Eduardo Cuevas

Eduardo Cuevas
Eduardo verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Eduardo verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Autonomous University of Baja California | UABC · Instituto de Investigaciones Oceanológicas



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Publications (91)
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El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la percepción de la población en riesgo de vulnerabilidad socioambiental ante fenómenos del cambio climático (epidemias, lluvias intensas, sequías, erosión, inundaciones, huracanes, incremento de la temperatura, elevación del nivel medio del mar) en la zona urbana de la Ciudad del Carmen, en Campeche. Ante es...
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The coexistence of marine sensitive areas with the oil industry requires robust preparedness and rapid response capabilities for monitoring and mitigating oil spill events. Scientifically proven satellite-based methods for the visual detection of oil spills are widely recognized as effective, low-cost, transferable, scalable, and operational soluti...
1. Sea turtles are key imperilled species that interact with numerous threats in their critical in-water and inland habitats, which they occupy along their complex life cycle. Therefore, analysing these interactions is essential for adapting ongoing conservation and management actions. 2. The long-term recording of stranded sea turtle individuals a...
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Marine turtles inhabit various coastal and marine ecosystems and play significant ecological roles throughout their life cycles. Because of the significant overlap with other species at risk in their geographic ranges, the successful conservation of marine turtles also protects numerous co-occurring species, a phenomenon known as the “umbrella spec...
Technical Report
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Mexico is a special place for the conservation of sea turtles, where six of the seven species that exist in the world can be found, including one of the oldest conservation programs of the continent, the National Sea Turtle Conservation Program. Oaxaca in particular is a very important place, with nesting beaches of recognized relevance and coastal...
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Within the Gulf of Mexico, five of the seven species of sea turtles are distributed and carry out essential stages of their life cycle. The marine habitats of sea turtles are subject to various threats, including bycatch and boat traffic. The aim of this study was to identify, in the marine portion of Isla Arena, Campeche, sites of use of space for...
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Sea turtles are vulnerable to climate change since their reproductive output is influenced by incubating temperatures, with warmer temperatures causing lower hatching success and increased feminization of embryos. Their ability to cope with projected increases in ambient temperatures will depend on their capacity to adapt to shifts in climatic regi...
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Sargassum fluitans and S. natans (sargasso) are species of brown floating algae. They are found in the Atlantic, concentrated the Sargasso Sea, and also, since 2011, in the Great Altantic Sargassum Belt (Wang et al., 2019). Floating masses of sargasso offer resting, reproduction and feeding areas for many species (some of economic interest), and se...
A cost-effective particle-tracking model was implemented to study the transport and landing of sargassum in the Mexican Caribbean. Sensitivity analyses were performed to quantify the change in landing percentages varying some model factors: 1) windage factor, 2) the horizontal distribution of sargassum, 3) monthly variability of currents and winds,...
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The state of Campeche, Mexico, harbors one of the largest green turtle (Chelonia mydas) rookeries of the Wider Caribbean Region. Since the 1970s, harvesting of this population was common practice, but it has since ceased, and the population is rebounding as a consequence. In this rookery, during the past 37 years (1984–2020), the positive relations...
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The need to understand and forecast disasters driven by anthropogenic and natural forces in the Gulf of Mexico and to support management responses to hazardous events led policymakers, scientists, and industry representatives in Mexico to launch an ocean observation and modeling project (2015–2023) aimed at collecting multi-layered baseline informa...
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Long-term monitoring programs of species at risk are efficacious tools to assess population changes, evaluate conservation strategies, and improve management practices to ensure populations reach levels at which they can fulfill their ecological roles. For sea turtles, annual nesting beach surveys are the most accessible method to estimating the po...
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Marine turtles are of the highest ecological concern in terms of conservation and restoration programs and marine territorial ordering. Marine resource-extracting industries have severe negative impacts on their populations and their habitats. Thus, private industries and decision makers require the best and most robust spatially explicit scientifi...
The complexity of the social, economic, and environmental characteristics of the coastal zone represents a challenge for decision-makers to identify the socio-environmental conditions of sandy beaches and, consequently, the application of effective management measures. In this study, we propose a quantitative three-step approach to meet this need,...
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As the biomass of pelagic Sargassum spp. increased across the North Atlantic equatorial recirculation region from 2011 onwards, massive rafts of sargasso appeared in the Western Caribbean in 2015, 2018, 2019, and 2020. These events raised concerns regarding their negative consequences on the environment, local income, and human wellbeing. As adequa...
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Antecedentes y Objetivos: La restauración ecológica se ha centrado en los componentes físicos y vegetales de los ecosistemas, y ha dejado de lado a la fauna silvestre y sus interacciones. Chelonia mydas es un macroherbívoro en peligro de extinción que anida en playas de México y Cuba, e influye en la vegetación costera con aportaciones de materia o...
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Planning for marine ecosystems management demands spatially explicit information about structural and functional components, in a tradeoff between including the most taxa and keeping it functional. Sentinel, umbrella, and surrogate taxa are strategic for developing indexes that account for other associated species and contribute to a sustainable ad...
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The recent periodic influx of massive quantities of pelagic Sargassum spp. (sargasso) into the Caribbean has posed ecological, social, and economic challenges to the region. Sustainable use of the biomass is crucial to mitigate negative impacts of beached algae. The current uses of sargasso in Mexico are reviewed, and a biorefinery approach is prop...
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Terminos Lagoon is the largest coastal lagoon in the southern Gulf of Mexico and is a highly biodiverse and productive system that supports important seagrasses. These key habitats are under significant stress due to anthropic activities around and inside the lagoon. Considering the lack of updated information about their distribution, cover, and e...
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Marine turtles are globally endangered species that spend more than 95% of their life cycle in in-water habitats. Nevertheless, most of the conservation, recovery and research efforts have targeted the on-land habitats, due to their easier access, where adult females lay their eggs. Targeting the large knowledge gaps on the in-water critical habita...
Conference Paper
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The possible fate of pelagic sargassum in the Mexican Caribbean during aug-2018, sep-2018, and apr-2019 is analyzed using a particle-tracking model coupled to diverse datasets of wind [ERA5 reanalysis and the NCEP Climate Forecast System (CFSv2)] and ocean current velocities (HYCOM experiments of high and lower resolution). Advection of particles w...
The Yucatan Peninsula harbors important nesting beaches for the largest hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) populations in the Western Atlantic. Over the last decade, erosion has substantially modified segments of the nesting beach along the coastal zone of Celestun town, Mexico. The recent rise in sea level makes this area among the most vul...
En este tomo se presentó información de la evaluación de vulnerabilidad ecológica de ecosistemas marinos y sus componentes en el golfo de México, además de haber cuantificado la intensidad de interacción espacial y posibles impactos potenciales de derrames de petróleo sobre estos ecosistemas desde un conjunto de pozos propuestos por Petróleos Mexic...
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os ecosistemas marinos y costeros son sostenidos por un conjunto de procesos estructurales que ocurren en distintos niveles de organización ecológica (poblaciones, especies, comunidades), y que han sido objeto de numerosos estudios alrededor del mundo (Moberg y Rönbäck, 2003; Guannel et al., 2016). Estos procesos brindan estabilidad a los sistemas...
El golfo de México (GM) es uno de los Grandes Ecosistemas del mundo, que brinda servicios ambientales relacionados con la producción de alimento por la pesca y acuicultura, turismo, vías náuticas, y que es considerado como una de las regiones de mayor producción de petróleo del mundo (Botello, 2005; Murawski et al., 2019). Las actividades relaciona...
The hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) rookeries at the west coast of Yucatan Peninsula (Campeche) are the largest in the Western Atlantic. One of the oldest sea turtle conservation and research programs in Mexico started in Campeche in 1992, becoming a robust long-term research project monitoring and tagging hawksbill individuals at their c...
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In the Gulf of Mexico, the bulk of published studies for sea turtles have focused on northern (United States) waters where economic resources are centered, with fewer studies in the southern portion of the basin, resulting in significant knowledge gaps in these underrepresented areas. Similarly, publications on adult sea turtles are dominated by re...
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Since late 2014, the Mexican Caribbean coast has periodically received massive, atypical influxes of pelagic Sargassum spp. (sargasso). Negative impacts associated with these influxes include mortality of nearshore benthic flora and fauna, beach erosion, pollution, decreasing tourism and high management costs. To understand the dynamics of the sarg...
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La aproximación aquí implementada permite la incorporación de objetos de interés adicionales para enriquecer la representatividad del grado de vulnerabilidad de especies, poblaciones y comunidades en el golfo de México. Los resultados que se presentan son una plataforma que incorpora datos de línea base con distintos niveles de organización de la b...
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The countless tranquil beaches of the Caribbean, with their gently lapping waves and fringing palm trees, give the feeling of permanence. Although you could be excused for thinking that these ecosystems—and their sea turtle inhabitants—have remained largely untouched for millennia, this is far from the truth. Sea turtles have provided the people of...
Conference Paper
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Abstract Book del 5º Congreso sobre los Recursos Acuáticos del Golfo de México y Mar Caribe del 27 al 29 de noviembre del 2019, Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche, Universidad Autónoma del Carmen - UNACAR
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Las arribazones anómalas de sargazo a costas del Atlántico se han convertido en poco tiempo en un problema ambiental y socioeconómico, con causas multifactoriales del que todavía se tiene un sinnúmero de preguntas sin responder. Este capítulo ofrece una revisión general del tema, con una descripción global de lo que es el sargazo pelágico, sus espe...
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México tiene un marco legal y normativo respecto a temas ambientales bastante amplio, lo cual tiene como objetivo fundamental la protección y conservación de la biodiversidad del país, que es ampliamente reconocida a nivel mundial. Como parte de los esfuerzos por orientar el correcto de manejo de especies y ecosistemas, se han creado iniciativas co...
Las Manifestaciones de Impacto Ambiental (mia) son una herramienta para que los tomadores de decisiones tengan elementos y criterios para la protección del ambiente. Éstas evalúan las modificaciones potenciales y reales que causaría un proyecto al ambiente en donde se realizará, y con base en las especificaciones y criterios de la legislación ambie...
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The State of the World's Sea Turtles Report Special Issue on Sea Turtles of the Caribbean.
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Changes in ecological attributes as a result of anthropogenic activities and climatic forces can jeopardize biodiversity, so these potential impacts must be evaluated for conservation. Integrating the different components of a large ecosystem can, however, pose a methodological challenge. When evaluating the sensitivity of a system, the level of st...
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Oceanic dispersal characterizes the early juvenile life‐stages of numerous marine species of conservation concern. This early stage may be a ‘critical period’ for many species, playing an overriding role in population dynamics. Often, relatively little information is available on their distribution during this period, limiting the effectiveness of...
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El Golfo de México (GoM) es una región oceánica de una dinámica y complejidad particular, que se evidencia en las variaciones espacio temporales de la configuración de sus aguas superficiales. Varios estudios han utilizado las características superficiales térmicas, biológicas o de circulación para proponer subdivisiones estáticas del GoM; sin emba...
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The Gulf of Mexico (GoM) is a large marine ecosystem that has unique oceanographic dynamics, as it shows important spatio-temporal variations in the configuration of its surface waters. Several studies have used the thermal and biological features to subdivide the GoM, while other had provided subdivisions using circulation features. Nevertheless,...
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In consistence to the scale of biological and ecological processes associated to the study of sea turtle species, coordinated efforts at that same scale are needed for a pertinent monitoring of their impacts, as well as for better and adapted strategies on conservation, restoration and management of their populations and associated habitats. The co...
Desde el inicio del programa de tortugas marinas, en aquel entonces en la Sección de Herpetología de la División de Vertebrados Marinos del Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Biológica Pesqueras del Departamento de Pesca, y después de poco más de 57 años se ha generado un acervo significativo de información en los Centros Para la Conservación de...
El rango de distribución de la tortuga lora (Lepidochelys kempii) se extiende por los litorales norte y sur del Golfo de México, utilizando de forma particular la zona marina adyacente al estado de Campeche en el sureste de México para migrar, alimentarse y anidar en sus playas de forma esporádica. En este trabajo se presenta una actualización sint...
En los últimos años las poblaciones de tortugas marinas declinaron dramáticamente como consecuencia de una explotación intensa y prolongada de huevos, carne y derivados para consumo y comercio. Actualmente, una amenaza adicional a la sobrevivencia de estas especies ha sido la captura incidental por artes de pesca no dirigidos a tortugas marinas com...
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In Mexico the sea turtle protection and conservation centers oversee monitoring and implementing actions to recover the sea turtle species in their nesting beaches, efforts that are needed because of several threats acting on these critical habitats for sea turtles. One of the most important nesting beaches in Mexico is the Sanctuary Playa de Puert...
En la costa norte de la península de Yucatán se monitorea la condición térmica de playas como Celestún, El Cuyo e Isla Holbox, pues son importantes para la anidación de tortugas marinas. Este monitoreo se ha realizado en nidadas desde 2011, y desde 2014 se rediseñó el programa de medición de temperaturas para incorporar las condiciones térmicas del...
El estudio del comportamiento de buceo de las tortugas marinas tiene relevancia para el conocimiento de su biología, dado que pasan la mayor parte de su ciclo de vida en el océano y dicho comportamiento tiene implicaciones fisiológicas y ecológicas. Una herramienta relacionada con el estudio de este comportamiento es la telemetría satelital, la cua...
There have been efforts around the globe to track individuals of many marine species and assess their movements and distribution, with the putative goal of supporting their conservation and management. Determining whether, and how, tracking data have been successfully applied to address real-world conservation issues is, however, difficult. Here, w...
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Hydrocarbon (i.e. oil) extraction, transport, consumption, and pollution occur daily in marine environments, threatening vulnerable natural resources, habitats, and biodiversity. However, threats of episodic oil spills to imperiled marine species are not as well-studied as more acute, readily apparent threats such as incidental capture in fisheries...
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Sea turtles are migratory species that occupy several marine and coastal habitats along their different life stages. The study of the spatial and temporal distribution of these vertebrates has been revolutionized with technological advances such as satellite telemetry, which in the last two decades has substantially increased its implementation. Th...
Sea turtles are migratory species that occupy several marine and coastal habitats along their different life stages. The study of the spatial and temporal distribution of these vertebrates has been revolutionized with technological advances such as satellite telemetry, which in the last two decades has substantially increased its implementation. Th...
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Recently, the need for quantitative information on the spatiotemporal distribution of floating macroalgae, particularly the two species of genus Sargassum, has grown because of blooms of these species in the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea. Remote sensing is one of the most frequently used tools to assess pelagic Sargassum distribution. The purpos...
A spatially explicit participatory approach was used to collect fishing effort and sea turtle bycatch data from local fishers at 15 ports in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. These data were combined with satellite telemetry data to define potential bycatch hotspots. This is the first participatory and spatially explicit study on sea turtle bycatch ra...
The hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) is a critically endangered species with a global distribution and is broadly distributed along the Yucatan Peninsula in the Gulf of Mexico. To complete its life cycle, this species uses sandy beaches with particular environmental conditions that facilitate nesting and hatching. This study aimed to ident...
Sea turtles are endangered and migratory large vertebrates which have a complex life cycle and occupy several oceanic, neritic and coastal habitats that are critical for completing their life stages. Some of those habitats are the sandy beaches used for nesting and whose ecological integrity is compromised by different threats, mainly due to erosio...
Marine turtles are large vertebrates with a complex life cycle along which they occupy several habitats in their different stages. This complexity imposes challenges for the study and knowledge of their populations, and for decades numerous studies have targeted to understand the factors that determine the selection and use of the resources they re...
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Marine turtles are large vertebrates with a complex life cycle along which they occupy several habitats in their different stages. This complexity imposes challenges for the study and knowledge of their populations, and for decades numerous studies have targeted to understand the factors that determine the selection and use of the resources they re...
La tortuga carey es una de las especies más emblemáticas y características de los mares tropicales. Alrededor del mundo esta especie es reconocida por la gran belleza de su caparazón y como una habitante característica de zonas coralinas.
Conference Paper
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Se encontraron diferencias en los patrones espaciales para los seis grupos, siendo las estaciones de verano e invierno en las que las agrupaciones de observaciones están más aglomeradas, probablemente debido a que la primavera y el otoño son periodos de transición de las condiciones ambientales, así como de migración de algunas especies. Casi todos...
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Congenital malformations in sea turtles have been considered sporadical. Research carried out in the Mexican Pacific revealed high levels of congenital malformations in the olive ridley, but little or no information is available for other species. We present results from analyses of external congenital malformations in olive ridley, green, and haws...
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En el gran ecosistema del Golfo de México habitan cinco de las siete especies de tortugas marinas que existen en el mundo; todas catalogadas como especies protegidas a nivel nacional e internacional. Las tortugas marinas pasan más del 95 % de su vida en hábitats meramente marinos, utilizando ambientes pelágicos, neríticos y oceánicos en sus diferen...
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From the 32 worldwide post nesting Chelonia mydas sub populations 2 are found in the Mexican Coasts, one of them in Michoacan (Pacific Ocean) and the other in the Yucatán Peninsula (Atlantic Ocean). Lack of information about migration patterns, home ranges and anthropogenic interaction are factors that contribute to the intrinsic vulnerability of C...
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From the 32 worldwide post nesting Chelonia mydas sub populations 2 are found in the Mexican Coasts, one of them in Michoacan (Pacific Ocean) and the other in the Yucatán Peninsula (Atlantic Ocean). Lack of information about migration patterns, home ranges and anthropogenic interaction are factors that contribute to the intrinsic vulnerability of C...
Conference Paper
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entendimiento de procesos de transporte potencial sedimentario de mayor escala, información que combinada con datos oceanográficos complementarios, permite entender de mejor forma la dinámica sedimentaria al sureste del gran ecosistema Golfo de México. Palabras clave: Granulometría; tamaño de grano; sedimentos marinos; Yucatán Evaluación sedimentol...
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The marine sedimentary deposits are a widely attended theme in the world because of its oceanographical, ecological, social and economical transcendence. Those deposits are part of very important sediment reservoirs on the coast that feed and protect sandy beaches, and are key habitat for several benthic species. On the coast of Yucatan (Mexico) th...
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The marine sedimentary deposits are a widely attended theme in the world because of its oceanographical, ecological, social and economical transcendence. Those deposits are part of very important sediment reservoirs on the coast that feed and protect sandy beaches, and are key habitat for several benthic species. On the coast of Yucatan (Mexico) th...
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Conspicuous sedimentary deposits forming well-structured and prominent submarine dunes are found on the coast of Yucatan (Mexico), close to the ports of Dzilam de Bravo, San Felipe, and El Cuyo. The objective of this study was to evaluate the morphological and sedimentological features of these submarine dunes. Sub-bottom seismologic profiles were...
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El conocimiento y entendimiento de los ambientes bentónicos marinos es un aspecto clave para el aprovechamiento de recursos, y conservación del capital natural en toda zona costera. La elaboración de productos cartográficos es una estrategia altamente socorrida por su versatilidad y aplicación para el entendimiento de procesos ecológicos íntimament...
Long-term observations at El Cuyo, Mexico, show a spatial pattern of beach preference by hawksbill and green turtles nesting at that beach. The morphological features of this beach were examined to evaluate their influence on the nesting preferences of these 2 sea turtle species.
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En las costas del estado de Yucatán, México, se han registrado cinco de las siete especies de tortugas marinas que existen en el mundo. Se presentan los resultados obtenidos en siete campamentos tortugueros registrados y operando en el estado. Se incluye los parámetros reproductivos de poblaciones anidantes de las tortugas de carey y blanca en Yuca...