Elena Felipe-Castaño

Elena Felipe-Castaño
University of Extremadura | UNEX · Department of Psychology and Antropology



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September 1986 - June 1991
University of Salamanca
Field of study
  • Psychology


Publications (78)
Technical Report
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Informe de la Asociación Española de Psicología Clínica y Psicopatología (AEPCP)
The aim of this study was to evaluate the fit of an explanatory theoretical model of the relationship between sexual double standards (SDS) and violence in intimate partner relationships when empathy and online access to sexual material are taken into account. Cluster sampling was used to select 490 university students for participation in the stud...
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El insight cognitivo es un constructo metacognitivo que ha mostrado utilidad para detectar la vulnerabilidad a trastornos del espectro esquizofrénico, y junto con la esquizotipia, permiten investigar, comprender y ayudar en el tratamiento de estos trastornos. El propósito principal del estudio fue analizar la relación entre insight cognitivo y esqu...
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Cognitive insight is a metacognitive construct that has been shown to be useful in detecting vulnerability to schizophrenia spectrum disorders and, in particular to schizotypy. The main purpose of the study was to analyze the relationship between the cognitive insight and schizotypy in a sample of non-clinical adolescents, and to analyze the sensit...
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El desarrollo de las competencias comunicativas en personas con necesidades complejas de comunicación es un tema clave y fundamental para el bienestar de personas con discapacidades intelectuales y del desarrollo. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de un programa de intervención, diseñado, puesto en práctica y evaluado, de la combinación d...
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El objetivo de este estudio fue describir y comparar las rutinas y conductas en una muestra de menores de tres países durante la cuarentena obligatoria de la pandemia del COVID-19 y analizar su relación con la ansiedad. Participaron 335 menores de España, Argentina y Estados Unidos, con edades entre 3 y 7 años. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron la...
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The main objective of the research was to compare the cognitive functioning of a sample of persons with IDD (Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities) before the pandemic (2019) and after the pandemic (2020 and 2021), and to analyse the impact according to age and level of IDD impairment. The participants were 92 persons with IDD, of whom 43 wer...
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El acceso a los recursos digitales y el rendimiento académico (RA) son variables de gran interés en la sociedad actual. Sin embargo, hacen falta estudios que profundicen en la asociación entre ellos y la salud mental. Este estudio tiene como objetivo a) conocer si existen diferencias en el RA en función del acceso a los recursos digitales (móvil, o...
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Título: Variables neuropsicológicas y psicopatológicas moduladoras del insight cognitivo en personas con esquizofrenia. Resumen: El insight cognitivo es la capacidad de los pacientes con esqui-zofrenia de evaluar sus experiencias psicóticas y responder a la retroalimen-tación correctiva. Su relación con el funcionamiento neuropsicológico y la modul...
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Recent research has focused on determining whether men and women are judged differently for the same sexual behaviour (sexual double standard, SDS). Using quantitative and qualitative analysis, we examine the prevalence and changes in gender stereotypes between 2015 and 2019 amongst young university students. Our results, compared to those obtained...
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Abstract Introduction: Due to the advance of information and communication technologies, children may be exposed to the phenomenon known as cyberbullying. The abundant literature and existing research confirm the interest that the consequences of cyberbullying can provoke in the mental health of adolescents. The aims of this work were: (1) To compa...
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Social networks provide new spaces in which to explore one’s identity and how it is presented to others. To do so, it is essential to study how they affect the construction of one’s self-concept and perceived affection in adolescence. The principal objective of this study was to analyse the congruence or incongruence of self-concept within (online)...
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Las redes sociales proporcionan nuevos espacios donde explorar la identidad y su presentación a los demás, siendo fundamental estudiar cómo afectan a la construcción del autoconcepto y el afecto percibido en la adolescencia. El objetivo principal fue analizar la congruencia o incongruencia del autoconcepto dentro y fuera de las redes sociales y su...
Conference Paper
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La imposición del confinamiento obligatorio para frenar la pandemia del COVID-19, pudo suponer un incremento de los niveles de ansiedad en la infancia. El objetivo principal de este estudio fue describir la ansiedad en una muestra de menores españoles durante el confinamiento, y comparar sus puntuaciones con estudios previos, así como detectar fact...
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El incremento de la esperanza de vida en personas con discapacidad intelectual (PDI) está teniendo un gran impacto en sus necesidades de atención y en los recursos asociados. Las PDI necesitan mantener su calidad de vida en la vejez y para ello es necesario poder detectar precozmente la aparición de un envejecimiento patológico y así establecer apo...
Conference Paper
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La imposición de una cuarentena obligatoria con la intención de frenar la expansión de la pandemia del COVID-19, produjo una emergencia de salud pública internacional. Este evento excepcional puede conllevar alteraciones en las rutinas, problemas conductuales y un aumento de la ansiedad en la población de la infancia. Debido a la excepcionalidad de...
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El objetivo del presente trabajo es estudiar las diferencias en la percepción de los adolescentes sobre el afecto y la crítica que manifiestan los padres hacia sus hijos, y la forma en que establecen y exigen el cumplimiento de las normas, en función de la nacionalidad (portuguesa y española) y el género de los adolescentes. También analizamos la i...
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Metacognitive training (MCT) is a group intervention that addresses cognitive biases and distortions that could help maintain delusions and hallucinations in people with schizophrenia. This program has proven its effectiveness in reducing the symptoms, but its impact on cognitive insight has scarcely been investigated. Therefore, the aim of the stu...
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The new technologies (NT) and Internet are now a part of our lives and they are even changing the way in which we relate to each other, in both a positive and a negative sense, especially among young people. One of the negative aspects is their use to harass others, a phenomenon known as Cyberbullying. The aim of this study was to describe the freq...
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El análisis de la salud mental en adolescentes es un tema actual de interés internacional. El objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar la salud mental de los menores españoles, evaluada mediante la puntuación total de dificultades del Cuestionario de Capacidades y Dificultades (SDQ), en función del número de horas de conexión a internet y otras...
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The categorical definition of obsessive-compulsive disorder, and exclusive focus on thoughts and behaviors, have constrained the study and treatment of its symptoms. The present study’s aim was to search for relationships among emotional processing dimensions, five major personality dimensions, and self-perceived obsessive-compulsive symptoms. The...
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The cooperative methodology provides an opportunity for university students to develop interpersonal, social, and teamwork competences which can be decisive in their professional and social success. The research described here examines the influence of cooperative learning on the social skills necessary for teamwork. Furthermore, it analyses whethe...
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Background: The concept of cognitive insight refers to the capacity for self-reflectiveness as a mechanism for evaluating one's symptoms and self-certainty, understood as the ability to correct inappropriate interpretations and conclusions. There are no conclusive results regardingabout the clinical and neuropsychological variables involved and th...
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The study of the relation between psychotic experiences and mindfulness in the general population is linked to research into factors of risk and protection against the development of a psychotic disorder. This study looks into the presence of psychotic experiences in a sample of university students and whether there is any variation according to ge...
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R e s u m e n Con esta investigación, mediante un análisis discriminante se pretende analizar cuáles variables de socialización presentan un mayor poder de dis-criminación o cuantifican mejor las diferencias entre los distintos niveles de agresión y victimización en el fenómeno bullying. La muestra está formada por 700 adolescentes estudiantes. Se...
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Cooperative learning are being used increasingly in the university classroom, in order to promote teamwork among students, improve performance and develop interpersonal competences. Responsibility and cooperation are two fundamental pillars of cooperative learning. Team members’ responsibility is a necessary condition for the team’s success in the...
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Introducción. Las formas tradicionales de maltrato entre iguales han cambiado con el transcurrir del tiempo, apareciendo manifestaciones más específicas que se sirven de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación. Esta nueva forma de maltrato se denomina cyberbullying. Con nuestro estudio pretendemos analizar la prevalencia del f...
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opu-lations. Different models have explained this phenomenon trough out many factors. Introducción. Con este trabajo pretendemos realizar un estudio epidemiológico sobre el maltrato escolar que permita conocer la situación real en los centros de la Comunidad de Extremadura. Entre los objetivos que nos hemos propuesto destacamos: 1. Analizar la prev...
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Research on minors' mental health is an increasingly developing area. Given the increased prevalence of disorders, it seems necessary to analyze the factors that can affect poor mental health. This study analyzes the influence of occupational class, educational level, age, sex and perceived mental health of Spanish children, which is measured throu...
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Cooperative, collaborative learning and other forms of group learning methods are increasingly used in classrooms. Knowing students’ attitudes toward teamwork has great value since they influence the students’ learning results as well as their social development. So it is necessary to have robust instruments to provide a better understanding of the...
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There were two goals to this investigation, on the one hand, to construct the “Learning Team Potency Questionnaire” in the university setting and to analyze its psychometric characteristics. The second goal was to show how teamwork with cooperative learning techniques influences team potency. In this work, participants were 375 students aged betwee...
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The vast majority of young people have mobile phones. This has become a must-have item in their lives, with traditional socialization spaces displaced by virtual ones. They use their mobile phones for many hours a day, to the detriment of their psychological and social functioning, showing greater vulnerability to abusive or excessive use, and more...
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The studied of the academic performance has been of great interest in research over the years. The main reason for this research is to show the variables that predict adequate or deficient performance as a preventive measure of school underachievement. The sample was made incidentally and consisted of 486 Secondary Education Students between 12 and...
There were two goals to this investigation, on the one hand, to construct the “Learning Team Potency Questionnaire” in the university setting and to analyze its psychometric characteristics. The second goal was to show how teamwork with cooperative learning techniques (CLT) influences team potency. In this work, participants were 375 students aged...
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El an?lisis del rendimiento acad?mico ha sido de gran inter?s en investigaci?n a lo largo de los a?os. El principal motivo de esta investigaci?n es el poder mostrar aquellas variables que predecir?n un rendimiento adecuado o deficitario como medida de prevenci?n del bajo rendimiento acad?mico escolar. La muestra estuvo constituida de manera inciden...
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En este estudio se realiza un análisis de los cinco grandes factores de la personalidad y el perfil de agresor en el contexto del acoso escolar. La muestra total estaba formada por 700 estudiantes de secundaria, 43% mujeres y 57% varones con una media de edad de 13,98 años. Para su análisis se utilizó el Cuestionario de Convivencia Escolar (Defenso...
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Nuestro trabajo pretende obtener información sobre que variables de Personalidad, presentan un mayor poder de discriminación o cuantifican mejor las diferencias entre los distintos niveles de victimización en el acoso escolar. La muestra total estaba formada por 700 adolescentes estudiantes, 43% mujeres y 57% varones con una media de edad de 13,98...
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Introduction: Bullying has become a phenomenon for decades with great difficulty to put it out of our lives. Although there are many studies, it is important to have large samples that may go beyond localist research without ability to generalize. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of bullying on children mental health in Spain. I...
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The competences of social interaction are very important for education professionals. In this paper, we propose as main objective to study the effect of a program on social skills training in the formal university context, on the social skills to work in teams learning and on the social anxiety of students. It was also analyzed whether the level of...
Con esta investigación, mediante un análisis discriminante se pretende analizar que variables de socialización presentan un mayor poder de discriminación o cuantifican mejor las diferencias entre los distintos niveles de agresión y victimización en el fenómeno bullying. La muestra está formada por 700 adolescentes estudiantes. Se utilizó el Cuestio...
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Durante el presente trabajo, se investiga la influencia de la asignatura Habilidades Sociales (HHSS) , en la capacidad de mejora de las Habilidades Sociales (HHSS), asi como de la reduccion de la Ansiedad Social (AASS) de los estudiantes de Grado en Educacion Social. Ademas, se analizan las diferencias y evolucion de las HHSS de los estudiantes dur...
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ANTECEDENTES: La investigación de la salud mental en los menores de edad supone una necesidad actual como medida de detección, análisis y prevención de posibles trastornos mentales. OBJETIVO: Analizar la influencia de la clase social ocupacional de los padres y de la etapa educativa en la que se encuentran los menores, como factores de riesgo en l...
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Las situaciones de bullying y ciberbullying son, tristemente, acontecimientos cada vez más presentes en la comunidad escolar, especialmente favorecidas, en el caso del ciberbullying, por el gran auge de las redes sociales que se está produciendo en nuestra sociedad. Los factores que intentan explicar estas situaciones de violencia entre iguales han...
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The social skills in a team environment is one of the most important variables related to group effectiveness in cooperative learning situations. In this research we have set two objectives: First, building a Questionnaire of Social Skills Learning Teams (CHSEA in Spanish) in a university context and analyzing its psychometric properties. Secondly,...
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To provide questionnaires for clinical assessment with scales adapted for adolescents would benefit clinical practice as well as research. The aim of this paper is to report normative data for adolescents on the SCL-90-R using a probability sample from the community. The participants were 1,663 adolescents, 845 girls and 818 boys, with an average a...
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An important area of study in bullying remains the analysis of the causes of the phenomenon and the factors that act as protective / risk in the cultural, social, personal, school and family. The family may be key protective factor or risk in the occurrence of school violence situations. With this study by discriminant analysis aims to determine th...
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The social skills in a team environment is one of the most important variables related to group effectiveness in cooperative learning situations. In this research we have set two objectives: First, building a Questionnaire of Social Skills Learning Teams (CHSEA in Spanish) in a university context and analyzing its psychometric properties. Secondly,...
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Nuestro trabajo se encuadra dentro de las investigaciones relacionadas con los factores que median la eficacia del aprendizaje y pretendemos encontrar, a través de un análisis de ecuaciones estructurales, un modelo explicativo de la eficacia en situaciones de aprendizaje cooperativo mediante la comunicación del grupo, la interdependencia de los mie...
El dominio y familiaridad de nuestro adolescentes con las nuevas tecnologías (generación interactiva) ha provocadoque las formas tradicionales de maltrato entre iguales cambien con el transcurrir del tiempo, apareciendo manifestacionesmás específicas que se sirven de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación para acosar conensañ...
La fobia escolar es el rechazo prolongado que un niño experimenta al acudir a la escuela por algún tipo de miedo relacionado con la situación escolar y cuya prevalencia se sitúa entre el 0,4 y 7,6% de niños y adolescentes en edad escolar. Sin embargo, este tipo de fobia específica puede ser entendida como una manifestación de un trastorno de ansied...
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Las situaciones de bullying y ciberbullying son, tristemente, acontecimientos cada vez más presentes en la comunidad escolar, especialmente favorecidas, en el caso del ciberbullying, por el gran auge de las redes sociales que se está produciendo en nuestra sociedad. Los factores que intentan explicar estas situaciones de violencia entre iguales han...
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The situations of bullying and cyberbullying are, sadly, increasingly present events in the school community, especially favored in the case of cyberbullying, by the boom of social networking taking place in our society. The factors that attempt to explain these peer violence situations have revealed aspects of the individuals involved in them, but...
Bullying is a physical and / or psychological persecution that one or more students perform against another or others, who are chosen as victims. These situations can have negative consequences, immediate and long term, in the boys involved. The objectives of this paper are to describe psychopathology profiles of the different actors involved in a...
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Introduction: Traditional forms of bullying have changed over time, appearing more specific statements that use the new technologies of information and communication. This new form of abuse is called cyberbullying. In our study we analyze the prevalence of the phenomenon of bullying and cyberbullying different types in the Community of Extremadura...
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Background: The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) is one of the most internationally widely used questionnaire to measure mental health. The aim of this study is to analyze the discrimination cutoff of the questionnaire in Spanish population and the association between the Spanish children mental health and the variables gender, munic...
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Background: The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) is one of the most internationally widely used questionnaire to measure mental health. The aim of this study is to analyze the discrimination cutoff of the questionnaire in Spanish population and the association between the Spanish children mental health and the variables gender, munici...
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Personality disorders (PD) are a prevalent class of mental disorders that interfere with functioning and cause subjective distress while increasing the intensity and duration of Axis I clinical syndromes, and therefore assessing PD is important even when PDs are not the focus of treatment. The purpose of these studies was to develop and test a new...
Early research on school bullying, known as victimization and the terms bullying and mobbing, arise in Norway and Sweden and are developed by Olweus (1978, 1993). Even though there are many investigations in different regions in our country, there are three relevant national studies which have been developed: Defensor del Pueblo 1999/2006, Estudio...
Introduction: In this paper we conduct an epidemiological study on school bullying as to show the real situation in the centers of the Community of Extremadura. Among the objectives we have set include: 1. To analyze the prevalence of different forms of abuse and compare the results with those found by the job "School Violence: Bullying in Secondar...
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En estos momentos de cambios en la Universidad donde las transformaciones en títulos universitarios y planes de estudio persiguen la integración en el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior y el curso para obtener el Certificado de Aptitud Pedagógica (CAP) va a ser sustituido por el Máster Universitario de Formación del Profesorado de Educación Secu...
Introduction: this is a time of university change. Degrees and curricula are being overhauled in order to qualify for inclusion in the European Higher Education Area, and the Spanish Pedagogical Aptitude Certificate is to be replaced by the master's degree for secondary school teachers. The authors did not care to miss this opportunity to improve t...
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In researching what individual determines of the development of prejudiced attitudes, stereotypes, the authoritarian personality, namely right-wing authoritarianism, the dominance orientation social and social anxiety, have been mainly analyzed. In this research we aim to find, through an analysis of structural equation, a model explaining the stud...
The objective of the present study was to describe the relationships between interpersonal behavior and self-reported coping strategies in a sample of 162 university students (125 females and 37 males) in general stress and interpersonal stress situations, using the Interpersonal Adjective Scales and the Coping Strategies Inventory. The results sho...
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El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar las propiedades psicométricas del “Cuestionario de ansiedad social para adultos” (CASO-A30) con universitarios y analizar las diferencias y similitudes en ansiedad social en esta muestra. Participaron 15504 estudiantes de 20 carreras universitarias de 17 comunidades autónomas españolas a los que se les aplic...
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This work presents the psychometric properties of the Social Anxiety Questionnaire for Adults (SAQ-A30) with university students and analyses the differences and similarities in social anxiety in the sample. The 15, 504 participants, students of 20 degree subjects in 17 Spanish Autonomous Community regions, were applied the SAQ-A30 and the "Liebowi...
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The objective of the present study was to describe the relationships between interpersonal behavior and self-reported coping strategies in a sample of 162 university students (125 females and 37 males) in general stress and interpersonal stress situations, using the Interpersonal Adjective Scales and the Coping Strategies Inventory. The results sho...
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Resumen: El Modelo circumplex de Las Escalas de Adjetivos Interpersonales (IAS, Wiggins, 1996) es un modelo integrador que permite la investigación de los contenidos interpersonales asociados a las categorías de trastornos de la personalidad, mediante la análisis sustantivo del contenido interper-sonal de esas categorías psicopatológicas. En este e...
In the academic year 2004–2005, approximately 400,000 immigrant pupils were enrolled in Spanish schools and six-form colleges. The racial and ethnic diversity that Spanish society and schools present could be a source of new opportunities and social enrichment, for the national as well as the immigrant population. However, this contact between nati...
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La nueva realidad educativa de nuestros centros precisa tomar conciencia de la presencia de distintas culturas y requiere cuidar de forma especial la dimensión socioafectiva de los alumnos pertenecientes a grupos minoritarios. El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar y analizar a fondo las necesidades educativas que presentan y demandan los alumnos...
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In this work will offer an overview of the history of theoretical development of Circumplex models in clinical psychology and their most resonant applications. The first Circumplex model was developed in the 50´ and since then this model has taken its place as an alternative to category models for personality evaluation. The most important applicat...
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Las Escalas de Adjetivos Interpersonales [lAS; Wiggins, 1979, Wiggins, Trapnell y Phi-llips, 1988. Adaptación al castellano por A. Ávila (Wiggins, 1996)] evalúan el estilo interpersonal de la personalidad normal con una fuerte estructura conceptual que deri-va de importantes tradiciones de investigación en Psicología. El circumplex interper-sonal d...
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En la investigación sobre los determinantes individuales del desarrollo de actitudes y conductas prejuiciosas se han analizado principalmente: los estereotipos, la personalidad autoritaria, concretamente el autoritarismo de derechas, la orientación de dominancia social y la ansiedad social. En este trabajo pretendemos encontrar, a través de un anál...


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