Eduardo Carmona-Ballestero

Eduardo Carmona-Ballestero
Junta de Castilla y León · Servicio Territorial de Cultura

PhD in Archaeology


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June 2009 - May 2013
Universidad de Burgos
  • Predoctoral Researcher
October 2001 - September 2007
October 1994 - June 1999
Universidad de Burgos
Field of study


Publications (51)
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El libro se adentra en el campo más actual de la Arqueología Prehistórica gracias a su multidisciplinar acercamiento metodológico. Con ese fin, la obra aparece estructurada en cinco grandes bloques. Por un lado, el primero de ellos se centra en el análisis del pensamiento simbólico, con especial atención al estudio del arte prehistórico de la penín...
Critical to the survival of island-based human societies is their resilience and adaptation to volcanic hazards. We here evaluate pre-Hispanic (before 15th century AD) land use patterns on the volcanic island of Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain using obsidian hydration dating (OHD). The samples studied include archaeological artifacts and natural ro...
Conference Paper
Durante 2018 se han llevado a cabo varios trabajos arqueológicos destinados a documentar y conocer el estado de conservación de la villa de Vegas Negras (Huérmeces, Burgos). El lugar era fácilmente reconocible a través de los restos en superficie pero también a través de la fotografía aérea. La gran capacidad de información que ofrecía ha sido apro...
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Las estelas epigráficas de Palacios de la Sierra forman parte de un conjunto recuperado en las excavaciones de la necrópolis de El Castillo en los años 70. Hasta la fecha, la interpretación propuesta para aquellas con epígrafes reconocibles las consideraba de la II Edad del Hierro debido a que, en teoría, portaban grafías ibéricas. A diferencia de...
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This work focuses on reconstructing past diets and animal management during Prehistory in Central Northern Spain, spanning the NE area of the Old Castilian Plateau to the Cantabrian coast, from c. 3000–1500 BCE. During this time, early farming communities made changes in their models of production and social reproduction that crystallised in the em...
Historia de las intervenciones arqueológicas realizadas en la antigua Bravum de los turmogos, que han permitido identificar y delimitar las distintas áreas funcionales del yacimiento.
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El trabajo se interesa por Rompizales I, un campo de hoyos situado en las cercanías de Burgos. Sobre el yacimiento existe una información fruto de una excavación preventiva de 2002 que documentó los habituales hoyos junto a otras evidencias poco frecuentes en el norte de la península ibérica: un foso, hoyos de poste, hogares, hornos, etc. Además, e...
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Agriculture frst reached the Iberian Peninsula around 5700 BCE. However, little is known about the genetic structure and changes of prehistoric populations in diferent geographic areas of Iberia. In our study, we focus on the maternal genetic makeup of the Neolithic (~ 5500–3000 BCE), Chalcolithic (~ 3000–2200 BCE) and Early Bronze Age (~ 2200–1500...
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RESUMEN El monumento megalítico de Los Zumacales en Simancas es el único yacimiento de este tipo conocido en la provincia vallisoletana. Fue objeto de diversas campañas de excavación en los años 80 e inicios de los 90 del siglo XX, sin que desde aquellos momentos, con la salvedad de la colocación de un gran cartel que situaba el enclave, se realiza...
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The Canary Islands are an east trending volcanic archipelago located off the western Atlantic coast of North Africa. Tenerife Island, the largest in the seven island chain, was an active volcanic island formed in an active rift zone punctuated by repeated mountain formation and collapse (Carracedo and Troll, 2013). Volcanic activity on the island s...
Conference Paper
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RESUMEN La Villa Romana de Molino de Arriba se encuentra ubicada en la localidad de Buniel, en la Provincia de Burgos. La exhumación de dicho yacimiento está incluida dentro de la propues-ta de actuaciones arqueológicas vinculada al " Proyecto de construcción de la plataforma del corredor norte-noroeste de alta velocidad " en la línea Valladolid –...
Conference Paper
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RESUMEN El presente estudio recoge los resultados obtenidos durante la excavación de carácter preventivo del yacimiento " Los Secadales " , dentro de los trabajos ar-queológicos vinculados la construcción de un gasoducto entre Arévalo (Ávila) y Sanchidrián (Segovia). A la excavación le acompañó un estudio de los mate-riales procedentes de dicho yac...
Conference Paper
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RESUMEN Durante una excavación preventiva llevada a cabo por la empresa ANTE-QUEM S.L. se descubrió en Las Cordoneras un conjunto de evidencias arqueo-lógicas. En concreto se documentaron distintas estructuras negativas (hoyos siliformes, agujeros de poste, hogares y hornos) que contenían restos de dos fases distintas: Edad del Bronce y Antigüedad...
Conference Paper
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RESUMEN Este trabajo se centra en el registro arqueológico vinculado a la Prehistoria reciente del yacimiento de Cuesta Vega, en la localidad de Cavia (Burgos). El yacimiento fue excavado parcialmente por la empresa ANTEQUEM S.L. y ha sido estudiado gracias al convenio de colaboración suscrito entre dicha empresa y el Área de Ar-queología de la Uni...
This paper discusses the use of El Abrigo de la Castañera (Cantabria, Spain) as a stable during the Chalcolithic. Several lines of archaeological evidence support the use of the rock shelter as a corral. First, in the stratigraphy several fumiers were identified, which were composed of several lenses of gray and black ashes, rich in charcoal and or...
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Research about Chalcolithic in the Cantabrian Region has been less developed than in others European regions. Although this situation is changing in the last decades, specific studies about faunal remains and subsistence are still scarce. In this work, the preliminary results of the archaeozoological study from 2011-2013 excavations campaigns in La...
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espanolEl trabajo presenta un estudio realizado sobre las ceramicas recuperadas en contextos calcoliticos ubicados en la Cuenca Media del Arlanzon. Dentro de los conjuntos de este tipo se reconocen tanto similitudes como discrepancias morfo-tipologicas y tecnicas que plantean un problema arqueologico cuyo alcance ha de ser contrastado mediante otra...
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The work focuses on Bell Beakers remains and their archaeological context discovered in the Cerro del Castillo from Burgos. The data comes from the excavation carried out in the mid-80s by José Luis Uríbarri and his team. At that moment they documented Bell-beaker evidence in the oldest layer of a mainly protohistoric sequence (level XII). Their pr...
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In the last 30 years, the chalcolithic archaeological record from river Arlanzón middle basin has been increased considerably. However, new radiocarbon dates have not been incorporated during this time. Alternatively the typological comparison has been systematically used, which poses major problems for such purpose. For this reason we carried out...
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El trabajo analiza los moluscos encontrado en el yacimiento calcolítico de El Hornazo. En este lugar, dentro de desechos domésticos recuperados en hoyos, se encontraron moluscos de agua dulce, marinos y terrestres. Los datos remiten a una discusión sobre el posible uso de los moluscos en el interior de la Península Ibérica durante el Calcolítico y...
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This work presents data collected in an archaeological survey from the hill-fort of El Pico (Cabrejas del Pinar, Soria). The aim of the investigation was to assess the preserved archeological record and to provide a well-defined chrono-cultural determination to the site, which tradition-ally has been related to the "Sorian Hillforts Culture" of the...
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This work presents data collected in an archaeological survey from the hill-fort of El Pico (Cabrejas del Pinar, Soria). The aim of the investigation was to assess the preserved archeological record and to provide a well-defined chrono-cultural determination to the site, which traditionally has been related to the “Sorian Hillforts Culture” of the...
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The work focuses on human remains documented in the Chalcolithic sites of El Hornazo and Túmulo IL.C1 from Cótar. These remains are not very common in the archaeological record from eastern of North Plateau. So it has made an anthropological study in order to get as much information as possible from them. However, the data obtained cannot be separa...
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In the course of an archaeological prospection several unpublished Latin inscriptions were documented in the locality of Las Uces (Valsalabroso, Salamanca). They are 4 funerary monuments that are added to other three known by the bibliography. All forms a homogenous group, whose characteristics fit to the well-known epigraphic productions in the We...
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The results are presented of the archaeological excavation of a ‘Pit Field’ site in the Northern Spanish Plateau. While a small part of the site was occupied during the Neolithic, most of the pits belong chronologically and culturally to the “Pre-Bell Beaker” Chalcolitith period. A few human graves were recovered inside the pits, together with indi...
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The Strait of Gibraltar is a geographic region between the south of Europe and the north of Africa. On the basis of the geological, geographical and ecological evidence, this is considered a historical region. Prehistoric societies that lived during the Pleistocene and Holocene on both sides of the Strait left behind very similar archaeological rec...
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Este trabajo presenta el estudio realizado sobre los carporrestos recuperados en dos yacimientos de la Cuenca Media del Arlanzón (Burgos): Fuente Celada y El Hornazo. Ambos son buenos ejemplos del tipo de yacimiento habitual en el Calcolítico de la Meseta Norte: los “campos de hoyos”. Estos agregados de estructuras negativas estaban vinculados a co...
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This article is focused on the metal objects of the Chalcolithic and Bronze Age (3050-900 cal BC) documented in the Submeseta Norte and Campiña Madrileña, with special attention given to those found in pit graves. The aim of this paper is to assess whether these objects are linked with social inequalities, and, therefore, with hierarchical forms of...
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This article is focused on the metal objects of the Chalcolithic and Bronze Age (3050-900 cal BC) documented in the Submeseta Norte and Campiña Madrileña, with special attention given to those found in pit graves. The aim of this paper is to assess whether these objects are linked with social inequalities, and, therefore, with hierarchical forms of...
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El trabajo recoge los resultados de la excavación llevada a cabo en yacimiento fortificado de Los Castillejos-La Lastra. En ella se documentaron los restos de una pequeña torre, rodeada de muralla y foso, junto a evidencias de estructuras sobre postes, hogares y elementos de cultura material que evidenciaban una única y corta fase de ocupación.
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During a preliminary excavation in the nearby area to the Iglesia Vieja de San Vicente de Potes (Cantabria) several archaeological remains were documented. This resulted in the verification of the existence of a medieval cemetery in the area. Judging by the type of inhumations (slab covered graves) and the results provided by the radiocarbon data i...
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This paper presents the results of an emergency intervention excavation in the municipality of Granadilla de Abona (Tenerife). In this operation two sectors were documented: an open air occupation at the top of a hill and a burial in a natural crack in a nearby ravine. The archaeological remains allowed interpretation of the site as a temporary dom...


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