Edwin Gómez-Ramírez

Edwin Gómez-Ramírez
Military University Nueva Granada · Facultad de Ciencias Básicas y Aplicadas

BSc, Esp, MSc


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Edwin Gómez-Ramírez currently works at the Facultad de Ciencias Básicas y Aplicadas, Nueva Granada Military University. Edwin does research in Neuroscience, Histology and Horticulture. Their current project is 'Rearing of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in recirculating aquaculture system under laboratory conditions'.
Additional affiliations
January 2016 - present
Military University Nueva Granada
  • Teacher and Research
February 2011 - April 2013
Universidad de los Llanos
Field of study
  • Aquaculture


Publications (55)
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La acuaponía es una estrategia que permite el ahorro de agua, eficiencia de nutrientes y producción limpia de alimentos. Sin embargo, su implementación todavía es un desafío en los países en vía de desarrollo por los problemas asociados a la baja eficiencia de recuperación de nutrientes, costo y calidad de agua; que afectan la producción y calidad...
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Trichomycterus bogotensis is one of the three species of fish that inhabit the Colombian Andes. However, several aspects of its basic biology, including its digestive system, are unknown. The morphology and histology of the digestive system are of great importance for understanding a species’ feeding habits and food preferences. Thus, this study ai...
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Las exigencias del mercado en relación a la cantidad y calidad de alimentos, el cambio climático, y el crecimiento poblacional, demandan soluciones que permitan dar soberanía y seguridad alimentaria en poco espacio, tiempo y recursos de manera limpia y sostenible. Esta cartilla busca enseñar de manera didáctica y práctica tanto a productores como i...
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In Colombia, glyphosate (GP) is used to control weeds, with Roundup Active® being the most widely used. This use has affected aquatic ecosystems, causing malformations in amphibians. The Savannah frog (D. molitor) is a tropical frog inhabiting the mountain of Colombia. In the present study, we determined the effect of sublethal concentrations of GP...
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Trichomycterus bogotensis is one of the three species of fish that inhabit the Colombian Andes. However, several aspects of its basic biology, including its digestive system, are unknown. The morphology and histology of the digestive system are of great importance for understanding a species' feeding habits and food preferences. Thus, this study ai...
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In Colombia, glyphosate (GP) is used to control weeds, with Roundup Active® being the most widely used. This use has affected aquatic ecosystems, causing malformations in amphibians. The Savannah frog ( D. molitor ) is a tropical frog inhabiting the mountain of Colombia. In the present study, we determined the effect of sublethal concentrations of...
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Aquaponic systems (AS) produce clean food, generate higher yields, consume few resources and are friendly to the environment. In aquaponics, it is important to define the relationship between the stocking density of fish and plants to maintain an appropriate balance among food supply, nutrient production and nutrient assimilation. Therefore, this s...
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To date, little attention has been paid to identifying the effects of long-term cryopreservation on sperm quality for Piaractus orinoquensis. The object of this study was therefore to evaluate the effect of long-term cryopreser-vation (24 h, 1, 6 and 12 months) on sperm motility, viability, DNA integrity, ATP content, total antioxidant capacity (TA...
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Aquaponics is the combination of recirculating aquaculture with hydroponics for the clean production of food. However, studies have focused on leafy greens plants and not on fruit plants, rendering crop diversification in aquaponic systems a challenge. Strawberries (Fragaria x ananassa) are the most traded red fruit in the world, and Colombia is an...
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Contextualización: Es de amplio conocimiento, el hecho que los sistemas de producción agrícola han estado en un proceso de mejora, para ser cada día más eficientes. Lo anterior con el objetivo de poder alcanzar la demanda básica de alimentos en un menor espacio. Los sistemas acuapónicos, permiten aumentar la producción de cultivos de interés comerc...
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Introducción: El pez escalar (Pterophyllum scalare) es una de las principales especies de peces ornamentales comercializados de Sur América. Objetivo: Describir histológica y morfométricamente el tracto digestivo del pez tropical P. scalare. Métodos: Se utilizaron 19 individuos adultos, y se calculó el coeficiente intestinal. Se realizó una descr...
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The use of commercial presentations of glyphosate (IUPAC name: N-(phosphonomethyl) glycine) in Colombia has generated negative effects on human and animal health due to fumigation in both agriculture and Colombian. The application of this herbicide is carried out near the Orinoco river basins inhabited by Piaractus brachypomus which is the native f...
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Glyphosate-based herbicide (GBH) using is increasing on a global scale. Few studies have investigated the sub-lethal effects of GBH in endemic amphibian species. The present work tested the GBH Roundup Active® on the tadpoles of Dendropsophus molitor. The exposure was in a range of plausible environmental concentrations (0–0.75 μg a.e./L) during a...
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In Colombia the use of glyphosate commercial formulations (Roundup™) for spraying have left deleterious effects on animals and humans. Much of this spraying takes place at the Orinoco basin, habitat of one of the most exported ornamental fish in Colombia, Cardinal neon. To evaluate the effect of Roundup Activo™ four experimental treatments were car...
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Cambios en los niveles de nutrientes en solución hidropónica de espinaca baby (Spinacia oleracea L.)... 73 ARTÍCULO ORIGINAL/ORIGINAL ARTICLE Cambios en los niveles de nutrientes en solución hidropónica de espinaca baby (Spinacia oleracea L.), para su futura aplicación en acuapónia Changes in nutrient levels in hydroponic solution of baby spinach (...
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Aquaculture is a major growth industry that is looking of more environmentally friendly production systems. Common carp production worldwide is mainly in China, which has allowed it to be the kind of major crop. Therefore evaluate systems where water is better utilized it is of great importance. The evaluation of C. carpius growth, survival and pro...
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El glifosato, en su presentación comercial Roundup® Activo, es un herbicida de amplio uso en Colombia. Se ha reportado que en Piaractus brachypomus este herbicida puede generar alteraciones a nivel cerebral incluyendo los bulbos olfatorios y se plantea que una de sus posibles vías de entrada al sistema nervioso central es el sistema olfativo. Por t...
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Total ammonia-nitrogen (TAN) excretion from aquaculture systems is determined by several biological and physicochemical parameters, such as sowing density. If TAN is not suitably controlled, food consumption and growth will become reduced, eventually leading to death. The relationship between sowing density and TAN excretion rate must thus be defin...
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Para el diseño de los sistemas cerrados de recirculación (SCR) y sistemas acuapónicos (SA) es importante cono­cer la tasa de excreción de nitrógeno amoniacal total (NAT) de la especie cultivada. Carassius auratus es un orna­mental muy cultivado, debido a su tolerancia a diferentes condiciones ambientales. En este estudio se determinó el efecto del...
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En sistemas acuícolas la excreción de nitrógeno amoniacal total (NAT) está determinada por varios parámetros biológicos y fisicoquímicos como la densidad de siembra. Si no hay un adecuado control de NAT el consumo de alimento y el crecimiento disminuye eventualmente conduciendo a la muerte. Por lo tanto, definir la relación entre la densidad de sie...
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Los sistemas de cultivo intensivo de peces, son en términos generales dependientes de la energía eléctri­ca. Una interrupción del fluido eléctrico lleva rápidamente a la muerte de los organismos cultivados, por lo que se hace necesario contar con sistemas de emergencia, como las plantas eléctricas. Sin embargo una buena y funcional alternativa son...
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RESUMEN Para el diseño de los sistemas cerrados de recirculación (SCR) y sistemas acuapónicos (SA) es importante cono-cer la tasa de excreción de nitrógeno amoniacal total (NAT) de la especie cultivada. Carassius auratus es un ornamental muy cultivado, debido a su tolerancia a diferentes condiciones ambientales. En este estudio se determinó el efec...
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Paracheirodon axelrodi (cardinal tetra) is the most commercialised and exported ornamental fish species in Colombia. The fishes that are to be sold are taken from the environment there by affecting populations; this has led to studying their reproductive biology for developing protocols regarding reproduction in captivity. The present study evaluat...
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Paracheirodon axelrodi es la especie de pez ornamental más comercializado y exportado en Colombia. Los individuos comercializados son extraídos del ambiente afectando las poblaciones, lo que ha llevado a realizar estudios relacionados con su biología reproductiva para el desarrollo de protocolos de reproducción en cautiverio. En este estudio se eva...
Conference Paper
Paracheirodon axelrodi (cardinal tetra) is the most commercialised and exported ornamental fish species in Colombia. The fishes that are to be sold are taken from the environment there by affecting populations; this has led to studying their reproductive biology for developing protocols regarding reproduction in captivity. The present study evaluat...
Conference Paper
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Paracheirodon axelrodi (cardinal tetra) is the most commercialised and exported ornamental fish species in Colombia. The fishes that are to be sold are taken from the environment there by affecting populations; this has led to studying their reproductive biology for developing protocols regarding reproduction in captivity. The present study evaluat...
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En el presente trabajo se realizó una descripción de la anatomía externa del cerebro de Pimelodus pictus, identificando las principales estructuras que lo conforman. Posteriormente, se realizó un análisis morfométrico de algunas regiones del cerebro (bulbos olfativos, hemisferios telencefálicos, lóbulos ópticos, corpus cerebelar, válvula cerebelar,...
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Background: rainbow trout is widely accepted for human consumption worldwide, however, its culture requires large quantities of high quality water. Objective: the aim of this study was to evaluate growth and survival of rainbow trout fry cultured in closed water recirculation systems (CRS). Methods: three sequential experiments were conducted, each...
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P. blochii from the Magdalena and the Orinoquía basins is a very important for human consumption. However, most of its basic biology is unknown. For this reason an anatomical and histological description of its digestive tract an accesory glands was made. Seven individuals were sacrificed and processed for paraffin histology. Semiserial sections we...
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This work identified and described external and internal brain anatomy of Paracheirodon axelrodi (Schultz, 1956, Characiformes: Characidae). 28 individuals were sacrificed using bioethical protocols for research animal use. Heads were stored in 4% formaldehyde. The brains were later removed and dissected for anatomical description and digital image...
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Considering the importance of the visual system in the life of organisms, our work is a histologic and morphometric description of the eye Ariopsis seemanni juvenile, an ornamental teleost species commercially important, focusing on its visual ecology. The eye of A. seemanni has the typical conformation of the teleosts, with a relatively large size...
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Considering the importance of the visual system in the life of organisms, our work is a histologic and morphometric description of the eye Ariopsis seemanni juvenile, an ornamental teleost species commercially important, focusing on its visual ecology. The eye of A. seemanni has the typical conformation of the teleosts, with a relatively large size...
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Resumen Este trabajo consistió en identificar y describir la anatomía externa e interna del cerebro de Paracheirodon axelrodi (Schultz, 1956, Characiformes: Characidae). Se emplearon 28 individuos los cuales fueron sacrificados de acuerdo a protocolos de ética para investigación con animales. Las cabezas fueron conservadas en formaldehído al 4%. Po...
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Titulo en ingles: An anatomical and histological description of the digestive tract of Bloch’s catfish Pimelodus blochii (Valenciennes, 1840)Titulo en portugues: Descrição Anatômica e histológica do trato digestório de Nicuro Pimelodus blochii (Valenciennes, 1840)Resumen: P. blochii es una especie de consumo de gran importancia en las cuencas del M...
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En Colombia es comúnmente usado el glifosato en labores agrícolas y en la erradicación de cultivos ilícitos de coca y amapola. Este herbicida es aplicado principalmente como Roundup® en varias presentaciones entre ellas Roundup® Active, del herbicida Roundup® se ha demostrado el efecto nocivo en ecosistemas acuáticos afectando varios organismos inc...
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Efecto de dosis subletales de un herbicida comercial en el sistema nervioso de alevinos de cachama blanca (Piaractus brachypomus)Título en ingles: Effect of dose subletales of a commercial herbicide in the nervous system of alevinos of cachama white (Piaractus brachypomus)Título en portugués: Efeito de dose subletales de um herbicida comercial no s...
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RESUMEN En esta investigación se evaluó el crecimiento y parámetros productivos del orégano en sistemas acua-pónicos e hidropónicos a modo de cama flotante, así mismo el crecimiento y parámetros productivos de la carpa común en sistemas acuapónicos. Cada sistema acuapónico de 120L estaba compuesto por un tanque de peces, un biofiltro y una cama de...
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Cardinal neon, Paracheirodon axelrodi is the most exported ornamental fish in Colombia. However, many aspects of its biology are unknown. A histological study of the digestive tract was carried out and 15 specimens were sacrificed with MS 222, 0.5 g/L, fixed in 4 % formaldehyde and decalcified with 7% nitric acid. H&E technique was followed. P. axe...
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Cardinal neon, Paracheirodon axelrodi is the most exported ornamental fish in Colombia. However, many aspects of its biology are unknown. A histological study of the digestive tract was carried out and 15 specimens were sacrificed with MS 222, 0.5 g/L, fixed in 4% formaldehyde and decalcified with 7% nitric acid. H&E technique was followed. P. axel...
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Se realizó un análisis histológico y morfométrico de los Ganglios de la Raíz Dorsal (GRD) y sus neuronas senso-riales, para contribuir al entendimiento de cómo el sistema nervioso se adapta al rápido incremento en el tamaño corporal. Se utilizaron peces en dos clases de edad (edad 1 = 20 dph; edad 2 = 30 dph), y se tomaron GRD de tres secciones de...
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El pez cola de espada (Xiphophorus hellerii) es un Poecilido de gran importancia economica en el mercado acuarista siendo los machos los mas atractivos. Este estudio platea definir la relacion entre el tamano corporal y la maduracion testicular, con el fin de establecer la talla en la que los machos de X. hellerii poseen gonadas histologicamente ap...
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El tiburoncito (Ariopsis seemanni) es un pez ornamental con gran potencial en el mercado acuarista nacional e internacional, sin embargo se desconocen muchos aspectos de su biologia basica. Por tal motivo, se planteo el estudio histologico del tracto digestivo de esta especie. Se sacrificaron 10 juveniles de A. seemanni por una sobredosis de benzoc...
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comportamiento la cinética de crecimiento, supervivencia y algunos parámetros productivos en juveniles de Arawana plateada (Osteoglossum bicirrhosum) cultivados en Sistemas Cerrados de recirculación (SCR). Este trabajo fue realizado durante cuatro meses en el Laboratorio de Acuicultura de La Facultad de Ciencias de La Universidad Militar Nueva Gran...
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El pez dulceacuícola P. axelrodi es de gran importancia comercial en la Orinoquía Colombiana y a nivel mundial, pero carece de estudios acerca de su visión. Se utilizaron diez individuos, con longitud total promedio de 2.7 cm (SD= 0.2, n= 20). Se realizaron cortes a 8 μm y se tiρeron con H-E. El tamaño relativo del ojo es 9.8% (SD= 1.1, n= 20); el...
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The visual system of Teleost fishes has a wide range of adaptations. The eye has suffered modifications, mainly towards better sensitivity and visual resolution according to specific environmental conditions. In that way, this organ is so important for survival. In spite of being the most commercialized Orinoquia species, and one of the most import...
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A histological and morphometric analysis of the Dorsal Root Ganglia (DRGs) and their sensorial neurons were carried out to contribute to the understanding of how do their nervous system adapt to their fast body growth. Two age group of fish (age 1 = 20 dph; age 2 = 30 dph), and three spinal sections were used (anterior, middle, and posterior). Hist...
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Aquaponics results from the interactions between cultured fishes and plants put together in the same system. Actually, in Colombia, this discipline is almost unknown, and this study represents a contribution in order to gain experience in this area. In this work the main goals were to define fish and plant growth, and the behaviour of some importan...
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The tropical freshwater fish Eremophylus mutisii is endemic to the Cundinamarca highland in Colombia. Skin samples (0.5x0.5 cm2) were taken from 11 specimens at six body parts (mandible, dorsal head, dorsal trunk, caudal trunk, medial trunk and abdominal area), fixed in 4% formaldehyde, dehydrated in 95% ethanol and 99% isopropanol, embedded in par...
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Skin histology and morphometry of the fish Eremophilus mutisii (Trychomecteridae, Siluriformes). The tropical freshwater fish Eremophylus mutisii is endemic to the Cundinamarca highland in Colombia. Skin samples (0.5x0.5 cm2) were taken from 11 specimens at six body parts (mandible, dorsal head, dorsal trunk, caudal trunk, medial trunk and abdomina...


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