Edmond Dounias

Edmond Dounias
Institute of Research for Development | IRD · Centre of Functional and Evolutionary Ecology (CEFE)



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- Biocultural interactions between forest dwellers and tropical forests in a context of drastic change, with a particular interest in working with formerly nomadic hunter-gatherers in Africa and South-East Asia. - Attuning folk sciences and academic sciences as a means to achieve food security.
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Publications (321)
Young children and adolescents in subsistence societies forage for a wide range of resources. They often target child‐specific foods, they can be very successful foragers, and they share their produce widely within and outside of their nuclear family. At the same time, while foraging, they face risky situations and are exposed to diseases that can...
Young children and adolescents in subsistence societies forage for a wide range of resources. They often target child-specific foods, they can be very successful foragers, and they share their produce widely within and outside of their nuclear family. At the same time, while foraging they face risky situations and are exposed to diseases that can i...
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Based on the mutual support from the Agence Francaise de Développement (AFD) and the French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD), a collaborative research project conducted jointly by the Indonesian Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP), CLS and IRD aims to sustain the monitoring and modelling of marine debris in t...
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Plastic debris have become an acute marine pollution concern worldwide of our modern times. Indonesia is particularly impacted because of a high population density, heavy rainfall rate and numerous coastlines. A Lagrangian analysis is performed to simulate the fate of fictive marine debris drifting along surface currents including tides and Stokes...
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Human‐wildlife cooperation is a type of mutualism in which a human and a wild, free‐living animal actively coordinate their behaviour to achieve a common beneficial outcome. While other cooperative human‐animal interactions involving captive coercion or artificial selection (including domestication) have received extensive attention, we lack integr...
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Human–wildlife cooperation occurs when humans and free-living wild animals actively coordinate their behavior to achieve a mutually beneficial outcome. These interactions provide important benefits to both the human and wildlife communities involved, have wider impacts on the local ecosystem, and represent a unique intersection of human and animal...
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1. Human-wildlife cooperation is a type of mutualism in which a human and a wild, free-living animal actively coordinate their behaviour to achieve a common beneficial outcome. 2. While other cooperative human-animal interactions involving captive coer-cion or artificial selection (including domestication) have received extensive
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This article provides an overview of some of the main themes that have emerged in the research on hunter gatherers and education. The term 'education' refers both to schooling, and to the traditional pedagogical modes of knowledge transmission that hunter-gatherer communities have developed and maintained over millennia. Formal education plays a cr...
Les interactions entre des humains et des animaux sauvages pour se procurer une ressource partagée constituent des formes exceptionnelles de coopération qui ont été peu étudiées et qui, de plus, tendent à disparaître. Ces coopérations sont qualifiées de mutualistes car elles supposent un engagement volontaire et réciproque de chacun des partenaires...
Indigenous Peoples’ and other traditional knowledge systems are deemed ‘unscientific’ when assessed against conventional hierarchies of evidence. Science–policy processes building on the commitments of the UN Food Systems Summit must ensure that due recognition, acceptance and prominence are given to traditional knowledge.
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This publication provides an overview on the common and unique sustainability elements of Indigenous Peoples' food systems, in terms of natural resource management, access to the market, diet diversity, indigenous peoples’ governance systems, and links to traditional knowledge and indigenous languages. While enhancing the learning on Indigenous Peo...
The book Floating Marine Debris along Indonesian Coasts. An Atlas of Strandings based on Lagrangian Modelling was conceived within the framework of a collaborative research project conducted jointly by the Indonesian Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP), Collecte Localisation Satellite (CLS), and the French National Research Institute for...
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Sundaland constitutes one of the largest and most threatened biodiversity hotspots; however, our understanding of its biodiversity is afflicted by knowledge gaps in taxonomy and distribution patterns. The subfamily Rasborinae is the most diversified group of freshwater fishes in Sundaland. Uncertainties in their taxonomy and systematics have constr...
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Sundaland constitutes one of the largest and most threatened biodiversity hotspots; however, our understanding of its biodiversity is afflicted by knowledge gaps in taxonomy and distribution patterns. The subfamily Rasborinae is the most diversified group of freshwater fishes in Sundaland. Uncertainties in their taxonomy and systematics have constr...
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Crop storage is essential for seed smallholder farmers in the tropics and for maintaining the genetic diversity of crop materials cultivated worldwide. In latitudes with contrasted seasonal fluctuations and increasing extreme climatic episodes, controlling food stock is critical to renew seed production for upcoming plantings and to tackle inter-an...
This article provides an overview of some of the main themes that have emerged in the research on hunter gatherers and education. The term ‘education’ refers both to schooling, and to the traditional pedagogical modes of knowledge transmission that hunter-gatherer communities have developed and maintained over millennia. Formal education plays a cr...
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Many natural-resource-dependent societies are known to have tamed wild animals that intervene as auxiliaries for hunting, fishing and gathering. Much less frequently documented are proactive collaborations with a wild partner, without any final intention of directed taming. Around a focused resource foraging, Man and the wild animal find a common g...
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Tropical rainforests are biodiversity‐rich ecosystems that are spread throughout the equatorial zone. These wet and hot ecosystems, in which tall broad‐leaved trees constitute both the builders and the building, are organized in successive strata stacked from soil to emergent trees above the canopy. They are home to an astounding diversity of plant...
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Unlike the Sudano-sahelian regions, which are confronted to severe periods of food shortage, tropical rainforests are known to provide a constant supply of a great diversity of food resources that mitigates the risk of food starvation for omnivorous humans. Nevertheless, several African forest ethnic groups suffer from a seasonal hunger induced by...
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Plants with simple architecture and strong constraints on their growth may offer critical insights into how growth strategies affect the tolerance of plants to herbivory. Although Dioscorea praehensilis, a wild yam of African forests, is perennial, both aerial apparatus and tuber are annually renewed. Each year, the tuber produces a single stem tha...
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QUELS QUE SOIENT les États concernés et les latitudes, l'intégration socio-­-économique des derniers peuples chasseurs-­-cueilleurs nomades dans le paysage national constitue une équation à multiples variables que peu de nations, fussent-­-elles du Nord ou du Sud, parviennent à résoudre. Qu'ils soient pastoralistes (par exemple le groupe Mbororo),...
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The Mvae and the Ntumu, two African rainforest ethnic groups belonging to same Fang linguistic sub-group, live together as good neighbors in the Ntem watershed of southern Cameroon. Like most forest dwellers in the Congo Basin, these two societies have implemented a multi-active type of subsistence economy: hunting, trapping, gathering and fishing...
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In these current times marked by tremendous shifts challenging the future of our planet — exponential population growth, environmental degradation and biodiversity loss, climate change, expanding urbanization — maritime as well as inland aquatic resources are constantly gaining credence in the plans of action set up in the international management...
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The Mvae and the Ntumu, two African rainforest ethnic groups belonging to same Fang linguistic sub-group, live together as good neighbors in the Ntem watershed of southern Cameroon. Like most forest dwellers in the Congo Basin, these two societies have implemented a multi-active type of subsistence economy: hunting, trapping, gathering and fishing...
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Tropical rainforest dwellers, who are currently engaged in bushmeat trade, used to track game for their own subsistence. We investigate the technical evolution over the past century of bushmeat procurement by the Fang, a group of southern Cameroon forest dwellers who are renowned for their extensive cynegetic expertise. This investigation consists...
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On the grounds that beekeeping of the single domesticated honeybee looks at first sight homogenous throughout whole Europe, understanding the evolution of this activity at the very local level is generally overlooked. Such understanding is nonetheless crucial to conceive appropriate community-based resource management in socioecological systems tha...
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In this chapter, we develop new indicators and statistical tests to characterize patterns of crop diversity at local scales to better understand interactions between ecological and socio-cultural functions of agroecosystems. Farms, where a large number of crops (species or landraces) is grown, are known to contribute a large part of the locally ava...
The mobilisation centred on the 2015 Paris Climate Conference (COP 21) is an opportunity to highlight the vulnerability of environments and populations in the South in the face of climate warming. Some tropical regions are already suffering from its effects, with heat waves in the Sahel, disturbances to monsoon systems, the melting of the Andean gl...
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La mobilisation autour de la conférence Paris Climat 2015 (COP 21) est l’occasion de mettre en relief la vulnérabilité des milieux et des populations du Sud face au réchauffement climatique. Certaines régions de la zone intertropicale en subissent déjà les effets, que ce soient les vagues de chaleur au Sahel, la perturbation des systèmes de mousson...
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In this chapter, we develop new indicators and statistical tests to characterize patterns of crop diversity at local scales to better understand interactions between ecological and socio-cultural functions of agroecosystems. Farms, where a large number of crops (species or landraces) is grown, are known to contribute a large part of the locally ava...
In this chapter, we develop new indicators and statistical tests to characterize patterns of crop diversity at local scales to better understand interactions between ecological and socio-cultural functions of agroecosystems. Farms, where a large number of crops (species or landraces) is grown, are known to contribute a large part of the locally ava...
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In this chapter, we develop new indicators and statistical tests to characterize patterns of crop diversity at local scales to better understand interactions between ecological and socio-cultural functions of agroecosystems. Farms, where a large number of crops (species or landraces) is grown, are known to contribute a large part of the locally ava...
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L'anthropisation passée d'une portion de forêt est le principal moteur de sa valo-risation culturelle et cultuelle. Même si la régénération naturelle a reconquis ses droits, l'écosystème conserve inexorablement les stigmates d'une ancienne occupation humaine. Le sol peut garder les traces d'aménagements anciens (tertres, fossés, buttes, sillons), m...
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The mobilisation centred on the 2015 Paris Climate Conference (COP 21) is an opportunity to highlight the vulnerability of environments and populations in the South in the face of climate warming. Some tropical regions are already suffering from its effects, with heat waves in the Sahel, disturbances to monsoon systems, the melting of the Andean gl...
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La mobilisation autour de la conférence Paris Climat 2015 (COP 21) est l'occasion de mettre en relief la vulnérabilité des milieux et des populations du Sud face au réchauffement climatique. Certaines régions de la zone intertropicale en subissent déjà les effets, que ce soient les vagues de chaleur au Sahel, la perturbation des systèmes de mousson...
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In this chapter, we develop new indicators and statistical tests to characterize patterns of crop diversity at local scales to better understand interactions between ecological and socio-cultural functions of agroecosystems. Farms, where a large number of crops (species or landraces) is grown, are known to contribute a large part of the locally ava...
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Non-wood forest products (NWFPs) (http://www.fao.org/docrep/x2450e/x2450e0d.htm#fao) are goods of biological origin other than wood, derived from forests, other wooded land and trees outside forests. NWFPs and similar terms such as " minor " , " secondary " and " non-timber " forest products (NTFPs) have emerged as umbrella expressions for the vast...
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Ce chapitre est consacré à l'adaptation au changement climatique de populations rurales qui consomment directement une part significative de leur production. La dépendance de ces sociétés vis-à-vis de leur système écologique est quasi-exclusive, si bien que le niveau d'analyse sera celui du « système socio-écologique ». Dans cette situation, la rés...
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Understanding how human societies and their natural environment mutually influence each other is at the heart of current major environmental issues, including sustainable development and climate change. Indigenous peoples and local communities —holders of a rich knowledge about nature and related technical know-how— are fully recognized as key acto...
