Edi SantosaIPB University | IPB · Department of Agronomy and Horticulture
Edi Santosa
Working with Plant production, plant physiology, plant ecology, under utilized crops, sustainable & smart agriculture
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Publications (200)
Pengelolaan pemupukan pada kelapa sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) diperlukan untuk mempertahankan dan meningkatkan produksi. Penelitian berlangsung pada bulan Januari hingga Mei 2021 di kebun Aek Nabara. Penelitian bertujuan menganalisis dan mengevaluasi pengelolaan pemupukan yang mencakup efisiensi dan efektivitas pemupukan. Pengamatan dan pengump...
Maize and peanuts are important food crops in Indonesia and are generally planted in monoculture and intercropping systems. The water required for monoculture and intercropping is believed to be different. However, comparison analysis of water requirements in monoculture and intercropping is rarely conducted. The research aimed to evaluate the grow...
Induction of polyploidy can be achieved using chemical mutagen or antimitotic compounds that affect cell division, resulting in doubling number of chromosomes. A new inducer for chromosome doubling mutation agent – bio-catharantin – may be used. This report determined the mortality rate of bio-catharantin used for mutation induction experiments in...
The manual and time-consuming nature of current agronomic technology monitoring of fertilizer and irrigation requirements, the possibility of overusing fertilizer and water, the size of cassava plantations, and the scarcity of human resources are among its drawbacks. Efforts to increase the yield of cassava plants > 40 tons per ha include monitorin...
Taro is a promising food crop that can be developed as a significant source of carbohydrates; however, a major obstacle is the unavailability of high-quality planting materials. Due to the difficulty in obtaining seeds, taro cultivation generally relies on vegetative propagation materials such as cormels, cormlets, and stolons. The advantage of usi...
The importance of kaffir lime leaf as essential oils (EOs) raw material is starting to get attention because of its commercial value; however, there is no quality reference for kaffir lime leaf EOs, especially in response to various post-harvest handlings. This study aimed to describe the physicochemical characteristics and yield of kaffir lime EOs...
Grain quality is essential for assessing the overall quality of the grain produced and determining the market value of the final product. The objective of this study was to evaluate the physical quality of grains cultivated using both organic and non-organic methods. The research employed grains from red, white, and black rice genotypes planted dur...
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mempelajari pengaruh jarak tanam dan dosis nitrogen (N) terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil padi ketan grendel (Oryza sativa L. var glutinosa). Penelitian dilaksanakan di Desa Jatisari, Karawang, Jawa Barat yang berada pada ketinggian 25.6 m dpl pada Januari-Juni 2022. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan split plot dengan dua...
The oil palm biomass production study was conducted at PT Perdana Inti Sawit Perkasa 1, Sei Air Hitam Plantation (SAHE), First Resources, Rokan Hulu Regency, Riau Province, Sumatra. The collected data consisted of special data and general data. Special data refers to primary data collected through field sampling. Two sample plants were selected for...
Javanese konjac or iles-iles (Amorphophallus muelleri Blume, Araceae) is a tuber crop native to Indonesia as a source of carbohydrat, also contains a lot of glucomannan, which has high economic value as a raw material in industry. The study aimed to develop the propagation method of A. muelleri from bulbils and leaf cuttings through the plant growt...
The demand for cassava tuber in Indonesia is high, however, domestic production is still limited therefore increasing production is important. Ultisol soils have the potential for cassava production, but low soil fertility in such soils needs to be improved. The research aimed to evaluate the effect of soil organic carbon (SOC) and NPK fertilizer o...
Coal fly ash-bottom ash (FABA) is still possible to be used directly as a mixture of soil with other growing media in small-scale agriculture. This study aimed to determine and to identify the level of safety for the consumption of vegetable crops related to the adsorption of heavy metals due to the use of mixed FABA planting media. In this study,...
Perubahan iklim dan keberlanjutan merupakan tantangan besar dalam produksi pangan, yang didominasi sumber pangan biji-bijian yang rentan terhadap perubahan iklim. Sumber karbohidrat umbi dianggap lebih tahan dan mudah beradaptasi dengan tantangan tersebut. Talas merupakan salah satu potensi besar untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pangan dengan nilai gizi ya...
This study aims to determine the response of growth and yield of taro plant genotypes to the level of soil water availability. The experiment was carried out using a divided plot design with the main plot being the rate of water application, namely: 60% FC (Field capacity), 80% FC, 100% FC, 120% FC and 140% FC, while the subplots were taro genotype...
Glucomannan is classified as a non-starch polysaccharide and has positively affected health and beauty. The breeding program to create new varieties of taro with high glucomannan content is challenging and requires comprehensive studies to produce high-quality food. This study investigated the characters correlation and direct and indirect response...
The consumption of taro tuber as an energy source is widespread due to its composition of complex carbohydrates, including starch and non-starch polysaccharides. Glucomannan is one of the non-starch polysaccharides found in taro tuber and has been shown to be a dietary fiber with positive effects on health and beauty. The development of new varieti...
The nursery phase plays a crucial role in rejuvenating cocoa plantations as it significantly impacts the quality and productivity of the mature trees in the field. However, despite its significance, there remains a lack of understanding regarding its contribution to the water footprint (WF) in cocoa production. This study aims to assess the WF of v...
Corm type correlates with corm size, which affects longevity and early growth in the field. Seed storage after harvesting is important to preserve viability and vigor. This study was conducted to determine the correlation between the corm type and storage period on corm deterioration, storage, vigor, and growth in the field. A factorial randomized...
Climate change, i.e., changing rainfall refers to drought and excess rainfall, is known to affect the growth and yield of tea production in many regions. However, research on the impact of climate change on tea plantations in Indonesia is still limited. The study aimed to evaluate the impact of changing rainfall on the productivity of tea plantatio...
Bawang merah merupakan komoditas sayuran prioritas nasional karena telah dikenal luas penggunaannya di masyarakat Indonesia. Namun, produktivitas bawang merah di Indonesia mengalami stagnansi, yaitu 9-10 ton ha-1 (2000-2018). Penerapan pertanian presisi melalui fertigasi menggunakan irigasi tetes menjadi altenatif solusi untuk menjawab tantangan te...
Self-pruning can lower production costs, especially in the case of annual crops such as citrus. The study aimed to determine self-pruning of lime treated with growth regulators and a fertilizer. Self-pruning was applied on a one-year-old of Citrus aurantifolia from February 2020 to April 2022 in Bogor, Indonesia. The treatments used NPK at three le...
The lime plant is a horticultural plant that grows in tropical regions. One of the cultivation maintenances to increase the production of lime fruits is pruning. However, the pruning technique of lime requires high production costs. In addition, phytohormones such as ethylene and abscisic acid have regulation to help drop leaves and branches. The s...
p class="042abstractstekst"> Gamboge disorder has a detrimental effect on mangosteen. The leakage of the gamboge may result from water availability. Thus, modifying the transpiration of the fruit by bagging might minimize the inappropriate leak of the gamboge produced by the fruit. The study’s objective was to understand the relationship between di...
ABSTRAK Kacang tunggak termasuk toleran terhadap lahan masam dengan potensi hasil biji 1–1.2 ton ha-1 dan potensial sebagai substitusi kedelai di Indonesia. Untuk mencapai potensi produksinya perlu didapatkan teknik produksi yang terbaik. Penelitian bertujuan mendapatkan dosis pupuk NPK terbaik pada pertumbuhan dan produksi dua varietas kacang tung...
Text Review BLOCKCHAIN DAN KECERDASAN BUATAN DALAM PERTANIAN : STUDI LITERATUR Artikel Penelitian ini menggunakan Systematic Literature Review (SLR) dengan text mining untuk analisa deskriptif. SLR digunakan untuk memberikan gambaran yang komprehensif terkait topik penelitian (Xiao & Watson, 2019). Text mining digunakan untuk memberikan gambaran um...
Mild shading has been reported to increase leaf production in kaffir lime (Citrus hystrix) through the improvement of agro-physiological variables, such as growth, photosynthesis, and water-use efficiency; however, there is still a knowledge gap concerning its growth and yield after experiencing severe pruning in harvest season. Additionally, a spe...
An optimization problem with time series forecasting constraints (OPTSFC) is defined as one with constraints given as prediction results from time series. OPTSFC can be solved in stages using prediction and optimization algorithms. In this study, the OPTSFC problem was solved using a smart reading algorithm (SRA), a strategy that uses various alter...
Upaya mengurangi biaya produksi tanaman buah-buahan sangat penting dalam meningkatkan daya saing. Salah satu biaya produksi pada budidaya adalah pemangkasan. Self-pruning atau cladoptosis sangat potensial untuk mengurangi biaya pemangkasan pada tanaman buah. Namun demikian, penelitian fenomena self-pruning masih sangat terbatas pada tanaman hortiku...
Aplikasi paclobutrazol pada tanaman padi untuk mengurangi tinggi batang merupakan strategi adaptasi terhadap perubahan iklim yakni agar tanaman lebih tahan rebah. Namun demikian, pengaruh aplikasi paclobutrazol terhadap kualitas beras masih jarang diteliti. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengkaji kualitas mutu beras dari empat varietas tanaman padi yan...
Depolarized katuk pellets (Sauropus androgynus) as a growth trigger in ruminants have been produced, but are constrained by the adequacy of leaf raw materials. This study aims to utilize the soft stems (BL) of the katuk plant as a substitute for leaf raw materials (D) as much as 15%, and its effect on the productvitas of rams growing. Katuk leaf pe...
Vertical farming is a new agricultural system which aims to utilize the limited access to land, especially in big cities. Vertical agriculture is the answer to meet the challenges posed by land and water shortages, including urban agriculture with limited access to land and water. This research study uses the Preferred Reporting for Systematic Revi...
Di Indonesia, tren penggunaan pohon buah sebagai tanaman penghijauan di perkotaan terus meningkat. Di sisi lain, karakterisasi agro-ekologi pohon buah sebagai tanaman penghijauan di perkotaan masih belum teridentifikasi dengan baik, termasuk faktor pembatas yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan tanaman. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi karakteri...
Tania or cocoyam (Xanthosoma sagittifolium (L.) Schott) is a member of Araceae; the cormels contain carbohydrate that is valuable in the food industry and to supports food security. However, information on the diversity in cocoyam accessions to support higher productivity and breeding program is still limited. The research aimed to characterize mor...
Salah satu alternatif sumber bahan pangan ditengah terjadinya perubahan iklim adalah tanaman talas. Selain sebagai sumber karbohidrat, tanaman talas dapat beradaptasi dengan berbagai kondisi agroklimat sehingga mudah ditemukan di seluruh Indonesia Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memperoleh informasi genotipe tanaman talas yang mampu beradaptasi pada c...
Post-harvest treatment of Amorphophallus muelleri Blume (porang) tubers carried out by Indonesian farmers is slicing tubers into chips, drying, exporting, or processing them to a porang flour before export. To increase the economic value of porang tuber, it can be directly extracted to obtain glucomannan. Glucomannan is a polysaccharide that has ma...
Kaffir lime is leaf-oriented minor citrus that required extra attention to study. This study aimed to (i) comparatively analyze the young and mature leaf morpho-ecophysiological characters; and (ii) perform a correlation analysis for revealing the relationship among the physiological characters. Plants were ten one-year-old kaffir lime trees cultur...
A study was conducted to determine the metabolic contents of corms of three species of Amorphophallus, A. muelleri, A. paeoniifolius, and A. variabilis using gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GCMS) with water as polar solvent. The corms were collected from plants cultivated at the Leuwikopo Experimental Station, IPB University, Darmaga, Bogor,...
Ruwaida IP, Santosa E, Susila AD, Widodo WD, Wachjar A, Nasrullah N. 2022. Perceived biodiversity of fruit species for urban greenery in Indonesia: Case studies in Bogor, Jakarta, and Yogyakarta. Biodiversitas 23: 3166-3177. Urban greenery planning considering biodiversity scenarios is still rarely studied in Indonesia. This study aims to demonstra...
To mitigate the impact of extreme weather incidents, rice cultivars Way Seputih (WS) and Way Apo Buru (WAB) were evaluated under simulation of continuous wind and rainfall treatments. The research was conducted from July to October 2017 at Leuwikopo Experimental Farm, Bogor, Indonesia. For 15 days at day time, flowering rice hills were treated with...
Indonesia has a large cassava diversity, but the tolerant cultivars on drought areas have not been well recorded. Candidate mapping can begin with morphological and physiological characterization. This study aimed to map cassava’s genetic diversity, determining the key phenotype to distinguish genotypes, physiological adaptation, and high-yield can...
Rumput cakar ayam (Chloris barbata Sw.) merupakan gulma dominan pada pertanaman jagung di Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) yang masih jarang diteliti. Penelitian bertujuan mempelajari pengaruh populasi C. barbata pada tanaman jagung manis. Penelitian dilakukan pada Oktober 2019 sampai Januari 2020 di Kebun IPB Cikabayan, Bogor, Indonesia menggunakan ranca...
Penghijauan kota menggunakan tanaman multipurpose merupakan trend global untuk meningkatkan ketahanan pangan, disamping tetap mempertahankan fungsi penghijauan. Untuk itu, persepsi dan preferensi masyarakat menjadi sangat penting. Namun keterlibatan masyarakat dalam menentukan tanaman penghijauan di perkotaan masih jarang diteliti di Indonesia. Pen...
Forage is an important component in sustainable smallholder livestock. The purpose of the study was to identify the diversity of natural plant species in various ecosystems, as well as their potential as forage. Based on our surveys of palm oil plantation, rubber plantation, and home gardens using the quadrant method, we identified approximately 50...
Kaffir lime (Citrus hystrix DC) is a less popular citrus species commonly used as a food spice and a source of essential oil. Early studies report the success of preharvest mild shading to increase leaf yield, although there is still limited information on the effect of preharvest shading on the quality of essential oil produced. The aim of this cu...
History shows the long process of apple plants originating from subtropical regions adapting to Indonesia's tropical climate until its popularity is increasingly marginalized and replaced with other commodities, as evidenced by the decreasing land area, especially in Batu City. Indonesia. In developing and analyzing solutions based on the principle...
Fresh taro and its processed products have been produced in Bogor for decades. It has become a popular commodity from this city and evoked an image of Bogor. The essential component of this issue is the sustainability of taro farming, and farmers are the major preserver who has primary decision-making in agricultural management. It assumes there we...
In the current fluctuating global rubber price, cost production efficiency, such as reducing the tapping frequency in the rubber harvesting, is important to maintain the sustainability of rubber production. However, a decrease in tapping frequency can cause a decrease in latex production. This study aimed to determine the effect of low tapping freq...
p>Talas eddoe (Colocasia esculenta var antiquorum) atau talas Jepang merupakan tanaman yang prospektif dikembangkan di Indonesia. Informasi karakter tanaman talas pada berbagai agroekologi sangat penting sebagai dasar seleksi dan pemilihan lokasi dalam program pemuliaan tanaman. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui korelasi antar karakter pertumbu...
Indonesia is a tropical country that experiences the impact of climate change. The utilization of taro as an amphibian crop might sustain the food availability for the most vulnerable farmers against the negative impact of climate change. The study aims to evaluate the current status of taro utilization and production as local food concerning food...
Apples have gone through a long process of adapting to the Indonesian climate. Limited availability of non-renewable land creates fierce competition for land use. The purpose of this study was to a) determine the history and condition of apple farming, b) to analyze the land rent value of apple plants with plants that have the potential to replace...
Kajian kehampaan gabah pada berbagai varietas padi dikaitkan dengan deraan angin dan curah hujan tinggi masih jarang dilakukan di Indonesia. Penelitian bertujuan mengevaluasi tingkat kehampaan beberapa genotipe padi pada perlakuan angin dan hujan selama masa generatif. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan IPB Leuwikopo, Bogor, Indonesia pada...
This preliminary study aimed to examine the antioxidant and antibacterial activity of kaffir lime leaf essential oils (KLLEOs) in response to different growing locations and post-harvest handling. This study tested 9 samples, i.e., 8 KLLEOs with variation in growth location and post-harvest handling, and 1 standard citronellal solution. Thin layer...
Planting multifunctional trees (e.g., fruit species) in cities can promote genetic conservation, economic activity, ecosystem services, and social cohesion. However, in Indonesia, the relationship between the abundance of fruit tree species and different city characteristics, including their involvement in the national smart city project, is still...
Saat ini klon-klon yang dibudidayakan umumnya memiliki potensi produksi yang tinggi. Perolehan lateks dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor antara lain teknis penyadapan, waktu menyadap, umur tanaman, jenis klon, kondisi lingkungan dan iklim yang diimbangi dengan teknis budidaya yang normatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui alternatif sistem...
Ketahanan rebah varietas padi ditentukan berdasarkan indeks kerebahan IRRI (1988) yang terdiri dari : 0, 1, 3, 5, 7, dan 9. Nilai indeks 0 : sangat tahan rebah (tidak ada tanaman yang rebah), 1 : tahan rebah (tanaman rebah kurang dari 20%), 3 : agak tahan rebah (tanaman rebah 21 ̶ 40%), 5 : sedang (tanaman rebah 41 ̶ 60%), 7 : agak peka (tanaman...
This study aimed to evaluate the sensory attributes such as aroma, color and texture of kaffir lime leaves in response to various postharvest treatment. The hedonic test approach was conducted by inviting 70 untrained panelists on seven postharvest treatments, i.e. (D1) post-sortation fresh leaves, (D2) pre-sortation fresh leaves, (D3) cold-storage...
Budiarto R, Poerwanto R, Santosa E, Efendi D, Agusta A. 2021. Short Communication: Allometric model to estimate bifoliate leaf area and weight of kaffir lime (Citrus hystrix). Biodiversitas 22: 2815-2820. Leaf is an economically important plant organ harvested from kaffir lime (Citrus hystrix DC.) for flavor and fragrance. This study aimed to formu...
Padi ratun adalah tanaman padi yang tumbuh dari tunas yang terdapat di buku tunggul atau batang padi tersisa setelah panen. Proses budidaya padi ratun hemat biaya dan waktu dengan memberikan tambahan hasil terhadap tanaman utama. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengkaji pertumbuhan dan hasil ratun dari tiga ekotipe padi (sawah, gogo, dan rawa) dari ting...
Kualitas beras adalah hal penting yang dipertimbangkan oleh konsumen ketika membeli beras. Kualitas meliputi beberapa aspek, antara lain kualitas mutu giling dan mutu tanak. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui kualitas beras yang dihasilkan oleh padi aromatik pada perlakuan lima taraf dosis pupuk nitrogen (N). Penelitian menggunakan rancangan...
Previous studies revealed the impact growing location has on the quantity and quality of essential oils derived from numerous Citrus spp., except on the kaffir lime. This study aims to analyze the relationship shared by agroclimatic variables and soil-plant nutrient status to kaffir lime leaves essential oil yield and main composition. The experime...
Glucomannan is a polysaccharide consisting of β-1.4-linked D-mannose and D-glucose monomers, which have many benefits especially in the food and pharmaceutical industry. It has been widely reported that one of the main sources of glucomannan is porang tuber (Amorphophallus muelleri Blume). Generally, glucomannan extracted or purified from porang fl...
Budiarto R, Poerwanto R, Santosa E, Efendi D. 2021. Morphological evaluation and determination keys of 21 citrus genotypes at seedling stage. Biodiversitas 22: 1570-1579. The identification of citrus varieties is generally based on flower, fruit, and mature tree characters. The detailed and comprehensive identification of seedling stage is very lim...
p class="Abstrak">Dewasa ini teknologi blockchain dan kecerdasan buatan ( artificial intelligence /AI) telah diimplementasikan dalam bidang pertanian. Teknologi blockchain menjanjikan keamanan dan peningkatan kepercayaan untuk pengguna. Teknologi kecerdasan buatan menjanjikan berbagai kemudahan bagi pengguna. Perpaduan kedua teknologi tersebut dapa...
Extreme weather incidents refer to high rainfall and strong winds have been speculated to be detrimental on rice production. However, researches on the local adaptation to their impact on rice production are limited especially on tropical region like Indonesia. A study was conducted in Pesawaran, West Lampung, North Lampung, and Bandar Lampung usin...