Eloy Romero Muñoz

Eloy Romero Muñoz
Eloy verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Eloy verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Sorbonne Nouvelle University | UP3 · ED625

Doctor of Philosophy


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October 2021 - January 2025
Sorbonne Nouvelle University
Field of study
  • Educational Linguistics
August 2000 - May 2002
September 1999 - June 2000
University of Liège
Field of study
  • English and Dutch


Publications (48)
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Cognitive Linguistics (CL) has been gaining momentum in language teaching research. Despite the increasing theoretical as well as empirical evidence, little is percolating to the actual classroom. In the context of this dissertation, such failure is believed to stem from the adoption of a product-oriented, rather than process-oriented, approach to...
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Amé́liorer l'applicabilité́ de la Linguistique Cognitive Appliqué́e : Vers une approche orienté́e processus impliquant les praticiens Résumé La Linguistique Cognitive a pris une place de plus en plus importante dans la recherche en didactique des langues. Malgré́ des donné́es thé́oriques et empiriques de plus en plus nombreuses, la diffusion de...
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Cognitive Linguistics (CL) has been gaining momentum in language teaching research. Despite the increasing theoretical as well as empirical evidence, little is percolating to the actual classroom. In the context of this dissertation, such failure is believed to stem from the adoption of a product-oriented, rather than process-oriented, approach to...
Conference Paper
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Cognitive linguists are devoting much time and effort to the exploration of SLA, and the potential of a more figurative / embodied approach to pedagogical grammar has by now been documented (Roche & Suñer, 2016). Despite the increasing theoretical as well as empirical evidence, little is percolating to the actual classroom. We concur with Wirag et...
Conference Paper
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This presentation draws on the author’s experience as a practicing language teacher, researcher and concerned citizen to bridge the gap between the need for systemic change in language education and the reality of the French-speaking educational context. More specifically, it outlines the lack of ecological validity of a planned reform that will ma...
This exploratory case study contributes to the ongoing “methodological consolidation” in Applied Cognitive Linguistics (Wirag et al. 2022). It does so by examining the relationship between pre-service English language teachers’ attitudes toward grammar teaching and their acceptance of an innovative pedagogical approach to the Count/Mass Distinction...
Applied Cognitive Linguistics (ACL) has so far largely failed to concretize its potential to inform language teaching. This is evidenced by the scarcity of cognitive-pedagogical teaching materials on the market. This article contends that the problem may not lie in the theory itself as much as in the way it is being transposed in teaching materials...
Conference Paper
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This presentation challenges the prevailing methods of grammar instruction, particularly those found in popular, graded approaches such as Murphy's "In Use" series. These approaches tend to prioritize the teaching of “rules of thumb” anchored in surface-level morpho-syntactic phenomena, potentially hindering learners' comprehension of the underlyin...
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L’apprentissage du néerlandais ne parle pas à tous les élèves de la même manière. En Wallonie, beaucoup de jeunes choisissent d’apprendre l’anglais en première langue moderne plutôt que le néerlandais : seul un élève sur trois opte pour le néerlandais. La langue de Vondel est largement dépassée par l’anglais qui attire plus de 60% des élèves en Wal...
ELT publishing furthers a "canon of ELT grammar". This so-called canon can't really be traced back to any particular theory, but it is ubiquitous and self-replicating. This short piece problematizes one of the best-selling ELT coursebooks and shows how the canon may create more problems than it solves.
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The goal of this chapter is to show that adopting a CL approach is not only feasible, but also sensible, considering the convergence between CL and FLT. More specifically, it is argued that a cognitive-pedagogical grammar for ELT may offer solutions to problems that have plagued the profession, especially the role of explicit teaching of form withi...
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The aim of chapter one is thus to build some common ground around a central research question: is CL a pertinent theory of language and second language acquisition? The modifier is important here. This dissertation aims at presenting CL not as the model; rather, I will follow Divjak et al.’s (2016) recommendation to approach CL as a model that happ...
Conference Paper
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The impact of Cognitive Grammar (CG) in the FL classroom has remained modest despite all the thought-provoking pedagogical suggestions that have already been put forward . This study explores ways of objectifying the usability of teaching materials tapping into CG. Usability refers to “the appropriateness to a purpose of any artifact” (Brooke, 1996...
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Ever wondered what grammar teaching might look like if we made it more cognitively pertinent? Look no further! This is an updated version of a document that was published on this page a while back.
Cover Page
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Applied Cognitive Linguistics (ACL) has so far largely failed to concretize its potential to inform language teaching. This is evidenced by the scarcity of cognitive-pedagogical teaching materials on the market. This article contends that the problem may not lie in the theory itself as much as in the way it is being transposed in teaching materials...
Conference Paper
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Applied Cognitive Linguistics (ACL) has so far largely failed to concretize its potential to inform language teaching. This is evidenced by the scarcity of cognitive-pedagogical teaching materials on the market. This article contends that the problem may not lie in the theory itself as much as in the way it is being transposed in teaching materials...
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Which conditions are perceived by pre-service language teachers as affecting their acceptance of a Cognitive Grammar informed approach to the instruction of the Count/Mass Distinction?
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This is a short lesson plan we devised to experiment with Cognitive Grammar in preservice education.
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Carta Academica: Objectiver le débat sur l'apprentissage du néerlandais ? Non, peut-être ?! Tous les samedis, « Le Soir » publie la chronique d'un ou plusieurs membres de Carta Academica. Cette semaine : l'obligation d'apprendre le néerlandais dans les écoles francophones est-elle une bonne ou une mauvaise chose ? Chronique-Par Carta Academica* Pub...
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Comment organiser le travail collaboratif (travail en sous-groupes) afin d’en diminuer les désagréments et d’en augmenter l’impact? Ce document vous permettra de mieux fonctionner dans votre classe
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L'enseignement du néerlandais en Belgique francophone fait souvent l'objet d'un débat féroce aux accents communautaires. Est-il cependant possible d'objectiver cette discussion? Tel est le but de cet entretien avec Monique Baus de La Libre Belgique.
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En Belgique francophone, l'apprentissage du néerlandais fait régulièrement l'objet d'un débat politique et citoyen féroce sur fond de tensions communautaires. Dans ce qui suit, je tente de fournir des pistes de réflexions.
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Cette présentation traite de la nécessité de pallier l’écart entre recherche et pédagogie. Plus spécifiquement, il s'agit d'étudier la réception de l’innovation pédagogique par des enseignant.e.s en formation.
This chapter explores the operationalization of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (Council of Europe, 2001; CEFR) in the foreign language classroom. More specifically, it points to the contribution usage-based linguisticscould make in relating the CEFR’s action-oriented pedagogy with its criterial features, i.e., “certain lin...
Conference Paper
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La grammaire cognitive (GC) n'a jusqu'à présent pas eu un impact important en didactique des langues étrangères (DLE). Cette présentation tente de comprendre ce constat en posant la question suivante: qu’est-ce qui conditionne le succès / l’échec d’une innovation pédagogique?
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Cette resource pédagogique tente d'aborder la question des noms dénombrables et indénombrables en anglais (COUNT/MASS) par le biais de la Grammaire Cognitive. Il s'agit de voir comment on peut clarifier la distinction en faisant référence à la notion de "boundedness". Notre expérience impliquant des enseignant.e.s en formation a montré que cette no...
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This is one of the theoretical chapters of my dissertation. My doctoral project is embedded in the usage-based approach to second language learning (Cadierno & Eskilden, 2015; Evers-Vermeulen & Tribushinina, 2018; Tyler et al., 2018); it is thus part of the broader “Cognitive enterprise” (Lakoff, 1990). As such, it holds some basic assumptions abou...
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Het Nederlands in het Franstalig onderwijs: tussen hooggespannen verwachtingen en foute onderwijspolitiek Eloy Romero Muñoz-Koninklijke School voor Onderofficieren Het imago van het Nederlands in Wallonië komt al jaren ter sprake aan beide kanten van de taalgrens. Uit onderzoek is gebleken dat Waalse leerlingen de taal van hun noordelijke buren ind...
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Il est des sujets qui ne laissent personne insensible. L'enseignement des langues étrangères est de ceuxlà. Il suffit de tendre l'oreille dans les transports en commun pour entendre Monsieur et Madame Toutlemonde donner son avis, souvent de manière très catégorique, à ce propos. Vous entendrez par contre rarement des discussions portant sur la meil...
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Pourquoi les petits Wallons ne devraient pas (forcément) apprendre le néerlandais pour assurer leur avenir. Ne vous arrêtez pas au titre... faites l'effort de lire le reste ;)
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Cet article présente les résultats d'une étude longitudinale, avec prétest et posttest, sur la motivation des élèves au cours de néerlandais. Plus spécifiquement, l'étude a analysé l'effet de l'utilisation de Kahoot!, une application interactive et ludique de questions-réponses, sur la dynamique motivationnelle et les émotions positives ressenties...
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Le débat sur l'enseignement du néerlandais en Belgique francophone est très émotionnel. Cette contribution tente d'expliquer ce qui l'en est avec objectivité de manière constructive.
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Cette présentation tente d'expliquer pourquoi les élèves se trompent et comment aborder l'erreur dans le cadre d'une production orale afin de minimiser l'impact de la correction sur cette même production.
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Utiliser le numérique pour favoriser l'expression orale avec et sans interaction en classe de langue étrangère.
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Nous expliquons pourquoi imposer le néerlandais est une fausse bonne idée.
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Le néerlandais est une matière en souffrance. Cet article envisage les cause possibles et propose des pistes de solutions.
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Le néerlandais est une matière en souffrance. Cet article envisage les cause possibles et propose des pistes de solutions.
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Les épreuves externes certificatives ne sont pas utiles, elles sont indispensables ! Chaque année, à la même époque, les épreuves externes certificatives (c.-à-d. le CEB, le CE1D, et, dans une moindre mesure, le TESS) occupent le devant de la scène médiatique. Il est tantôt question de leur pertinence, tantôt de leur contenu et parfois aussi de leu...
Cette présentation aborde la grammaire du point de vue des métaphores qui sous-tendent les pratiques pédagogiques des enseignant.e.s. L'idée est de montrer que nos conceptions de ce que représente la grammaire sont un frein. https://prezi.com/si5ywopeovjl/dune-grammaire-de-la-forme-a-une-grammaire-du-sens-au-cours-de-langues-modernes/
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THis article presents a critical analusis of Murphy's Essential Grammar in USe and offers insights as to why this book may not be the best fit for the foreign language classroom
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Resources in language learning materials development are scarce and this volumeis indeed, as the blurb claims, a 'much-needed' addition to the emergingscholarship on this topic.
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This article presents a few thoughts about grammar teaching.
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Just a review - no more, no less


Questions (8)
Dear all,
I'm trying to compile a list of Foreign Language textbooks that tap into Cognitive Linguistics. I intend to carry out a content analysis of these published textbooks.
Can you suggest some (recent) titles?
Many thanks!
Eloy Romero Muñoz
Dear all,
I'm working on a paper about Dutch Language teaching in French-speaking Belgium. The paper aims to correlate local language policy with existing and projected issues in the language classroom. I would be interested in a collaboration with other researchers interested in Dutch as a foreign language in French-speaking Belgium or perhaps other languages in similar contexts that also suffer from poor language policy decision-making.
Tentative title: How not to improve Language Proficiency, or why the Foreign Language Teaching Community should care about the way Dutch is taught in French-speaking Belgium
This article draws on the author’s experience as a practicing language teacher, researcher and concerned citizen to bridge the gap between the need for systemic change in language education and the reality of the French-speaking educational context. More specifically, it outlines the lack of ecological validity of a planned reform that will mandate Dutch as a Foreign Language, and points to better, evidence-based ways of leveraging instruction time and educational resources. This article has wider implications for the ELT community, especially in contexts characterized by teacher shortage and negative learning attitudes towards the instructed foreign language.
Keywords: educational reform, negative language attitudes, foreign language teaching, multilingualism
Hi all,
I'm looking for research that has assessed the efficacy - or lack thereof - of Murphy's Grammar in Use series.
Can anyone help?
Thanks in advance.


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