Elisa-Maria Hiemer

Elisa-Maria Hiemer
Freie Universität Berlin | FUB · Friedrich Meinecke Institute of History

Doctor of Philosophy
Senior researcher in the ERC project Democratising the Family?


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As postdoc, I have been working in the intersection of literature and history focusing on narrativization of our world: 1) Maternity /Sexuality in Poland from the 19th century until 1939. 2) Rebuilding and reinventing cities in Eastern Europe after 1945. My PhD was dedicated to issues of Jewish identity in recent Polish and German literature. Besides I do scientific communication and I am interested in Polish-German relations and conflicts.
Additional affiliations
April 2019 - September 2019
University of Giessen
  • Lecturer
  • Teaching "Polish and Czechoslovak Dissent Literature"
April 2019 - present
Herder Institute
  • PostDoc Position
April 2013 - March 2019
University of Giessen
  • PhD Student
April 2013 - November 2018
University of Giessen
Field of study
  • Literary Studies, Jewish Studies
October 2009 - January 2012
University of Giessen
Field of study
  • Slavic Studies and Eastern European History
October 2006 - September 2009
University of Freiburg
Field of study
  • Romance and Media Studies


Publications (50)
Research Proposal
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On behalf of the editoral board, we invite you to submit manuscript proposals for both monographs and edited volumes for our newly founded series. For more information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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City maps are often designed to provide both an overview and orientation. During the Second World War, damage and destruction caused by heavy bombing made orientation increasingly difficult for residents, firefighters and administrators. The damage was therefore documented on city maps, which were then altered or overlaid to reflect further changes...
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After the massive losses experienced during World War II, political post-war narratives created the image of the Polish nation as one family to which every man and woman should contribute. The state, in turn, took care of ‘its family’ by implementing social welfare measures. The present article will focus on individual actors and the extent to whic...
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Territorial shifts after World War II entailed critical demographic changes: Germans were expelled from Elbing; Poles from the eastern territories were supposed to take their place in Elbląg. Personal and national narratives had to be created from scratch. The article explores different forms of texts and maps – memoirs, tourist guides, literature,...
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How do manmade and natural conflicts affect cityscapes, self­image, and perceptions of a city? What are the current challenges for European cities? How do historic conflicts influence the city’s narrative and self­branding in different media? Which strategies do city authorities and residents apply to create a certain image of a town? Where can we...
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When the call for papers for this special issue was released, we thought that the thematic frame for "pop cultural representations of the Holocaust" was well defined. With increasing time lag, more and more voices have been raised in the past decades about the commer-cialization of the Holocaust experience and its memory. The Holocaust industry is...
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The article is based on the observation that contemporary research on Jewish literature and culture is usually reduced to aspects of heritage, survivorship and the state of “non-being”. This post-catastrophic way of reading ignores that identity building processes also require forward-looking references to Jewishness and Judaism. With my text sampl...
(Introduction to Special Issue): Providing the conceptional framework of the special issue and discussing its main hypotheses, the introductory article points out that extraordinary vivid discourses on birth control in journalism emerged during East Central Europe's interwar period. They fought for more liberal attitudes towards birth control, but...
Pro-German family and health policies were, at their core, anti-Polish measures that cleared the path for later racially determined politics. The sources demonstrate how these policies were justified and how their character developed from protective to invasive. Therefore, I examine first protective discourses about the fight against venereal disea...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gREZehHhtok (record) After World War I, Poland regained its independence after 123 years. It faced the challenge of uniting three parts of the country that had developed very differently during the partition period in terms of health care, education, economy and industrialization. Young women, often without professio...
https://www.pol-int.org/de/wissenschaftsblog-polenstudien/sexualitaet-abtreibung-und-familie-im-polen-der-zwischenkriegszeit In der dritten Folge des Podcasts Talking Interdisciplinary Polish Studies spricht Antje Coburger vom Herder-Institut für historische Ostmitteleuropaforschung mit ihrer Kollegin Elisa-Maria Hiemer darüber, wie die polnische...
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We are looking forward to proposals from a variety of disciplines such as critical cartography, history, literature, architecture... For more information: https://urbanmetamapping.uni-bamberg.de/conf/UNC/
To reuse the data in your reference management software, follow the DOI where you will be provided with other formats like ris, ctv, txt or rtf. The data set consists of 428 entries and offers a bibliography focusing on publications related to the issue of family planning (but also on abortion, gender roles, sexuality) in Poland. Contentwise, the...
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Upper Silesia as a Polish-German conflicting space: -Gendered propaganda in pre-plebiscite times - German and Polish otion of mother/motherhood in Upper Silesia -German and Polish health policies regarding maternity care
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PUBLISHED OPEN ACCESS: The Handbook of Polish, Czech, and Slovak Holocaust Fiction aims to increase the visibility and show the versatility of works from East-Central European countries. It is the first encyclopedic work to bridge the gap between the literary production of countries that are considered to be main sites of the Holocaust and their re...
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For those who are interested in reading about my research in a more informal way: I have launched my Instagram blog (@researching.poland).
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The text is a summary of my PhD Thesis on German-Jewish and Polish-Jewish literature. (Hiemer 2019) In my examples, Jewishness is no longer only understood as a mark of deprivation. In their works, authors of the second and third generation consciously try to design positive spaces that are indispensable for the formation of new Jewish consciousnes...
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New narratives of German-Jewish Literature. In my presentation, I outline recent polyphonic debates on the status of the Jewish community in Germany in different areas of discourse that is the individual, media and, above all, literary discourse. Starting with interviews with the younger generation, I will complement this picture with insights from...
Conference Paper
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On 12 July, we organize a workshop dedicated to the research field of family planning, the history of contraception, abortion and demography.
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This contribution asks about the state constitutive character of social politics and its narration presented in marriage guides, political decisions, statements in newspapers, and NGO positions. A close reading analysis stresses the national(istic) wording and normative understanding of “the Polish family” and its supposed duties. These expectation...
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Based on Wolf Schmid’s Narratology, this article depicts the influence of the so-called abstract dimension on the reception of Kevin Vennemann’s Nahe Jedenew (Close to Jedenew, 2005) and Matthias Nawrat’s Die vielen Tode unseres Opas Jurek (Numerous Deaths of Grandpa Jurek, 2015). The abstract dimension – being, among others, the result of personal...
Conference Paper
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Social change caused by industrialization and urbanization as well as by cultural and political modernization provoked a re-configuration of family conceptions. The demand to determine the number of offspring became a major political claim of women's rights movements before it became part of "normality" within family life. "Family planning" as a pr...
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The article depicts recent debates within about the conception of Jewishness in both countries in three different areas of discourse: On the one hand, it evaluates narrative interviews with Jews of the so called third generation that testify the changing Jewish self-perception. Jewish journals that increasingly offer a broader perspective on contem...
Jüdische Literatur = Holocaustliteratur? Die Rezeption von Werken jüdischer Autorinnen und Autoren scheint vom historischen Wissen um das Schicksal der früheren Generationen untrennbar, vor allem wenn der Text autobiographische Bezüge nahelegt. Zudem erfolgt seitens der Forschung in der Regel eine Einordnung der Texte in das Überlebenden-Narrativ d...
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The article deals with the representations of history in contemporary Polish cinema. On the occasion of the 70 th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising, Jan Komasa released two fundamentally different films within one year. By an analysis focusing the context, the artistic product and the reception, the author intends to decode the different messages...
In the 1990s in particular, late literary testimonies of Holocaust survivors represented a large part in Polish literature. These experiences are now being portrayed by the second and third generations, who apply more abstract literatury devices. The effects of the temporal and emotional distance create new narrative strategies and sometimes provoc...


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