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Rhetoric of persuasive discourse, persuasive communication, linguistic and stylistic analysis of discours
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September 2010 - October 2021
Publications (25)
Straipsnyje analizuojama mokslinio autoriteto kaip argumento viešajame diskurse problematika. Mokslinio autoriteto funkcionavimo dėsningumą iliustruoja autoritetą žyminčių leksemų vartojimas internetinės žiniasklaidos straipsnių antraštėse. Tyrimas atskleidžia, kad apeliavimas į autoritetą – argumentum ad verecundiam – yra gyvybinga ir intensyviai...
Participants in political discourse, while seeking to attract and retain an audience’s attention, use abundant tools of persuasion. These techniques help to represent and consolidate their own image, implement useful evaluations and attitudes, and form beliefs. Political discourse is one of the main areas in which social values are expressed, as vo...
The rhetoric of threat is one of the dominant strategies for creating an effective discourse. This chapter examines the expression of appeals to threat in political discourse – political programs and political advertising. Political discourse is characterized by an abundance of expression forms. It is a multimodal discourse, whose variety of compon...
The object of the study is the linguistic expression of comments posted under articles about the coronavirus on the social network “Facebook”. The aim of the study is to identify and analyze the linguistic features of comments, to capture recurring trends, and to discuss and evaluate it in a wider cultural, social and political context. The researc...
The article presents the study of political communication on social network "Facebook". The object of the study is the motivation of using Russian inserts and potential influence on the effectiveness of the discourse. Effectiveness is related to the persuasion, the goal of the addressee in the communication process and the main concept of rhetoric,...
The aim of the research presented in this article aims to determine the impact of polylingualism on the effectiveness of political rhetoric in Lithuania. The study focuses on elements borrowed from other languages and used by Lithuanian politicians in their Facebook posts. In addition, the motivation behind such use is explored, aiming to establish...
The media perform not only the function of information but also of ecological education: it forms the ecological identity of its target audience. The media help to present the topics of ecology, climate change, and sustainable development for the public in a more understandable and persuasive language. Also, the discourse of ecology in the media is...
Gabrėnaitė, Eglė, 2021. Būdingieji politinės reklamos dispozicijos dėmenys. In: Od Unii Lubelskiej do Unii Europejskiej. Nuo Nuo Liublino Unijos iki Europos Sąjungos. From the Union of Lublin to the European Union: Publikacja pokonferencyjna (red. T. Vologdiny & K. Pyrka). Wrocław: Pobliża, p. 74–87. ISBN: 978-83-960534-0-4
An analysis of the public COVID-19 discourse reveals how the public responds to the crisis and what kind of communication is actualized during a pandemic. The object of this research is the argumentation strategies in the comments of the articles about coronavirus on social media “Facebook”. The aim of the research is to expand the argumentative le...
An analysis of the public COVID-19 discourse reveals how the public responds to the crisis and what kind of communication is actualized during a pandemic. The object of this research is the argumentation strategies in the comments of the articles about coronavirus on social media “Facebook”. The aim of the research is to expand the argumentative le...
Pranešime pristatomo tyrimo objektas–pandeminės retorikos dėmenys internetiniuose komentaruose po straipsniais apie koronavirusą (COVID-19). Dėmesys telkiamas į elokucinį diskurso lygmenį: siekiama ištirti grėsmės įžodinimą–specifinę su pandemija susijusią internetinių komentarų kalbinę raišką. Tiriamasis diskursas tiriamas pasitelkus retorinės dis...
The great spread of the phenomenon of MeToo, a global movement promoting the publicity of the facts of sexual harassment, has also received a response in Lithuania: anonymous stories in blogs have grown into a provocative discourse that has attracted a great deal of attention. The aim of the research presented in this article is to characterise the...
Politinės rinkimų programos yra agitacinio pobūdžio leidinys, kurio paskirtis – pateikti politikos veikėjo politines nuostatas ir paveikti rinkėjų motyvaciją balsuojant rinkimuose. Rinkimų programa iliustruoja politiko santykį su rinkėjais, ji yra politinės komunikacijos elementas, politikos veikėjo įvaizdžio dalis. Straipsnyje analizuojama rinkimų...
Mokomosios knygos „Retorinė paveikiųjų diskursų analizė“ tikslas – pateikti metodologinį retorinės diskurso analizės modelį.
Pirmame skyriuje apibrėžtas teorinis retorinės paveikiųjų diskursų analizės pagrindas; antrame – išskleistos topo ir topikos kategorijų sampratos; trečiame – analizuojamas argumentacinis paveikiųjų diskursų lygmuo; ketvirtas...
Modern media has led to changes in the scope, intensity and effectiveness of communication. The Internet medium, which offers almost unlimited dialogue and polylogue possibilities, has become an attractive place for provocation to be born and function. The provocative narrative not only inspires these processes, but also becomes as a result of such...
The modern definition of rhetoric is based on the conception of rhetoric as a universal system of persuasion, so persuasive discourses are the main object of rhetorical researches. Political discourse, the primary purpose of which is persuasion, is a textbook example of persuasive discourse. The paper presents a study into political rhetoric: the c...
Retorika – universali įtikinėjimo sistema, gebėjimas atrasti įtikinimo būdus ir priemones kiekvienu konkrečiu atveju. Įtikinimo proceso esminė dalis – argumentavimas – yra retorikos mokslo šerdis. Straipsnyje pristatomo tyrimo objektas – politinio diskurso argumen- tacijos lygmuo. Įvairių reklamos formų argumentacijos ypatybių analizė atskleidžia,...
Rhetoric of Threats as a Tool for Persuasive Discourse.
The article analyzes the rhetoric of threat (an appeal to fear) in political discourse by identifying inventive threat topoi and analyzing rhetorical argumentation ñ the expression of argumentum in terrorem; finally, rhetorical tools creating the value and credibility of addressee are determin...
Political commentary is called the genre of evaluative journalism with fundamental indication, the expression of subjective opinion, on purpose to explain political phenomena and to assess it. From the perspective of rhetoric science positions, the most important is the argumentative level of commentary, i.e., persuasive substantiation of author’s...
The emotional appeal dominates in the persuasive discourse; usually, it is the rhetorical argumentation, the efficiency of which is closely related to the addressee value priorities. In order to achieve the advertising targets not only the newly discovered, but also the time-tested techniques of persuasion as well as the classic eristic argumentati...
Advertising may be examined as a particular form of rhetoric the aims of which are the same as of rhetoric, namely to affect mind, will, feelings, and to persuade. The theory of rhetoric, the main object of which is discourse not only in narrow meaning (as verbal expression of ideas (i.e. to say text)), but also in broad meaning – as a communicativ...
Paveikiojo diskurso argumentacijos ypatumai straipsnyje analizuojami retoriniu aspektu. Siekiama atskleisti, kaip verbaliniame reklamos lygmenyje funkcionuoja retorinis apeliavimo į laiką argumentas (lot. argumentum ad tempus) – nustatyti pagrindinius apeliacijų raiškos modelius ir jų santykį su reklamos objekto verte. Retorinė tyrimo prieiga grind...
Argumentation features of persuasive discourses can be researched and classified by a variety of perspectives. In this study argumentation is analysed in rhetoric aspect. Its essence is the research of significant rhetorical figures in argumentation point of view. Argumentation can be divided to rhetoric and to eristic.
Analysing the effective disc...