Eduardo Eugênio Spers

Eduardo Eugênio Spers
University of São Paulo | USP · Department of Economics, Management and Sociology (LES)

Doctor of Business Administration


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Eduardo Eugenio Spers hold a post-doctorate in Wageningen University (WUR-Netherlands), a specialization at the International Agro-food Management Institut (IGIA-France) and a doctorate degree in business administration at the University of São Paulo (USP). Full Professor at University of São Paulo, campus Esalq, and Coordinator of the MarkEsalq Marketing Project. Member of the Brazilian National Technical Commission on Biosafety (CTNBio).
Additional affiliations
October 2004 - present
University of São Paulo
  • Professor (Full)
  • MarkEsalq Coordinator


Publications (150)
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This study explored the impact of various label information (extrinsic attributes) and sociodemographic and attitudinal factors (intrinsic attributes) on Brazilian consumer choices, using simulated traditional and plant-based muçarela cheese as the model product. The research was conducted in two phases: the first involved a structured questionnair...
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This study uses eye-tracking metrics to quantify the visual attention given to differentiation attributes in specialty coffees. Two Discrete Choice-type experiments were developed using the packaging as a stimulus to analyze visual attention and the probability of choice for each attribute. Experiment 1 (466 observations) included the evaluation of...
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Boursin is a versatile semisoft cheese that can be made with different types of milk. While widely distributed in the European and North American markets, Boursin is produced to a limited extent in Brazil despite its commercial potential. This scenario encourages consumer‐oriented product development studies by facilitating data collection with les...
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Neste livro nos estudamos a percepção da maturidade digital das redes de franquias brasileiras, em uma parceria com a ABF, foram coletados os dados de 72 redes de franquias. E comparados os resultados entre as redes internacionalizadas com as redes domésticas.
Technical Report
Nos últimos cinquenta anos o Agro evoluiu muito: tirou o Brasil de uma condição de insegurança alimentar e o colocou como um dos maiores provedores de alimentos do mundo. O trabalho incansável dos produtores somado às pesquisas e aos investimentos da indústria em inovação e tecnologia transformaram o setor, tornando-o uma referência mundial. Mas co...
This study evaluates consumer Willingness-to-Pay (WTP) according to preferences for quality-cue attributes offered in two different purchase modes: fresh and cooked meat. The questionnaire was applied and answered by 534 Brazilian meat consumers. Three clusters were defined: Group 1- price conscious consumers; Group 2- quality cues conscious consum...
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As Ciências Agrárias são um campo de estudo multidisciplinar por excelência, e um dos mais profícuos em termos de pesquisas e aprimoramento técnico. A demanda mundial por alimentos e a crescente degradação ambiental impulsionam a busca constante por soluções sustentáveis de produção e por medidas visando à preservação e recuperação dos recursos nat...
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Brazil is the largest coffee producer in the world, being responsible for 40% of world total production, 69.9 million bags in 2021. Due its major production and exportation role in the global coffee market, Brazil has been also recognized for its commitment with quality and social-sustainability parameters based on voluntary sustainability standard...
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The search for food products from sustainable chains has increased in the past years, motivated by consumers' interest in reducing the negative environmental, economic, and health impacts of their food choices. However, it is not yet clear whether transparency expectations of sustainable food chains influence in consumers' perception of this food p...
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Second-hand clothes (SHC) emerge as an alternative for responsible consumption, towards sustainability, as a new opportunity for the fashion industry. This study aims to understand the perceptions and attitudes of Brazilian consumers regarding SHC on a comparative basis before and during the occurrence of the Covid-19 pandemic. The empirical invest...
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Purpose This study investigates the mediating role of service recovery between brand love (BL), brand trust (BT) and purchase intention in the context of food-delivery apps. Design/methodology/approach This study follows a quantitative approach. The authors conducted an online survey and collected 275 responses from users of food-delivery apps in...
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Before launching a new beef brand concept based on high sustainability and environmental production principles, the Brazilian market was tested using a survey informed by Intentions' Framework scales. To identify the determinants of the willingness to consume and pay for a new brand of beef based on Carbon-Neutral production principles, 1,000 valid...
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This study proposes a systematic literature review seeking: What factors influence the adoption of a fintech? From the selected database, 70% are works published in high-impact journals. The most used method was structural equation modeling to assess the development of theoretical constructions from latent constructs. From the attitude factors adop...
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The aim of this article is to understand how rural producers in Brazil generate their investment expectations in terms of their costs, productivity, and other macroeconomic variables related to agricultural production. This study contributes to the formulation of more efficient public policies that take into account not only market information, but...
Purpose The study aims to analyze the influence of managerial support, autonomy and reward perception on the innovative behavior of university professors. Design/methodology/approach Quantitative methodology based on partial least squares structural equation modeling. The sample obtained totaled 208 responses from professors at three public univer...
Some events in recent years have weakened consumers’ trust regarding food safety in a number of countries, including bird flu, hormones and residue of veterinary medicine in meat and, more recently, Operation Weak Flesh. COVID-19 also led to a focus on the urgent need to seek strict production standards that ensure food safety. In this scenario of...
Conference Paper
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Resumo A produção não sustentável e o consumo excessivo surgem com a ascensão do capitalismo como um comportamento extremo de satisfazer as necessidades deste modelo. Logo, a economia circular tornou-se uma alternativa relevante para tornar o consumo mais sustentável, uma vez que poderiam entregar até mais valor ao consumidor com um produto alugado...
Conference Paper
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Agradecimentos O presente trabalho foi realizado com apoio da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior-Brasil (CAPES)-Código de Financiamento 001 Resumo A economia circular emerge como uma alternativa do modelo linear de produção, uso e descarte. Para que essa transição ocorra, será necessária uma mudança comportamental não só do...
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Purpose The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of online reviews on consumers’ intention to visit restaurants, with the moderating role of involvement. Design/methodology/approach The research framework was built on signaling theory, message appeals and involvement theory. To test the proposed framework, three experiments were cond...
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Brazil is one of the world’s leading beef producers. The goal of this chapter is to give an overview of how Brazilian beef production is important to Brazil and worldwide. We also give an overview of some aspects of red meat consumption in this country and the main tendencies regarding sustainability production. The economic importance of beef prod...
This study aims to evaluate the influence of socio-environmental attributes on the purchase intention of and the willingness to pay for beef, based on data from Brazilian consumers, using a discrete choice analysis model. Different consumption situations were analysed to check the influence of functional versus recreational/hedonic beef choice. Six...
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Although several studies point to the emerging importance of technology in consumer habits, limited studies have quantitatively shown how these variables influence consumer intention. Given this gap, this study offers an analytical model based on technology readiness, collaborative consumption intention and green consumption values, using age group...
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Beliefs, social rules, and food taboos influence the emotions we feel about food, determining our attitudes and consumption behaviors. The more a product represents values considered important to individuals, the greater the chance of being chosen for consumption. This article aimed to investigate levels of zoophagy and sarcophagy to propose an ind...
Conference Paper
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As fintechs são empresas que atuam no setor financeiro e se caracterizam pelo uso intenso de tecnologia em produtos e serviços que eram tipicamente oferecidos por bancos tradicionais. Neste sentido, o objetivo deste artigo foi identificar fatores e lacunas que influenciam na intenção de uso de uma fintech. Para isso, foi realizada uma revisão siste...
Conference Paper
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O anticonsumo surge com o consumismo em ascensão na atualidade, como um ato de basta de alguns indivíduos. Logo, a economia compartilhada e os sistemas de compartilhamento comerciais (CSS), como Uber e Airbnb, se tornaram alternativas para as pessoas que almejam reduzir o seu consumo, já que estes entregam ao consumidor os benefícios de um produto,...
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O artigo se insere nos estudos sobre “Fórmulas da Emoção da Fotografia de Guerra”, que buscam identificar elementos causadores de impacto emocional nas imagens de conflito contemporâneas, como “fórmulas de pathos” (Aby Warburg). No presente estudo, usamos de forma complementar três experimentos pragmáticos para explorar as reações dos observadores...
Purpose Information on scales for measuring dimensions related to consumer concerns over production processes is scarce in the literature. The purpose of this study was to develop a more comprehensive scale for measuring concern over the production process (CPP). Design/methodology/approach The authors derive the concept based on the results of a...
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The efforts for entomophagy and the consumption of food products containing insect protein to become mainstream need to overcome a number of consumer barriers in western countries. A low willingness to purchase a novel food product containing alternative protein sources, particularly insects, requires a clear understanding of a product’s attributes...
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The study investigates the perceptions of the effects and impacts on the performance of agricultural and livestock farms based on the view of obtaining dynamic capabilities by the adoption of enterprise resource planning (ERP) technology. The dimensions for measuring farmers’ perceptions of ERP adoption were technological, organizational and enviro...
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Purpose This study aims to identify the marginal impact of introducing a signal attribute of pasture-raised beef on consumer willingness to pay (WTP) for other independent attributes. Design/methodology/approach The study is divided into two steps. The first, qualitative, consisted of investigating the values consumers have regarding beef producti...
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This study employs both qualitative and quantitative methods to investigate consumer preference for and knowledge about potato cultivars, including their culinary applications and attributes. This study’s aim is to determine factors influencing consumers’ preference and willingness-to-pay for potato cultivars. A focus group and the Affective Accept...
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This article aims to characterize cattle farmers’ decision-making towards herbicide for grazing in Brazil. The study is based on three fundaments: attributes through the utility function that have an economic approach with emphasis on the country-of-origin attribute; heuristics and biases that have a psychological approach; and values that are pred...
Conference Paper
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Children, faces and skulls: our eyes seek formulas of emotion in war photography - As part of the research project on “The 'Formula of Emotion' in Photography de Guerra ”, this work used the eye tracking system to detect exactly which elements of the conflict images attract the viewer's eyes. The empirical survey continues the theoretical research...
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Objective: this study aimed to observe whether consumer behaviour is affected by sales tax transparency and political trust, considering the Theory of Planned Behavior model as the conceptual framework. Method: the research was conducted using a quantitative methodology, with the use of multivariate data analysis. An online survey was conducted wit...
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This study has its bases on the concept of store equity developed by Hartman and Spiro (2005) and in the empirical model of Teixeira, Oliveira and Pires (2006), which identifies four dimensions: loyalty, memory, quality and image. The objective was to apply and test the dimensions of the model in four distinct retail brands of the building and cons...
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This article aims to investigate the influences of partner selection and relationships on the choice of the international franchising governance modes. By applying a qualitative methodology based on ten in-depth interviews with business managers and specialists, three cases were presented to compare the internalization strategies adopted by franchi...
Conference Paper
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The Food Sector within the Hospitality industry has adapted to new technologies services. Specifically, restaurants have migrated their menu to Apps Companies and met a new competition dynamic marked by a variety of product offerings and promotions. Thus, the main purpose of this research was to investigate the impact of the product presentation an...
Conference Paper
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Agradecimentos O presente trabalho foi realizado com apoio do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico-CNPq-Brasil-Edital Universal 01/2016-Faixa A. Resumo As famílias detém um orçamento limitado que é dividido em gastos, por meio dos trades off e das decisões financeiras. Como os modelos de alocação da renda das famílias ainda...
Conference Paper
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Este estudo propõe um novo modelo para entender o comportamento do consumidor de orgânicos, por meio da relação entre a teoria da autoestima com a congruência entre imagens e atributos de orgânicos e a preferência do consumidor a partir de experimentos com o uso do instrumento eye tracking. A parte metodológica foi baseada no modelo Discrete Choice...
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Purpose This paper aims to investigate the influence of corporate global mindset and international experience on the internationalization process of Brazilian franchisors. The purpose is to study the role played by the global mindset in the internationalization process of franchisors from an emerging country by answering the following question: Whi...
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Coffee Consumption and Industry Strategies in Brazil, the latest release in the Consumer Science and Strategic Marketing series, provides an overview of the coffee sector, focusing on marketing strategies, consumer behavior, and strategies for transforming coffee consumption, production and retailing. The book presents the importance of an academic...
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This study discusses the perceptions of the routinisation effects on the post-implementation and post-adoption of the enterprise resource planning (ERP) in farms. A theoretical model and nine hypotheses were proposed using factors according to the literature of resource-based view (RBV) approach and on the ERP impact on farm performance perceptions...
Previous studies on food consumption explore limited dimensions of the sustainable food production process. A model of consumer concern over the agricultural production process was developed to assess the influence of environmental attitudes, product involvement, and brand equity on the intent to buy sustainable beef. Interviews with experts, two f...
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A prática do consumo sustentável vem sendo discutida por instituições, governos e especialistas, que defendem que a mudança na forma de consumir pode ajudar a minimizar alguns dos problemas da degradação ambiental. Alguns estudos apontam que cada vez mais consumidores buscam consumir de forma sustentável, porém ainda faltam estudos que comparem gru...
Conference Paper
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A Indústria da Hospitalidade e o Setor de FoodService tem se adaptado às novas plataformas online a fim de ampliar as suas ofertas aos clientes. Entretanto, o segmento de restaurantes tem sentido o impacto dessas plataformas em seus negócios o que demanda estudos para melhor compreensão do efeito de avaliações e comentários online no comportamento...
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Até mesmo setores que geralmente oferecem produtos com um alto grau de semelhança, como é o caso no agronegócio, podem desenvolver estratégias de branding, que são potencialmente capazes de promover um maior valor percebido por parte dos consumidores. Este artigo discute como a origem dos produtos, as percepções e atitudes dos consumidores brasilei...
Conference Paper
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This study aims to contribute to literature, proposing a complementary model focused on the reality of an emerging country. This work evaluates the influence of environmental aspects on the attitudes towards, intention to buy, willingness to pay, involvement, concern over the productive process and brand equity of beef. Interviews with experts and...
Conference Paper
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Resumo Pesquisas sobre atenção visual e tempo de observação relatam como o design de embalagem desperta o interesse e estimula a escolha no ponto de venda. No entanto, pouca atenção é dedicada às embalagens que apresentam layout similar ou congruentes. Este estudo avalia a atenção visual e a tomada de decisão do consumidor frente a uma embalagem co...
Technical Report
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This is a report that brings the results of four Researches made from 2013 to 2015 by Pensa-USP researchers to Universtà del Caffè Brasile-Illy.The subjects are ,Possibilities of differentiation and consumer's behavior; Drivers of change in coffee crop;Risk assessement in agrochemicals contamination in coffee;Contractual strategies in the supply of...
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The case studied, Ipanema coffee, illustrates how market demand for high quality product conducted the company to build long-term relationship with its suppliers, the farmers, in order to guarantee access to high value consumer international markets. Data was collected through in-depth interviews with the major company shareholder and also with the...
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Resumo Esta pesquisa tem como principal objetivo especificar qual o teor discursivo mais presente nas propagandas de agronegócio e quais são os apelos mais recorrentes, emotivos ou cognitivos, apresentado nas mensagens publicitárias. A metodologia utilizada foi baseada na análise do discurso, que é comum em pesquisas nos campos da linguística, admi...
The aim of this article is to identify stages of strategic marketing planning used in a family-run business, considering its organizational life cycle. The article first defines family-run organizations and presents different models of business life cycle found in literature. Later, it analyzes the stages of strategic marketing planning. Through in...