Elia Scattolo

Elia Scattolo
Politecnico di Milano | Polimi · Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering "Giulio Natta"


Questions (2)
To model in COMSOL the conduction of a MH with the substrate , do I have to import the 3D or there is another method?
because there is a boundary for convection and for irradiation in the heat module but not for the conduction
Hello to everybody,
I have to modelize a MH in Pt used to heat a sensible paste for gas sensing. I decide to simulate in 2D (for semplicity) and, at this point, the main problem are the boundaries which I have to add.
The physisc behind it is only Joule effect and the idea is to obtain the plot of the T and the V knowing that voltage of 3.5V will be applied on one of the two pads.
Thanks very much