Elisabete Figueiredo

Elisabete Figueiredo
University of Aveiro | UA · Department of Social, Political and Territorial Sciences

PI of STRINGS and ShareFOREST projects. Co-PI of ALICE project


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Rural Sociologist and PhD in Environmental Sciences. Associate Professor with Habilitation at the Department of Social, Political and Territorial Sciences, University of Aveiro, Portugal. I am a full researcher at GOVCOPP (Research Unit on Governance, Competitiveness and Public Policies), University of Aveiro. I currently coordinate the project ShareFOREST - Sharing decisions in forests: participatory methodology for public and stakeholder engagement in the protection and valorisation of forests
Additional affiliations
January 2014 - present
University of Aveiro
  • Full Researcher
March 2023 - February 2026
University of Aveiro
  • Co-Principal Investigator
  • Co-PI of ALICE - Air polLution: a stressor for environmental justICECo-Principal Investigator (2022.04351.PTDC) - https://projeto-alice.web.ua.pt/
October 2018 - October 2022
University of Aveiro
  • Principal Investigator
  • STRINGS - Selling The Rural IN (urban) Gourmet Stores: establishing new liaisons between town and country through the sale and consumption of rural products" (PTDC/GES-OUT/29281/2017/ POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029281) - https://www.stringsproject.pt/
January 2020 - January 2020
University of Porto
Field of study
  • Sociology
March 1997 - July 2003
University of Aveiro
Field of study
  • Sciences Applied to Environmental Studies
September 1990 - September 1993
University of Aveiro
Field of study
  • Sciences Applied to Environmental Studies


Publications (346)
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This article analyzes how rural provenance foods are portrayed by the promotional materials, websites and social media issued by urban specialty stores in Portugal. Even though provenance food may be defined in multiple ways as, among others, local, regional, traditional, and authentic, provenance is mostly about territories of origin: their biophy...
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O presente livro apresenta um conjunto de resultados obtidos no âmbito do projeto STRINGS. Importa referir que alguns dos resultados aqui divulgados foram já objeto de análise e discussão em conferências internacionais e nacionais sobre temáticas relacionadas com as várias dimensões estudadas no projeto. É igualmente importante referir que alguns d...
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The unprecedented wildfires of 2017 in Portugal, particularly affecting the Centre Region, resulted in more than 100 deaths and numerous other dramatic socioeconomic and environmental impacts. Due to the unparalleled magnitude of these events, the extent of the burned area, and the catastrophic consequences, forest and fire management were placed a...
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Finding strategies and measures to prevent and mitigate wildfires is at the top of the socio-political agendas in Europe. This is due to an increase in the recurrence and intensity of wildfires, but also to constraints related to fire planning and management system, which includes and deals with multiple organizations, entities, and stakeholders, f...
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O Manual de Metodologias Participativas: Um guia para o envolvimento dos agentes na gestão da floresta reúne a apresentação de um conjunto de atividades desenvolvidas no âmbito do projeto ShareFOREST – Partilhar as decisões nas florestas: metodologia participativa para o envolvimento do público e dos atores sociais na proteção e valorização das flo...
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Ainda que as áreas de floresta pública representem apenas 3% do território florestal nacional, as dinâmicas de interação existentes entre aquelas áreas e as comunidades locais são nítidas. Estas são marcadas tanto por processos materiais (e.g. os bens produzidos pela floresta, emprego gerado, funções de proteção), como por processos simbólicos rela...
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Mass media has a powerful influence in social transformation and strongly impacts on personal and collective views and attitudes regarding some events, by exposing us to a set of facts, opinions and perspectives, often subjectively selected to be disseminated. Media both echoes and helps to create public attitudes, tensions and diverse levels of tr...
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Stakeholder involvement can foster more socially and environmentally sustainable management of natural resources, including forests. However, few studies have approached the effect of knowledge on stakeholders' involvement in forest management. This study intends to contribute to filling this gap by exploring the relationship between access to know...
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Folheto n.º 3 do Projeto ShareFOREST
Conference Paper
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As ML fazem parte dos 3% de floresta com gestão pública em Portugal, sendo as decisões sobre a sua gestão e ordenamento da responsabilidade do Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas (ICNF). Uma boa parte destes territórios foi especialmente afetada pelos incêndios de outubro de 2017 que geraram um enorme debate social e político sobre...
Understanding participatory processes and identifying successful implementation methods is key to effective bottom-up sustainable forest management strategies. This paper aims to contribute to that understanding by systematically reviewing the literature dealing with participatory methods to forest management in five European Mediterranean countrie...
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This article explores general concepts related to the diffusion of innovations theory (DoI) and its use regarding the adoption of nature-based solutions, specifically green roofs, in urban areas by private house/property owners in the city of Eindhoven (Netherlands). Given the gap in knowledge on the potential for the adoption of green roofs by pri...
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The certification of origin and quality of rural provenance foods paves routes of protection and promotion of the products and the territories. While the importance of certification at socioeconomic, policy, and consumption levels has been addressed in previous research, the views of other key stakeholders-the producers-remain somehow underexplored...
O projeto ShareForest visa desenvolver uma metodologia par􀆟cipa􀆟va para o envolvimento do público e dos atores sociais na proteção e valorização das florestas em Portugal, u􀆟lizando como caso de estudo as Matas do litoral. Para explorar o potencial do envolvimento dos stakeholders no modelo de gestão florestal destes territórios o primeiro passo co...
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The asymmetries between rural and urban areas have continued to increase over the last decades, contributing to an imbalance of economic, social, and territorial dimensions between regions. Urban stores specialized in the commercialization of rural provenance agri-food products can have a role in the promotion of interrelations between the countrys...
Conference Paper
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As many other peripheral regions within Europe, Portuguese rural areas have experienced important changes over the last decades, namely their constitution as post-productive and multifunctional territories in which tourism and food related functions seem to have gain terrain and, somehow, to have been considered as the panacea for the rural multipl...
Conference Paper
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Este trabalho tem como pano de fundo os dramáticos incêndios de 15 de outubro de 2017, que, em conjunto com os ocorridos em junho do mesmo ano, desencadearam extensos debates a nível institucional e social em Portugal sobre as causas e as consequências dos fogos florestais. Tais debates centraram-se igualmente nas persistentes questões associadas à...
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The dramatic rural fires of June and October 2017 in Portugal triggered an extensive social and institutional debate around the management and planning of forest areas, along with the discussion about the causes of forest fires that, almost every year, affect Portuguese rural territories. In 2017, 442.418 hectares of public and private forests were...
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The current energetic crisis definitely demonstrated the enormous dependency of European Union countries upon fossil fuels. Although we have witnessed an increase in the production of ‘green energy’ during the last few years in many countries, it is still not enough to solve the energy problems we are currently facing. Renewable energy production i...
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The links between rural and urban have often been the subject of study in Portugal. Nevertheless, the asymmetries between rural and urban have not ceased to increase over the last decades, contributing to an imbalance of economic, social, and territorial dimensions between regions. In order to counter this trend, policies to attract the population...
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Sumário. Os incêndios rurais de 2017 desencadearam na sociedade civil Portuguesa um debate alargado sobre decisões e ações de recuperação e valorização das florestas, assim como da necessidade de encontrar formas mais eficazes de participação pública e cooperação entre agentes. Neste sentido, compreender quem são os agentes e os atores sociais com...
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O projeto ShareFOREST é um projeto financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, cujo principal objetivo se relaciona com a construção, desenvolvimento e avaliação de uma metodologia participativa para promover a codecisão na gestão e ordenamento das florestas, reforçando os princípios de governança territorial, com a missão última de preve...
Purpose Wine tourism has been growing considerably over the past decades. The literature highlights its relevance in the social, economic and cultural development of the regions where wine routes are located. However, few studies examine residents’ tourism impact perceptions and even fewer analyse the diversity of these perceptions. This study aims...
Get access Share icon Skip to Main Content Taylor and Francis Online homepage Log in | Register Search in: Journal of Food Products Marketing Latest Articles 0 Views 0 CrossRef citations to date 2 Altmetric Research Article Consuming Rural Territories through Food – A Segmentation Analysis Based on the Food Choices of Urban Specialty Stores’ Cus...
Conference Paper
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O presente trabalho procura identificar os principais benefícios e problemas associados às Matas do Litoral (ML), assim como debater as visões relativamente ao futuro destes territórios, a partir de uma análise exploratória dos resultados de um inquérito por questionário aplicado a entidades com algum tipo de intervenção e interesse na gestão das M...
Conference Paper
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O projeto ShareFOREST tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia participativa para promover a codecisão na gestão e ordenamento das florestas, reforçando os princípios de governança territorial, com a missão última de prevenir futuros fogos. Para atingir este objetivo realizou-se o mapeamento dos agentes e entidades em presença, avalia...
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A Europa é um complexo de territórios rurais e urbanos, com as populações a viverem de formas muito diferentes, mas enfrentando desafios comuns. De facto, podemos considerar que as populações das cidades e dos campos são mutuamente dependentes, sendo necessário promover inter-relações mais duradouras entre estes territórios para um futuro mais sust...
Conference Paper
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In recent years, there has been a growing differentiative trend of food markets towards a logic of quality, presenting new opportunities for consumers, retailers and producers of rural provenance food products. Although these evolving food practices are still hybrid, combining dominant agro-industrial and productivist logics, alternative food netwo...
Conference Paper
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Consumers’ interest in rural provenance foodstuffs has increase during the last few decades, followed by a growing number of urban specialty shops selling these products. Despite their increase in urban contexts, and their role in fostering both the consumers’ interest and linkages with rural producers, their analysis is a recent topic. However, th...
There is a general trend of increasing urban population in cities worldwide in the coming decades, leading to an intensification of urban environmental impacts as well as the probability of cities becoming vulnerable to climate change impacts. In this sense, it is essential to increase their resilience, to better cope with climate change effects. A...
Conference Paper
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1. PURPOSE This presentation explores and compares the representations of rural provenance foods’ producers and distributors regarding rural territories, food products and agriculture, while presenting their main characteristics and unveiling their motivations, perceived impacts and challenges related to their activity. 2. METHODOLOGY Deriving fr...
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INTRODUCTORY NOTE | Local and traditional food products have been attracting the interest of consumers, retailers, and producers, as well as the attention of politicians and academics in different research fields (e.g., agriculture, geography, sociology, anthropology, food studies, tourism). This relatively recent focus is related to the potential...
Conference Paper
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1. PURPOSE This presentation characterizes the main venues targeted by producers and distributors of rural provenance food products, also exploring which criteria guide their selection of collaborations, namely what characteristics are pursed by producers to choose retailers and intermediaries and by intermediaries to choose their producers and ret...
Conference Paper
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1. PURPOSE Despite the increase in policies regarding food certification labels and processes, there are distinct levels of knowledge and dissemination about European Union schemes and their impact is still less significant than other food quality criteria (Grunert and Aachman 2016). The present contribution focuses on how the main actors of rural...
Conference Paper
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1. PURPOSE This presentation explores the promotion of rural provenance products, comparing what aspects and specificities do urban specialty shops’ owners, producers and distributors choose to emphasize. It aims at contributing to the yet little explored topic of promotion of rural provenance foodstuffs from a multi-actor perspective. 2. METHODOLO...
Conference Paper
1. PURPOSE A visible element of urban landscapes, particularly in city centers, is the display of products for sale in shop windows. The spatial arrangement and organization of goods and services have been a longstanding subject of consumption research. Studies placed closer to marketing studies tend to focus on assessing the effectiveness of this...
Conference Paper
1. OBJETIVO A gastronomia e o vinho constituem aspetos muito importantes quando se trata de compreender a cultura e o estilo de vida de uma comunidade e de um destino turístico. Assim, o turismo gastronómico e o enoturismo podem constituir-se como uma plataforma colaborativa entre os turistas e as comunidades anfitriãs. Neste sentido, este estudo p...
Conference Paper
1. PURPOSE Rural food producers, especially small-scale farmers and artisans, often face difficulties in accessing market conditions that provide them enough income to ensure the sustainability of their businesses and the communities they live in. Though the literature on Short Food Supply Chains has highlighted potential economic, social, and envi...
The main aim of this presentation is to present the key results of the STRINGS research project. The project is rooted is rooted in the well documented changes many rural areas, mainly in peripheral regions of Europe, Portugal included face since some decades ago. Due to these changes, mainly related with transformations in agricultural activities,...
Conference Paper
Background and objectives The catastrophic wildfires of 2017 in Portugal have triggered a wide debate within civil society about future decisions and actions towards the rehabilitation and valorisation of forests. Although sustainable forest management is essential for public policies in Portugal, decision-making processes are still traditional and...
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The literature on food consumption and marketing has been mainly concerned with identifying the appeal of the physical and sensorial features of food products, consumer choice determinants and their profiling according to socioeconomic characteristics, and perceptions and practices. This paper takes a different approach by analyzing how consumers a...
Conference Paper
There is a general trend of increasing urban population in cities worldwide in the coming decades, leading to an intensification of urban environmental impacts as well as the probability of cities becoming vulnerable to climate change impacts. In this sense, it is essential to increase their resilience, to better cope with climate change effects. A...
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This article explores learning processes that underpin ecovillages as place based ‘sustainability initiatives’. Through the theoretical lens of place- based transformative learning (PBTL), developed in earlier work ( Pisters et al., 2019 , 2020 ), empirical data from life-story interviews and photovoice sessions from three ecovillages is analysed a...
Conference Paper
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The recent increase of rural provenance specialty food shops in Portuguese cities reflects both the blossoming of touristic influx as consumers’ demand for these foods (Silva et al, 2021). These shops’ role in fostering consumers’ interest and promoting rural-urban linkages is a recent topic (e.g. Mayer et al., 2016) the focus so far privileging ru...
Conference Paper
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Rural provenance food is gauging interest among consumers increasingly aware and knowledgeable about what they eat (Caputo et al., 2018). This interest has been accompanied by theincrease of specialty shops in urban context. The role played by these stores in fostering the consumption and in modelling how these products are portrayed and communicat...
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Consumers’ food preferences increasingly meet concerns of authenticity, health, origin, and sustainability, altogether attributes embodied in rural provenance food products. The dynamics of production, commercialization, and availability of these products in urban centers are growing stronger. This study aims to explore rural provenance food consum...
Conference Paper
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New rural-urban linkages are being fostered in the Portuguese territory by urban specialty food stores. As privileged venues to promote traditional and locally produced products, their increasing number meets and elicits the interest of consumers on such foodstuffs (Silva et al., 2021) whilst contributing to its valorization and further agricultura...
Conference Paper
As ligações entre o rural e o urbano têm sido frequentemente objeto de estudo em Portugal. Ainda assim, as assimetrias entre o rural e o urbano não deixaram de se acentuar ao longo das últimas décadas. A litoralização da população, a concentração populacional nas cidades juntamente com o ainda persistente êxodo rural, contribuíram para um desequilí...
Conference Paper
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In recent years, there was an increase in the number of rural provenance and specialty food stores, located in urban settings as ambassadors of a distinct and more connected approach to consumption vis-à-vis mass agri-industrial choices. The role of entrepreneurs in promoting rural-urban relationships and sustainable regional development has been r...
Conference Paper
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This paper intends to analyze foreign consumers representations and behaviors regarding Portuguese rural provenance food products. Based on data collected through a questionnaire applied to the customers of food stores located in Aveiro, Lisbon and Porto (N=1553), the paper focuses on the foreign customers (N=373) from 29 countries, especially Braz...
Conference Paper
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The global shift in consumers food preferences and determinants of food choice have been widely studied during the last few decades. This global shift is in line with the ‘quality turn’ identified by Goodman (2003) pointing out to a turn from mass consumption to a growing qualitative differentiation of food products. In this vein, labels as local,...
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Although studies on food and tourism have gained terrain within tourism research, especially in the last decade, the connections of food tourism with rural territories have remained underexplored. This is particularly significant in the context of an increasing recognition that food should be understood as a distinguishing feature of rural tourism...
This book explores the notion of rurality and how it is used and produced in various contexts, including within populist politics which derives their legitimacy from the rural-urban divide. The gap between the ‘common people’ and the ‘elites’ is widening again as images of rurality are promoted as morally pure, unalienated and opposed to the cultu...
The growth of rural tourism and heritage industries, together with amenity migration and counter-urbanisation, the branding and marketing of local crafts and products and the marketisation of rural identities, as well as cultural products, produce and reproduce images of “authentic rurality” and turn rural territories into “consuming idylls”. Rural...
A fight for a freedom of driving and hunting thus becomes a fight for authentic rurality and, more importantly, it becomes a fight against those who are seen as oppressing the rural way of life. One of the perils of such performances of authenticity lies in their exclusiveness: there is only one “authentic” way of rural life. Rural authenticity lin...
Conference Paper
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the present paper focus is on how traditional rural food products are advertised and promoted within Gourmet or Specialty stores located in Aveiro, Lisbon and Porto, not only concerning their physical properties but also the narratives, symbols and images used to describe their producers, ways of production or preparation and, also, provenance rura...
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore and typify the characteristics and diverse features of urban speciality stores selling rural provenance food, taking the case of three cities in Portugal. Design/methodology/approach The study was based on hierarchical cluster analysis, performed upon data collected from a survey to 113 shops, locate...
This chapter analyses children's participation in the social tourism programme promoted by the 'O Século' Foundation in Portugal. A literature review is first presented, which discusses both the constraints of poverty and social exclusion in childhood and the relevance of social tourism programmes in mitigating its effects and promoting social incl...
The aim of this chapter is to reflect on rural provenance food as cultural heritage, discussing at the same time its contribution to promoting rural development and renewed rural-urban connections in Portugal. This chapter takes a selection of urban retailers (the so-called gourmet or specialized stores) located in Lisbon, Portugal, as the starting...
Conference Paper
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The increase number of urban venues selling rural and locally produced foods is at par with an emerging interest of consumers in those products as opposed to more massified and industrial ones. This shift appears to partake a new form of rural urban relationship in which gourmet specialty stores may have a paramount role since they not only sell th...
At the beginning of twenty first century, countries of Southern and Mediterranean Europe were immersed in an uneven process of modernization and globalization, both in the material and cultural contexts. This restructuring process has taken a radical hit since the deep crisis faced by Europe over the recent years was particularly harsh in Southern...
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In several parts of Europe, but particularly in Greece and Portugal, the economic crisis has reinforced positive and idyllic political and media narratives about rural areas as places of refuge, full of employment opportunities in agriculture and tourism-related businesses, especially for younger people. Through these narratives, rural areas have r...
The chapters included in this book represent a series of works about the impacts of the crisis in the diverse Southern and Mediterranean European rural territories. These chapters focus on the case studies with a clear qualitative perspective as a whole. Accordingly, the book can be read as a collection of snapshots in which we can observe a series...
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In an earlier work, we suggested that connection, compassion and creativity could be used as key analytical dimensions of transformative place-based learning (Pisters et al. in Emot Sp Soc 34(8):100578, 2019). This analytical framework was created to study processes of place-based transformative learning which evoke shifts in our consciousness. Thi...
Conference Paper
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Construction of Portuguese rural provenance food as gourmand by urban specialty stores STRINGS-Selling The Rural IN (urban) Gourmet St ores-est ablishing new liaisons between t own and country t hrough t he sale and consumption of rural product s (PTDC/GES-OUT/29281/2017) https://www.stringsproject.pt/
This book sheds light on the effects of the financial and economic crisis in a diverse set of countries of Southern and Mediterranean Europe. Drawing on case studies from Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, and Turkey, this book presents a broad and integrative perspective on the impact of the crisis in different rural territories, discussing the simil...
Conference Paper
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Nas três últimas décadas algumas transformações dos sistemas agroalimentares, como o crescimento do poder dos grandes retalhistas sobre os sistemas de produção e distribuição alimentar e a diminuição dos retornos das inovações tecnológicas, têm pressionado os pequenos produtores e retalhistas e colocado em causa a sustentabilidade das suas atividad...
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In recent decades, European rural development policies have transitioned toward a more place-based approach. This claim rests on the assumption that the diversity of resources within rural areas can be a potential source for place-shaping practices and sustainability. Moreover, this shift away from a top-down sectorial toward a more territorial foc...
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The most critical question for sustainability research is how to facilitate transformative change. Yet, the academic scope of historical commons’ research is limited to institutional design and environmental sustainability. In this paper we argue for a transformative research agenda for historical commons focused on the study of processes building...
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The use of food products in tourism supply has considerable increased during the last years. Consequently, in the last ten years the number academic papers dealing with the relationship between tourism and traditional and endogenous food products has also augmented. Food tourism or food and tourism has emerged as a frequently research topic in the...
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Session Organized in the ambit of the 26th APDR Congress - Evidence-based Territorial policy making: formulation, implementation and evaluation of policy. The number of specialty food stores in urban areas in many European countries, Portugal included, has increased. This evidence together with the growing and well documented interest of consumers...
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Despite the wide and well-documented transformations in rural areas in Europe, there are persistent and widespread assumptions that identify the rural as the opposite, and often alternative, to the urban and that portray the rural as unchanged and unchangeable. Frequently, those assumptions are based on a representation of the rural as ‘authentic’...
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The aim of this contribution is to present a recently started research project that seeks to contribute to the understanding of the role of urban specialty stores selling rural provenance food products in fostering new or renewed rural-urban liaisons. Like in other European countries, there is growing evidence on the increasing number of this type...
Conference Paper
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Based on the content analysis of the websites of 60 ‘gourmet’ or specialty stores located in the historical hearts of Paris and Lisbon, we aim at discussing the role of urban stores in promoting both rural food products and rural territories. While there is a relative consensus regarding the increasing interest of (mainly urban) consumers in tradit...
Conference Paper
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the aims of this presentation are: To analyse the content of the news published in 4 Portuguese Newspapers, with different geographical coverage and distinct frequency, in order to: Know and analyse the CQE as a ‘media object’ and object of interest by regional and national media Contribute to rebuild the history of the CQE and of the collective m...
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Recently we have seen the emergence of citizen-led community initiatives and civic enterprises, taking over governmental tasks in providing public services in various sectors, such as energy, care, landscape maintenance, and culture. This phenomenon can be explained by a renewed interest in community, place, and 'local identity'; the erosion of the...
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Invited Talk at the European Society for Rural Sociology Autumn School - Social Innovation in and for Sustainable Food Provision
el estudio dirigido por Elisabete Figueiredo (Universidad de Aveiro), y realizado en colaboración con Jonathan Teles, se ocupa del caso de la región de Aveiro, en la franja costera central portuguesa como tipología de la ruralidad litoral. Los territorios litorales han sido considerados en relación con la gestión integrada de la costa, la sostenibi...
La fluctuación de las migraciones laborales, los desplazamientos pendulares de sus vecinos, los nuevos residentes estacionales y el sobreenvejecimiento de la población local, muestran una comunidad de demográficamente estancada y con importantes dificultades de accesibilidad. Como apuntan Figueiredo, Telles y Oliva en el Capítulo 3, Sao Jacinto per...
Conference Paper
The main purpose of this presentation is to explore the narratives of former urban dwellers that have moved to (or started a business in) the countryside, following the financial and economic crisis, both in Greece and in Portugal. In both countries the effects of the crisis were devastating to diverse sets of actors and at several levels. Both cou...
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Muitos territórios rurais da Europa têm progressivamente passado de lugares de produção a espaços de consumo, também em consequência das políticas nacionais e Europeias de desenvolvimento rural. As atividades turísticas, incluindo provas gastronómicas e aquisição de produtos agroalimentares tradicionais e localmente produzidos, detêm atualmente um...
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The paper discusses the concept of the quality of life and its measuring. It tries to explain its peculiarities in the rural space considering different levels of education, professional activities, mobility, ways of dwelling, access to the social and technical infrastructure. The subjective perception of both urban and rural people to the rural qu...
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Between the knowledge and power negotiation dynamics of all the actors involved (from winemakers to farmers, local authorities and other stakeholders like local cooperatives) there is a need to question if the current rural development strategies based on local food qualification schemes under Geographical Indications (GIs) are being implemented to...
Conference Paper
Tendo em conta as transformações nas perceções sociais do risco, a um nível mais geral, assim como ao nível de contextos de trabalho que exigem o contacto e/ou o manuseamento de substâncias químicas perigosas, procuramos com este trabalho analisar as narrativas dos trabalhadores do Complexo Químico de Estarreja (CQE) relativamente aos riscos associ...
Conference Paper
O potencial de desenvolvimento socioeconómico constitui um dos mais frequentes argumentos para a implementação da produção de energias renováveis, por parte de decisores políticos e académicos. Tal argumento assume particular importância quando a instalação se verifica, como é frequentemente o caso, em territórios rurais periféricos ou de baixa den...