Elena Maria PicaTechnical University of Cluj-Napoca | UT Cluj · Department of Chemistry
Elena Maria Pica
Prof. PhD. Chem and PhD Advisor Environmental Engineering
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My name is Elena Maria PICA. I gratuated to Chemistry Faculty from Cluj-Napoca, Romania. I worked as a recearcher to the Chemistry Faculty from Cluj-Napoca, from september 1971 until september 1977. I am PhD and Professor. I worked to the Department of Chemistry, Technical University, Cluj-Napoca from septembre 1977 until september 2012. I am Emeritus Professor from 2015 and Professor, PhD Advisor. I am interested in: Analitycal Chemistry, Material Chemistry, Electrochemistry and the Environment and pollution.
Other informations you find to the:
http://chimie.utcluj.ro/pica; http://chimie.utcluj.ro/elma/; https://erris.gov.ro/Laboratory-of-Electrochemist; http://rausor.freewb.ro; http://padin18.freewb.ro
Additional affiliations
January 2010 - December 2017
January 2015 - present
October 2012 - September 2016
Publications (117)
Nowadays, the challenge is to transform dehydrated sewage sludge resulting from wastewater treatment plants from waste into resource. Following this objective, the sludge was further dried and submitted to X-ray diffraction (XRD) and FTIR analysis. The sludge was first dried in ventilated and unventilated spaces at 50 ∘C and 100 ∘C, for 60 and 100...
Prezentarea se referă la structura de cercetare, “LABORATORY OF ELECTROCHEMISTRY IN ADVANCED MATERIALS”, înființată în cadrul Universității Tehnice din Cluj-Napoca, în anul 2010, de către Prof.dr.chim. Elena Maria PICĂ, în Laboratorul de cercetare pentru studenții doctoranzi, Sala C411A, Catedra de chimie, B-dul Muncii, Nr.105. Sunt prezentate Brev...
Prezentarea se referă la activitatea de cercetare a subsemnatei, desfășurată la Facultatea de Chimie, Cluj Napoca (1971-1978) și la Universitatea Tehnică Cluj-Napoca (1978-2020).
După absolvirea Facultății de Chimie din Cluj-Napoca, în 1971, am fost repartizată prin Ordinul Ministerului Educației și Învățămânului, Nr.65/12065/1971, la “Laboratorul...
Prezentarea se referă la activitatea didactică de suplinire de către subsemnata, desfășurată la Facultatea de Chimie, Cluj Napoca (1971-1978), în paralel cu activitatea de cercetare și activitatea didactică de titular, la Universitatea Tehnică Cluj-Napoca (1978-2015).
După absolvirea Facultății de Chimie din Cluj-Napoca, în 1971, am fost repartizat...
Se prezintă CV-ul EUROPASS al subsemnatei, Prof.em.dr.chim. Elena Maria PICĂ, urmat de Lista Lucrărilor științifice publicate și de Lista Lucrărilor științifice citate, perioade 1972-2023.
Lucrările științifice publicate și Lucrările științifice citate sunt menționate în continuare.
Prof.em.dr.Elena Maria Pică
Se prezintă un filmuleț cu efectuarea experimentală a lucrării de laborator: “Sisteme disperse. Concentraţia soluţiilor”, în Laboratorul C407, B.dul Muncii nr. 103-105, UTCN, pentru însușirea de către studenți a modului de preparare a unei soluții și de efectuare a unei titrări.
Se prezintă un filmuleț cu înregistrarea unei voltamograme ciclice, în Laboratorul C411a, B.dul Muncii nr. 103-105, UTCN, laborator de cercetare pentru doctoranzi, amenajat în anul 2008, de către Prof.dr.chim. Pică Elena Maria, din venituri rezultate din contractele de cercetare științifice și inclus în anul 2010 ca structură de cercetare în UTCN,...
Se prezintă un filmuleț cu efectuarea experimentală a lucrării de laborator: “Analiza unor produse petroliere: lubrifianţi, combustibili”, în Laboratorul C407, B.dul Muncii nr. 103-105, UTCN, privind modul de determinare a temperaturii de inflamabilitate și de aprindere pentru motorină, cu aparatul Marcusson și a viscozităţii lubrifianţilor în func...
Se prezintă un filmuleț cu efectuarea experimentală a lucrării de laborator: “Analiza apelor”, în Laboratorul C407, B.dul Muncii nr. 103-105, UTCN, privind determinarea durității temporare, a durității permanente, precum și a acidității apelor.
Se prezintă un filmuleț cu efectuarea experimentală a lucrării de laborator: “Determinarea coroziunii aluminiului şi respectiv a zincului”, în Laboratorul C407, B.dul Muncii nr. 103-105, UTCN, pentru determinarea grupei de rezistență a metalelor studiate. Aparatura pentru determinarea coroziunii volumetrice a zincului a fost realizată de Prof.dr.ch...
Se prezintă un filmuleț cu efectuarea experimentală a lucrării de laborator: “Protecţia metalelor împotriva coroziunii prin nichelare”, în Laboratorul C407, B.dul Muncii nr. 103-105, UTCN, privind determinarea randamentului de curent, precum și determinarea porozității stratului de nichel, la o probă de oţel.
Pentru aparatura experimentală, s-a ut...
Se prezintă un filmuleț cu efectuarea experimentală a lucrării de laborator: “Analiza calitativă a unor aliaje cu electrograful”, în Laboratorul C407, B.dul Muncii nr. 103-105, UTCN.
Electrograful s-a realizat în cadrul cercului științific studențesc în anul 1982, Universitatea Tehnică, Cluj-Napoca, de către studenții Petricău I. și Abrudan Livia,...
Prezentul Raport se referă senzorii electrochimici potențiometrici, ion-selectivi: Xn- (F-; I-; SCN- ; SAL- ; NO2-); Men+ (NH4+; Ag+), privind:
- Proiectarea modelului funcțional;
- Principalele caracteristici constructive și funcționale ale senzorilor electrochimici ion - selectivi;
- Desene de execuție;
- Realizarea membranei selective la ionul c...
Cartea reprezintă o sinteză şi o extindere a mai multor cursuri destinate pregătirii unor ingineri şi unor economişti în domeniul tehnologiilor primare, predate de autoare la Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca, precum și la Extensiile Universitare CâmpiaTurzii sau Bistrița.
S-a urmărit familiarizarea, în special a tineretului universitar, dar ş...
Lucrarea “Chimie aplicată: Culegere de probleme“, prezintă un material teoretic care este exemplificat cu probleme aplicative rezolvate şi propuse spre rezolvare. Materialul este sistematizat pe capitole legate de cursurile predate studenţilor de la secţiile Facultăţii de Construcţii de Maşini şi respectiv ale Facultăţii de Mecanică, din Universita...
Această carte este destinată inginerilor din domeniile nechimice, dar mai ales studenţilor de la facultăţile care se pregătesc în aceste domenii, facultăți de la Universitatea Thenică din Cluj-Napoca.
Intenţia autorilor a fost de a prezenta noţiuni din diferite capitole ale chimiei, la un nivel mai ridicat decât cel de Liceu, acoperind necesarul d...
Această carte este destinată inginerilor din domeniile nechimice, dar mai ales studenţilor de la facultăţile care se pregătesc în aceste domenii, facultăți de la Universitatea Thenică din Cluj-Napoca.
Intenţia autorilor a fost de a prezenta noţiuni din diferite capitole ale chimiei, la un nivel mai ridicat decât cel de Liceu, acoperind necesarul d...
This textbook is designed for the students from the Mechanical Engineering, Machine Building Engineering, Material Science Departments, as well as for those section of the Technical University, whose curricula contain courses in general chemistry, technical and technological chemistry.
The laboratory manual opens with a chapter on the laboratory ma...
Das vorliegende Werk gilt den Studenten der Fakultäten für Mechanik, Maschinenbau, Werkstoffkunde und Ingenieurwesen, aber auch allen anderen Abteilungen der Technischen Universität, in denen Lehrpläne es Lehrgänge über Allgemeine Chemie, Technische Chemie und Technologische Chemie gibt.
Das erste Kapitel enthält Vorschriften zum Arbeitsschutz im C...
Aplicaţiile practice din prezenta lucrare sunt selectate astfel, încât să contribuie la mărirea eficienţei cursurilor predate studenţilor, precum şi la pregătirea de ansamblu a unui viitor specialist în domeniu, prin activitatea unui laborator profilat pe chimie generală. Astfel, lucrarea se adresează studenţilor, pentru însușirea modului de efectu...
Prezenta carte se adresează personalului cu pregătire în specializarea de “Tehnician optometrist”, care utilizează echipamentele specifice în optica medicală, pentru realizarea de măsurători dioptrice ale ochiului şi ale lentilelor de corecție pentru ochelari, pentru cunoaşterea amănunţită a echipamentelor, a metodelor, a variaţiilor normale ale ca...
Senzorul potentiometric nitrit-selectiv este utilizat pentru masurarea concentratiei de nitrit din probe de provenienta diferita, cum ar fi cele de poluare a mediului, controlul alimentelor, studii stiintifice, etconmetru/milivoltmetru. Senzorul are corpul confectionat din bara PVC, care la partea inferioara este prevazut cu o membrana selectiva la...
Senzorul amperometric pentru oxigen de tip Clark, format dintr-un corp confectionat din bara de PVC, catod de argint, amplasat central, înconjurat de electrolit, format din gel apos agar-agar + KCl 1 M, în care se află anodul din Ag/AgCl, între electrolit şi anod existând un strat izolant. Extremitatea de contact cu mediul, a senzorului este acoper...
Senzorul potentiometeric Ag+- selectiv are partea sensibila la Ag+ o membrana polimerica formata pe un suport conductiv din cupru (contact electric intern solid), pe baza de policlorura de vinil (PVC), plastifiata cu dietilhexilsebacat (DOS), in care este inglobat ionoforul [5,10,15,20-tetrakis(3-hidroxi-fenil) porfirina] cu aditivul lipofilic tetr...
Senzorul potentiometric de amoniui, are corpul si capacul, realizat din bara PVC, prin strunjire. Elementul selectiv la amoniu consta dintr-un suport conductiv de cupru amalgamat (contact electric intern solid) pe care se formeaza o membrana polimerica de tip compozit pe baza de policlorurǎ de vinil (PVC), plastifiat cu tricrezil fosfat (TCF) în ca...
Senzorul potentiometric dioxid de carbon este format dintr-un corp cu un capac, confectionate din bară PVC, prin strunjire. Elementul selectiv la CO2 consta într-o suprafata de cupru. Electroreducerea CO2 are loc pe suprafata de cupru. Principiul de funcţionare al senzorului potentiometric se bazeaza pe masurarea potenţialului ce se dezvolta pe sup...
Filmuletul prezinta un scurt mod de desfasurare a lucrarii de laborator: ”Analiza elementelor din oteluri cu electrograful”, pentru studentii din anii I de la Facultatea de Constructii de Masini si Facultatea de Mecanica. Electrograful s-a elaborat in anul 1982, la Catedra de Chimie din Institutul Politehnic Cluj-Napoca. Autorii sunt: Elena Maria P...
Filmuletul prezinta un scurt mod de desfasurare a lucrarii de laborator:”Analiza lubrifiantilor si a combustibililor”, pentru studentii din anii I de la Facultatea de Constructii de Masini si Facultatea de Mecanica
Filmuletul prezinta variatia potentialului electrodului de lucru in functie de timp, prin metoda voltamogramei ciclice, pentru a determina prezenta speciilor chimice in reactii ireversibile. In voltametria ciclica (CV) se utilizeaza celulele electrochimice cu trei electrozi: electrodul de lucru, electrodul de referinta si electrodul auxiliar. Metod...
The COVID-19 pandemic and the related measures brought a change in daily life that affected the characteristics of the municipal wastewater and further, of the biological activated sludge. The activated sludge process is the most widely used biological wastewater treatment process in developed areas. In this paper, we aim to show the situation of s...
The trivalent gadolinium, doped lead-lead dioxide glass, with the chemical composition xGd2O3•(100 − x) [4PbO2•Pb], where x= 10–50 mol% Gd2O3 have been successfully fabricated by conventional melt quenching technique, and investigated by X-ray diffraction, Fourier Transform Infrared, Electron paramagnetic resonance, Ultraviolet-Visible, and Photolu...
STUDIA UBB CHEMIA, LXVI, 4, 2021 (p. 267-276)
a Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Building Services Engineering Department, Blvd. December 21, no. 128-130, 400604, Cluj-Napoca, România
* Corresponding author: sava...
The new glass system, with the chemical composition xEu2O3•(100 − x)[4PbO2•Pb] where x = 0-10 mol% Eu2O3, obtained by melt quenching method, was investigated by XRD analysis, FTIR, UV-Vis and PL spectroscopy for optical devices applications. The XRD analysis reveals the vitreous structure of the obtained samples. The FTIR absorption spectra reveal...
The rare earth ion doped materials having the xGd2O3•(100-x)[4B2O3•Pb] composition where x = 0–50 mol% Gd2O3 were synthetised by the melt queching method. XRD data show the formation of the Pb and Pb2O crystalline phases in the glass ceramics. The gadolinium ions can be intercalated into the host matrix by the deforming of B-O-B angles and the form...
Ozonation Influence on Aluminium Ions in an Aqueous Solution, in Different Temperature Conditions
Corina Ioana Neamtu1, a, Liviu Calin Bolundut2, b and Elena Maria Pica3, c
1, 2, 3 Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Engineering Materials and the Environment, 28 Memorandumului Street, 400114 Cluj-Napoca, Ro...
Dragoș Teodor LUP1*, Ana Maria STROE1 ,
Paul Mihai CHEZAN2 , Elena Maria PICĂ1
1 Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Departament of Engineering Materials and the Environment, Cluj-Napoca, România
2 Aqua D&P Technologies S.R.L., Snagov Alley, Nr. 1/24, Cluj-Napoca, România
* Corresponding author: lupdragos@ya...
The paper presents an assessment of the chemical composition of the oily mill scale from wastewater treatment. The determination of chemical composition of the wastes samples was achieved by spectrophotometric methods. The device used was a spectrometer based on X-ray fluorescence and a atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The chemical composition...
The lead acid batteries are widely used in automobile and provide spent electrodes composed of PbO2/PbSO4 and Pb/PbSO4. Today, batteries are treated and recycled using the pyrometallurgical and hydrometallurgical techniques. However, these techniques have some important disadvantages: i) the small lead recovery rate (due to the rapid oxidation of t...
p>This paper intends to inform the scientific and engineering community on the importance of wastewater treatment plants of small capacity, designed for rural settlements. By analysing the evolution of Romania’s population by towns, on 1st January 2010, the weight of urban population was 55.1 %, and the weight of the rural population was 44.9 % of...
Assessing risks related to urban soil contamination represents a key part of pollution management. The current research proposes a quantitative method that defines and highlights unacceptable risks. The applicability of the method is presented in a case study on several urban recreational areas from the city of Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Concentrations...
A new class of glass and vitroceramic electrodes with applications for rechargeable batteries was obtained by a melt quenching method. The structural characterization of the samples having the xPb·(100-x)PbO2 composition, where x=0, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 mol% Pb, was performed by UV-vis and FTIR spectroscopies investigations. UV-vis and FTIR data r...
The aim of this paper is to assess the chemical and mineralogical composition and the leaching behavior of the electric arc furnace slags (EAFS) in order to improve their management by identifying suitable reuse options in different fields. The chemical and mineralogical composition of slag varies from one type of steel to another, from one technol...
Soil contamination in recreational areas can considerably affect children's health, as they are the segment of the population most sensitive to anthropogenic contamination. Soil contamination in recreational areas is influenced by a number of factors such as type and age of the recreational area, nearby traffic intensity, proximity to industrial ar...
Abstract—The increase of anthropogenic activities has led to economic development. Scientific environmental researchers show that this may alter the quality of environmental factors such as air, water and soil. High concentrations of soil contaminates in urban areas have been highlighted in scientific studies and led to the conclusion that soil in...
Abstract—The increase of anthropogenic activities has led to economic development. Scientific environmental researchers show that this may alter the quality of environmental factors such as air, water and soil. High concentrations of soil contaminates in urban areas have been highlighted in scientific studies and led to the conclusion that soil in...
The surface of a locality, number of inhabitants and density are socio-demographic descriptive indicators of territorial and administrative divisions frequently related to urban soils contamination in environmental scientific research. The present study aims at assessing the connection between these indicators and pollution with various chemical el...
In the landfill management process appear important pollutants such as landfill gas and leachate. Landfill gas presents a high explosion risk and highly contributes to the greenhouse effect. The leachate resulted from the waste elution process is recognised as having a complex composition, rich in organic matter, ammonia and heavy metals with toxic...
Reducing the concentration of lead ions in a wastewater using zeolite has proven to be a successful water treatement method, all over the world. Putting the two media (solid and liquid) in contact in static conditions had good results regarding the concentration of the filtered solution, the pH and the electric conductivity, depending on the values...
In 2007, through the accession of Romania to the European Union, the Government of Romania made the commitment to put into practice the project on implementing the Directive 91/271/EEC concerning urban wastewater treatment. For the second transition phase, according to Directive 91/271/EEC, it is necessary that by December 31st, 2015 all the locali...
Waste management policy benefits nowadays from a major importance both internationally and nationally, being subjected to constant improvements. Also, the impact on the quality of the environmental factors and on human health leads to the special attention that waste management benefits from on a global level.
The current approach on the issue emer...
IIn 2007, through the accession of Romania to the European Union, the Government of Romania made the commitment to put into practice the project on implementing the Directive 91/271/EEC concerning urban wastewater treatment. For the second transition phase, according to Directive 91/271/EEC, it is necessary that by December 31 st , 2015 all the loc...
Abstract: The paper presents a study of the sound pollution caused by economic activities in the
immediate vicinity of the National Park Reserve Natural of Rodna Mountains. The work, according to the
study conducted, acting unfavorably on the fauna and flora Habitat. From the reserved area it was found
that the animals and the birds have migrated t...
Abstract: This paper presents a study on the noise level coming from forestry activities carried out within the
Rodna Mountains National Park. It is known that there were 76 logging places on the reservation territory
registered from January to September 2014, placed at a considerable distance inner the park boundaries. Corroborating the noise rec...
Filmuletul prezinta un scurt mod de desfasurare a lucrarii de laborator: ”Analiza apelor industriale”, pentru studentii din anii I de la Facultatea de Constructii de Masini si Facultatea de Mecanica
Filmuletul prezinta un scurt mod de desfasurare a lucrarii de laborator: ”Coroziunea electrochimica a metalelor”, pentru studentii din anii I de la Facultatea de Constructii de Masini si Facultatea de Mecanica
Filmuletul prezinta un scurt mod de desfasurare a lucrarii de laborator: ”Protectia metalelor impotriva coroziunii. Nichelare”, pentru studentii din anii I de la Facultatea de Constructii de Masini si Facultatea de Mecanica
Filmuletul prezinta un scurt mod de desfasurare a lucrarii de laborator: ”Sisteme disperse. Concentratia solutiilor”, pentru studentii din anii I de la Facultatea de Constructii de Masini si Facultatea de Mecanica
Filmuletul prezinta un scurt mod de desfasurare a lucrarilor de laborator: ”Analiza elementelor din oteluri cu electrograful” si ”Analiza lubrifiantilor si a combustibililor”, pentru studentii din anii I de la Facultatea de Constructii de Masini si Facultatea de Mecanica
Forty-five soil samples collected from fifteen intensively visited recreational areas in four different sized urban settlements in central Transylvania, Romania were investigated through X-ray powder diffraction for mineralogical characterization and analyzed using atomic absorption spectrometry in order to identify Cd, Cu, Co, Pb, Zn, Mn and Ni co...
Water is a common asset of the planet, and every country has the obligation to protect the water from the effects of pollution for the good of the entire mankind. The importance of water for the environment has become a major component of the laws of every country. This article makes a comparative analysis of water protection standards in terms of...
Metal waste disposed in the environment outside the landfills is a persistent type of polutant both for water and soil. The percolation of rainwater in the mass of waste determines the release of toxic substances in soil and groundwater. Using water polluted with such contaminants for food preparation has negative effects on human health. This stud...
The present study aims at comparing the metal concentrations identified for Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn and Ni in two highly inhabited cities with similar characteristics situated in two countries that apply different policies when it comes to soil contamination. The metal concentration of urban soils in Bucharest, the capital of Romania, was investigated and c...
Removing heavy metals from water has been a subject of high interest in the recent decades. The global concern aimed at identifying efficient and inexpensive methods for wastewaters depollution. Ozonation is one of the successful methods, due to the ozone strong oxidative attributes. The present paper is a study on decreasing the concentration of l...
The paper presents the experimental researches regarding the air pollution with sulfur dioxide (SO2) to the steelmaking in the electric arc furnace. It presents a method for determining the sulfur dioxide (SO2) concentrations from the steelmaking, the diagram variation of the sulfur dioxide (SO2) concentrations over time during specific technologic...
This sensor is used for the determination of silver in various liquid samples in order to control analytically processes, of the various chemical, biochemical, to conducting theoretical and practical studies with scientific purpose. Also, the sensor should be used more for the determination of halides from natural or synthetic samples by potentiome...
This sensor is used for the determination of silver in various liquid samples in order to control analytically processes, of the various chemical, biochemical, to conducting theoretical and practical studies with scientific purpose. Also, the sensor should be used more for the determination of halides from natural or synthetic samples by potentiome...
This paper represents an analysis of the development of sewage treament plants, in Romania, for the next decade. It also describes the current solutions to reduce operating costs for wastewater treatment. Although current solutions are viable for large capacity wastewater treatment plants, they are not efficient for small capacity water treatment p...
The steelmaking process in the electric arc furnace causes environmental pollution in all its components: water, air and soil. The electric arc furnace steelmaking is considered to be an industrial process with high degree of pollution because solid wastes (slag, dust) and gaseous pollutants (carbon oxide, sulfur oxide, nitrogen oxide, volatile org...
The purpose of this paper is to identify the sites that have a pollution potential due to metallurgical activities in Romania. The amount of metallurgical slag generated depends on the steel production (Iluţiu - Varvara, 2007). The total quantities of metallurgical slag generated far exceed 200 million tons of slag (Bălan, 2010).
A short chemical study of the carbon dioxide influence on cultural heritage is presented.
The CO2 concentration of the solutions used in the chemical study was determined with a CO2 electrochemical sensor. Were registered linear voltammograms and impedance spectra for the CO2 which present a variation with CO2, (CO3 2-) concentration from the solu...
Principiul de funcţionare al electrodului se bazează pe măsurarea potenţialului ce se dezvoltă pe suprafaţa de cupru, care este determinat de concentraţia în CO2 a soluţiei în care este imersat electrodul. Senzorul şi electrodul de referinţă se cuplează la un ionmetru/milivoltmetru. Cuplul de electrozi imersaţi în soluţie formează o celulă electroc...
Principiul de funcţionare a electrodului se bazează pe măsurarea potenţialului ce se dezvoltă pe suprafaţa de cupru, care este determinat de concentraţia în CO2 a soluţiei în care este imersat electrodul. Senzorul şi electrodul de referinţă se cuplează la un ionmetru/milivoltmetru. Cuplul de electrozi imersaţi în soluţie formează o celulă electroch...
This paper studies the impact of sustainable development of tourism in the North West region of Romania upon the cultural heritage to be met in the respective area.
Romania owns a high value cultural and historic heritage of more than 700 national and international heritage pieces which attract tourists from all over the country and world.
Two manganese(III) porphyrins: manganese(III) tetraphenylporphyrin chloride and manganese(III)-tetrakis(3-hydroxyphenyl)porphyrin chloride were tested as ionophores for the construction of new diclofenac-selective electrodes. The electroactive material was incorporated either in PVC or a sol-gel matrix. The effect of different plasticizers and addi...
Nitrite selective potentiometric sensor is used to measure the concentration of nitrite in the different samples, such as environmental pollution, food control, scientific studies etc.
Nitrite selective potentiometric sensor is used to measure the concentration of nitrite in the different samples, such as environmental pollution, food control, scientific studies etc.
Nitrite selective potentiometric sensor is used to measure the concentration of nitrite in the different samples, such as environmental pollution, food control, scientific studies etc.
Nitrite selective potentiometric sensor is used to measure the concentration of nitrite in the different samples, such as environmental pollution, food control, scientific studies etc.
Nitrite selective potentiometric sensor is used to measure the concentration of nitrite in the different samples, such as environmental pollution, food control, scientific studies etc. http://www.osim.ro/publicatii/brevete/bopi_2010/bopi110.pdf
Nitrite selective potentiometric sensor is used to measure the concentration of nitrite in the different samples, such as environmental pollution, food control, scientific studies etc.
Nitrite selective potentiometric sensor is used to measure the concentration of nitrite in the different samples, such as environmental pollution, food control, scientific studies etc.
Nitrite selective potentiometric sensor is used to measure the concentration of nitrite in the different samples, such as environmental pollution, food control, scientific studies etc.
Nitrite selective potentiometric sensor is used to measure the concentration of nitrite in the different samples, such as environmental pollution, food control, scientific studies etc
Aluminium reduction cells service life and cell efficiency are strongly influenced by the side wall refractory lining. The aluminum phosphate bonded SiC refractories developed by us, instead of the carbon ones, have increased the cell capacity and productivity by the larger anode surfaces. In order to rank performances of various SiC products were...
A new designed genetic algorithm was run on experimental data obtained from measurements of octanol-water partition coefficients of a series of polychlorinated biphenils, in order to relate their structure with their activity. A family of molecular descriptors having all necessary ingredients to run a genetic algorithm on it characterized the struc...