Edison Barbieri

Edison Barbieri
Instituto de Pesca · NPDLS

We study potential hazards and risks to the environment as well as to fish and shrimp of nanomaterials.


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Barbieri is an oceanographer with specialization in biological and geological oceanography, master in physical geography and earned a PhD in Oceanography (Biological Oceanography), University of São Paulo in 2000. He was the university council, post graduation and Advanced Studies Institute at USP . He was also a professor at the University São Francisco, São Camilo University and the Federal University of Sergipe. It is currently Researcher level 6 and accredited teacher in the post graduate program in Aquaculture and Fisheries in Fisheries Institute. Participated in the Antarctic expeditions in the summers of 96/97 and 97/98 of PROANTAR. He also participated in the sessions of the International LEAD in Cuba and Moscow and 3 missions sponsored by the International Atomic Energiy Atomic
Additional affiliations
May 2003 - September 2004
Federal University of Sergipe
  • Professor (Full)
  • professor of invertebrate zoology and ecology of coastal environments
February 2001 - May 2003
Centro Universitário São Camilo
  • Professor (Full)
  • Professor of ecology, geology, terrestrial ecosystems and Brazilian ecosystems.
February 1991 - January 1993
University of San Francisco
  • Professor (Full)
  • Professor of ecology
August 1996 - July 2000
University of São Paulo
Field of study
  • Oceanography
January 1984 - November 1989
Federal University of Rio Grande
Field of study
  • Oceanography


Publications (348)
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Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) juveniles were exposed to different concentrations of Folidol 600® in static toxicity tests. The 24, 48, 72 and 96 h LC50 values of Folidol 600® to O. niloticus were 17.82, 8.91, 4.00 and 2.70 mg L−1, respectively. The values of hematological parameters increased, and inhibition of cholinesterases activity (AChE...
The main purpose of the present study was to detect the acute toxicity of cadmium (Cd) in F. paulensis and to investigate its effect on oxygen consumption and ammonium excretion different salinities. First, we examined the acute toxicity of Cd in F. paulensis at 24, 48, 72, and 96-h lethal concentration (LC50). Cd was significantly more toxic at 5...
Piaractus mesopotamicus juveniles (total length 12 ± 0.5 mm) were exposed to different concentrations of ammonia-N (un-ionized plus ionized ammonia as nitrogen), using the static renewal method at different temperature levels (15, 20 and 25°C) at pH 7. The 24, 48, 72, 96 h LC50 values of ammonia-N in P. mesopotamicus juveniles were 5.32, 4.19, 3.79...
Litopenaeus schmitti juveniles (total length 15 ± 0.4 cm) were exposed to different concentrations of nitrite using the static renewal method at different salinity levels (5‰, 20‰ and 35‰) at pH 8.0 and 20 °C. The 24, 48, 72 and 96 h LC50 values of nitrite in L. schmitti juveniles were 40.72, 32.63, 24.63, and 19.12 mg L−1 at 5‰; 53.52, 38.60, 27.7...
Bacterial resistance is a significant public health issue as it exacerbates adverse impacts on human, animal, and envi�ronmental health. Larus dominicanus are considered potential carriers or reservoirs. The objective of this study was to identify the possible presence of bacteria pathogenic to humans in the gull L. dominicanus and to evaluate thei...
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No complexo estuarino lagunar de Cananéia, estado de São Paulo, região sudeste, há o consumo in natura da ostra invasora Saccostrea cucullata, principalmente no verão, alta temporada. Trata-se de um molusco filtrador que apresenta riscos de graves patologias do sistema gastrointestinal devido ao risco de armazenamento de agentes microbiológicos que...
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Entre céu e mar: a migração das aves nas praias de São Paulo é uma obra que vai além da simples observação; ela eleva essa prática a uma verdadeira arte, uma forma de conexão profunda com o mundo natural. Para aqueles que desejam não apenas ver, mas compreender, esta obra se torna uma necessidade, uma janela aberta para o entendimento das complexa...
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Sterna hirundinacea, a seabird species, has been extensively studied in natural habitats; however, information on its reproduction in artificial environments is still limited. This study investigates the nesting behavior and reproductive success of S. hirundinacea at the Terminal Aquaviário da Petrobrás (TEBAR), an artificial site located on the no...
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Dynamics of the bird community in the coastal environments of Ilha do Cardoso, São Paulo State, Brazil). This study examines the dynamics of the bird community in the coastal environments of Ilha do Cardoso, SP, considering environmental, seasonal, and geographical variables. The relevance of beach zones as unique ecosystems, where birds play funda...
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La contaminación por cromo (VI) en cuerpos de agua ha ocurrido por la descarga de aguas residuales industriales, que pueden provenir de industria de curtiembre, minera, o galvanoplastía causando serios problemas a la fauna acuática, principalmente en peces, los cuales pueden sufrir alteraciones histopatológicas en branquias, riñones e intestinos. E...
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La contaminación por cromo (VI) en cuerpos de agua ha ocurrido por la descarga de aguas residuales industriales, que pueden provenir de industria de curtiembre, minera, o galvanoplastía causando serios problemas a la fauna acuática, principalmente en peces, los cuales pueden sufrir alteraciones histopatológicas en branquias, riñones e intestinos. E...
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The present study used the adult earthworm Aporrectodea trapezoides as a bioindicator species to look into the possible dangers of ammonium sulfate (AS) fertilizer. Two complementary toxicity tests were conducted to determine the LC50values, growth rate inhibition, morphological alterations, and histopathological texture of worms. The lethality tes...
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Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are known for their antimicrobial properties and hold promising applications. Biosynthesis using microorganisms like fungi, is a sustainable alternative for AgNPs obtaining, and this study aimed to synthesize biogenic AgNPs using the extremophilic fungus Aspergillus tubingensis and evaluate their toxicity in the aquatic...
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The widespread use of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) globally raises environmental concerns, especially in aquatic ecosystems. Nile Tilapia is a valuable model for studying nanomaterial toxicity in aquatic organisms.
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Novas tecnologias estão mudando rapidamente a forma como coletamos, arquivamos, analisamos e compartilhamos dados científicos e a Ciência Cidadã é parte fundamental deste processo (Sullivan et al., 2009; DiCecco et al., 2021). Um dos grupos faunísticos que atrai muitos cidadãos para essa prática é o das aves e, no Brasil, plataformas como Wikiaves,...
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Introdução A pesca recreativa vem crescendo no Brasil, utilizando iscas vivas e artificiais. Pesquisas recentes identificaram importante atividade de cultivo de lambaris para uso como isca viva no estado de São Paulo. Este estudo objetivou comparar a eficiência do lambari da mata atlântica como isca viva contra a isca artificial para testar a hipót...
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Introdução Apesar do notável interesse e preocupação da comunidade científica brasileira em relação à bioinvasão, os estudos sobre bivalves exóticos em áreas costeiras ainda são escassos no país. A disponibilidade de literatura em periódicos nacionais ou internacionais é limitada, e a maioria dos estudos está disponível apenas na forma de monografi...
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Das 18 espécies de trinta-réis registradas no país, duas ocorrem com frequência no litoral centro paulista: trinta-réis-de-bando (Thalasseus acuflavidus) e trinta-réis-real (Thalasseus maximus). Embora exista pouca informação sobre as espécies ao longo da região tropical e subtropical na costa sudeste brasileira, alguns estudos conduzidos no litora...
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O Parque Estadual Xixová-Japuí abriga importante porção de Mata Atlântica conservada e destacada da Serra do Mar. São 600 ha em área terrestre e 301 ha em área marinha. Localizado em meio à Região Metropolitana da Baixada Santista, com território densamente urbanizado, o Parque apresenta ambientes como ecossistema marinho, costão rochoso, mata de r...
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Qualidade e Saúde Ambiental em Áreas Estuarinas: É Possível um Protocolo Comum na América Latina?
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In the estuarine lagoon complex of Cananéia, state of São Paulo, southeast region, there is fresh consumption of the invasive oyster Saccostrea cucullata, mainly in summer, high season. It is a filter-feeding mollusk that presents a risk of serious pathologies of the gastrointestinal system due to the risk of storing microbiological agents that aff...
No vasto horizonte azul que abraça nosso planeta, um mundo de maravilhas aguarda para ser descoberto e preservado. Embarcaremos em uma jornada emocionante ao lado de duas espécies ameaçadas de extinção no mundo, Eubalaena australis (baleia-franca) e Pontoporia blainvillei (toninha), cujas vidas estão entrelaçadas com os mistérios e desafios do ocea...
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Há um universo a ser descoberto na Antártida. Ele é colorido. É encantador e fascinante, porque é livre. Está sobre as rochas, sobrevoando os mares, está também nas praias, nas áreas cobertas pelo gelo, embaixo d’água, em todos os lugares. A Antártida é o lar do majestoso pinguim-imperador, cujos bandos silenciosos desfrutam do sol radiante. Ela...
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We reviewed available data regarding the benefits of feed additives for mitigation of ammonia toxicity in fish. We first emphasized the toxic effects of ammonia and the pathways involved in ammonia metabolism in fish. Then, we focused on the roles of different dietary additives on internal ammonia detoxification and/or to counteract the negative ef...
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To fill the knowledge gaps in literature, the present study aimed to (1) determine the median lethal concentrations (CL50) of AS fertilizer. (2) Examine the ecotoxicological sublethal effects of this fertilizer on the endogeic earthworm Aporrectodea trapezoides44 endpoints such as growth rate inhibition, morphological deterioration, and histopathol...
Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are some of the most attractive nanomaterials for commercial applications, but they can also be a very challenging issue from the point of view of cytotoxicity and...
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Metabolismo e excreção em peixes, são importantes indicadores de poluentes ambientais. A taxa metabólica é uma indicação sensível e útil do consumo diário de energia de um organismo. As técnicas fisiológicas são utilizadas em conjunto com respostas de animais para avaliar a saúde de organismos expostos a produtos químicos tóxicos. Muitas dessas téc...
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Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) is currently one of the primary threats to global public health systems and food security. Aquaculture is considered a hotspot for resistant bacteria, mainly due to the therapeutic and/or prophylactic use of antimicrobials in fish farming, as well as the use of non antibiotic chemical agents. Bivalve mollusks can serv...
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Objetivos conscientizar a população global sobre a importância dos oceanos e mobilizar atores públicos, privados e da sociedade civil organizada em ações que favoreçam a saúde e a sustentabilidade dos mares A ação está relacionada, sobretudo, ao Objetivo de Desenvolvimento Sustentável 14, previsto na Agenda 2030, acordo internacional firmado pelos...
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Objectives: To raise global awareness about the importance of the oceans and to mobilize public, private, and civil society actors in actions that promote the health and sustainability of the seas. The initiative is primarily related to Sustainable Development Goal 14, outlined in the Agenda 2030, an international agreement signed by UN member sta...
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Avaliação do efeito de AgNPs micogênicas em diferentes concentrações (10, 50, 100 µg/L) no metabolismo de rotina e atividade natatória de G. brasiliensis (Cará), espécie endêmica com importância ecológica e econômica na região da Mata Atlântica. Verificou-se que na concentração de 1000 µg/L, ocorreu mortalidade de todos os peixes, o que impossibili...
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Avaliar os possíveis efeitos de AgNPs sintetizadas por fungo em O. niloticus (tilápia) através do metabolismo de rotina. As nanopartículas de prata foram biossintetizadas e caracterizadas. Observou-se tamanhos homogêneos de 42 (+/-5) nm e morfologia esférica. Em tilápias o aumento das concentrações de AgNPs causaram efeitos nocivos no consumo de ox...
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2 Programa de Pós-Graduação em Anatomia dos Animais Domésticos e Silvestres FMVZ-USP, Brasil Avaliar os possíveis efeitos de AgNPs em diferentes concentrações e temperaturas no metabolismo de P. pandaliformis. O aumento das concentrações de AgNPs combinados com o aumento da temperatura causaram efeitos nocivos no metabolismo do camarão RESULTADOS E...
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A capacidade de natação e a atividade de natação são dois parâmetros utilizados para estimar alterações na locomoção de peixes relacionadas a variações ambientais. Peixes podem nadar de três formas diferentes: sustentada, prolongada ou natação de explosão. Essas velocidades para tainhas (Mugil platanus) nunca havia sido determinada antes do present...
This study aimed to verify the economic feasibility of a small-scale aquaponics system for the production of lambari ( Astyanax lacustris ) for ornamental purposes or as live bait, together with lettuce ( Lactuca sativa ) for human consumption. The hypothesis is that this activity would be a profitable option that provides increased income to small...
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O objetivo do presente estudo foi mapear as possíveis alterações ao longo do curso do Rio Cotinguiba, dada sua importância socioambiental, a fim de apontar as principais alterações ocorridas entre o ano de 2010 e 2021. O mapeamento detalhado foi elaborado a partir das imagens obtidas pelo Google Earth Pro. Espera-se com esse trabalho contribuir par...
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A nanopartículas de prata (AgNP) vem sendo amplamente utilizada, por ter características únicas com alto potencial de inovação e aplicabilidade. A AgNP possuem propriedades bactericida, entretanto, os efeitos colaterais de sua utilização no meio aquático ainda são pouco conhecidos. Com isso, tornou-se imprescindível investigar os possíveis efeitos...
Palaemon pandaliformis is a shrimp species considered as an important indicator of environmental condition. In this study, the toxicological effects of the mycogenic silver nanoparticles obtained using the fungus Aspergillus...
Biogenic silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are considered a promising alternative to their synthetic versions. However, the environmental impact of such nanomaterials is still scarcely understood. Thus, the present study aims at assessing the antimicrobial action and ecotoxicity of AgNPs biosynthesized by the fungus Aspergillus niger IBCLP20 towards thr...
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Los Objetivos fueram analizar la distribución mensual y sazonal de las poblaciones de las aves playeras residentes y migratorias, en las playas de los municipios de Peruíbe e Itanhaém en el estado de São Paulo, Brasil. En relación a los aspectos ecológicos como abundancia y diversidad. Fornecer información para el desarrollo de políticas públicas,...
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Nos últimos anos, nanopartículas de Cobre (NPsCuO) vêm sendo cada vez mais utilizadas pelas indústrias devido às suas diversas aplicações.Desse modo, seu descarte no ambiente aquático deve ser monitorado por se tratar de substâncias potencialmente prejudiciais aos organismos e à saúde humana. Para medir a toxicidade num ambiente aquático, podem-se...
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The present study sought to provide information on the variations in abundance of migratory bird populations in relation to seasonality, reinforcing the significance of Ilha Comprida on the migration route, as a stopping point for this fauna group’s resting and feeding. The Ilha Comprida beach was travelled by car during low tide, at an average spe...
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The ghost shrimp (Palaemon pandaliformis) is a species widely distributed in the Brazilian coastal region and plays an important economic role. Furthermore, this organism is considered an indicator of environmental pollution in estuaries; however, your Physiological responses to toxic environmental pollutants, including nanoparticles, are not well...
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Changes in fauna and abiotic factors in estuaries are a consequence of their exploitation; thus, bivalve mollusks, as they filter, are widely used as environmental bioindicators. The aim of this study was to analyze the existence of seasonal variation in the concentration of total coliforms (TC) and thermotolerant coliforms (Ct), in addition to cor...
The present study aimed to compare the metabolic effects caused by using copper oxide nanoparticles with two distinct morphologies nanorods and nanosphere. The CuONPs in the form of nanorods were characterized in the order of 500 nm, on a scale of 20, 100, and 500 nm. Meanwhile, the nanosphere CuONPs were characterized in the order of 5 nm, on a 30...
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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as concentrações dos elementos traços, tais como: cádmio, chumbo, cobre, zinco e níquel no sedimento e na espécie de bagre Cathorops spixii. A concentração média dos quatro metais vestigiais Cu, Zn, Ni e Pb nos sedimentos superficiais coletados no estuário do município de Cananéia foram: 0,115 (± 0,01), 0.122 (±0...
A R T I C L E I N F O Keywords: Atlantic forest lambari Capture per unit of effort (CPUE) Deuterodon iguape Litopenaeus schmitti Southeastern coast of Brazil Sportfishing A B S T R A C T This study analyzed the efficiency of lambari Deuterodon iguape as a live bait compared to the artificial bait traditionally used in sea bass fishing (Centropomus...
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Estuaries are important environments for birds as resting and foraging sites. Therefore, information about the abundance, distribution, and biology of bird populations are necessary for preservation of such ecosystems. In this work, we studied the dynamic population of birds at Baixio do Arrozal, Trapandé Bay, Cananéia Estuary on the southern coast...
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Várias espécies de aves têm um papel importante na manutenção do equilíbrio ecológico e a sustentabilidade ambiental dos manguezais, especialmente como polinizadoras e controladoras de pragas. Os manguezais são habitats que funcionam para as aves como um local de fornecimento de alimento, abrigo e áreas para a reprodução. As aves como as garças típ...
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One of the major causes of aquatic biodiversity loss is the contamination of the environment by pesticides. Even though there is a considerable amount of studies on the subject, there are still few that deal with the effects of carbofuran on native species in Brazil. Although carbofuran is widely used in Brazil, its action on native organisms, such...
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Avaliou-se as concentrações dos elementos traços metálicos Al, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb e Zn quanto a sazonalidade, sexo e classes de comprimento (3,5 - 5,5 cm; 5,5 - 6,5 cm; e 6,5 - 8,5 cm) em mexilhões da espécie Perna perna coletados na Ilha Urubuqueçaba (baía de Santos, São Paulo, Brasil), com a finalidade de se verificar possíveis influência...
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Os dados mostram que a espécie mais abundante ao longo do estudo foi L. dominicanus (51,96%), seguida por T. acuflavidus (26,83%) e T. maximus (21,19%). Com relação à frequência de ocorrência, L. dominicanus e T. maximus estiveram presentes na maior parte das o b s e r v a ç õ e s ( 9 6 , 9 2 % e 7 5 , 3 8 % , respectivamente), seguidos por T. acuf...
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Sterna hirundinacea Lesson, 1831 é uma espécie pertencente à ordem Charadriiformes e à família Sternidae. O presente trabalho objetiva obter maiores informações sobre a reprodução desta espécie ameaçada em uma área artificial no litoral paulista (algo nunca antes estudado no Brasil). A pesquisa foi realizada no Terminal Almirante Barroso (TEBAR), l...
In recent years, annual cases of gastroenteritis have been reported in the world at high rates, suggesting an association with the consumption of shellfish with enteric viruses in their tissues. Anthropic activities are considered a source of environmental pollution and the main responsible for contamination by pathogenic microorganisms in aquatic...
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Coastal erosion is considered a major worldwide challenge. The vulnerability assessment of coastal areas, in relation to climate change, is a key topic of worldwide increasing interest. The integration of methodologies supported by Remote Sensing, Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and in situ monitoring has allowed a viable identification of v...
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The species Spheniscus magellanicus, popularly known as the Magellanic penguin, is the most common penguin species in the Brazilian coast. Its strandings are related to several causes, ranging from fishing interaction, diseases, anthropic pressures, to the occurrence of storms and extreme weather events. These different phenomena can affect the spe...
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O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar os efeitos metabólicos causados pelas nanopartículas de óxido de cobre II (NPsCuO) caracterizadas em bastões e esfera. As nanoparticulas foram sintetizadas a partir do método de coprecipitação em meio alcalino que é amplamente utilizado na preparação de óxidos metálicos. Para realização dos ensaios com pei...
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The objective of the present study was to compare the metabolic effects caused by copper oxide II nanoparticles (NPsCuO) characterized in rods and sphere. At nanoparticles were synthesized from the alkaline co-precipitation method, which is widely used in the preparation of metal oxides. To carry out the tests with fish, 88 f ish of the species Ore...
Palaemon pandalirformis (shrimp) is a species widely distributed in the Brazilian coastal region and with an important economic role. In addition, this organism is considered an indicator of environmental pollution in estuaries; however, its physiological responses to toxic environmental pollutants, including pesticides and nanomaterials, are not w...
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As migrações sempre têm nos fascinado, e dentro das migrações realizadas por aves, encontram-se uma das mais assombrosas: as das aves limícolas. As aves limícolas (Charadriiformes) são aquelas que dependem de ambientes húmidos, onde elas procuram seu alimento no entre marés e margens de corpos d´água, embora posam ocupar uma diversidade de habitats...
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The objective of this study was to analyze the sublethal effects of propiconazole on Deuterodon iguape, a native fish common in Brazil, which has potential for aquaculture and use as a bioindicator. The hypothesis was to test whether D. iguape has a metabolism similar to Danio rerio so that its use in bioassays may be validated. Lethal concentratio...
The Atlantic forest lambari Deuterodon iguape caught in the rivers of the coast of southeastern Brazil is sold as live bait and is destined for sport fishing. As an alternative to exploitation of natural stocks, the development of cultivation in water conventional and alternative (low-cost) recirculation systems was evaluated. The growth parameters...
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Educação Ambiental, enquanto prática dialógica que objetiva o desenvolvimento da consciência crítica pela sociedade brasileira, deve estar comprometida com uma abordagem da problemática ambiental que inter-relacione os aspectos sociais, ecológicos, econômicos, políticos, culturais, científicos, tecnológicos e éticos. O presente trabalho foi realiza...
Technical Report
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The silver nanoparticles formation was confirmed by the presence of plasmon band at 420 nanometers. Nanoparticles were spherical with a homogeneous size around 42 nanometers and polydispersity index of 0.08. The P. pandaliformis group exposed to silver nanoparticles showed LC50 of 17.4, 14.4, 12.6, and 0.5 μM in 24, 48, 72, and 96 hours, respective...
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Fluoxetine is an emerging pollutant that acts as a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) and being a hydrolytic molecule that is photolytically stable and accumulaties in biological tissues, its disposal in the aquatic environment can interfere with the physiology of fish and shrimp. Thus, the objective of this study was to analyze the effe...
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One of the major causes of aquatic biodiversity loss is the contamination of the environment by pesticides. Although there is a considerable amount of studies on the subject, there are still few that deal with the effects of carbofuran on native species in Brazil. Although carbofuran is widely used in Brazil, its action on native organisms, such as...
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The objective of this study was to analyze the sublethal effects of propiconazole on Deuterodon iguape a native fish common in Brazil, which has potential for aquaculture and use as a bioindicator. The hypothesis was to test whether D. iguape has a metabolism similar to Danio rerio so that its use in bioassays may be validated. Lethal concentration...
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Este estudo objetivou avaliar a presença de Adenovírus e Rotavírus na água de várias localidades do Município de Cananeia onde Crassostrea sp é cultivada e coletada. Amostras de água e de ostras foram coletadas em dez localidades durante os anos de 2018 e 2019. As amostras foram submetidas a análises em laboratório para detecção da presença de Aden...
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The extract of the Kappaphycus alvarezii seaweed is used as a leaf biofertilizer and several studies had proven its efficiency in several crops. This study aimed to analyze the economic viability of fresh seaweed production and the chemically characterized seaweed extract cultivated as a technical-economic alternative for coastal communities. Yield...
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Monthly fluctuations in the abundance of Charadriidae and Scolopacidae in the Ilha Comprida, São Paulo, Brazil We recorded the frequency of occurrence and monthly fluctuations of Charadriidae and Scolopacidae along a 70km transect of beach between Boqueirão Sul and Boqueirão Norte north of Comprida island, São Paulo State over a 1-year period (Jan...
Seabirds are used as bioindicators of marine ecosystems, especially for quantifying andtracking pollution sources. The objective of this study was to evaluate the contamination in feathersof young kelp gulls by lead (Pb), chromium (Cr), mercury (Hg) and zinc (Zn) on three islands ofsouthern Brazil. The highest values for Pb (2.1310 µg g-1) and Hg (...
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Lambari (Characidae) is a small fish, common in Brazil and it has potential for aquaculture. It is used aslive-bait in sport fishing in inland waters. The most commonly used live-bait in marine and estuarine sport fishing is the white shrimp (Litopenaeus schmitti), but the current demand caused by overfishing has depleted natural stocking. This stu...
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Resumo A Amazônia é reconhecida como a maior floresta tropical existente, o equivalente a 40% das reservas de florestas tropicais úmidas e o maior banco genético do planeta. Cada vez mais temas relacionados à Amazônia ocupa um lugar preponderante no cenário das grandes questões humanas. Este artigo tenta contribuir para uma reflexão sobre a biodive...
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A Amazônia é reconhecida como a maior floresta tropical existente, o equivalente a 40% das reservas de florestas tropicais úmidas e o maior banco genético do planeta. Cada vez mais temas relacionados à Amazônia ocupa um lugar preponderante no cenário das grandes questões humanas. Este artigo tenta contribuir para uma reflexão sobre a biodiversidade...
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This study aimed to evaluate the microbiological quality of water and tissue samples of Mytella guyanensis (Mollusk: Bivalve), a species of relevant commercial interest and is a direct part of the income and food of traditional communities in coastal regions. This study was carried out in two communities in the Cananeia Estuary known as Retiro and...
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The objective of this study was to evaluate the microbiological quality of oysters and mussels grown in Cananéia, Brazil, by analysing mesophiles, psychrothophic bacteria, moulds and yeasts, Staphylococcus aureus, and Salmonella spp., and to compare the effi ciency of Compact Dry EC method and the conventional method for counting of total coliforms...
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Stranded is the term used to refer to a marine animal found on land that does not have the ability to return to the sea (Branco et al. 2015). Stranded marine animals are often observed on beaches around the world, and the reasons for this are varied, ranging from anthropic and fishery interaction to disease, marine pollution, and even due to the oc...
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Estuaries are important birds’ activities as resting and feeding, but there is not a lot of information about the interaction of birds with this ecosystem. Information about abundance and distribution of animals are important for preservation of the estuaries and their species. Thus, this work studied the bird assembly at the Baixio do Arrozal, in...
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The distribution and abundance of sea birds are influenced by biotic and abiotic ocean processes. However, the abiotic processes are little studied on a large scale; thus, this study evaluated the existence of differences among the abiotic variables and how they influence the sea birds. The bird counts were conducted on Vitoria-Trindade, Abrolhos B...