Edmea Cassia Baptista

Edmea Cassia Baptista
São Paulo State University | Unesp · Department of Mathematics

Doctor in Electrical Engineering


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Publications (64)
Although wind power generation improves decarbonization of the electricity sector, its increasing penetration poses new challenges for power systems planning, operation and control. In this paper, we propose a solution approach for Stochastic Optimal Power Flow (SOPF) models under uncertainty in wind power generation. Two complicating issues are ha...
The Optimal Reactive Power Flow (ORPF) problem has been used as an important computational tool for power system planning and operation. Its mixed-discrete version (DORPF) is formulated as a non-convex, non-linear optimization problem with discrete and continuous variables, which is aimed at minimizing the transmission losses while meeting the powe...
The Energy Procurement (EP) problem faced by a large consumer is concerned with planning the energy procurement in the various energy markets available, such that its short- and medium-term demands are met, and the risks involved in such trading are mitigated. Although a number of EP models have been proposed for purely thermal systems, no specific...
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Um dos problemas encontrados na área de Engenharia Elétrica é o problema de despacho econômico (PDE), que visa reduzir o custo total da energia calculando a geração de cada unidade vinculada à rede. Assim, o objetivo é gerar energia com o menor custo de combustível possível, atendendo à demanda e respeitando todas as restrições do sistema de geraçã...
This paper proposes a new formulation for the Discrete Reactive Optimal Power Flow problem (DROPF) that aims at reducing the number of control actions of the problem. For such a purpose, additional constraints are introduced in the classical model to the DROPF problem so as to represent specific behaviors of voltage control devices in the electrica...
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Wind energy is becoming an increasingly substantial component of many nations’ energy portfolios. The intermittent nature of wind energy is traded off in a multi-objective sense against its environmental benefits when compared to conventional thermal energy sources. This gives rise to the multi-criteria sustainable dispatch problem considered in th...
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Interior/exterior-point methods have been widely used for solving Optimal Reactive Power Flow problems (ORPF). However, the utilization of such methods becomes difficult when transformer taps and/or capacitor/reactor banks are more rigorously represented in the problem formulation by means of discrete control variables. This work investigates the s...
In the context of project management, the attention given to project portfolio management has increased in recent years. The use of mathematical programming for portfolio management is also on the rise, because it integrates the project interactions with the multiple objectives of portfolio management into a single model. Among the possible objecti...
The Environmental and Economic Dispatch Problem with Valve-Point loading effect representation (EEDP-VP) is a multi-objective, nonconvex and non-differentiable optimization problem. Due to these difficulties, it has been solved in the literature mainly by heuristic approaches, while deterministic approaches are scarce. Therefore, the main objective...
This paper proposes a mathematical model and two heuristic procedures to solve the cutting stock problem with usable leftovers, relating the implications of the model with aspects considering sustainability in terms of environmental, economic and social issues. The possibility of generating leftovers that can be used or sold, reduces raw material w...
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Inventory management can be considered as one of the main components of planning and production control. In the literature numerous mathematical models are presented for inventory management, which approach different aspects related to this management. The development of efficient inventory models and the adoption of appropriate optimization method...
Network-constrained market clearing procedures in pool-based electricity markets of hydropower systems have traditionally neglected the constraints associated with physical and operating aspects of hydroelectric generation (hydraulic constraints). Such constraints are generally taken into account by means of ex post procedures, which may lead to su...
In this paper, we propose a primal-dual interior/ exterior point method that uses the modified logarithmic barrier function together with a quadratic test strategy and new search direction procedures for solving the reactive optimal power flow problem. The quadratic test is proposed as an alternative strategy for the Cholesky procedure for calculat...
This paper proposes a methodology involving the primal-dual predictor-corrector interior/exterior point, the progressive bounded constraints and the arctangent smoothing methods, to be applied in economic/environmental dispatch multi-objective problem with valve-point load effects. The interior/exterior point method explores the logarithmic barrier...
This work proposes an approach that uses a union of methods based on logarithmic barrier function and modified logarithmic barrier function for the resolution of the reactive optimal power flow problem. In this proposed approach the inequality constraints are transformed into equalities by adding the slack variables, which are handled by logarithmi...
This paper investigates strategies for coordinating the decisions calculated by a network-constrained multi-period auction model of hydrothermal systems with the ones calculated by medium-term problems. Initially, we discuss the necessity for implementing such coordination strategies in hydrothermal systems from the standpoint of a market operator....
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Neste trabalho e realizada uma investigacao e implementacao do metodo Primal-Dual de Pontos Interiores e Exteriores Barreira Logaritmica Modificada com estrategia de Convergencia Global. O metodo desenvolvido e aplicado ao problema de Fluxo de Potencia Otimo Reativo com variacao continua dos taps dos transformadores em-fase para os sistemas IEEE de...
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This paper proposes a coevolutionary augmented Lagrangian method (AGCE) for solving the classic economic dispatch problem. This problem becomes non-convex and non-differentiable if valve-point loadings effects are considered in the cost curves of thermal units. In such cases, the evolutionary approaches have proven to be efficient for solving the p...
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Introducao A consolidacao de tecnicas matematicas para resolucao de problemas de grande porte, o surgimento de novos e potentes recursos computacionais, a um custo relativamente baixo, e o aumento no interesse economico na operacao dos sistemas de energia vem impulsionando a utilizacao dos problemas de fluxo de potencia otimo (FPO) como ferramenta...
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Resumo: Neste trabalho é apresentado um estudo em sistemas de distribuição de energia elétrica utilizando uma técnica de análise de sensibilidade de primeira ordem (AS), que é aplicada à solução do algoritmo de Fluxo de Carga (FC). Diferente desse algoritmo, o método de análise de sensibilidade não requer um processo iterativo, resultando em uma me...
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This paper proposes a hydro unit commitment model formulated by means of a mixed-integer linear optimization. The main focus is the minimization of hydro costs associated with the operation of a generation system. The decision variables involve on/off, as well as start-up and shut-down, spillages, water discharges and power outputs for each hydro u...
Conference Paper
This paper investigates the coordination between medium-term generation planning and short-term operation in electricity markets for hydropower systems. The day-ahead auction models proposed are formulated for thermal systems and neglect any sort of coordination strategy with the mediumterm. The coordination is essential in hydro-power systems in o...
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A reestruturação do setor elétrico mundial, impulsionado pela crise energética na década de oitenta, levou a implantação dos atuais mercados de eletricidade, em que os modelos tradicionais centralizados de curto prazo foram substituídos por modelos de despacho descentralizados, tais como os modelos de leilão utilizados pelos operadores de mercado....
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This paper proposes a technique for solving the multiobjective environmental/economic dispatch problem using the weighted sum and \(\varepsilon \) -constraint strategies, which transform the problem into a set of single-objective problems. In the first strategy, the objective function is a weighted sum of the environmental and economic objective...
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A reestruturação do setor elétrico mundial, impulsionado pela crise energética na década de oitenta, levou a implantação dos atuais mercados de eletricidade, em que o despacho da geração passou a ser formulado através de modelos de leilão de energia. Alguns modelos de leilão do dia seguinte presentes na literatura são formulados com base em sistema...
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A otimização é um ramo da matemática aplicada e tem como objetivo encontrar a melhor solução para um determinado problema. Problemas de otimização não linear são encontrados em diversas áreas como Engenharias, Economia, Medicina, entre outras. Neste trabalho propomos a investigação de alguns métodos mistos para resolução de problemas de otimização...
Conference Paper
Neste trabalho é realizada uma investigação comparativa dos métodos baseados nas funções barreira logarítmica, barreira modificada, barreira modificada penalidade e barreira penalidade adaptada. Resultados numéricos são apresentados para esta análise levando em conta um exemplo matemático.
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A consolidação de técnicas matemáticas para resolução de problemas de grande porte, o surgimento de novos e potentes recursos computacionais, a um custo relativamente baixo, e o aumento no interesse econômico na operação dos sistemas de energia vem impulsionando a utilização dos problemas de fluxo de potência ótimo (FPO) como ferramenta para a anál...
A new approach called the Modified Barrier Lagrangian Function (MBLF) to solve the Optimal Reactive Power Flow problem is presented. In this approach, the inequality constraints are treated by the Modified Barrier Function (MBF) method, which has a finite convergence property; i.e. the optimal solution in the MBF method can actually be in the bound...
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This paper proposes a predictor-corrector primal-dual interior point method which introduces line search procedures (IPLS) in both the predictor and corrector steps. The Fibonacci search technique is used in the predictor step, while an Armijo line search is used in the corrector step. The method is developed for application to the economic dispatc...
This paper presents a new approach, predictor–corrector modified barrier approach (PCMBA), to minimize the active losses in power system planning studies. In the PCMBA, the inequality constraints are transformed into equalities by introducing positive auxiliary variables, which are perturbed by the barrier parameter, and treated by the modified bar...
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This work presents the application of the relaxed barrier-Lagrangian function method to the optimal reactive dispatch problem, which is a nonlinear nonconvex and large problem. In this approach the inequality constraints are treated by the association of modified barrier and primal-dual logarithmic barrier method. Those constraints are transformed...
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This work presents a new approach for the resolution of Optimal Reactive Power Flow problem. In this approach, the inequality constraints are treated by the Modified Barrier and Primal-Dual Logarithmic Barrier (PDLB) methods. The inequality constraints are transformed into equalities by introducing positive slack variables and are perturbed by the...
This work presents a new approach for the resolution of Optimal Reactive Power Flow problem. In this approach, the inequality constraints are treated by the Modified Barrier and Primal-Dual Logarithmic Barrier (PDLB) methods. The inequality constraints are transformed into equalities by introducing positive slack variables and are perturbed by the...
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This paper presents an analyze of numeric conditioning of the Hessian matrix of Lagrangian of modified barrier function Lagrangian method (MBFL) and primal-dual logarithmic barrier method (PDLB), which are obtained in the process of solution of an optimal power flow problem (OPF). This analyze is done by a comparative study through the singular val...
Conference Paper
This paper presents a new approach to the resolution of the optimal power flow problem. In this approach the inequality constraints are treated by the modified barrier and primal-dual logarithmic barrier methods. The inequality constraints are transformed into equalities by introducing positive auxiliary variables, which are perturbed by the barrie...
This paper presents an adaptation of the dual-affine interior point method for the surface flatness problem. In order to determine how flat a surface is, one should find two parallel planes so that the surface is between them and they are as close together as possible. This problem is equivalent to the problem of solving inconsistent linear systems...
This article presents a new approach to minimize the losses in electrical power systems. This approach considers the application of the primal-dual logarithmic barrier method to voltage magnitude and tap-changing transformer variables, and the other inequality constraints are treated by augmented Lagrangian method. The Lagrangian function aggregate...
Uma nova abordagem para a resolucao do problema de Fluxo de Potencia Otimo e apresentada. Fazemos uso de pesquisas recentes, especialmente na area dos metodos de pontos interiores. Nesta abordagem, as restricoes de igualdade sao tratadas pelo metodo de Newton e as de desigualdade pelo metodo de Barreira Modificada. Os testes numericos, mostram o ef...
Neste trabalho apresenta-se uma adaptacao do Metodo Dual-Afim de Pontos Interiores e sua aplicacao ao Problema de Planicidade de Superficies, explorado na Engenharia Mecânica, o qual e equivalente ao Problema de Sistemas Lineares Inconsistentes na Norma de Tchebyshev. Testa-se uma implementacao computacional da adaptacao feita, do Metodo Dual-Afim,...
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We propose in this work an approach for solving the perturbated Optimal Power Flow (OPF) problem. The methodology consists in the use of sensitivity analysis to estimate new solutions after occurring some perturbations in the problem starting from optimal solution obtained via an OPF program. These perturbations consist in loading variations in som...
This paper presents a new approach to solve the Optimal Power Flow problem. This approach considers the application of logarithmic barrier method to voltage magnitude and tap-changing transformer variables and the other constraints are treated by augmented Lagrangian method. Numerical test results are presented, showing the effective performance of...
This paper presents an optimal operation study of the power system via sensitivity analysis. This study is based on perturbation of optimum theorem, which works with a Lagrangian function associated with the perturbed problem. Starting from an optimal operating point obtained by solution of an optimal power flow problem, the new optimal operating p...
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This paper presents a new approach for solving the Optimal Power Flow problem. In this approach the bounded constraints are treated by the logarithmic barrier method. An augmented Lagrangian function is associated to the modified problem. The first order necessary conditions are applied and a nonlinear system is produced. This system is solved by N...
Conference Paper
In this paper is presented a new approach for optimal power flow problem. This approach is based on the modified barrier function and the primal-dual logarithmic barrier method. A Lagrangian function is associated with the modified problem. The first-order necessary conditions for optimality are fulfilled by Newton's method, and by updating the bar...
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In this paper is presented a new approach for Optimal Power Flow problem. This approach is based on the Modified Barrier function and the primal-dual logarithmic barrier method. A Lagrangian function is associated with a modified problem. The first-order necessary conditions for optimality are fulfilled by Newton's method, and by updating the barri...
Conference Paper
A new approach to solving the optimal power flow problem is described, making use of some findings especially in the area of primal-dual methods for complex programming. In this approach, equality constraints are handled by Newton's method inequality constraints for voltage and transformer taps by the logarithmic barrier method and the other inequa...
Economic Dispatch is a process of allocating the required load demand among available generation units such that the cost of operation is minimized. Incorporation of the Valve Point Effect increases the difficulty of obtain-ing a solution due to the nonlinearity and discontinuity of the objective function. This paper presents two evolutionary appro...
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Resumo: A cana-de-açúcar é matéria-prima de grande flexibilidade. Com ela é possível produzir açúcar e álcool de vários tipos, fabricar alimentos e bebidas e gerar eletricidade. A cana pode ser completamente aproveitada: palhiço, bagaço, méis, torta e outros resíduos. Mas hoje a grande preocupação com esta cultura é o resíduo de colheita, pois é ge...
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Resumo: Neste trabalho é apresentada uma função Lagrangiana Barreira Penalidade, baseada no trabalho de Armand(2003), para a resolução do problema de Fluxo de Potência Ótimo. Nesta função as igualdades são tratadas através de multiplicadores de Lagrange e as desigualdades através da função penalidade barreira. Testes computacionais foram realizados...
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RESUMO Neste trabalho apresenta-se o método Primal-Dual de Pontos Interiores, o qual utiliza uma estratégia do tipo previsor-corretor e com o procedimento de busca unidimensional de Fibonacci ou Armijo, e sua aplicação ao Problema de Despacho Econômico (sem a inserção de pontos de válvula) analisado na área de Engenharia Elétrica. Investiga-se a te...


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