Elena Cocorada

Elena Cocorada
Transylvania University of Brașov | unitbv · Department of Psychology



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Undergraduates’ and graduates’ behaviour with respect to foreign language learning and use Addiction to social media and the school climate
Additional affiliations
September 2001 - October 2019
Transylvania University of Brașov
  • Professor (Full)
September 1974 - July 1978
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University
Field of study
  • Psychology


Publications (62)
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The main aim of this study is to examine university students’ satisfaction with remote learning, analysing their socio-demographic and personal factors, the perception of online interactivity and of the online means used by academics considering two important moments: one academic year from the pandemic period (2020–2021) and one from the post-pand...
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Career adaptability is a soft skill that allows people to cope with professional tasks in an unpredictable labor market. Today's global labor market also requires language skills to facilitate employees' collaboration across linguistic boundaries. The chapter is built around a quantitative study with participants from a large public university in t...
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Given that the COVID-19 pandemic has strongly impacted students' learning experiences, the present research aims to reveal some of the challenges brought to online foreign language classes in higher education and showed a pattern of relationship exists between individual and contextual factors, and students' behaviours during these classes. The stu...
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Academic success is conceptualized as a multifactor model, achievement and persistence after the first year of study being considered the main learning outcomes. In this area, the findings are inconsistent, depending on the academic context, individual characteristics and diversity of psychological measures. Here, we conducted two related correlati...
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Reducing students’ dropout rate is a major challenge for universities. Based on a quantitative approach, this study aims to analyze and explain students’ dropout intention at the largest forestry school in Romania by collecting data in their first two months of the academic year prior to failing any courses. The study participants are undergraduate...
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During the COVID-19 pandemic, the online learning of foreign languages at higher education level has represented a way to adapt to the restrictions imposed worldwide. The aim of the present article is to analyse university students’ behaviours, emotions and perceptions associated to online foreign language learning during the pandemic and their cor...
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Well-being in school is a dimension for overall life satisfaction and quality of life and more important for adolescents who are in a critical period of development and exposed to a variety of risk factors. This paper uses a quantitative approach and aims to analyze the relationship between resilience and well-being at school, focused on the role o...
Gender stereotype patterns are present in more cultural products and consistent across a variety of reading materials and in various cultures. This paper aims to examine the gender stereotypes in school textbooks for primary level. We analyzed the curriculum materials (textbooks, supplies) and two Romanian fairy tales included, using a qualitative...
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Smartphone has numerous benefits and negative effects being between attraction and interdiction. Empirical research provides data collected on populations around the world that indicated different prevalence of addiction or only a problematic use. Prohibitions on smartphone use have occurred in some countries. Managing the addiction risk and danger...
The ownership of smartphones has become usual, research showing associations between smartphone usage, addiction, and the users’ individual characteristics. Our first objective is to examine the short form of Smartphone Addiction Scale. We also aimed to examine the relationships between smartphone addiction and the use of various smartphone applica...
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Nowadays, the new technology defines the classroom and students’ and teachers’ life. Sometimes the attitude towards technology use is marked by negative dysfunctional emotion, anxiety, fear, avoidance or dependence. This paper focuses both on the anxiety with the new technology and on the anxiety without technology. Our research aims to examine the...
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Higher education institutions encourage the use of computers and of the internet for accessing content, assignments, exam results and collaborative learning work. Our study focuses on the university students’ attitudes towards the use of computers, internet and smartphones in relationship with the field of studies, age, gender, academic performance...
Nowadays, the new technology defines the classroom and students’ and teachers’ life. Sometimes the attitude towards technology use is marked by negative dysfunctional emotion, anxiety, fear, avoidance or dependence. This paper focuses both on the anxiety with the new technology and on the anxiety without technology. Our research aims to examine the...
This article presents a tool that provides reliable scores for studying the school climate from the students’ perspective, created for the Romanian context. The main aim of the article is to present the psychometric properties of the instrument. The participants were 605 students, enrolled in four secondary schools and four high schools, from an ur...
This article presents a tool that provides reliable scores for studying the school climate from the students’ perspective, created for the Romanian context. The main aim of the article is to present the psychometric properties of the instrument. The participants were 605 students, enrolled in four secondary schools and four high schools, from an ur...
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The access of the general public and of the Romanian students to the use of the computer and the internet has been possible only since the middle of the 90's, research on the topic having no object up to that date. The variety of results obtained by studies conducted on different samples or at different time spans support the usefulness of the rese...
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The internet is used in the educational environment in order to support the learning process, offering help in searching for the information, building knowledge by confronting other opinions, both in face to face and distance learning. The effective use of the internet as a means of learning requires adequate competences and favorable attitudes tow...
Conference Paper
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Using information technology in learning is more frequent and common, but some students encounter difficulties dealing with the new learning environment. Regarding the negative emotional feelings associated with the computer, the teacher's role is essential. The teacher can offer a model of learning organization through computer-based learning envi...
Conference Paper
A favorable attitude towards computer use in learning and in everyday life is a condition of obtaining high performance in learning and later in the workplace. The aim of the current study is to analyse the levels of computer anxiety and self-efficacy for the high school students. Two questionnaires, Computer Anxiety Rating Scale (Heinssen, Glass,...
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Lucrarea abordează o problematică complexă, de mare actualitate într-o manieră riguroasă. Ea acoperă bine domeniul cercetării calitative, văzut ca o alternativă de prim ordin, dar si ca o completare necesară a metodelor cantitative, atât în psihologie, cât si în domeniul stiin elor educa iei.
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The approach of training based on competence has gained popularity as an alternative to the behaviourist approach, based on objectives and much closer to the taylorist conception on work. During the last decades, standards of professional activities have been designed using competences. These are competence, training and certification standards whi...
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The anxiety connected to learning a foreign language is revealed in negative self-perception, beliefs, feelings and behaviours which negatively impinge upon language learning. This form of anxiety is correlated with academic performance and with certain personality traits. This study explores English language anxiety with Romanian participants, its...
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Being related to the pedagogical freedom of the teacher and her power, strengthened by students’ reactive evaluations, the assessment process can generate conflicts and violence. Our purpose is to examine the gender differences regarding the micro-violence connected to the assessment process in the secondary school. Statistically significant differ...
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Numerous researches concerning the coping have often focused on adolescents as they are under the pressure of certain major life changes. This study examines the coping strategies used by adolescents in secondary school. The results show that the whole sample got the highest scores on the productive strategies and the lowest scores on nonproductive...
This paper presents the main output, and its pedagogical fundaments, of the Socrates/Minerva project Individualized Learning Enhanced by Virtual Reality IDENTITY 229930-CP-1-2006-1-RO-MINERVA-M. The overall project objective is to produce a high level quality learning environment in an academic European network ensuring an open access to improved e...
The aim of the study is to identify similarities in the learning needs of students who benefit from the use of remote laboratories, interconnected in a network comprising five European universities. The needs analysis is subordinated to the subsequent development of learning situations which should be appropriate for the users, exploiting the commo...
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The self-handicapping has been examined as a self-protective strategy, used by adults and young, males and females, in different situations assessed as threatening for the positive self-esteem. The purpose of this study is to explore the relations between self-handicapping and some variables relevant in the academic field as learning motivation, ac...
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The moral development is a classical topic, but still insufficiently investigated in the recent studies in Romania. Our study aimed to compare the results obtained by Piaget regarding the child’s moral development with the child’s moral development, corresponding to the recent cultural Romanian setting. The research method is mixed, qualitative and...
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Care sunt atuurile cărţii? De ce să ne oprim şi asupra teoriei învăţării în viziunea Care sunt atuurile cărţii? De ce să ne oprim şi asupra teoriei învăţării în viziunea Elenei Cocoradă, în condiţiile în care capitolul privind acest proces este prezent în orice manual academic de istorie a psihologiei sau de psihologie generală, psihologie a educaţ...
Conference Paper
This paper presents the results of the action-research analysis concerning the Enhanced Individualized Learning Environment (EILE) impact on the learning process. EILE combines the e-learning advantages with the VR strengths, contributing to independent learning formation. The results are obtained by comparing the performances of students from five...
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The assessment behaviour of the teacher plays a key role in giving students feedback on their performance and enhancing learning motivation. According to orientation of the evaluation and the level of exigency, four assessment styles are described: normative, formative, popular and conventional.The research was conducted on 394 students aged 16-18...
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This paper explores the concept of school climate and develops a theoretical framework for a new concept - school climate connected to assessment - and its assigned instrument - QSCCA (Questionnaire of School Climate Connected to Assessment). Firstly, we describe the concept of organizational school climate and several instruments used to assess it...
Conference Paper
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This paper is based on the supposition that didactic profession produces a differentiation parallel to number of work years, gender and type of taught discipline. Subjects of our research are 102 teachers of high schools from Brasov and Fagaras. They were investigated with STAXI-2 (State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory of Spielberger), STEV (Evalu...
Conference Paper
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This paper presents the main outputs, and their pedagogical fundaments, of the Socrates/Minerva project Individualized Learning Enhanced by Virtual Reality IDENTITY 229930-CP-1- 2006-1-RO-MINERVA-M. The overall project objective is to produce a high level quality learning environment in an academic European network ensuring an open access to improv...
Conference Paper
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The introduction of the new system of 3-year doctoral school puts universities in the situation of re-thinking the doctoral preparation in terms of objectives, contents, organization and evaluation. The new formula of 1-year doctoral school plus 2-year research project raised a lot of debates concerning its effectiveness and quality of the preparat...
Conference Paper
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The study presents the results of the survey carried on in the doctoral school of Transilvania University, Brasov. Based on the focus groups held in the exploratory phase of the research, two questionnaires were constructed and distributed respectively to the students and the doctoral mentors. The objectives of the research were the following: a) t...
Conference Paper
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L’objectif de la recherche fut l’élaboration et la validation d’un outil pour la diagnose du climat scolaire. Si les d’autres outils fournissent des images quasi intégrales du climat, ce qu’on propose ici l’aborde de la perspective de l’évaluation. On a défini et l’opérationnalisé les dimensions: climat relationnel, climat éducatif, climat d’équité...
Conference Paper
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Le rôle décisif de l’évaluation sur les relations enseignants-élèves, sur leurs sentiments (d’équité, de sécurité, d’appartenance ou même d’autoefficacité), les multiples fonctions et facettes de l’évaluation nous ont déterminé à proposer un nouveau concept <climat scolaire de l’évaluation>. Le climat de l’évaluation est un noyau du climat, avec un...
Conference Paper
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Les examens au niveau macro de l’enseignement (à la fin du cycle secondaire inférieur – l’examen national de capacité – et à la fin du cycle secondaire supérieur – le bac) ont des conséquences importantes pour l’élève et sa famille, pour l’école et les enseignants. Ils règlent l’accès à un cycle supérieur, ils permettent la comparaison avec ses cam...
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The multiple virtues of the virtual environment include delivering a learning experience that is tailored to the learners' individual needs and exclude teaching addressed to the average individual, whose peculiarities correspond to a learner's robot-portrait. Considerable research has suggested that this ap- proach can satisfy diverse needs: learni...
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Axul pe care am încercat să construim îndrumătorul de seminar este cel al legăturii permanente între activitatea de învăţare a studenţilor/ studentelor şi proiecţia lor ca posibili profesori sau profesoare de psihologie, multe din activităţile propuse solicitând transpunerea celui care învaţă „pentru sine” în ipostaza celui care „îi va ajuta să înv...
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Prin conţinutul său cartea care se deschide cititorului reprezintă o abordare pedagogică şi psihologică a actului evaluator care are ca obiect rezultatele şcolare. Această dublă perspectivă este ea însăşi semnificativă pentru studiul acţiunilor de evaluare în învăţământ, dacă avem în vedere faptul că evaluarea, prin natura proceselor şi acţiunilor...


Question (1)
Dear colleagues
Does anyone know articles / academic papers on learning about oneself?
Academic learning is analyzed frequently focused on knowledge about the external world. Simultaneously, it practiced personal development. Also, psychological therapy facilitates learning about their own values, behaviors, attitudes and their changing. Does anyone know academic papers showing this process from the perspective of factors, conditions or mechanisms of this type of learning (learning about oneself)?
Thank for your help!


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