Eeva PuumalaTampere University | UTA · Faculty of Social Sciences
Eeva Puumala
Doctor of Philosophy
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I am a social scientist interested in community relations and their dynamics in diversifying urban environments. I seek to understand changing political and social landscapes by engaging with daily practices and forms of interaction. Currently, I lead ERC funded project EmergentCommunity (2021-2025) where we work towards creating empirically grounded knowledge on coexistence and conflict. See more:
Publications (27)
The article discusses design against segregation in an urban context characterized by diversity. It sets out to understand how individual experiences of urban space can lead to segregation of places between diverse inhabitants. We argue that the introduction of experience-based spatial design that takes note of perceptions and social interactions a...
How are the boundary and ground of community produced and negotiated in mundane practices of interaction and language use in urban space? The article explores how claims of belonging and legitimate presence are formulated, communicated, and contested and what kind of daily collisions emerge between people in multilingual and multicultural urban con...
The so-called migration and refugee ‘crisis’ has seen a wide-spread phenomenon across the world where people come together to build relationships to enact their visions of community, regardless of different ways in which they are included in or excluded from the citizenship regime. This special issue contributes to the studies of these political st...
Tässä artikkelissa kehitämme normatiivis-metodologisen osallisuuden kehät -mallin, joka auttaa tarkastelemaan kriittisesti, miten erilaiset yksilöt ja yhteisöt tulevat osaksi yhteiskuntaa, ja miten osallisuus kytkeytyy hyvinvointiin tilanteisesti ja kontekstuaalisesti. Malli mahdollistaa osallisuuden arkisen muodostumisen tarkastelun ja ymmärtämise...
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Co-creation has become a globally popular concept in different sectors of the society. Its promise lies in breaking down hierarchies between local government, business life, universities, citizens and other stakeholders. Instead of being a top-down or bottom-up pro...
This article analyzes three video-recorded asylum interviews, their written records and the corresponding decisions by the Finnish Immigration Service. The goal is to identify the causes and consequences of vulnerability in instances that are particularly important when assessing whether the asylum seeker has a well-grounded fear of persecution. A...
Turvapaikkamenettelyn aikana hakijan tulee välittää henkilökohtaisten vainon kokemukset puhuttelevalle viranomaiselle siten, että niistä tulee tämän silmissä tietoa, jonka pohjalta turvapaikanhakijan suojelun tarve voidaan tunnistaa ja arvioida. Tässä luvussa tarkastelemme turvapaikkapuhutteluja vuorovaikutustilanteina, joissa julkishallinnollinen...
Tämä kirjoitus pohjautuu vuoden 2018 KäTu- symposiumissa järjestettyyn työpajaan, jonka aiheena oli asioimis- ja oikeustulkkauksen psyykkinen hinta. Työpajan tarkoituksena oli lisätä tietämystä asioimis- ja oikeustulkkauksen psyykkisestä kuormittavuudesta ja antaa aineksia pohdintaan ja konkreettisiin toimiin tulkkauksen stressaavuuden lievittämise...
The article explores the connections between the bodily biopolitics of bordering and asylum determination interviews. By such biopolitics I refer to administrative practices through which the borders of national political communities are produced during asylum interviews. What kind of verbal and corporeal practices are relevant in forming knowledge...
Asylum interviews are a central part of the refugee determination procedures where an asylum claimant’s right to receive international protection is evaluated. While research on the culture of disbelief that characterizes the asylum procedure and on the problems of interpretation and credibility assessment within the process exist, the process of g...
The confrontation between asylum seeking and sovereignty has mainly focused on ways in which the movement and possibilities of refugees and migrants are limited. In this volume, instead of departing from the practices of governance and surveillance, Puumala begins with the moving body, its engagements and relations and examines different ways of se...
In recent years, International Relations scholars have shown a growing interest in the body. Yet, the body often remains rather abstract. In this article, we engage with the lived body and personal histories, claim that the international is not only personal but also corporeal with bodily dimension, and explore the body as a complex intersection th...
Analyses of political agency often take the Habermasian notion of an ideal speech situation and its related discourse ethics as the ultimate model of politically relevant communication. Our examination of Finnish asylum officers’ perspectives on their work leads us to consider the asylum interview as an event of the political, an event of the body...
This paper adopts an ontological perspective toward asylum interviews. The suggested take refers to the incompatibility of different knowledge systems and experience worlds between asylum seekers and asylum officers. With such a focus, we sketch the parallel functioning of knowledge-claims anchored in two radically different ontological principles....
This article explores political agency in the interstices of the bodily politics of asylum. It shows how its practices make bodily surfaces and how alternative forms of political authority emanate from bodies. Relying on Jean-Luc Nancy's ontology of the body, it examines forms of political agency that are enacted by people often considered as abjec...
This article thinks the place of the body, agency and movement in politics through the body of the asylum-seeker. Asylum-seekers do not have ample space to politically voice their experiences, but their bodies and ways of taking agency are fluid. The Agambenian idea of exceptional space and bare life privileges the power of the sovereign, leaving l...
Corporeal choreography can capture the kind of political agency needed for a transformative politics to emerge. Interviews with failed asylum seekers exemplify negotiations and articulations of agency through movements in a bodyspace we call the interzone. In the explorations of the ways and implications of failed asylum seekers moving between body...
Our article stresses the importance of movement in the transformation of known places into experience-rich lived spaces by introducing the idea of choreography. The analysis is based on interviews with asylum seekers who have either received a temporary residence permit or have been detained in Finland. The interviews exemplify how failed asylum se...