Ekaterine ShaverdashviliIlia State University | ISU · Faculty of Business, Technology and Education
Ekaterine Shaverdashvili
Doctor of Philosophy
Head of Innovative Education Research Center; Professor of Education Sciences, Ilia State University, Georgia
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Ekaterine Shaverdashvili currently works at the Faculty of Business, Technology and Education, Ilia State University. Ekaterine does research in Curriculum Theory and Didactics. Their current projects are 'Curriculum Reform for Promoting Civic Education and Democratic Principles in Israel and in Georgia (CURE)'., 'Educating Science Teachers for All' (Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union).
Additional affiliations
January 2012 - April 2015
Publications (22)
წარმოდგენილი წიგნის მიზანია, გზამკვლევის ფუნქცია იკისროს უცხოური ენების სწავლა/სწავლებაში და მკითხველს გააცნოს უცხოური ენის ათვისებისა და სწავლა/სწავლების ძირითადი ასპექტები თეორიულ ჭრილში.
წიგნი დახმარებას გაუწევს უცხოური ენების მოქმედ და მომავალ პედაგოგებს, უცხოური ენის შემსწავლელებს და ამ სფეროთი დაინტერესებულ ყველა პირს.
In recent years, increasing emphasis has been placed on the need to match university graduates with the needs of the labor market. This has been challenged by the dissatisfaction often expressed by employers, related to the large discrepancy existing between the knowledge and skills acquired by students in the process of studying at the university...
Die Kinder kleiner Volkergruppen lernen ihre Muttersprachen oft deshalb nicht, weil sie glauben, dass ihre Sprachen nicht fiber den erforderlichen gesellschaftlichen Status und wirtschaftlichen Wert verftigen, den sie spa.ter fur einen Karrieresprung benotigen. Infolgedessen konnen kleine Sprachen vollsta.ndig verschwinden. Zu den bedrohten Sprac...
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, “Georgia [...] entered into linguis-tically and culturally diverse space”1and Russian was replaced with English,now a mandatory f irst foreign language. This chapter explores the establishment of English as a foreign language in Georgia in the 1930s and its development to the present day. It analyses the fact...
English replaced Russian after the collapse of the Soviet Union and is now considered as the country’s lingua franka. It has been a compulsory subject from the first year of schooling since 2011.
The research explores the current state of English as a foreign language and its historical development under the impact of the Soviet period. It analyses...
In contrast with other works on the history of language learning and teaching, this book is innovative in assigning a much more important role to practice and to the reciprocal relationship of policies and practice (rather than investigating top.down processes from policies to practice). The 14 contributions highlight various contexts of language e...
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, “Georgia […] entered into linguistically and culturally diverse space” and Russian was replaced with English,now a mandatory first foreign language. This chapter explores the establishment of English as a foreign language in Georgia in the 1930s and its development to the present day. It analyses the factors...
დაწყებითი სკოლის პედაგოგებს უამრავი შესაძლებლობა გაქვთ, შემოქმედებითი ხერხების გამოყენებით ბავშვებში ცნობისმოყვარეობა გაზარდოთ და მათ სწავლისადმი მოტივაცია აუმაღლოთ.
წარმოდგენილი მასალის დახმარებით იოლად შეძლებთ მოსწავლეების საბუნებისმეტყველო საგნებით დაინტერესებასა და აღფრთოვანებას,
განსაკუთრებით ადრეულ ასაკში.
წინამდებარე მასალა „ლილუს სახლი“...
Theory and Practice of Values and Knowledge Education Series: Moral Development and Citizenship Education, Volume: 18 Volume Editors: Sieglinde Weyringer, Jean-Luc Patry, Dimitrios Pnevmatikos, and Frédérique Brossard Børhaug "Values without knowledge are blind, while knowledge without values is irresponsible." This principle underlines the motivat...
ცოდნა და ღირებულებითი განათლება VaKE-მოდელის გამოყენებით
Vortrag an dem XIII. Kongress der Internationalen Vereinigung für Germanistik (IVG) mit dem Thema: Germanistik zwischen Tradition und Innovation. Shanghai, 23.08.2015 - 31.08.2015.
Thesis (doctoral)--Universität Gesamthochschule Kassel, 2000. Includes bibliographical references.
1. Geschichtliche Entwicklung und gegenwärtige Sprachenverteilung
Die westeuropäischen Sprachen werden in Georgien seit dem 17. Jahrhundert gelehrt. Deutsch als Fremdsprache wird seit 1801 ab der 4. Klasse als Wahlfach neben Französisch, Russisch, Latein, Griechisch und Aserbaidschanisch angeboten. Deutsch wurde als Wahlpflichtfach ab der 5. Klass...
Das Umschlagbild des Sammelbandes mit dem Dachs verweist sowohl auf das bislang gebrauchte Kürzel DACH für die drei amtlichen deutschen Staaten und mit der Hinzunahme des „s“ auf weitere Staaten, in denen ebenfalls Deutsch gesprochen und damit auch Landeskunde vermittelt wird.
Es ist verdienstvoll, dass die Herausgeber und die Einzelbeiträger Struk...
Nach dem politischen „Neubeginn“ im Jahre 2003 in Georgien wurden in fast allen Bereichen umfassende Reformen angegangen. Die Veränderungen in Staat und Gesellschaft nach der Rosenrevolution ziehen die Notwendigkeit nach sich, auch das Bildungswesen im Lande umzugestalten. Wegen der guten Zusammenarbeit zwischen Ost und West und wegen der vielen ge...
ommunikative Fremdsprachendidaktik Theorie und Praxis in Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Festschrift für Gerhard Neuner zum 60. Geburtstag Hermann Funk, Michael Koenig (Herausgeber). LangenSeidt.
Die Herausgeber haben für diese Festschrift als Thema "Kommunikative Fremdsprachendidaktik - Theorie und Praxis in Deutsch als Fremdsprache" gewählt, da dies d...