Eloïse Lenormand

Eloïse Lenormand
Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon | INSA Lyon · Deep

Doctor of Engineering


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Environmental engineer graduated from the Ecole Nationale du Génie de l'Eau et de l'Environnement de Strasbourg (ENGEES) depending on the University of Strasbourg (FRANCE). I am currently a PhD Student at the ICube and LIVE Laboratories. Studying the impact of ageing upon performances and functionalities of a CONSTRUCTED WETLAND treating URBAN STORMWATER. In the lens of a global restauration of the site, a special focus is given to the PLANTS BIODIVERSITY characterization.


Publications (13)
Full-text available
Declining wetland areas cause many amphibian species to breed inside stormwater ponds (SWPs), which have been constructed alongside major roads to collect and retain polluted road runoff water. However, the suitability of such artificial ponds as a breeding habitat for amphibians remains unclear. Recently, a study found a very low survival rate of...
Technical Report
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Les eaux pluviales se chargent de polluants lorsqu’elles ruissellent sur les routes, aussi est-il est nécessaire de gérer et traiter efficacement des eaux de ruissellement. En ville, les eaux pluviales sont prises en charge par les réseaux « tout-tuyau » qui évacuent l’eau vers les stations d’épuration via les canalisations. L’urbanisation croissan...
In the context of stormwater management in urban areas, more knowledge is needed about sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS)' long-term performance. This article reports robust calibration of a portable X-ray Fluorescence Analyzer (pXRF) for a purpose of metal accumulation diagnosis in two stormwater constructed wetlands (SCWs). Two 9-year-old...
Les sédiments de trois mares de sédimentation âgées de 8 ans recevant des eaux pluviales strictes sont étudiés pour : (i) caractériser leurs propriétés physico-chimiques, (ii) évaluer la dynamique de piégeage des micropolluants sur trois ans, et (iii) analyser la capacité de la couche d’argile sous-jacente à agir comme une barrière à la migration d...
Conference Paper
Stormwaters in urban catchments are known to be contaminated with fine particles, trace metals, nutrients, hydrocarbons, etc., which are a source of environmental degradation. Yet, the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/CE) imposes to meet a “good status” for every water body in Europe. That is why the city of Strasbourg (Eastern France) has built...
Conference Paper
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The main goal of the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/CE) is the achievement of a “good status” for every water body in Europe. In this purpose, the city of Strasbourg (Eastern France) has built in 2012 three stormwater constructed wetlands (SCW) between the outflow of three urban residential catchments and the Ostwaldergraben, a small urban rive...
Conference Paper
En milieu urbain, les rejets urbains par temps de pluie (RUTP) se sont mués en un véritable enjeu d’urbanisme. Dans cette optique, de nombreuses communes développent des réseaux décentralisés de gestion des RUTP appelés techniques alternatives (TA). L’Eurométropole de Strasbourg (EMS) a lancé en 2011 la construction de TA de type zones humides arti...
Conference Paper
En milieu urbain, l’imperméabilisation de la plupart des surfaces empêche les eaux pluviales (EP) de s’infiltrer à leur arrivée au sol. De plus, l’urbanisation croissante rend parfois obsolètes certains réseaux unitaires qui ont tendance à trop solliciter les déversoirs d’orages lors d’événements pluvieux. C’est ainsi que les rejets urbains par tem...
Conference Paper
The present study aims to assess the efficiency of the treatment of domestic laundry waters by a constructed wetland (decentralized system) for the purpose of reusing it. This device is expected to be implemented in future residential areas of Bogotá, Colombia. The prototype is a reduced scale of this system installed outside to reproduce real cond...
Urban stormwater affects the general quality of water bodies because of their hydraulic and pollution impacts. Stormwater discharges modify stream water flow and are reported as major source of heavy metals (HMs) in urban streams. Stormwater Constructed Wetlands (SCWs) have been built worldwide to manage stormwater before it is released into hydros...


Question (1)
I want to implement a piezometric probe but it is likely that it will be dry sometimes. Is that a problem for the probe ?
Thanks in advance !


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