Eduardo M B PrataFederal Institute of Education, Science and Technology, Roraima
Eduardo M B Prata
Botanist and beekeeper
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My main interests are on the origin and evolution of the Amazonian flora. My recent researches are on Biogeography, Phylogeography, Molecular phylogenetics, Systematics, Taxonomy, Species delimitation, and Phylogenetic structure of plant communities.
Skills and Expertise
Publications (28)
Tropical forests harbor a large diversity of closely related tree species that can thrive across habitats. This biodiversity has been found to correspond to large functional diversity in aboveground traits, and likely also relates to belowground trait variation. Globally, root trait (co-)variation is driven by different belowground res...
CONTEXTUALIZAÇÃO - As abelhas, além de usarem as plantas como fonte de alimento, utilizam troncos e galhos de diferentes espécies vegetais para construírem seus ninhos, onde buscam preferencialmente ocos de árvores ou reentrâncias naturais que permitam a instalação dos enxames e forneçam proteção contra predadores e intempéries (Cortopassi-Laurino,...
The palm tribe Lepidocaryeae (Arecaceae) comprises seven genera and 51 currently accepted species that are distributed in lowland tropical forests and savannas across Africa and the Americas. Subtribal relationships within Lepidocaryeae have been a persistent challenge,limiting our understanding of its systematics, morphology, and biogeography. Sev...
Food habit studies in the Amazon emphasize the consumption of fish and manioc (Manihot esculenta) flour as basic diet in different ethnic groups, while little is known about human plant-related diet dynamics during the hydrological regime. In a scenario of food transition in rural Amazonia, with insertion of industrialized items in the diet, tradit...
Como bastante noticiado no Brasil, no dia 10 de agosto de 2020 foram retomadas as aulas presenciais nas escolas estaduais do município de Manaus, e isto se deu em uma semana marcada pelo crescimento diário do número de óbitos em consequência da Covid-19 no estado do Amazonas [1,2]. Segundo nota técnica do projeto Atlas ODS Amazonas publicada em 18...
White sand ecosystems (WSE) occur in nutrient-poor sandy soils patchily distributed throughout the lowlands of Amazonia. The diversification and current patterns of diversity of birds and plants specialized to the WSE were likely affected by abiotic conditions in very different ways relative to those in the upland Terra Firme forest, which has been...
Here, we examine the influence of the spatial distribution of open white‐sand campina (WSC) in the Amazon on the species richness and beta diversity of their vascular plants. It is well known that beta diversity tends to increase with geographical distance, but the influence of habitat insularity on floristic composition and endemism is still uncle...
We present the amended description of the species Acmanthera minima and A. parviflora based on specimens collected in the Lower Negro River basin and the Serra do Aracá National Park, respectively, in the Amazonas State, Brazil. We also provide photographs, a distribution map, notes on conservation status and a key to all species of the genus Acman...
Schoepfia clarkii is a rare species of Schoepfiaceae that to date has been known only from the single flowering specimen used in the original description from white-sand vegetation in Venezuela. Here we report new records for this species collected from the lower Negro River basin in Brazil, ca. 900 km from the type locality, but also from white-sa...
Tree mortality appears to be increasing in moist tropical forests¹, with potentially important implications for global carbon and water cycles². Little is known about the drivers of tree mortality in these diverse forests, partly because long-term data are lacking³. The relative importance of climatic factors and species functional traits as driver...
Background and aims – Latitudinal gradients have an important influence on species distribution reflecting the effects of environmental factors such as temperature, rainfall, soil, and geographical distance. In the southeastern Brazilian Atlantic Forest, the role of climatic variables in the foristic composition is better known for altitudinal grad...
Species complexes are common in the Neotropical flora, and the Pagamea guianensis complex is one of the most widespread groups of species in the Amazonian white-sand flora. Previous analyses suggested the occurrence of ten species in this group, but species limits remained unclear due to poor sampling, morphological overlap and low molecular variat...
Na região do Baixo Rio Negro (região de Manaus e Novo Airão, Amazonas), a madeira de espécies de itaúba tem sido um dos recursos florestais historicamente mais explorados, especialmente para a construção de embarcações. Apesar do intenso uso e da importância deste recurso para a economia e cultura local, pouco se sabe sobre a biologia e ecologia de...
Pagamea spruceana, a new species from Northwestern Amazon, Brazil, is endemic to the Upper Rio Negro region, in the Içana and Uaupés River Basins, and differs from other functionally dioecious species of Pagamea by its capitate and puberu-lous inflorescences and narrowly elliptic leaf blades with revolute and puberulous margins. Pagamea spruceana i...
The correlation between vegetation patterns (species distribution and richness) and altitudinal variation has been widely reported for tropical forests, thereby providing theoretical basis for biodiversity conservation. However, this relationship may have
been oversimplified, as many other factors may influence vegetation patterns, such as
This paper summarizes floristic and phytossociology data of 11, out of 14 plots of 1 ha, allocated along
an altitudinal gradient in the Serra do Mar, São Paulo, Brazil. The study was conducted at Serra do Mar State Park and the plots start at the sea level (10 m – plot of Restinga Forest that occurs at Praia da Fazenda, Picinguaba, municipality of...
This paper summarizes floristic and phytossociology data of 11, out of 14 plots of 1 ha, allocated along an altitudinal gradient in the Serra do Mar, São Paulo, Brazil. The study was conducted at Serra do Mar State Park and the plots start at the sea level (10 m - plot of Restinga Forest that occurs at Praia da Fazenda, Picinguaba, municipality of...
It was evaluated the floristic similarity between two Atlantic Rainforest physiognomies in Brazilian coast area, herein called Restinga and Lowland forests. The hypothesis was that, due the differences in geomorphologic processes, these forests would differ on soil physical and chemical properties, floristic composition, live above-ground biomass a...
(Phytosociology and tree species distribution in a secondary riverine forest in the municipality of Rio Claro, SP, Brazil). The floristic and phytosociological structure of a secondary riverine forest situated on a micro-basin area of the Ribeirão Claro river (Rio Claro, SP), was characterized in order to investigate the structure and species distr...
We conducted floristic and structural surveys on arboreous component (circumference at breast high>15 cm) in 1 ha plot (100 sub-plots of 10 × 10 m) located in a stretch of Atlantic Ombrophilous Dense Forest Lowland-Lower montane transition, in Núcleo Picinguaba/PESM, Ubatuba, São Paulo State.The regenerating layer (H > 1.5 m and circumference at br...
.Abstract: It was evaluated the floristic similarity between two Atlantic Rainforest physiognomies in Brazilian coast
area, herein called Restinga and Lowland forests. The hypothesis was that, due the differences in geomorphologic
processes, these forests would differ on soil physical and chemical properties, floristic composition, live aboveground...
This study was carried out from January 2008 to December 2008 and aimed to evaluate modifications caused by the recovery of riparian vegetation on soil attributes. Transactions were defined in two margins of a dam, in order to represent continuous types of occupation (sugarcane-recent forest-old forest). Topsoil (0-0.2 m) and subsoil (0.2-0.4 m) sa...