Elina Hasanen

Elina Hasanen
Xamk / Aalto University

Doctor of Sport Sciences


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Researcher in Social Sciences of Sport. Research themes: equality in physical activity environments; social spaces of physical activity; active travel, cycling; young children and families; young people's physical activity cultures.
Additional affiliations
August 2023 - January 2024
Finnish Center for Integrity in Sports FINCIS
  • Researcher
  • Good governance in sport
August 2019 - June 2023
University of Jyväskylä
  • PostDoc Position
  • - Equality in suburban physical activity environments (https://blogs.helsinki.fi/yhdenvertainen-liikunnallinen-lahio/). - Use of digital devices and its association to physical activity and play of children aged 2–6 years (https://www.jyu.fi/sport/en/research/research-projects/screen-media-use-among-preschool-children) - Sports clubs' financial support to children and youth's families (https://www.jyu.fi/sport/fi/tutkimus/hankkeet/urheiluseurojen-tuki)


Publications (37)
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English summary of dissertation study. This study examines the meanings and prerequisites of self-organised physical activity from young people’s perspective. The theoretical framework is social space, which enables young people’s experiences to be interpreted in parallel with their physical, social, and cultural environment. Three research questio...
This article provides insights from an empirical study on the meaning of social inclusion for Finnish athletes with intellectual disabilities (ID) who participate in Special Olympics (SO). A further objective was to explore the athletes’ perceptions of the role SO has played in their lives regarding their personal experiences of social inclusion....
During the COVID-19 pandemic, people have been required adaptations in leisure-time physical activity (PA) especially due to restrictive policies concerning indoor sport facilities (ISF). This study investigated the effects of the constraints on ISF among residents of two low socioeconomic status suburbs in Finland. Research questions were: (1) Are...
This report examines topical questions and information needs regarding good governance in sports. The study data consisted of an international research review for 2013–2023 and interviews with representatives of athletes, sports clubs and organisations, and the Ministry of Education and Culture. The range of research themes extended from corrup...
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Background The World Health Organization (WHO) has developed guidelines for 24-h physical activity (PA), sedentary behaviour and sleep for young children. Lower socioeconomic status (SES) has been linked to a lower likelihood of meeting these guidelines. The outbreak of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) raised concerns about young children’s...
https://www.lts.fi/media/lts_vertaisarvioidut_tutkimusartikkelit/2023/liikunta-tiede-lehti-5-2023-sivut-78-86-hasanen-ym..pdf Hasanen, E., Salmi, L., Virmasalo, I., Salmikangas, A.-K., Simula, M., Vänttinen, L., Laakso, T. & Muukkonen, P. 2023. Suburban physical activity environments as children and young people’s spaces. Liikunta & Tiede 60 (5),...
The promotion of the physical activity (PA) of citizens has traditionally focused on improving spatial accessibility, especially in municipal administrations. However, research evidence indicates that proximity to PA environments is not a sufficient condition for increased PA. This article presents a broader model of the dimensions of the accessibi...
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The promotion of the physical activity (PA) of citizens has traditionally focused on improving spatial accessibility, especially in municipal administrations. However, research evidence indicates that proximity to PA environments is not a sufficient condition for increased PA. This article presents a broader model of the dimensions of the accessibi...
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Informal sport is central to Finnish children’s leisure and physical activity time. This paper aims to build a better understanding of the travel time-based accessibility to informal sports facilities, specifically to ice skating fields, for children and adolescents (aged 7–19) in the city of Helsinki. We focused on the winter of 2020–2021 because...
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Background Learning to cycle is an important milestone for children, but the popularity of cycling and the environmental factors that promote the development and practice of this foundational movement skill vary among cultures and across time. This present study aimed to investigate if country of residence and the generation in which a person was b...
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Laukkanen, A., Hasanen, E., Matilainen, P. 2021. Pyöräilytaidon oppimista selittävät yksilö-, ympäristö-ja tehtävätason tekijät 1950-2010-luvuilla. Liikunta & Tiede 58 (4), 91-98. Pyöräily on yksi suomalaisten yleisimmistä liikkumismuodoista. Yhteiskunnan tasolla pyöräilyn merkityksissä korostuvat väestön arkiliikunnan lisääminen ja kestävän liike...
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Young children’s digital media use and physical activity have gained attention in recent research. Parental co-participation has a major impact on children’s health consequences. This study addressed a gap in the research by investigating daily parental co-participation in children’s digital media use and physical play, using the family ecological...
Blog post for the Learning Outside the Classroom blog, on the results of the research on school children's experiences of outdoor activities in the nature. https://learningoutsidetheclassroomblog.org/2019/07/03/moved-by-nature-in-finland-fun-meaningful-and-health-enhancing-physical-activities-for-school-children/
Research report in Finnish, authors Elina Hasanen and Kati Vähäsarja. Luonnossa liikkuminen lapsena tukee monin tavoin hyvinvointia ja kasvua mutta on viime vuosikymmeninä huolestuttavasti vähentynyt. Tässä tutkimuksessa on tuotettu tietoa lasten kokemuksista erilaisista luonnossa liikkumisen muodoista sekä suhteesta luonnossa liikkumiseen. Tutkim...
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10-11-vuotiaiden lasten kokemukset luonnossa liikkumisesta ja olemisesta Luonto lisää liikettä -hankkeessa järjestetyillä luontoliikuntapäivillä sekä lasten suhde luonnossa liikkumiseen.
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Presentation on the results of the study School-children's experiences of outdoor activities in nature, in the project Moved by Nature. Translated from Finnish.
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Vammaisurheilu & -liikunta -lehti. Teema: Special Olympics Finland. Tutkimme suomalaisten Special Olympics -urheilijoiden sosiaalista osallisuutta osana Special Olympics -järjestön Social Inclusion -tutkimushanketta.
Conference Paper
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Osatutkimus Special Olympics -järjestön Social Inclusion -tutkimushankkeessa. Esitys: https://lts.fi/soveltava-liikunta/soveltavan-liikunnan-paivien-materiaalisalkku
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Kommentaari / Tiededebatti / Versuslehti: https://www.versuslehti.fi/tiededebatti/nuorten-vaihtoehtoliikunnan-hiljaisen-vastarinnan-tilat/
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Increasingly, physical education teachers are expected to become the cog in an ever-expanding physical activity (PA) promotion wheel. This requires such teachers to be equipped with new knowledge and skills, with attendant consequences for how physical education teacher education is approached. In this paper, a new teacher education module in Finla...
Conference Paper
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Unorganized leisure is an integral but often undervalued part of young people’s lives. As concern low physical activity grows, unorganized physical activity and its cultures are increasingly being acknowledged as a significant phenomenon. Research on the topic is limited and lacking knowledge on young people’s own experiences as well as a wider soc...
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Presentation on the results of a qualitative study on young people's self-organised physical activity, its places, forms, meanings, and social spaces. Keywords: youth, sport, physical activity, self-organised physical activity, unstructured physical activity, Finland, physical activity environments, sport culture, social space
Conference Paper
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Keskusteluja nuorten vapaa-ajan liikunnasta leimaa huoli ”liikkumattomuudesta”. Aikuisten foorumeilta kuulutetaan keinoja edistää yhteiskunnan ja nuorten kannalta oikeanlaista vapaa-ajanviettoa eli liikuntaharrastusta, joka on mieluiten aikuisten kasvattajien suun- nittelemaa ja valvomaa ja tapahtuu tarkoitusta varten varatuilla suorituspaikoilla...
Conference Paper
The polarization of young people’s participation in physical activities has become a notable concern in Finland. To promote young people’s physical activities, it is important to study social and cultural prerequisites of the activities as they are experienced and defined by youth. Living environment has been shown to influence participation in phy...


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