Elzbieta Tabakowska

Elzbieta Tabakowska
Jagiellonian University | UJ · Chair for translatora studies


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Publications (66)
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Works written in the cognitivist vein have been clearly inspired by and connected with Gestalt psychology – a fact recognized by scholars who describe the beginnings and subsequent development of cognitive theories of language. However, the discoverers of hidden aspects of the history of Cognitive Linguistics hardly ever put on their lists of forer...
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The paper attempts to introduce Polish readers to a theory presented by the American literary scholar Margaret Freeman in her recent book, The Poem as Icon (2020). In the monograph, Freeman analyzes ways in which the reader experiences reality – both visible and invisible – through poetry. Her fundamental assumption is that the relevant research qu...
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Usage-based models that underlie cognitive approach to language and grammar imply investigation of language as a dynamic tool used in interpersonal communication rather than as an abstract system of signs. Hence the linguists’ interest in the language of social and mass media, with its focus upon real current situations and events. One of such even...
Oddajemy w Państwa ręce tom Przestrzenie komunikacji: czwarty z serii Obrazowanie w komunikacji. Tom nawiązujący do poprzednich, ale jednocześnie wyjątkowy – dedykowany Profesor Jolancie Antas – gromadzi teksty bardzo różnorodne. Wynika to oczywiście po części z faktu przyłączenia się do tego przedsięwzięcia przyjaciół Jubilatki, mających zainteres...
Prezentowana publikacja jubileuszowa jest dedykowana Profesor Grażynie Habrajskiej przez jej przyjaciół i uczniów. Wiele tekstów w niej zawartych nawiązuje do badawczych zainteresowań Jubilatki, liczne poświęcone są tematom aktualnie bliskim ich autorom, wszystkie zaś stanowią uhonorowanie niezaprzeczalnych dokonań oraz cenionej postawy naukowej Pr...
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Liquidation of the Target: Between doxa and episteme The author of the paper argues that Translation Studies and translation pedagogy might profit from the implementation of the theory of 4EA Cognition. The assumption that cognition is embodied, embedded, enacted, extended and affective might help to explain how people think about the world: cognit...
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Celem artykułu jest wykazanie przydatności językoznawstwa kognitywnego w nauce o komunikacji społecznej i mediach. Pokazujemy w nim, jak narzędzie językowe, jakim jest metafora, może zostać wykorzystane do badania zjawisk medialnych, do których niewątpliwie należą teksty produkowane przez instytucje kultury. Naszym zamiarem jest przekonanie czyteln...
Situated at the interface between grammar, semantics and discourse, the cornerstone of the cognitivist approach to language and grammar, the paper presents some interrelations between these fields. As an illustration, the author analyzes some aspects of the morphological category of Polish diminutive. Like in other Slavic languages, it is highly pr...
This volume investigates iconicity as to both comprehension and production of meaning in language, gesture, pictures, art and literature. It highlights iconic processes in meaning-making and interpretation across different semiotic systems at structurally, historically and pragmatically different levels of iconicity, with special focus on Cognitive...
Within cognitive and functional approaches to language structure and grammaticality, analogy and contrast represent two fundamental human cognitive capacities, which, up to now, have mostly been examined separately. This volume seeks to bridge that gap and in doing so it brings together cutting-edge theoretical and empirical research in the field....
Zebrane w inicjującej serię monografii teksty obejmują zróżnicowaną problematykę teoretyczną i metodologiczną – ich wspólnym motywem jest szeroko rozumiana korelacja nauki i sztuki. Sztuka nie jest traktowana jedynie jako przedmiot naukowego badania, ale również jako przestrzeń doświadczania procesu twórczego i komunikacyjnego. Tak pomyślane forum...
Artykuł jest ilustracją tezy – wysuwanej w ostatnich latach przez wielu językoznawców i badaczy literatury – że ściślejsze powiązanie językoznawstwa i teorii literatury może się okazać pożyteczne i inspirujące dla obu stron. Ilustrację celowości takich inter-, czy też raczej transdyscyplinarnych badań wiążących poetykę z językoznawstwem, zwłaszcza...
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Celem artykułu jest potwierdzenie tezy, że postulat transdyscyplinarności, wysuwany w rozważaniach dotyczących współczesnego przekładoznawstwa, znajduje uzasadnienie w zbieżności podstawowych założeń językoznawstwa kognitywnego, krytycznej analizy dyskursu i wiedzy o przekładzie. „Zwrot kulturowy” w przekładoznawstwie, odnotowany w tym samym czasie...
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A Window on the World, a Window to Translation The core of the paper is an analysis of Olga Tokarczuk’s column “Okno” (“The window”), originally commissioned by Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, first published in a German translation, and subsequently rendered into English and French. Carried out within the framework of cognitive linguistics, the a...
Inspired by the Nobel Lecture of the 2018 Laureate in Literature, the Polish novelist Olga Tokarczuk,the paper discusses the keynote notion of Tokarczuk's text, rendered by the Polish word czułość, as a complexof principles that jointly constitute the commitment of the translator. The author claims that the tender translatorshould work on the premi...
Punktem wyjścia artykułu jest tytułowa metafora, której Douglas Hofstadter używa, mówiąc o przekładzie. Hofstadter opisuje zadanie stojące przed tłumaczem, zwłaszcza w przypadku tekstu literackiego, jako dzieło budowniczego mostu, spinającego dwa brzegi kanionu oddzielającego oryginał od przekładu. Konstrukcja, która jest z początku jedynie chwiejn...
The Iconicity in Language and Literature series has long been dedicated to the recognition and understanding of the pervasiveness of iconicity in language in its many forms and functions. The present volume, divided into four sections, brings together and unifies different perspectives on iconicity. Chapters in the first section (Iconicity in langu...
The author discusses some relevant differences between the scientist and perspectivist narrative in history writing. She argues that although both types are influenced by cultural factors, the latter is more subjective, resulting in the historian’s tendency to cross the fuzzy border that separates fiction from non-fiction. Thus, while the scientist...
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p>Mimo rosnącego zainteresowania związkami języka z kulturą, w większości prac powstających w ramach językoznawstwa kulturowego i etnolingwistyki dominują analizy materiału leksykalnego. Niniejszy esej jest próbą dostarczenia dowodów na poparcie tezy Humboldta, że „gramatyka jest bliższa duchowej swoistości narodów niż leksyka”. Przedmiotem analizy...
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p>Mimo rosnącego zainteresowania związkami języka z kulturą, w większości prac powstających w ramach językoznawstwa kulturowego i etnolingwistyki dominują analizy materiału leksykalnego. Niniejszy esej jest próbą dostarczenia dowodów na poparcie tezy Humboldta, że „gramatyka jest bliższa duchowej swoistości narodów niż leksyka”. Przedmiotem analizy...
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The paper addresses the problem of mutual relation between form and function as exemplified by haiku. Focusing upon the structure of haiku conducive to epiphany, it discusses some general aspects, independent of the differences between Eastern and Western varieties of the form. The “literariness” of the genre is demonstrated with reference to dimen...
The Beyond Language (BL) series is tailored to a tenured, established demographic and driven by professor Piotr Chruszczewski – a vibrant dynamo targeting similarly fresh minds. BL’s intended audience includes authorities of their fields and academia types of present and future generations who will reference these books for years to come – research...
This volume addresses five different Dimensions of Iconicity. While some contributions examine the phonic dimensions of iconicity that are based on empirical, diachronic and theoretical work, others explore the function of similarity from a cognitive point of view. The section on multimodal dimensions takes into account philosophical, linguistic an...
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The article presents Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland as a classical work within the genre of fantasy, or literature of nonsense. The classification is made according to the “five procedures,” postulated for the genre by the American poet and scholar, Susan Stewart. From the point of view of the translator, the procedures make it po...
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The paper discusses some cognitive processes that underlie emergence, development and disappearance of image (“one-shot”) metaphors. It is claimed that expressions with a primarily literal meaning can function in a particular discourse so that they become elevated to the status of rich image metaphors. The first step on the way towards metaphorizat...
Tabakowska discusses the interplay between values and emotions with reference to the complicated context of interlingual translation. Drawing attention to intercultural differences, she distinguishes between feeling emotions, emotional valuation, and speaking of values and emotions. She claims that in the (literary) narrative, emotional valuations...
Autorka analizuje nowy polski przekład przygód Alicji, pióra Grzegorza Wasowskiego, wydany po tytułem Perypetie Alicji na Czarytorium. Określając przyjętą przez tłumacza strategię translatorską, zwraca uwagę na jej możliwe przyczyny i skutki oraz podejmuje dyskusję z autorem przekładu. Propozycja tłumacza – „lepiej [niż poprzednicy] się nie da, ale...
A dog loyal but tiresome: on metaphor in Leśmian’s poetry and beyond The paper is a polemical commentary on Wacław Cockiewicz’s monograph Metaforyka Leśmiana (Analiza lingwistyczna). [Metaphors in Leśmian’s poetry (A linguistic analysis)]. It is claimed that although the author of the book rejects as inadequate the cognitive theory of metaphor dev...
This is the first book to present an account of literary meaning and effects drawing on our best understanding of mind and language in the form of a Cognitive Grammar. The contributors provide exemplary analyses of a range of literature from science fiction, dystopia, absurdism and graphic novels to the poetry of Wordsworth, Hopkins, Sassoon, Balas...
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The author attempts to determine the role of imagination in (literary) translation Definitions of various types of imagination, taken from dictionary, or discussed in psychological works, are referred to in relation to processes occurring in the mind of a recipient of text (the readertranslator and the intended reader of translation) confronted wit...
"Polish Cognitive Studies" (PCS) is the name given a few years ago to what is alternately referred to as "The Lublin School of Ethnolinguistics", a project originated and run by professor Jerzy Bartmiński. As documented by numerous publications (and notably the so called "red series of Lublin") and scholarly meetings, the project has now developed...
Autorka artykułu bada związek pomiędzy postrzeganiem wzrokowym a repertuarem konwencji gramatycznych języka naturalnego, służących strukturalizacji opisu rzeczywistości. Ważnym punktem odniesienia w niniejszej pracy są definicje słowa „obraz”, które odpowiadają podstawowym ogniwom językowej formy opisu „obrazu”: percepcji, konceptualizacji oraz eks...
The paper deals with the ordering of multiple (mainly double) adjectival modifiers within Polish nominal phrases. Linear ordering of constituents within those structures, generally considered haphazard and erratic, is shown to be motivated. Two basic assumptions are made: (i) although in the diachronic development of language the motivation can be...
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The paper analyses the phenomenon of iconicity in relation to its significance for literary theory. One of the key notions in modern philosophy of language and linguistics, iconicity is seen as a motivated interrelation beween form and meaning. In this, it is akin to mimesis - one of the basic concepts in theory of literature. Based on similarity,...
Insistent Images presents a number of new departures dealing with iconicity on the conceptual and the structural levels. On the level of structure, the interface between different aspects of iconicity, lexical meaning and grammar is discussed in reference to both spoken and signed languages. Novel approaches to aural iconicity investigate a wide ra...
This fourth volume of the Iconicity series is like its predecessors devoted to the study of iconicity in language and literature in all its forms. Many of the papers turn the notion of iconicity ‘inside-out’, some suggesting that ‘less-is-more’; others focus on the cognitive factors ‘inside’ the brain that are important for the iconic phenomena tha...
This volume, a sequel to Form Miming Meaning (1999) and The Motivated Sign (2001), offers a selection of papers given at the Third International Symposium on Iconicity in Language and Literature (Jena 2001). The studies collected here present a number of new departures. Special consideration is given to the way non-linguistic visual and auditory si...
It is natural for people to make the distinction between in-group (Us) and out-group members (Others). What is it that brings people together, or keeps them apart? Ethnicity, nationality, professional expertise or life style? And, above all, what is the role of language in communicating solidarity and detachment? The papers in this volume look at t...
: To bridge the unfortunate gap between "literature" and "language", literary critics, including critics of translation, should make use of what linguists have to say about language. Out of modern linguistic theories, Cognitive Linguistics seems particularly promising. On the basis of Robert Frost's poem "Nothing Gold Can Stay " and one of its Poli...
: The paper is a contribution to the ongoing discussion on the requirements that dictionaries should meet in order to satisfy the needs of language learners and translators. The shortcomings of some standard dictionaries are discussed in reference to one particular item: the modal qualifier surely and its Polish equivalents. The latter were compare...
This paper examines the wide range of definitions of the basic linguistic concepts of competence and performance, particularly as these relate to problems involved in second-language teaching. It shows possible implications of linguistic theory for the theory and practice of second-language teaching. The paper also attempts to characterize some of...


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