Edyta RudawskaUniversity of Szczecin · Department of Marketing
Edyta Rudawska
Professor, PhD
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June 2021 - present
Leeds Becket University, Leeds, United Kingdom
- Professor
October 2019 - December 2021
September 2012 - present
Publications (57)
Research background: Employee engagement as a significant driver of business performance has become a hot topic in recent years. This manuscript explores the influence of internal marketing on employee engagement in B2B sectors, emphasizing the moderating role of cultural differences. Purpose of the article: This study aims to dissect the impact of...
The purpose of this study is to draw from sustainable social innovation theory and the Consumer styles inventory (CSI) instrument to examine secondhand clothing consumption habits for Russia. The secondhand market is the logical outcome of efforts to adopt resale as a facet of sustainable social innovation, with which to drive sustainable d...
Purpose: This article investigates trends in studies on the impact of cultural factors on mobile marketing acceptance. To that end, the article provides a literature review of technology acceptance models and cultural models used in research on mobile marketing. Design/method/approach: This study used qualitative methods to assess the situation of...
Purpose: This article investigates trends in studies on the impact of cultural factors on mobile marketing acceptance. To that end, the article provides a literature review of technology acceptance models and cultural models used in research on mobile marketing. Design/method/approach: This study used qualitative methods to assess the situation of...
The presented study pinpoints transformation of business models of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the food and beverage sector depending on their sustainability strategy. This paper makes a novel contribution to understanding various instruments of sustainability implementation in SMEs’ business models operating in the food and beve...
Niniejszy artykuł analizuje różnice w zachowaniach klientów na aukcjach internetowych typu "kup teraz", wynikające z odmienności płci. Celem badań była ocena związku pomiędzy doświadczeniem klienta a wyborem typu aukcji "kup teraz" (wyróżniona a zwykła) z wykorzystaniem zmiennej, jaką jest płeć, jak również ocena związku pomiędzy płcią a wybranymi...
The paper aims to make a contribution by providing a comprehensive understanding of the scope of the implementation of sustainable marketing tools in SMEs operating in the food and drink industry in Europe. The focus will be put on the identification of differences between companies operating in business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-cu...
The aim of the paper is to assess the attitudes of company managers in the food and drink sector in Western Europe and Central-Eastern Europe towards implementing marketing strategies that take into account not only economic, but social and ecological aspects as well. Innovation is a growing topic among scholars when discussing issues related to th...
Globalne megatrendy, obejmujące m.in. zmiany klimatyczne, rosnącą biedę, globalizację czy zmiany demograficzne, kreują nowe wyzwania przed przedsiębiorstwami i w konsekwencji powodują konieczność zmiany ich działań, zarówno na poziomie strategicznym, jak i taktycznym. Owe zmiany są niezbędne, aby sprostać tym wyzwaniom i skutecznie konkurować na ry...
Investigating the concept of sustainability marketing and the scope of its implementation in European countries can involve two types of sources. On the one hand, there are theoretical secondary sources, that is scientific studies concerning the conceptualization of sustainability marketing, the sources and determinants of its development and an an...
Contemporary companies are operating under challenging and volatile circumstances, but at the same time they are also conditions which provide companies with powerful opportunities on an unprecedented scale. Marketers have a key role in the process of facing these challenges. By taking a lead in the process of implementing sustainability into marke...
The contemporary business world has been facing mounting criticism for quite a long time. The accusations relate to the short-sightedness of business decisions, strategies oriented solely to profit-making, hostile takeovers, a focus on cost reduction, employee redundancies, etc. This has led to a decline in trust towards business executives, as sho...
The purpose of this paper is twofold: to identify and assess the direction of development of food retail formats in Poland under the influence of a changing business environment; and to identify the key challenges that food retail companies in Poland face nowadays.
The approach in this paper is a systematic lite...
Koncepcja zrównoważonego marketingu wpisuje się w ideę zrównoważonego rozwoju a jednocześnie stanowi jego nie- zbędny element. Ze względu na zaangażowanie ekonomicz- ne, społeczne i ekologiczne w działaniach marketingowych, częściej obserwuje się taką aktywność wśród dużych firm niż tych z grupy MSP. Jednak biorąc pod uwagę rolę, jaką MSP odgrywają...
Cross-sectoral cooperation is a complex process and a major challenge for NGOs, starting from its inception to implementing the agreement of the inter-organizational cooperation. It is often run in virtual environment since cooperating companies often remain in geographical distance. The terms of cross-sectoral cooperation of non-governmental organ...
The fact, that the volatility of the environment affects the way the companies operate in the market is evident (Kotler and Keller 2013, Herman and Szablewski 1999, Obłój 1989) However, changes taking place outside the company have different sources, different nature and strength of influence, and thus induce different responses (Drucker 2009). A s...
Online auctions market in Poland is dominated by small businesses, with very limited opportunities for in-depth analysis of knowledge on the customer behavior. The market is growing, but it is still fairly young, with no structured business models. Therefore many businesses operate without a strategic perspective as a result of lack of the required...
Customers buying at online auctions have an immediate access to reviews of particular products left by other customers. They can also exchange their opinions about the purchased offers or their sellers. However, as the seller cannot be contacted directly and the purchased product cannot be checked, buying through online auctions entails a high risk...
The growing importance of sustainable development concept finds its consequences in companies' marketing policy, on both micro and macro level. A new concept of sustainable marketing has emerged. It focuses on the necessity of satisfying the needs with profit, while creating, communicating and delivering value for consumers, partners and the societ...
Online auctions combine the conventional auction model with information technology. The research investigates online auctions buyers' behavior. The Authors suggest that due to key features of online environment there are some signals that the sellers could implement to influence online auction buyers' behavior. The paper is in the context of experi...
Nowadays, the value acquired by customers during shopping can be perceived in two dimensions: utilitarian and hedonic. In order to identify online group buying behaviour of young adult consumers, research was conducted among university students in Poland. The purpose of the research was to profile group buyers in Poland regarding their demographic...
– The purpose of this paper is to analyse key determinants of Polish consumers’ loyalty, identified through the analysis of relationship marketing literature, with reference to traditional foodstuffs.
– The paper's approach is a systematic review of the Web of Science, Ebsco and Pro-Quest electronic databases, f...
Previous group buying research studies focused mainly on price, information searching , economies of scale, information visibility and incentive discounts. However, studies on group buying behaviour from shopper perspective are rare. Because group buying was mainly investigated from technical perspective, contribution of this paper will be in consu...
Currently, young consumers are becoming important participants in the market process. It is a consequence of the fact that they have an increasing impact on buying decisions undertaken by the family as well as they have an increasing individual purchasing power resulting from financial resources at their disposal. Economic and social changes have f...
Purpose: The aims of this article are threefold. First of all, to show the concept of value to customers as a determiner of a company's competitive advantage. Second, to explain the changing role of marketing activities toward social responsibility. Third, to assess the influence of social marketing activities on a company's image and the resulting...
Group buying can be defined as buying with the aim of receiving quantity discount. The grouping phenomenon was launched in 2008 by the American website Groupon.com, which marked the beginning of group buying development. Group buying is offered by a group buying website which acts as an intermediary between seller and buyers. Group buying websites...
Dynamic environment forces companies to develop new approaches to establishing objectives and to develop management practices. Apart from doing profit-making activities, companies are forced to undertake activities aiming at their long-term sustainable development. As a result of deregulation and globalization, the banking sector had to accept the...
Poland’s economic environment has undergone dramatic changes in the last two years. Consequently, companies have become more insecure and experienced an increase in risk to their activities; moreover, consumers have become worried. Poland’s sector of banking services has suffered greatly due to the crisis, especially as far as their image is concer...
Received wisdom is that customer relationships play a strategic role in creating the value of a company. According to Berry (1995) there are three levels of relationship: financial, social and structural. The purpose of this paper is to study the impact of relationship levels on a bank's value. The results of the study indicate that customer relati...
The aim of this paper is to determine the role of customers in creating value in banking services.
In todays highly competitive and rapidly changing banking markets the development of new services becomes critical and customers participation in this process is increasingly emphasized both in theory and practice. Customers should be perceived not on...
Direct, personalized and close relationships between an institutional seller and an institutional buyer are a characteristic feature of entities operating in a non-anonymous market, which is specific to relations between companies. An institutional buyer, which is very demanding, but also more willing to share strategic information, expects perfect...
The main aim of the article is to identify the sources of value for customers who use banking services in Poland and to present the theoretical background to the issues involved. The article consists of five parts. In the first part the author focuses on the necessity of treating a bank as a portfolio of customers not products. At present bank's pr...
At present companies' potential for development depends greatly on the ability to raise capital. Therefore companies are facing the necessity of attracting and retaining investors by offering attractive prospects for the effective return of capital investment. The above situation leads to the conclusion that at present companies must focus on the s...
Dramatic changes, occurring in the Polish banking services market in the last 17 years, gave rise to the implementation of market methods of fighting not only for clients but also for shareholders. In order to be able to develop and build a permanent competitive advantage, banks must seek new capital by attracting appropriate investors. They can ac...
At present a lot of subject literature is dedicated to the necessity of establishing customer relations. Moreover, a lot of research is carried out on factors determining these relations. There are also attempts at describing the influence of customer relations on the companies' position on the market and their financial performance. The aim of thi...
Pod pojęciem Customer Relationship Management (CRM) rozumiany jest model biznesowy, który dzięki wykorzystaniu nowoczesnych technologii informatycznych umożliwia budowanie rentownych, długotrwałych relacji z klientami. W artykule omówiono koncepcję CRM, cel i funkcje CRM, korzyści z posiadania CRM oraz zagadnienie racjonalności działania w kontekśc...
W artykule omówiono sześć obszarów, na których przedsiębiorstwa usługowe realizujące koncepcję marketingu partnerskiego, koncentrują swoje działania. Są to: technologia i indywidualny klient, zakres prowadzonej działalności, wybór i rezygnacja z nieatrakcyjnych klientów, łańcuch powiązań, ponowne przeanalizowanie narzędzi marketingowych 4P, wykorzy...
Artykuł podaje definicję marketingu partnerskiego. Porównuje koncepcję marketingu transakcyjnego i partnerskiego. Omawia okoliczności sprzyjające rozwojowi marketingu partnerskiego.