partecipanti (per-sonale docente e tecnico-amministrativo e studenti e studentesse) hanno rispos...
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Introduction Based on the job demands-resources (JD-R) model, the present study aimed to validate “The Technical and Administrative Staff Quality of Life At Work” (TASQ@work), a new tool to assess the quality of life at work in academia focused on technical and administrative staff. Methods This tool was developed by the QoL@Work research team, a...
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Recently, scholars have focused more on changes in higher education, leading to significant insights into the working lives of academics and certain related processes, such as stress or well-being. The interest in academia is also justified by the role of universities as institutions that promote health and well-being, serving as a bridge between s...
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Background: Job crafting is a proactive behavior displayed by workers to modify the boundaries of their roles, adapting them to their own needs, which is positively associated with motivational processes and negatively associated with mechanisms that compromise well-being. Methods: Starting from this framework, the objective of this study is to ass...
. L'obiettivo di questo studio è stato esplorare come docenti e personale tecnico-amministrativo universitari percepiscono e descrivono il loro benessere personale, professionale e comunitario. Ventuno interviste individuali narrative focalizzate sono state realizzate e il materiale testuale, analizzato seguendo l'approccio della Grounded Theory, e...
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In this study, we highlight Life Crafting Scale (LCS) factor structure and model specifications by using partial least squares structural equations modelling (PLS-SEM) and confirmatory composite analysis (CCA), with a sample of Italian students ( $$n=953$$ n = 953 ). From the validation results obtained through PLS-CCA, we identify the emergence of...
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Given the upheavals that characterize the world of higher education and the recent literature on the subject, the examination of what can improve student well-being has become critical. The JD-R model, originally developed to explain the implementation of motivational processes and the simultaneous unfolding of mechanisms that impact health, is use...
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La preoccupazione per il benessere psicofisico della popolazione universitaria è sempre più al centro dell'at-tenzione degli Atenei, anche in virtù degli ultimi due anni di Pandemia che hanno esacerbato una situazione pregressa di malessere. Il presente studio si è, dunque, posto l'obiettivo di studiare alcune richieste e risorse contestuali e pers...
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Italian university students face an uncertain future characterised by a competitive neoliberal academic environment with high demands and a weak labour market that often cannot hire those who are best qualified. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated students’ uncertainty and negatively affected their well-being. The purpose of this study is to expl...
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The number of employment opportunities afforded to people with disabilities in Italy is still not entirely satisfactory. Managerial policies should build a more favourable context, full of stimuli, support and backing for the promotion of good disability management practices within both private and public organizations. The aim of this study was to...
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The changes that are constantly occurring in the labour sector have led organisations and companies to move towards digital transformation. This process was accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic and conducted to a massive recourse to the practice of remote working , which in this study is understood as the term for the way of performing work outside...
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The present study provides evidence for a valid and reliable tool, the Academic Quality at Work Tool (AQ@workT), to investigate the quality of life at work in academics within the Italian university sector. The AQ@workT was developed by the QoL@Work research team, namely a group of expert academics in the field of work and organizational psychology...
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Sommario Lo scenario degli ultimi due anni, caratterizzato dall'epidemia di Covid-19, ha imposto una trasformazione dei modelli organizzativi tradizionali e ridefinito nuove rappresentazioni e significati in tutti gli ambiti professionali, con conseguenze decisive per la salute mentale di tutti. La nuova normalità imposta dall'emergenza sanitaria h...
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Communication is an element that permeates the lives of individuals, from birth to death. Through it, it is possible to create new shared meanings, relationships, and social networks. The importance of the communication process emerges in different contexts, one of which is undoubtedly the work context: several types of research have affirmed that...
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Patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) constitute an economic burden on most health occupational systems. They, in fact, experience several neurocognitive deficits, excessive daytime sleepiness and fatigue and workrelated limitations. Although the clinical relevance, only recently some authors focused on the relationship between OSA and a wide...
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Patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) constitute an economic burden on most health occupational systems. They, in fact, experience several neurocognitive deficits, excessive daytime sleepiness and fatigue and workrelated limitations. Although the clinical relevance, only recently some authors focused on the relationship between OSA and a wide...
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Human Resource Management (HRM) processes are considered the beating heart of any successful organization. Recently, several studies have highlighted how organizations can use commitment-oriented HR practices to generate organizational and individual effectiveness. The aim of this study was to verify whether the perception of HRM practices could be...
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The radical changes deriving from the COVID-19 emergency have heavily upset some of the most familiar routines of daily work life. Abruptly, many workers have been forced to face the difficulties that come with switching to remote working. Basing on the theoretical framework proposed by the Job Demands-Resources model, the purpose of this paper was...
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During the first months of 2020, the world, and Italy at an early stage, went through the Covid-19 emergency that had a great impact on individual and collective health, but also on working processes. The mandatory remote working and the constant use of technology for employees raised different implications related to technostress and psycho-physic...
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Drawing and adapting the Job Demands-Resources Model to the academic context, the study aimed at exploring how students manage academic study demands by seeking challenges and adopting their human (e.g. meta-competencies) and social capital (e.g. networking) to improve their academic performance. 152 undergraduate psychology students were asked to...
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Sustainable human resource management practices represent one of the main organizational strategy to survive and to prosper within the fast-moving current scenario. According to this view, sustainability is strictly linked to the consideration of the unique and distinctive value that each human resource means for organizations. The recent COVID19 p...
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Introduction: During the health emergency in 2020, in order not to interrupt production processes and at the same time to protect the health of citizens and workers, alternative working methods were adopted different from the traditional ones, to which workers were directed without any previous notice or specific training. Aims: The purpose of t...
This study aimed at verifying the causal assumptions of a recent employability model examining the associations of employability with different clusters of predictors, and with both subjective and objective career success as outcomes. Through a time‐lagged research design, antecedent variables were assessed at time 1, employability at time 2 and ca...
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The concept of public value is related to different dimensions among which work and performance are of particular importance. In this work, we consider organizational well-being and the role of managerial support with reference to work, and citizens’ satisfaction as a relevant factor in measuring and evaluating public performance. Using the data co...
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During the first months of 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic has affected several countries all over the world, including Italy. To prevent the spread of the virus, governments instructed employers and self-employed workers to close their offices and work from home. Thus, the use of remote working increased during the pandemic and is expected to maintain...
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In the current socio-economic scenario, affected by constant changes inthe labor market, employability found greater echo. Universities frequently adopt strategies aimed at improving the employability and usefulness of theareas of competence, motivation and interests of young graduates and workers. In this study a preliminary research was conducted...
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Universities are developing more education initiatives to increase the entrepreneurial mindset of students to enhance the social sustainability and self-employment. Young people should work to increase their managerial and soft skills in order to face the process of innovation and change. This exploratory study identifies some features of the parti...
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This study reported on the development and initial validation of a multidimensional measure of employability based on Lo Presti & Pluviano (2016) theoretical model. Four different studies were designed and implemented. Study 1 was a qualitative study that involved a group of 15 labour market experts and aimed at developing the items’ pool. In Study...
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In the last years, the scientific interest on job crafting within the Job demands-resources theory has been increased. The paper aimed to examine the role of job crafting in the relationship between self-efficacy and performance at work. Based on Job demands-resources theory, we hypothesized that employees with higher levels of self-efficacy would...
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L’attuale scenario del mercato del lavoro impone ai professionisti maggiore flessibilità, iniziativa personale e sviluppo di nuove competenze. Le istituzioni formative sono chiamate a farsi carico del complesso processo di transizione dal mondo accademico a quello professionale, offrendo proposte ed azioni finalizzate a garantire il successo e la r...
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This study aimed to explore a possible process explaining the relationship between workaholism and sleep disorders, including two mediators: work–family conflict and emotional exhaustion. Moreover, since a possible buffering role of work engagement was recently proposed against the detrimental effects of workaholism, the aim was to examine the mode...
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This study investigated job crafting as mediator and its relation with job satisfaction and work-family conflict, considering job autonomy as antecedent. The research involved 389 participants working in a public organization. A structural equations model was estimated revealing that job autonomy is positively associated with job crafting and job s...
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No validated instruments for assessing school users’ satisfaction are available. This paper means to contribute to address this lack. It outlines a new instrument of measurement of school users’ satisfaction – QUASUS (QUestionnaire for the Analysis of the School User’s Satisfaction). The main peculiarity of QUASUS lies in the fact that it pays spec...
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Based on the theoretical approach of the psychology of sustainability and sustainable development and on the theoretical Job Demands-Resources model, this contribution aims to explore the mediating effect of seeking challenges on the relationship between workload and contextual performance and the moderating effects of individual adaptability and o...
Nel corso degli ultimi anni si è diffusa in Italia, sulla base di alcune normative in seguito ricordate, la prassi di monitorare le condizioni di benessere dei lavoratori e delle lavoratrici all’interno delle Pubbliche Amministrazioni (PA). Tale prassi, vincolata all’uso del questionario di cui verranno presentate le dimensioni soggiacenti e le pro...
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Research on job crafting is increasing nowadays. Job crafting has been studied in terms of a mediator variable useful to improve positive organizational behaviors, and it has crucial theoretical and practical implications. In order to facilitate its measurement in large surveys, in different settings, we aimed to develop a brief 12-item version, th...
Inspired by the relational framework (Bassi, in: Franz, Hochgerner, Howaldt (eds) Challenge social innovation, Springer, Berlin, pp 325–350, 2012; Donati in Ital J Sociol Educ 5(1):19–35, 2013) and designed to integrate psychological and sociological aspects, a measure of social added value (SAV) was developed and validated. A study was conducted i...
The study presents a brief review on Organizational Wellbeing studies in the Italian public sector, and a secondary analysis of existing data collected with the questionnaire proposed by the National Anti-Corruption Authority and administrated to technical and administrative workers in some Italian Universities. This analysis was aimed to: compare...
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ntroduction: In recent years, scientific interest in generational differences has increased. More attention has been paid to the younger (Y generation) and to older workers (baby boom generation), little attention has been given to the X generation, composed of people who are between 35 and 50 years old. This paper aimed to examine the role of age...
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Introduction In recent years, scientific interest in generational differences has increased. More attention has been paid to the younger (Y generation) and to older workers (baby boom generation), little attention has been given to the X generation, composed of people who are between 35 and 50 years old. This paper aimed to examine the role of age...
Purpose The purpose of this paper is twofold: first, to investigate the goodness of the input-process-output (IPO) model in order to evaluate work team performance within the Italian National Health Care System (NHS); and second, to test the mediating role of reflexivity as an overarching process factor between input and output. Design/methodology...
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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to extend knowledge about theoretical explanations of the job insecurity-performance relationship. Specifically, the authors examine how and why job insecurity is negatively associated with task and contextual performance (i.e. organizational citizenship behavior) and whether organizational identification may...
Conference Paper
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Tra i recenti esempi di attenzione al Benessere organizzativo (BO) nella Pubblica Amministrazione (PA) italiana vi è il modello proposto dall'Autorità Nazionale Anticorruzione (ANAC) 1 per "rilevare il benessere organizzativo, il grado di condivisione del sistema di valutazione, nonché la della del superiore gerarchico da parte del personale" (D.Lg...
In the last decades, research on the relationship between contract type, job insecurity and outcomes has been constantly increasing. Previous evidence indicated that job insecurity moderates the impact of contract type (permanent vs temporary) on job satisfaction. The present study aims to investigate these relationships considering two facets (int...
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Most of past research on job search has focused on the relationship be- tween individual strategies and perceived quality of re-employment, focusing mostly on e�ort and intensity of job search behavior during unemployment. Few studies have investigated the role played by individual beliefs, values and representations of work in determining job sear...
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In the educational research, most of studies considered the quality of students life, focusing on several variables (Soresi et al., 2012; Tomyn and Cummins, 2011). Despite of it, there isn't evidence about the adaptability to future career as a mediator between integration at school and students satisfaction. This paper contributes to literature in...
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We aimed to explore the mediating role of perceived organizational support (POS) on the relationship between job crafting and job satisfaction, which is considered as an important outcome for the development of well-being at work. Participants were 263 teachers from public schools in the South of Italy. Results indicated that POS fully mediated the...
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Job crafting refers to actions carried out by workers in order to bring their job demands and job resources at a preferred level. Crafting behaviors are measured by the Dutch Job Crafting Scale (JCS). The Italian version of the JCS includes the following three positive factors: increasing structural job resources, social job resources and challengi...
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Resumen La presente contribución tiene como propósito presentar los resultados del servicio de consultoría en orientación laboral contemplado dentro de los Servicios Integrales y Consultoría para la Inserción Laboral (Co.S.I.P., Consulting and Integrated Services for Placement) de la Universidad de Bari. El objetivo del estudio es investigar los ef...
Introduction G.Tanucci, M.Cortini & E.Morin PART I: NEW CAREER MODELS 'The Protean and Boundaryless Career in Italy: Game on?' A.Lo Presti, M.Nonnis & J. Briscoe 'The Timing of a adjustment strategies during Work Role Transition: A Longitudinal comparison between newcomers and job changers' S. Toderi & G. Sarchielli 'A newcomer's career between com...
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INTRODUZIONE La transizione università-mondo del lavoro rappresenta una complessa tappa nella costruzione dell'identità professionale dei giovani (Krumboltz e Worthingthon, 1999). I cambiamenti sociali ed eco-nomici degli ultimi anni hanno prodotto delle tra-sformazioni nelle caratteristiche della carriera che è stata definita " protean career " (H...


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