Elea Giménez ToledoSpanish National Research Council | CSIC · Instituto de Filosofía
Elea Giménez Toledo
Ph. D. Library & Information Science
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Científica Titular del CSIC, y directora del Grupo de investigación sobre Libro Académico (ÍLIA). Es miembro del Management Committee de la Acción COST European Network for Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and Humanities.
Sus proyectos de investigación más recientes se centran en la edición académica de libros, el análisis de los procesos editoriales, los modelos de negocio en la edición y la búsqueda de indicadores de calidad. Es creadora de Scholarly Publishers Indicators (SPI).
Additional affiliations
June 1996 - September 2002
Publications (114)
Background: The project Cartografía de la Edición Académica Iberoamericana aims to analyze the production of academic books in Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking countries in the Americas. Following the path opened by similar studies in Colombia and Brazil, we present the results for Mexico.
Objectives: To analyze academic books published in Mexico b...
El artículo tiene como objetivo identificar y analizar la producción de libros académicos en 16 países de lengua española en América Latina entre 2013 y 2019. Para hacerlo, toma como fuente las bases de datos de ISBN que las agencias nacionales del libro le suministran al Cerlalc. Se caracteriza el sector académico por países y por materias. Destac...
Science policymakers are devoting increasing attention to enhancing the social valorization of scientific knowledge. Since 2010, several international evaluation initiatives have been implemented to assess knowledge transfer and exchange practices and the societal impacts of research. Analysis of these initiatives would allow investigation of the d...
El artículo tiene como objetivo identificar y analizar la producción de libros académicos en Colombia entre 2013 y 2019. Para hacerlo, toma como fuente la base de datos de ISBN gestionada por la Cámara Colombiana del Libro y selecciona dentro del universo editorial general, a través de materias, la producción propiamente académica. Así, con la info...
Books are important in the social sciences. Monographs and edited books allow for presenting original research based on methodologies or forms of collaboration that the format of the journal article does not serve as appropriately. Books are also used to engage directly with society. This chapter first introduces book publishing in the social scien...
Esta guía pretende mostrar la mayor parte de las cuestiones que atañen a la digitalización en el marco de las editoriales académicas, muy especialmente aquellas relacionadas con el entorno de la investigación y sus políticas. Desde los aspectos más sencillos a los más sofisticados, desde los más conocidos a los menos, desde los más fáciles de desar...
Los libros y el conjunto de los actores que los producen (editores, diseñadores, impresores, distribuidores, etc.) constituyen aún hoy una parte sustantiva de las condiciones materiales y sociales de la existencia misma la vida intelectual, especialmente en el ámbito de las ciencias sociales y humanas (CSH). Por esta razón, estudiar el funcionamien...
Reconocer la publicación de libros académicos en español en los procesos de evaluación científica requiere disponer de información objetiva y precisa sobre libros, colecciones y editoriales. En este trabajo, se presenta un estudio sobre el prestigio de las editoriales académicas –colombianas y no colombianas- a partir de una encuesta realizada entr...
Book are important means of scientific communication in the Social Sciences and Humanities. That is why their correct evaluation should be continuously improved. In this article, we present the different methodologies for the valuation of academic books applied by the Brazilian and Spanish agencies, as well as the results of a study about the prest...
Books are relevant outputs in research in Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) and need to be considered properly in research evaluation. Books are different from journals and the scholarly book publishing sector remains quite unknown within evaluation agencies. This paper describes the state of the scholarly publishing sector, beyond the large pub...
Este estudio pretende conocer los hábitos y las valoraciones de los investigadores en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades de Brasil en torno a las publicaciones científicas y en especial sobre los libros académicos. Son varios los aspectos que se tratan: sus hábitos de publicación; sus opiniones sobre el formato libro como medio de comunicación, y sus...
In May 2016, an article published in Scientometrics, titled ‘Taking scholarly books into account: current developments in five European countries’, introduced a comparison of book evaluation schemes implemented within five European countries. The present article expands upon this work by including a broader and more heterogeneous set of countries (...
La evaluación de las Humanidades y las Ciencias Sociales ha resultado siempre controvertida. En este artículo se revisan los cambios que se están produciendo en las metodologías y enfoques de la evaluación, así como las líneas de trabajo que están marcando estos procesos de evaluación en Europa. Las claves de la evaluación científica en la actualid...
Se realiza un acercamiento al perfil de las editoriales universitarias latinoamericanas en cuanto al volumen y tipo de libros que editan y al proceso de selección de los originales que siguen. Para realizar este trabajo se diseñó y envió un cuestionario a todas las editoriales universitarias latinoamericanas integradas en EULAC a través de las dist...
In this work, the authors propose a definition of book publishers’ specialization-multidisciplinarity and apply the operative definition to a set of 1952 Spanish publishers in 16 fields of the Social Sciences and the Humanities. The definition of specialization-multidisciplinarity is made operative with an entropy-based indicator. The indicator was...
Despite having an important role supporting assessment processes, criticism towards evaluation systems and the categorizations used are frequent. Considering the acceptance by the scientific community as an essential issue for using rankings or categorizations in research evaluation, the aim of this paper is testing the results of rankings of schol...
Con el expresivo titulo Knowledge Unlatched el proyecto que se analiza en este informe propone una respuesta a una de las preguntas mas frecuentes sobre el open access (OA): ?quien asume el coste de las publicaciones cientificas en abierto (en este caso, de las monografias)? Montgomery, Lucy (2014). “Knowledge Unlatched: A global library consortium...
In the past decade, a number of initiatives have been taken to provide new sources of information on scholarly book publishing. Thomson Reuters (now Clarivate Analytics) has supplemented the Web of Science with a Book Citation Index (BCI), while Elsevier has extended Scopus to include books from a selection of scholarly publishers. More complete me...
Scholarly books have been a periphery among the objects of study of bibliometrics until recent developments provided tools for assessment purposes. Among scholarly book publishers, University Presses (UPs hereinafter), subject to specific ends and constrains in their publishing activity, might also remain on a second-level periphery despite their r...
Esta obra es una suerte de serena discusión por escrito entre los distintos actores de la comunidad académica en relación a un tema delicado entre los profesionales: la evaluación científica y el tedio que suele generar entre los investigadores. Si bien sus ejes fundamentales son las propias opiniones de estos, el texto aporta otros argumentos, con...
This chapter reflects on how journals and book publishers in the fields of humanities and social sciences are studied and evaluated in Spain, particularly with regard to assessments of books and book publishers. The lack of coverage of Spanish output in international databases is underlined as one of the reasons for the development of nationwide as...
For academic book authors and the institutions assessing their research performance, the relevance of books is undisputed. In spite of this, the absence of comprehensive international databases covering the items and information needed for the assessment of this type of publication has urged several European countries to develop custom-built inform...
This work presents the updated version of the public information system SPI (Scholarly Publishers Indicators), developed by ÍLIA (research group on scholarly books), which belongs to the Spanish National Research Council. SPI contains three types of indicators about book publishers: prestige according to expert opinions; thematic specialization acc...
This paper describes some of the most controversial areas of debate on the subject of the scientific and technical e-book market in Spain: VAT regulations, publisher pricing proposals and the need to use different business models to reach new reader markets. The paper also describes the advantages of the scientific and technical e-book as a resourc...
This article presents various systems for assessing academic books and/or book publishers in several European countries and two in Latin America. It has been structured according to the methodologies used in each system: expert opinion, reviews, holdings in academic libraries, specialization, original selection procedures, citations, and systems in...
Education scientific journals are a key element for the progress of educational research. The added value which might be expected from the rising prices of scientific journals has one of its accountable factors in the bibliometric indicators as a measure of performance. The research question addressed in this paper is whether there are significant...
A historic review (fundamentally centered in Spain, but with multiple references to other international fields) of the evaluation process of scientific production has been carried out, mainly of periodicals. Available alternatives have also been analyzed after a turbulent period that has seen varied instruments for journal revision disappear. Final...
A partir de los datos obtenidos en una encuesta se abordan diferentes aspectos de la publicación de libros científicos en Educación. Este estudio nace de la necesidad de crear instrumentos e indicadores que evalúen la calidad de monografías, llenando un vacío en los procesos de evaluación científica. Una de las vías para abordar este análisis es re...
The publishing processes and standards in scholarly journals are much better known than those of the publishers of scholarly books. Since scholarly books are key channels of communication and academic assessment in the humanities and social sciences, information provided by publishers concerning their publishing processes is very important both for...
Los profundos cambios que se estan dando en la manera en que los cientificos se comunican, asi como las transformaciones en la industria editorial y, desde luego, la creciente y asentada “cultura de la evaluacion” provocan algunas imposturas, desajustes o contradicciones en los distintos agentes que integran lo que se ha venido a denominar el ecosi...
Objectives: This work attempts to establish the use and attitudes that users of the Library of the Institute of Physical-Chemistry " Rocasolano" (Biqfr) of the S panish National Research Council (CSIC) have with regard to scientific and technical ebooks. Thereby a better understanding will be obtained of the behavioural patterns towards this electr...
Objective: to analyse the introduction of the scientific and technical e-book collection of the "Rocasolano" Chemistry-Physics Library (Biqfr) of CSIC and the strategies adopted for the dissemination, creation, implementation, and management of the collection between 2007 and 2009. Methodology: an in-depth interview was conducted with the director...
In this study, differences between Spanish social sciences and humanities journals are examined using a quantitative approach. Firstly, using a set of 144 psychology journals and 69 philosophy journals, statistically significant differences have been identified in 11 characteristics/indicators. Secondly, a logistic regression was carried out on the...
Books are a key channel in the scientific communication processes for researchers in Social Sciences and Humanities. Although
the best way of assessing the monographs would involve its individualized reading, this method is practically unfeasible both
in terms of cost and time. An indicator which could be used is the prestige of the publisher of mo...
This paper analyzes the weaknesses of the Humanities and Social Sciences journal publishing sector in Spain. A high percentage of these journals are published by universities and often as a result of the effort of a small team (e.g., professional association, department, research group). They often have very low numbers of papers published per year...
In the United Kingdom, the journal Screen has since the 1950s been the main bibliographic source for the theorists of cinema. At the moment, there are other journals in this area which are making room for themselves in the global arena of film publications. This article studies the internationality—nowadays a key factor in the process of scientific...
The purpose of this article is threefold: (1) To study the course of development, approaches, and strategies of Spanish scientific publishers specializing in the humanities and social sciences; (2) to establish a profile of publishers based on their information and attitudes; and (3) to identify the opportunities and challenges which exist for publ...
Elea Giménez-Toledo, científica titular del CSIC, es licenciada y doctora en documentación, y res-ponsable del Grupo de Investigación de Evaluación de Publicaciones Científicas (EPUC) del Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales. Su actividad investigadora se centra en los procesos de evaluación de la actividad científica en ciencias humanas y sociale...
Introduction. This paper analyses the presence of Spanish journals in humanities and social sciences in seventy-nine databases of different types: specialized, specialized in a field different from that of the journal, and multidisciplinary databases, to determine the relative relevance of the databases by field and type of database.
Method. The mo...
CETTO, Ana María y ALONSO GAMBOA, José Octavio (comps.) Calidad e Impacto de la Revista Iberoamericana [En línea]. Primera edición [México], LATINDEX, UNAM, 2011. Disponible en Internet: <http://www.latindex.unam.mx/librociri/> ISBN: 978-607-02-2865-0
Colección Cuadernos Artesanos de Latina / 16
Compartir experiencias y proyectar el futuro fueron los dos motivos esenciales que impulsaron el I Encuentro de Editores de Revistas Científicas de Ciencias Sociales: “Las revistas científicas, por un mayor rigor editorial”, celebrado en la Universidad de La Laguna (Tenerife) en julio de 2011.
En las pág...
Agreements and disagreements among some of the most important knowledge classifications involved in Spanish scientific activity assessment are presented here. Knowledge classifications used by two Spanish platforms for journals evaluation, RESH and In-RECS/In-RECJ; the one used by Web of Knowledge; and those used by the three main agencies working...
A proposal for a qualitative classification of scientific journals specialized in social sciences and humanities is presented. The main objective of CIRC (in Spanish, “Clasificación integrada de revistas científicas”) is to become a tool to obtain bibliometrics indicators for different levels of aggregation based on the quality of publications. The...
The internationality of scholarly journals is an important aspect of scientific quality and is considered ever more highly by funders and assessment agencies. But the analysis of different levels of internationality of publications is a complex task, particularly in the Humanities. This paper attempts to make a small contribution toward clarifying s...
Management, trade strategies, marketing and users of scientific-technical e-books in the Spanish market are analysed in this paper, from the point of view of the main subscription agents. Swets and Ebsco country managers in Spain were interviewed to obtain a general overview. The most widely held opinion in the scholarly context-researchers, librar...
This paper deals with the evaluation of monographs in the context of the special importance that they have as a means of communication
of the results for human and social sciences research. First, a revision of some of the projects developed at institutions
from various countries which have applied diverse methodologies and indicators to monographs...
This paper aims to present the situation of Spanish Psychology journals with regard to certain qual-ity parameters obtained from two Spanish journal evaluation systems (RESH and DICE), Latindex and others.First of all, the publishing profile is analyzed in relation to the publication frequency compliance and other international standards for scient...
This article studies the functions and structures of editorial boards for Spanish scholarly journals. A survey was sent to a significant set of Spanish social sciences and humanities executive editors to determine the features of the management bodies of these journals, mainly the editorial boards. The final aim was to reflect on the bodies to whic...
Publication of scientific journals is governed by a management model that controls multiple processes and roles, and affects the quality of the published contents. The advantages of software packages specifically designed for journal management and publishing are described, analysing their relevance to several areas that determine the final quality...
The aim of this note is to communicate and explain the last additions included in the RESH website: an integrated evaluation system based on a diverse range of indicators on editorial quality, peer review, international visibility and impact index. The team developing RESH has been working on establishing a weighted system. This system assigns a di...
The aim of this note is to communicate and explain the last additions included in the RESH website: an integrated evaluation system based on a diverse range of indicators on editorial quality, peer review, international visibility and impact index. The team developing RESH has been working on establishing a weighted system. This system assigns a di...
DocuMenea is introduced as a social web tool, based on Menéame’s software, and focused in Librarianship, documentation and closed fields. A selection of most interesant news is offered with a social ranking based on user’s votes.
It has often been observed that evaluating scientific activity in the Humanities and in some of the Social Sciences needs to involve a study of monographs, as they are often the preferred mean of publication by scientists in these fields. As well as being the most frequently cited publication type, monographs are also the mean most often used to pu...
An overview of current scientific journals evaluation initiatives in Spain is presented. Most of these models are focused
on social sciences and humanities journals because of their special features, and are targeted to research evaluation activities.
Indicators developed in these systems are analysed, including the methodological difficulties that...
Convergence is a very polysemous concept that has been used to describe various trends in journalism that have something in common: the blurring of the limits between different media, professional skills and roles. This paper proposes to analytically structure convergence into four dimensions: integrated production, multiskilled professionals, mult...
Domingo, David; Salaverría, Ramón; Aguado, Juan Miguel; Cabrera, Mª Ángeles; Edo, Concha; Masip, Pere; Meso, Koldobika; Palomo, Mª Bella; Sádaba, Charo; Orihuela, José Luis; Portilla, Idoia; Díaz Noci, Larrañaga, José; Larrondo, Ainara; López, Xosé; Pereira, Xosé; Gago, Manuel; Otero, Marita; Fernández Rivera Celia; Alonso, Jaime; Rojo, Pedro Anton...
Convergence is a very polysemous concept that has been used to describe various trends in journalism that have something in common: the blurring of the limits between different media, professional skills and roles. This paper proposes to analytically structure convergence into four dimensions: integrated production, multiskilled professionals, mult...
Introducción. Se analiza la respuesta de los centros de documentación de los medios de comunicación en situaciones de crisis, concretamente como la producida por el atentado terrorista del 11 de marzo de 2004 en Madrid, observando tanto el impacto de una noticia de esta envergadura en los departamentos de documentación como las consecuencias que ha...
Introduction. The response to crisis situations of media documentation centres is analysed in relation to the terrorist attack on Madrid on 11 March, 2004. The goal of this presentation is to assess the impact of the event on the Documentation Centres of the media. Methodology. Interviews were carried out in the Documentation Centres using a schedu...
En este artículo se analizan las revistas españolas de estudios latinoamericanos más relevantes desde el punto de vista de su internacionalidad. Se analiza tanto la composición de los comités editorial y científico como las autorías, en la hipótesis de que serán fiel reflejo de las redes de cooperación científica que subyacen a las líneas de invest...
[ES] Segunda edición publicada en 2006 del directorio de recursos de información en Internet de carácter multidisciplinar de interés científico y profesional de utilidad para el mundo académico y profesional, punto de partida para la localización en la red de fuentes de información sobre cualquier tema especializado. Además de recopilar y comentar...
Aquest treball pretén contribuir a l'establiment de directrius específiques d'usabilitat i de continguts informatius mínims, dirigides als dissenyadors d'interfícies web de consulta de bases de dades documentals. Per això es parteix d'una selecció dels aspectes que poden formar part d'aquestes interfícies, tenint en compte tant els elements d'infor...
Este trabajo intenta contribuir al establecimiento de directrices específicas de usabilidad y contenidos informativos mínimos, dirigidas a los diseñadores de interfaces web de consulta de bases de datos documentales. Para ello se parte de una selección de los aspectos que pueden formar parte de estas interfaces, teniendo en cuenta tanto los element...
Le modèle français de gestion stratégique de la recherche publique est en pleine mutation. La déconcentration des pouvoirs dans les Régions transfert une partie des centres de décisions auprès des décideurs locaux. Ces décideurs vont devoir se doter de nouveaux instruments pour soutenir la stratégie de développement de la recherche sur leur territo...
Existen distintos métodos para estudiar la transferencia de información a través de la utilización de indicadores bibliométricos, macroeconómicos, etc. En este trabajo se analizan los resultados obtenidos de una encuesta dirigida a las empresas de la Comunidad de Madrid, orientada a identificar quién y cómo se transfiere información a la empresa. E...
There are different methods to study the information exchanges by using bibliometric indicators, macroeconomic indicators, etc. In this work the obtained results of a questionnaire targeted to the Comunidad de Madrid enterprises are presented and analysed, with the aim of identifying who transfers information to the enterprises and how this transfe...
Datos generales de un estudio llevado a cabo en España - y promovido por la agencia de suscripciones Swets Information Services - sobre el uso e implantación de revistas, bases de datos y otros recursos de información electrónicos. Los resultados muestran una ya notable aceptación del soporte electrónico, aunque el papel sigue teniendo sus partidar...
Ce travail expose comment les techniques bibliométriques peuvent répondre en partie à des démarches d'évaluation des échanges entre les acteurs du système Science-Technologie-Société. Cette étude bibliométrique s'est plus particulièrement focalisée sur l'évaluation des collaborations scientifiques par une analyse des co-publications entre les acteu...
Technology watch and competitive intelligence activities form a basic tool for improving organizations' competitiveness. Their success depends on the knowledge management systems upon which they are based. This paper describes the relationship between information management (and professionals working in the field) and technology watch and competiti...
This paper analyzes the data from a questionnaire mailed to professors in the Economics' departments of the Spanish public universities about their working habits as to information sources used and journals where they used to publish. Responses received indicate two main dimensions of journals' reputation: the mean values assigned to journals indic...