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Publications (73)
Space is an important element for understanding housing values: it assimilates the complexity of locational preferences and translates them through market price dynamics. In housing price modeling, space tends to be incorporated through the lens of spatial heterogeneity and spatial dependence, which need to be explicitly modeled. The scientific deb...
This chapter presents challenges and methodological insights from applying smart city approaches in the context of public decision-making. It discusses the smart city as a changing and fuzzy concept which expresses the need for cities to find ICT-driven, intelligent and sustainable solutions to a panoply of urban challenges, covering many dimension...
This paper analyzes the fertility trends based on a spatial approach. The application of theMorans Indexrevealed the presence of a spatial dependence phenomenon, i.e. an auto-correlation inherent to the heterogeneous behavior of fertility throughout the Portuguese territory. Given the changing pattern, a bivariate analysis was made to identify the...
Housing submarkets have been defined by different criteria: (i) similarity in house attributes; (ii) similarity in hedonic prices; and (iii) substitutability of houses. We show that spatial clustering on (i) and (ii) also satisfies criterion (iii) and develop inferences based on functional linear regression of a hedonic house price model. Then, we...
Quando usamos bem a informação de que dispomos, decidimos melhor. Esta evidência é aplicada com parcimónia pelos decisores portugueses, a todos os níveis da administração pública. E quando a infor-mação em causa é do domínio da demografia, a parcimónia aumenta consideravelmente. Há escassa oferta e ainda mais escassa procura de dados demográficos....
Deciding upon optimum planning actions in terms of sustainable urban planning involves the consideration of multiple environmental and socio-economic criteria. The transformation of natural landscapes to urban areas affects energy and material fluxes. An important aspect of the urban environment is the urban metabolism, and changes in such metaboli...
Urban metabolism considers a city as a system with flows of energy and material between it and the environment. Recent advances in bio-physical sciences provide methods and models to estimate local scale energy, water, carbon and pollutant fluxes. However, good communication is required to provide this new knowledge and its implications to endusers...
Este artigo realça três aspetos fundamentais da abordagem quantitativa do espaço na análise do mercado da habitação: i) heterogeneidade espacial; ii) interação espacial; e iii) escala espacial. A dificuldade de identificar mercados habitacionais e compreender as suas interações é amplamente referida na literatura, bem como a diversidade de métodos...
The option for rental or own property in housing market is strongly associated with the particular socioeconomic context of the buyer. Home ownership can be seen as a synonym of safety and investment to the future or, on the other hand, it also means long-term risks and charges. For many socioeconomic and cultural reasons Portuguese housing market...
This paper highlights three key aspects of the quantitative analysis of space in the housing market: i) spatial heterogeneity ii) spatial interaction, and iii) spatial scale. The difficulties of identifying housing markets and understanding the levels of interaction established between sub-markets is widely stressed in the literature, as well as a...
This study presents an integrated model to estimate the economic impact of tourism in the Central Region of Portugal. In order to accomplish this objective a visitor survey was undertaken and 2,876 responses were collected to measure tourist expenditures. The tourist multipliers (output, household income and employment) were obtained through a regi...
Spatial heterogeneity, spatial dependence and spatial scale constitute key features of spatial analysis of housing markets. However, the common practice of modelling spatial dependence as being generated by spatial interactions through a known spatial weights matrix is often not satisfactory. While existing estimators of spatial weights matrices ar...
This presentation emphasizes the quantitative analysis of space in relation to hedonic housing price models. Three aspects of space will be highlighted: i) spatial heterogeneity (spatial patterns): hedonic housing amenities may be valued differently in different locations which are related to specific housing sub-markets; ii) spatial dependence (sp...
O trabalho que é proposto apresentar é o resultado de uma investigação empírica com o objetivo de apresentar uma visão geral das características da habitação em Portugal Continental e das suas dinâmicas e tendências recentes. O trabalho é parte do projeto Fatores Determinantes da Procura de Habitação em Portugal, financiado pela FCT. A disponibiliz...
Spatial homogeneity is a strong assumption in the hedonic housing price context; if not analyzed conveniently it can be a potential source of specification errors. Spatial heterogeneity occurs when a territorial segmentation exists in the housing market and, therefore, either the hedonic prices associated with different attributes or the characteri...
The relatively recent introduction of strategic spatial planning in Portugal, as in many others European countries (Albrechts et al., 2003), has been envisaged as an opportunity for innovation in planning, beside the prevailing traditional planning
practices. As structuring processes and framing exercises, strategies convey new meanings for facts a...
Esta comunicação apresenta os resultados preliminares da construção de uma ferramenta para a quantificação de benefícios associados à forma urbana. O trabalho desenvolvido vem no seguimento de várias comunicações anteriores que, com este trabalho, formam uma abordagem global para a concretização do objectivo de mensurar os benefícios percepcionados...
One of the challenges associated with studying the housing market is related to the need to handle a high amount of variables. In this context, data mining techniques, and more specifically, feature selection methods allow the selection of relevant variables efficiently. Results from the application of eight different methodologies for feature sele...
Com o objectivo de desenvolver um modelo explicativo dos preços habitacionais para Portugal continental, o trabalho apresenta uma análise exploratória associada ao trabalho empírico realizado no âmbito do projecto de investigação Factores determinantes da procura da habitação em Portugal – DONUT – financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologi...
Since the 1990s, there have been many discussions in both academic and policy communities about the role ICT play in social, economic, and spatial development patterns. During the process, the concept of intelligent cities has emerged and in most cases that concept comes with a sheen of technological determinism. In broad terms, this concept articu...
Nesta comunicação são apresentados os desenvolvimentos metodológicos da aplicação de um inquérito à população da cidade de Aveiro que tem como objectivo perceber quais os atributos de dimensão material que são determinantes para avaliar as preferências dos inquiridos pelo seu local de residência. Esta comunicação vem no seguimento de outras duas re...
Este artigo procura tirar partido de um manancial de informação sobre o mercado imobiliário acumulada ao longo de 8 anos pela empresa Janela Digital. Mais especificamente procura-se, através de um estudo exploratório das diversas variáveis disponibilizadas pelo portal, compreender as determinantes da procura do mercado da habitação em Portugal, bem...
We investigate the salary returns to the ability to play football with both feet. The majority of footballers are predominantly right footed. Using two data sets, a cross-section of footballers in the five main European leagues and a panel of players in the German Bundesliga, we find robust evidence of a substantial salary premium for two-footed ab...
A teoria, a análise e políticas de habitação têm como âmbito territorial 3 escalas diferenciadas de aplicação, o nível nacional, o regional e o urbano. Em qualquer um destes níveis a análise hedónica de preços tem sido amplamente divulgada, na medida em que permite, com base em modelos de regressão estatísticos, perceber quais os atributos, quer fí...
Num contexto actual de crescente globalização, o reforço das componentes de inovação e competitividade assume-se como um dos motores essenciais de promoção do desenvolvimento económico. A capacidade de inovação é fortemente dependente do contexto territorial, em particular no que respeita à oferta dos recursos humanos, ao padrão de especialização,...
O tema deste artigo enquadra-se no �mbito do projecto ?Custos e Benef�cios, � escala local, de uma Ocupa��o Dispersa?. Esta investiga��o assenta a sua problem�tica na dispers�o e procura chegar a conclus�es e recomenda��es sobre o fen�meno do alastramento da dispers�o; e sobre cen�rios desej�veis de evolu��o da ocupa��o dispersa existente, no que r...
This paper results from a foresight exercise developed during the elaboration of the Regional Territorial Plan of the Centro Region (PROT-C) as a mean to generate relevant knowledge to be used in the definition of regional development options. This foresight exercise gathered a panel of 36 experts from 3 different areas: i) Innovation and Competiti...
We present a model for studying regional and sectoral variation in total factor productivity (TFP) and develop an empirical test, based on the skewness of TFP distribution, to empirically distinguish between different growth theories. While negative skewness is consistent with the neo-Schumpeterian idea of catching up with leaders, zero skewness su...
Neste artigo adopta-se uma posição crítica face à relação TIC / Desenvolvimento Regional, organizada em torno de três abordagens complementares. Na primeira, analisa-se a literatura teórica existente à luz da natureza do impacte das TIC no território. Na segunda, e como consequência da escassez de dados estatísticos sobre TIC a nível regional, proc...
The relationship between the uptake of Information and Communication Technology-based services (ICT) and regional economic development is examined here; we address in particular the idea that ICT will promote regional economic convergence. We argue that ICT can generate contradictory trends of regional convergence and divergence and that, under con...
The relevance of university-industry relationships to economic development is matched by the prolific research work that has been carried out on the interaction between the academic sector and productive systems. However, this research is almost exclusively focused on technology transfer. Considering the context of the emerging knowledge-driven eco...
This paper explores the experience of the University of Aveiro in attempting to promote a favourable environment for innovation in the Portuguese industrial region in which it is located. The authors first discuss the barriers faced by peripheral regions in their attempts to establish the continuous interactive process that feeds innovation. They t...
This paper presents a theoretical approach to analysis of spatial issues in relation to the economy-environment interface. This forms a framework for presentation of work undertaken within the European Science Foundations' TERM project, using meta-analysis, on these issues. First, meta-analysis is briefly examined, followed by a discussion of the e...
This paper opposes the view which points to the declining importance of nation states and the elimination of space and territory as an effect of the increased trends towards globalisation. The argument has its foundations in the evolutionary approach of economic development and argues that the importance of the national level grows within a globali...
This theoretical paper examines the contributions of the neo-classical approach to the explanation of deep and persistent geographical inequalities in economic development. Central insights of each approach are combined in a model of regional economic inequality, here defined as differences in regional labour productivity. The model attempts to com...
Universities can significantly contribute to consolidating the coherence of regional innovation systems, to promoting and stimulating cooperation networks and supporting the accumulation of both codified and tacit knowledge. These are vital attributes for regional economic performance under current competitive conditions. The role of the university...
Resumo Partindo da análise das respostas recolhidas através de um questionário online, realizado a 3129 utilizadores da Internet em Portugal, abordase o contributo dos novos serviços de comunicação para o alargamento das redes de interacção dos sujeitos, avaliase como o enraizamento dos indivíduos ou instituições nos espaços físicos influi nas i...