Elisabeth Krausmann

Elisabeth Krausmann
European Commission | ec · Joint Research Centre (JRC)



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Publications (134)
Technical Report
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Undertaking climate action and implementing robust climate risk management in the defence sector has become indispensable. Climate change poses significant risks to the defence workforce, both military and civilian. It threatens infrastructures, assets and capabilities, as well as communities in the vicinity of military installations, which provide...
Technical Report
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Natech incidenten zijn incidenten met betrekking tot industriële installaties die geïnitieerd zijn door een gevaar vanuit de natuurlijke omgeving (aardbevingen, overstromingen, stormen, natuurbrand). Dit document geeft inzicht in dit soort incidenten. In het derde hoofdstuk wordt ingegaan hoe Natech risico’s beheerd kunnen worden. Hiervoor wordt ee...
Technical Report
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This study, which for the first time addresses the climate change-energy-defence nexus, provides a set of concrete recommendations for defence decision-makers on climate change mitigation and adaptation. To achieve this, it assesses the impacts of climate change on defence-related critical energy infrastructure, military infrastructure and military...
The risk landscape is changing in the European Union (EU) but also globally. The emergence of new and the intensification of existing risks requires a joint effort to enhance society's resilience to these risks. In support of this goal, the European Commission, in close collaboration with Member States and the disaster risk management community, ha...
The concepts notes were developed to facilitate discussion among various stakeholders gathered from around the world to share information on their ongoing research activities and current research projects, find collaborative activity partners, showcase research achievements, and challenge further improvements to disaster risk reduction and resilien...
Technical Report
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Natural hazards, such as earthquakes, floods or storms, can trigger the release of toxic substances, fires and explosions when impacting industrial installations that process, store or transport hazardous materials. This type of event is called Natech (natural hazard triggered technological) accident. Impacts on industrial operations and hazardous...
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The seismic risk assessment of supporting structures, and process piping elevated on supporting structures plays an important role in accident prevention inside process plants. Process piping is an essential yet complex network of pipes that is used inside petrochemical facilities for connecting equipment items. Even though the seismic vulnerabilit...
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Tsunami hazard can be analyzed from both deterministic and probabilistic points of view. The deterministic approach is based on a “credible” worst case tsunami, which is often selected from historical events in the region of study. Within the probabilistic approach (PTHA, Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Analysis), statistical analysis can be carried o...
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"Science for disaster risk management 2020: acting today, protecting tomorrow", is the European Commission’s flagship report, the second of its series, produced by the Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre within the JRC. The report represents a collaborative effort of more than 300 experts on disaster risk, coming from different sectors and d...
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Technological accidents are a threat to the population, the environment and the economy. Occasionally, the notion of “Black Swan” event is applied to such accidents as an explanation for why they could not be prevented. By their very nature, Black Swans are considered extreme outliers which are impossible to anticipate or manage. However, technolog...
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The Great East Japan earthquake and tsunami in 2011 triggered multiple releases, fires and explosions at chemical process installations. Based on the analysis of available accident data, this article identifies the main impacts and consequences and highlights gaps in Natech prevention, preparedness and response. It also presents changes in Natech r...
Technical Report
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The wildfire risk in Europe is increasing, as is the geographic expansion of wildfires to north and southeast Europe. When wildfires intersect with hazardous industry in Wildland Industrial Interfaces, they can trigger toxic spills, fires or explosions. Climate change and the associated transformation of the surroundings of industrial installations...
Technical Report
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This publication of Common Inspection Criteria is intended to share knowledge about technical and organisational measures and enforcement practices related to major hazard control and implementation of the Seveso Directive. The criteria were developed to aid the dissemination of good enforcement and risk management practices for the control of majo...
Natural hazard triggered technological accidents (known as Natechs) are a subject of increasing concern due to the growing exposure of highly industrialized and urbanized areas to natural hazards. The increasing trend of such accidents along with their potentially devastating consequences has led to growing awareness and international efforts aimed...
Conference Paper
Seismic events may result in hazardous material releases at industrial facilities with consequences such as fires, explosions, or toxic dispersions. Methods and tools to assess the risk of so-called Natech events are still limited although they occur repeatedly. The Rapid Natech Risk Analysis and Mapping system (RAPID-N) provides unique and scalabl...
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Critical Infrastructure protection is one of the areas where there are emerging problems with impacts which require urgent, applicable and cost-effective solutions. The impacts of natural hazards, such as extreme events linked to climate change, are becoming not only more damaging, but also more complex. Besides direct impacts, their cascading phys...
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Industrial facilities and critical infrastructure are vulnerable to the impact of natural hazards. These impacts can trigger so-called Natech accidents and the release of toxic substances, fires and explosions, potentially resulting in health effects, environmental pollution and economic losses. Different factors drive Natech risk, including techni...
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Specific risks to offshore oil and gas operations manifest in the Arctic and other harsh environments. Such extreme operating conditions can disrupt the offshore infrastructure and cause major accidents, posing a great challenge to operators. A thorough investigation of past incidents helps to learn lessons to ensure that a recurrence of serious ac...
Technical Report
Natural hazards can trigger major accidents, such as fires, explosions and toxic releases at establishments that process, store or transport dangerous substances. These technological side effects of natural-hazard impacts are called “Natech” accidents. While awareness of Natech risk is growing, there is still a lack of methodologies, tools and guid...
Conference Paper
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The European Commission's Joint Research Centre has developed a number of methods and tools that contribute to better resilience of urban regions. Although the tools originally have not been thought for aspects of crisis management cycle they can make essential part of a resilience tool suite for national authorities, critical infrastructure owners...
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The fifth edition of the United Nations Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction (GAR) is being issued four years after the adoption of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030 (Sendai Framework). This edition of GAR is the first punctuation mark in the implementation of the Sendai Framework. It offers an update on pro...
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Decision No 1313/2013/EU on a Union Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM) calls Participating States to develop risk assessments periodically and make the summary of their National Risk Assessment (NRA) available to the European Commission as a way to prevent disaster risk in Europe. In order to facilitate countries on this task, the European Commissio...
Technical Report
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This fifth edition of the United Nations Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction (GAR) is being issued four years after the adoption of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030 (Sendai Framework). Now is a time of heightened global urgency, and the need for ambitious collective action to reduce disaster risk, build res...
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Natural hazard impacts on industrial activities handling hazardous substances can result in severe cascading events such as fires, explosions, and toxic or radioactive releases. These so-called Natech accidents are often overlooked in regional and national disaster risk management plans. National Risk Assessment (NRA) is a well-known instrument to...
Technical Report
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Infrastructure systems are the backbone of modern economies, and critical infrastructure resilience is essential to sustainable development. Natural hazards can affect the electricity supply and result in power outages which can trigger accidents, bring economic activity to a halt and hinder emergency response until electricity supply is restored t...
Technical Report
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As standards of living generally improve across the globe, there is a corresponding change in people’s perception and acceptance of risk. The impact of natural hazards is an emerging threat to industrial facilities, pipelines, offshore platforms and other infrastructure that handles, stores or transports hazardous substances. When accidentally rele...
LINK 50 days free for Paper here: https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1XVLj7t2zYxTg4 ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to review and present the contribution of the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission to the development of a new methodological approach for measuring the effective capacity of national programmes aimed at reducing the ri...
Conference Paper
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Doğal afetler ve diğer doğal tehlikeler, endüstriyel tesislerde önemli hasarlara neden olarak yangın, patlama, zehirli madde yayılımı gibi olumsuz olayları tetikleyebilirler. Natech olarak adlandırılan bu tür kazalar, gerekli önlemler alınmadığı takdirde büyük ekonomik ve çevresel sonuçlar doğurabilirler. Natech risk değerlendirmesi, bu tür sorunla...
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This poster is presented at the European Civil Protection Forum 2018 at the JRC stand. It summarizes what Natech accidents are, why they are a problem, and it gives an overview of the JRC's activities in the field, including Natech risk assessment and mapping (RAPID-N), Natech accident database (eNatech), Natech accident analysis for lessons learne...
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Natural hazards, such as earthquakes, floods, storms, extreme temperatures, etc. can trigger fires, explosions and toxic or radioactive releases at hazardous installations and other infrastructures that process, store or transport dangerous substances. These technological secondary effects of natural hazard impacts are also called "Natech" accident...
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Space weather driven by solar activity can induce geomagnetic disturbances at the Earth's surface that can affect power transmission systems. Variations in the geomagnetic field result in geomagnetically induced currents that can enter the system through its grounding connections, saturate transformers and lead to system instability and possibly co...
In this chapter, the rapid Natech risk analysis and mapping framework RAPID-N introduced in Chapter 8 is used to carry out a simplified Natech risk analysis for an industrial facility in Izmit Bay in Turkey that was subjected to a predicted Istanbul earthquake scenario. The results demonstrate RAPID-N’s capability to assess the earthquake impact on...
Over the past decade there have been increasing efforts to tackle the problem of hazardous-materials releases from industrial installations in the wake of natural disasters. However, increasing urbanization and industrialization coupled with climate change brought about by global warming highlights the need to address the remaining research and pol...
Numerous past Natech accidents are testimony to the dangers that can arise when the natural and technological worlds collide. Past experience also teaches that Natech accidents can in principle be triggered by any kind of natural hazard and that it does not necessarily require a major natural-hazard event, such as a strong earthquake or a hurricane...
In many countries, a legal framework for chemical-accident prevention and mitigation exists and some programs address Natech risk directly or implicitly. Nonetheless, the repeated occurrence of Natech accidents raises questions about the effectiveness of these frameworks. This chapter provides examples of current national approaches and internation...
Structural prevention and mitigation measures can help prevent damage and hazardous-materials releases at industrial facilities, and contribute to reducing their consequences if releases do occur. This chapter introduces a selection of available structural protection measures for different types of natural hazards.
Risk analysis is a powerful tool for estimating the risk level originating from a hazardous industrial activity. This chapter briefly introduces the industrial risk–assessment process and proposes a methodology for Natech risk assessment based on the conventional QRA procedure, illustrating the individual steps of the process. It also discusses the...
Dealing with Natech risk effectively involves a wide range of prevention and mitigation measures that can be physical or administrative in nature. A mix of both types of measures is commonly required for optimum protection. This chapter introduces selected organizational measures for Natech risk reduction.
Risk assessment is a prerequisite for understanding the Natech risk and for determining if and which prevention and preparedness measures should be implemented to reduce the risk. The analysis of multihazard risks is a highly complex task and there is no consolidated methodology for assessing the Natech risk. This chapter introduces selected qualit...
Efforts have been launched to systematically collect and analyze information on the causes and dynamics of Natech accidents, as well as of near misses, to support scenario development and the design of better risk-mitigation options. Using postaccident analysis, conclusions can be drawn on the most common damage and failure modes and hazmat release...
This chapter sets the stage for the chapters that follow by introducing the topic of Natech risks, including a definition of the term, presenting the main characteristics of Natech accidents, and giving an overview of the objectives and scope of the book.
Technical Report
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This study investigates the change in the level of risk to critical infrastructure due to the impact of climate change on the frequency and severity of floods. We implement a case study focused on the power grid to demonstrate the methodology. The consideration of the power outage substantially changes the estimated losses from the flood scenario....
Technical Report
The risk of Natech accidents due to earthquakes at hazardous installations in Marsaxlokk Bay in Malta was analysed and mapped using the RAPID-N tool of the European Commission's Joint Research Centre. This study was based on the earthquake scenarios of Malta's National Risk Assessment and it used industry data from safety reports and public resourc...
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The Global Alliance of Disaster Research Institutes held its 3rd Global Summit of Research Institutes for Disaster Risk Reduction at the Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, Japan, 19–21 March, 2017. The Global Alliance seeks to contribute to enhancing disaster risk reduction (DRR) and disaster resilience through the collaborat...
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In 2016 the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) commissioned the development of guidelines on national disaster risk assessment (NDRA) as part of a series of thematic guidelines under its “Words into Action” initiative to support national implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030. The pres...
Natural hazards can cause loss-of-containment events at hazardous installations, resulting in fires, explosions or toxic or radioactive releases. These so-called Natech accidents have frequently had severe consequences on the population, the environment and the economy. Proper preparedness for Natech accidents is therefore crucial. Using case studi...
Technical Report
Le projet d’exercices de sécurité civile EU RICHTER CARAIBES 2017 est coordonné par la Direction Générale de la Sécurité Civile et de la Gestion des Crises du Ministère de l’Intérieur de la République Française. Le projet EU RICHTER CARAIBES 2017 englobe un exercice de cadres sur table, un exercice de cadres en poste de commandement, et un exercice...
Technical Report
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Flooding is one of the major natural hazards that occur frequently, resulting in significant impacts both to human settlements and the environment. In addition to social and economic damage, floods can also have severe secondary consequences if they impact industrial installations storing, processing, or transporting hazardous substances. Flood wat...
Technical Report
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Historical evidence shows that many critical infrastructures in space and on the ground are vulnerable to the effects of space weather. Society relies increasingly on the services these infrastructures provide, and the risks from extreme space weather should be assessed to ensure adequate preparedness in industry and society. In order to take stoc...
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This book covers the entire spectrum of issues pertinent to Natech risk assessment and management. After a thorough introduction of the topic, the authors discuss various examples of international frameworks for major accident prevention and provide a detailed view of the implementation of Natech risk management in the EU and OECD. The book include...
Conference Paper
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When natural hazards impact industrial facilities that house or process hazardous materials, fires, explosions and toxic releases can occur. This type of accident is commonly referred to as Natech accident. In order to prevent the recurrence of accidents or to better mitigate their consequences, lessons-learned type studies using available accident...
Technical Report
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Natural hazards, such as floods, landslides, or earthquakes, can trigger accidents in oil and gas pipeline transport or distribution systems which can cause damage or failure of system components and the subsequent release of toxic or flammable substances. This type of accident, in which a natural event affects a hazardous infrastructure, is also c...
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Incidents at U.S. onshore hazardous liquid pipeline systems were analyzed with an emphasis on natural hazards. Incidents triggered by natural hazards (natechs) were identified by keyword-based data mining and expert review supplemented by various data sources. The analysis covered about 7000 incidents in 1986-2012, 3800 of which were regarded as si...
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Critical infrastructures are the backbone of modern society and provide many essential goods and services to urban areas. Given the risks associated with the impact of natural hazards on critical infrastructures, the move towards safer and more resilient cities requires the development and application of an improved risk assessment framework to add...
Technical Report
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Geomagnetic storms (GMS) can seriously affect high voltage power transmission grids. More specifically, GMS can inject geomagnetically induced currents (GICs) into the power network, thus causing instabilities and eventually leading to grid collapse. Since GMS are expected to cause more pronounced disturbances at high latitudes, this report address...
Technical Report
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Space weather caused by solar activity can disrupt and damage critical infrastructures in space and on the ground. Space-weather impacts to the power grid, aviation, communication, and navigation systems have already been documented. Since society relies increasingly on the services these critical infrastructures provide, awareness of the space wea...
Conference Paper
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Natural hazards, such as earthquakes, floods, landslides, or lightning, can initiate accidents in oil and gas pipelines with potentially major consequences on the population or the environment due to toxic releases, fires and explosions. Accidents of this type are also referred to as Natech events. Many major accidents highlight the risk associated...
Conference Paper
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Natural hazard-triggered technological accidents (so-called Natech accidents) at hazardous installations can have major consequences due to the potential for release of hazardous materials, fires and explosions. Effective Natech risk reduction requires the identification of areas where this risk is high. However, recent studies have shown that ther...
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RAPID-N is a web-based decision-support tool for Natech risk management that allows the assessment and mapping of the risk of potential natural-hazard impact on industrial facilities. The primary aim of RAPID-N is rapid local or regional Natech risk assessment and mapping with minimum data requirements. RAPID-N features an on-line and user-friendly...
Technical Report
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Technical Report
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Natural hazards can impact oil transmission pipelines with potentially adverse consequences on the population and the environment. They can also cause significant economic impacts to pipeline operators. Currently, there is only limited historical information available on the dynamics of natural hazard impact on pipelines and Action A6 of the EPCIP...
Technical Report
This report is a limited distribution publication because of information provided in confidence to the JRC by EU Neighbourhodd countries and the sensitivity of national capacity rankings for chemical accident prevention and preparedness assigned to each country based on that information. It has been produced by JRC G05 for DG ECHO A5 under the Admi...
Technical Report
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Strong geomagnetic disturbances resulting from solar activity can have a major impact on ground-based infrastructures, such as power grids, pipelines and railway systems. The high voltage transmission network is particularly affected as currents induced by geomagnetic storms, so-called GICs, can severely damage network equipment possibly leading to...
Technical Report
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Information on the seismic response of chemical containers located in storage racks is very limited. Unfortunately, no clearly established data and statistics exist related to potential damage of chemical racking systems during earthquakes. Hence, this work presents an approach for developing fragility curves for chemical racking systems in the cro...
Technical Report
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Space weather can affect both ground-based and space-borne infrastructures, potentially resulting in failures or service disruptions across the globe and causing damage to equipment and systems. With society having become increasingly reliant on the services these infrastructures provide, a more thorough analysis of the risk due to extreme space we...
Fires and explosions triggered by lightning strikes are among the most frequent Natech scenarios affecting the chemical and process industry. Although lightning hazard is well known, well accepted quantitative procedures to assess the contribution of accidents caused by lightning to industrial risk are still lacking. In the present study, a quantit...
Natural hazards can be initiating events for accidents in oil and gas pipelines. Severe past incidents bear testimony to the risk associated with pipeline accidents triggered by natural hazards (natechs). Post-incident analysis is a valuable tool for better understanding the causes, dynamics and impacts of such accidents. To identify the main trigg...
Conference Paper
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Natural disasters, such as earthquakes, floods, and landslides, can impact industrial installations that process or store hazardous materials, potentially causing major accidents with fires, explosions or toxic releases. Accidents of this type are commonly referred to as Natech accidents. Numerous Natech accidents in the wake of past natural events...
Technical Report
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Natural events such as earthquakes, floods, and lightning can cause accidents in oil and gas transport pipelines with potentially adverse secondary consequences to the population, the environment, or the industrial activity itself. Such accidents are commonly referred to as natech accidents. In order to better understand the dynamics and possible i...
Technical Report
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Critical infrastructures are the backbone of modern society and provide many essential goods and services. Recently, natural events impacting critical infrastructures have highlighted the vulnerability of these infrastructures to natural hazards. They have also revealed the risk of cascading failures with potentially major and extended societal and...
Technical Report
The impact of space weather on the power grid is a tangible and recurring threat with potentially serious consequences on society. Of particular concern is the long-distance high-voltage power grid, which is vulnerable to the effects of geomagnetic storms that can damage or destroy equipment or lead to grid collapse. In order to launch a dialogue o...
Technical Report
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The JRC has developed the rapid natech risk assessment and mapping framework RAPID-N which assesses the risk of hazardous-materials releases, fires or explosions due to natural hazard impact and maps the results in an online web-based environment. In its current version, RAPID-N estimates the natech risk due to earthquakes. Based on the predicted I...
Technical Report
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Floods are among the most frequent natural hazards that trigger accidents in chemical infrastructures or oil and gas pipelines that result in the release of hazardous materials, fires, and explosions. Numerous severe accidents are testimony to this. While there is growing awareness of the risk of natural hazards impacting hazardous installations, n...
Technical Report
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Natural events, such as earthquakes and floods, can trigger accidents in oil and gas pipeline with potentially severe consequences to the population and to the environment. These conjoint technological and natural disasters are termed natech accidents. The present literature review focuses on the risk analysis state‐of‐the‐art of seismic and flood...
A changing climate and more frequent extreme weather events pose challenges to the oil and gas sector. Identifying how these changes will affect oil and gas extraction, transportation, processing, and delivery, and how these industries can adapt to or mitigate any adverse impacts will be vital to this sector’s supply security. This work presents an...