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Publications (31)
In 2023, the European Commission released a legislative proposal for a Directive on Soil Monitoring and Resilience which aims to define a legal framework to achieve healthy soils across the European Union (EU) by 2050. A key component of the initial Directive is the mandate for Member States to establish basic geographic soil governance units, refe...
Soil classification systems give an idea which soils are similar regarding their morphology (often developed through pedogenesis) and therefore assigned to the same class, and which are dissimilar and therefore assigned to another class. The morphological criteria are often selected along pedogenetic lines of thinking. Soil functions however often...
Identifying the potential distribution of soil-biodiversity with its density and richness relationships, including constituent species, is a pre-requisite for the assessment, conservation and protection of soil biodiversity and the soil functions it drives. Although the role of earthworms in improving soil quality has long been established, to quan...
Identifying the potential distribution of soil-biodiversity with its density and richness relationships, including constituent species, is a pre-requisite for the assessment, conservation and protection of soil biodiversity and the soil functions it drives. Although the role of earthworms in improving soil quality has long been established, to quan...
Goal of modern research data management is to provide user-friendly infra-structures to upload, manage and provide research data in findable, accessible , interoperable and reusable formats for continued use (= "FAIR data principles"). To meet these requirements, the application of accepted and widely used standards, regulations, conventions and gu...
Soils play a key role for the functioning of terrestrial ecosystems. Thus, soils are essential for human society not only because they form the basis for the production of food. This has long been recognized, and during the last three decades the need to establish methods to evaluate the ability of soils to provide soil functions has moved toward t...
In the frame of the joint research project BonaRes ("Soil as a sustainable resource for the bioeconomy", Germany) a data infrastructure has been setup to upload, manage, store, and provide soil and agricultural research data, accompanying data (e.g. management, socioeconomic or meteorological data) and associated metadata. A consistent and standard...
This report provides an overview of available soil data from survey programs as well as derived data products with information about data lineage and access. In case of specific characteristics of the data concerning the validity, completeness, currentness or resolution, these are mentioned to estimate the reusability. The data sources are further...
Major task of the BonaRes Data Centre is to create a user-friendly data repository to upload, manage and provide soil and soil-related research data in standardized and citable formats for continued use. To meet these requirements, the application of standards for the different stages of research data life is necessary. Such standards concern e.g....
In the frame of the joint research project BonaRes (“Soil as a sustainable resource for the bioeconomy”, Germany) a data infrastructure was set-up to upload, manage, store, archive, and provide soil and agricultural research data and associated metadata. The application of widely disseminated and accepted procedures during all data life stages and...
Within the research project BonaRes ("Soil as a sustainable resource for the bioeconomy") an infrastructure is being developed to upload, manage, store, and provide the increasing amount of soil and agricultural research data, raw data, and metadata in Germany. Large joint research projects such as BonaRes require rules for data handling. The appli...
Der Bodenatlas Deutschland bedient als wissenschaftliches Kartenwerk einen allgemeinen Informationsbedarf. Mit ihm wird ein aktuelles und modernes Standard-Kartenwerk zum Thema Boden für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland bereitgestellt. In der klassischen gedruckten Ausführung werden bodenkundliche Sachverhalte durch eine hochwertige kartografische Au...
Obwohl wir uns so gut wie immer auf ihm aufhalten, nehmen wir den Boden oft nicht mehr wahr. Dabei erfüllt Boden eine Reihe ganz wesentlicher Funktionen: Er ist zum Beispiel Wasserspeicher und -filter sowie unentbehrliche Produktionsgrundlage der Land- und Forstwirtschaft. Ohne die maximal einige Dezimeter mächtige fruchtbare Erde wäre kein Leben a...
Population growth and increasing land use intensity lead to growing
demands and exploitation of natural resources. Soils are among
the most important and most endangered natural resource entities. In
order to plan and implement sustainable soil management practices
and to facilitate the rational exploitation of the resource, more detailed
Publisher: Paris-Lodron University of Salzburg, Austria
Zur Ableitung von Bodennamen nach WRB (World Reference BAse for Soil Resources 2006, update 2007) wird ein auf KA5-Daten basierendes, regelbasiertes Verfahren vorgestellt und seine Leistungsfähigkeit evaluiert.
Die Verbreitung von Böden und ihren Eigenschaften wird in bodenkundlichen Karten dargestellt. Als Vorläufer der Bodenkarte können geognostische Karten in Gebieten mit anstehenden Lockergesteinen angesehen werden. In Preußen begann dann in den 1870er Jahren die agronomisch-geologische Kartierung. Mit dem Aufkommen der bodengenetischen Betrachtungswe...
INSPIRE provides the framework for the establishment of a European Spatial Data Infrastructure. The cross-border use and applicability
of data requires that specific standards and rules are fulfilled by data providers. Such rules are currently being developed
as data specifications. Soil as a theme in the INSPIRE annex III is included in this proce...
Huge amounts of soil data are recorded in national databases using national nomenclatures. To use them in international context, they have to be harmonized with an international nomenclature. The World Reference Base for Soil Resources (WRB) provides such a framework. We present our approach to retrieve information from existing soil databases and...
An annotated medium-scale vegetation map (1:60000) of the Batura Valley, Hunza Karakorum (Pakistan, Northern Areas) is presented. The study area covers ca. 700 km(2) (between 36 degrees 27'N/74 degrees 30'E and 36 degrees 40'N/74 degrees 54'E) along the Batura Glacier, one of the largest outlet glaciers outside the polar regions, and ranges in alti...
A methodology using digital soil mapping has been developed to improve the reconnaissance mapping 1:200.000. It combines soil data from different sources in order to develop a seamless, nation-wide, consistent soil geometric and semantic database. The use of legacy data involves some challenges coming from differing datasets, soil descriptions, map...