Dwita Sutjiningsih

Dwita Sutjiningsih
University of Indonesia | UI · Department Civil Engineering



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Dwita Sutjiningsih currently works at the Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia. Dwita does research in Civil Engineering, with special interests in Ecohydrology and Integrated Water Resources Management. Her current project is 'UI Depok Campus sub-watershed audit' and 'Watershed imperviousness and stream quality relation'.
Additional affiliations
March 1979 - present
University of Indonesia
  • Professor
  • More than 40 years professional experience mostly in Engineering Hydrology and Water Resources Management
March 1979 - present
University of Indonesia
  • Professor (Associate)
  • Lecturing in water-related subjects.
September 1989 - July 1994
Universitaet Hannover, Hannover, Germany
Field of study
  • Bauingenieurwesen (Civil Engineering)
September 1980 - July 1981
Institute of Hydraulic Engineering, Delft, Netherlands
Field of study
  • River Engineering
September 1971 - September 1977
University of Indonesia
Field of study
  • Civil Engineering


Publications (86)
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Data hujan adalah salah satu komponen penting dalam kegiatan penelitian, perencanaan maupun pengelolaan sumber daya air. Pengaruh variabilitas curah hujan secara spasial dan temporal pada permodelan limpasan hujan telah lama menjadi perhatian dari ahli hidrologi dan menjadi sumber kesalahan utama pada analisis debit (Emmanuel et al 2015). Salah sat...
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Keberadaan air tanah perlu dikelola dengan baik secara kualitas dan kuantitasnya. Hal ini dilakukan agar sumber daya air dapat dimanfaatkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan manusia baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Penggunaan air tanah cenderung meningkat seiring dengan laju pertumbuhan penduduk, oleh karena itu perlu adanya perencanaan dan pemak...
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The high rate of urbanization is one of the problems that has occurred in Jakarta as capital of Indonesia. The implication is the change in land use from pervious cover to impervious cover which have an impact on increasing stormwater runoff. Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo) is one of commercial complex in Central Jakarta. The complex covered ar...
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Based on its imperviousness, most of the sub-watersheds in the lower part of Ciliwung watershed in West Java are classified as urban drainage. High imperviousness in the urban environment will cause multiple stressors among others on the discharge, water quality and habitat condition, those supposedly support the presence of macroinvertebrates. Mac...
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Sediment yield is eroded soil that transported from a place to a measurement point, for example in a reservoir. Sediment in the reservoir is a problem that can reduce the performance of the reservoir, so it needs to be assess regularly. One of many ways to assess is to calculate the potential of sediment that enters the reservoir. The research obje...
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On March, 27 th 2009 Situ Gintung dam collapsed. Situ Gintung dam failure has been analyzed based on the condition of watershed, reservoir, and embankment on March, 27 2009. Hydrological analysis and slope stability analysis are combined to analyze the major causes gintung collapse. Watershed analysis using ARC-GIS software, routing in reservoir us...
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Program for predicting runoff discharge from rain events is HEC-HMS. The results of the HEC-HMS hydrograph depends on the characteristics of the watershed. Arc-Hydro/HEC-Geo HMS are programs that are usually used in hydrological modelling. The results of the Arc-Hydro analysis depends on the sensitivity of the topographic map. Due to complex surfac...
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Gintung Dam is a dam resulting from the post-disaster reconstruction and rehabilitation in 2009. In this study, economic feasibility analysis post reconstruction and rehabilitation is carried out. The feasibility analysis is reviewed based on economic value of the benefits of Gintung Dam and investment cost as well as Operational and Maintenance (O...
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This study focuses on the water quality in a catchment area that is affected by the imperviousness cover. The purpose of this study is to prove the correlation analysis between impervious cover as the independent variable and the water quality index as the dependent variable by analysing the correlation and regression relationship. The study area i...
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Kelapa Gading is one of the sub-districts located in North Jakarta which consists of low-level plains prone to flooding. One of the areas in Kelapa Gading that is most severely affect by the floods is in front of the Mall of Indonesia (MOI). Based on earlier research, it has been reported that one of the causes of flooding in Kelapa Gading is its d...
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Runoff coefficient or Curve Number (CN) is a parameter value needed to describe runoff in accordance with the intended land use. In determining CN values, it is necessary to take account the Hydrologic Soil Group. The Hydrologic Soil Group (HSG) consists of 4 groups, which are: A, B, C, and D. In order to classify the appropriate HSG, several metho...
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There are two methods that can be used to calculate the area of impervious cover on a watershed, Total Impervious Area (TIA) and Effective Impervious Area (EIA). Calculation of impervious cover generally uses the TIA method. Recently, based on several researches, EIA is the better indicator for identifying surface runoff discharge. This study aims...
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This paper discusses efforts in building the sustainability of coastal cities against the water crisis, with the study area in Cilegon, Banten Province. The study results in several studies that estimate that Cilegon will experience a water crisis in 2025. This is a challenge, especially in the effort to fulfill the sixth global target of Sustainab...
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This study is assessing the ecological integrity of landscape condition to maintain freshwater biodiversity at highly urbanized catchment using geographic information system (GIS). GIS tools were used to calculate the percentage of land use types i.e. impervious cover, vegetation cover, and water body at 6 sub-catchments of Universitas Indonesia (U...
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Flood routing in the catchment area can be simulated by transform method. Based on the complexity of data requirement, there are two significant differences of the transform method in watershed routing, namely the SCS Unit Hydrograph and Kinematic Wave. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of those two methods by comparing two...
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More than 40% area in Jakarta is below mean sea level which it causes inundation to occur every year in Jakarta. In order to solve this problem, the government developed Jakarta flood control management. Polder system is one of drainage system for areas that cannot drain water by gravity. There is one polder system located at North Jakarta named No...
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Flood routing is needed to determine the distribution of flood peak time and magnitude of peak flooding that occurs. Flood routing can be done on the river channel using the transform function principle. There are two methods of flood routing in reach that have significant differences based on general concepts and number of data requirements needed...
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Sampang is one of regency in Madura which always experiences floods every year. The frequency of flood events reach the number of 15 to 18 Sampang regency is divided into 6 watersheds that consist of Kemuning, Nedung, Blega, Samajid, Tambengan, and Tamberu watersheds events annually. From all watersheds, Kemuning watershed has the biggest area and...
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Water is one of the main resources for sustainable city development. To ensure the availability of adequate water for human use, water resource managers need to estimate the amounts of water that enter, pass through, and leave individual watersheds. This is a challenge, because the relative magnitudes of the transfers of individual components in th...
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Various studies show a close relationship between imperviousness and various biotic/abiotic elements of aquatic ecosystem. This phenomenon has been adapted to assess the water-sensitivity of a regional spatial plan at regency/city level. A generic assessment procedure based on the experience in Upper Ciliwung watershed is ready for application in o...
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Irrigation is important for agricultural activities because it distributes water into irrigation area and provides water for crop growth. The appropriate and effective water allocation supports agricultural productivity. Generally, irrigation activities get water from rainfall and it is very depending on several climate variables for example temper...
Experiment Findings
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The water quality of UI ponds is decreasing every year. In 2015 the UI Ponds Audit was conducted to determine the quality of the water. One of the parameters that affects the water quality is nitrate. Nitrates serves as the nutrients of plants. Excessive nitrate may cause eutrophication phenomenon, in which the water experience too much nutrients a...
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Increasing population in Jakarta leads to increased needs of settlements and their supporting facilities. To compensate, various methods are being undertaken, from utilization of open area to the riparian, especially in the Ciliwung River. This utilization results in the loss of riparian natural ability, which changes the river’s hydraulic conditio...
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Based on the Comprehensive Flood Management Plan (CFMP), one of the flood control alternatives in the Ciliwung Watershed is using the dry dam construction. Construction of Ciawi dam and Sukamahi dam who are located in Bogor District, are expected to decrease the flood peak and increasing the time concentration in order to reduce the impact caused b...
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High population growth rate will increase the infrastructure development, so the impervious land cover in a certain area will be greater. In 2016, the percentage of impervious area in UI Depok catchment area has reached 57%. This condition causes the surface runoff volume and probability of flood will increase. LID is a new paradigm for stormwater...
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Flooding is one of the problems that Jakarta faces every year. To handle the issue, the government took action to build the East Flood Canal. The canal construction is expected to reduce flooding, especially in the east and north region of Jakarta. However, the construction did not make the area immediately free of flood risk. Previous study (Susan...
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At the Universitas Indonesia (UI) there are six cascade-pond water quality decreased from year to year. This can be seen in plain view, on the change of water color, odor, and the amount of solid waste that is in cascade-pond that comes from outside the UI. The decrease of water quality is one of the reasons caused by land use change in UI Water Ca...
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Semarang is considered as a secondary city in a country like Indonesia. Beside its unique characteristics due to its location in northern coast of Central Java, it also faces increasing water demand. Semarang implements rain harvesting technology but has not yet achieved desired standard level. This study aims to identify community acceptance patte...
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Climate change, population growth and rapid urbanisation have severe implications for cities and the way in which they interact with water. As a response to these challenges the water sensitive cities concept emerged, which supports cities to become more resilient to these challenges while making them more prosperous, sustainable and liveable. A wa...
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The uniqueness of the urban physiographic landscape could share advantage as well as constraint for the sake of urban water availability. Physiography landscape of urban area will slightly affect the ability of a city in providing water needs of urban dwellers. An alternative solution to resolve the problem is rainwater harvesting. Semarang is one...
Conference Paper
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The rapid changes in land utilisation may result in greater impervious cover. This deteriorating condition lead to the environmental degradation. Gradually, more people move to urban areas and build settlements without any regard to the environmental sustainability by building septic tank which nearby the water source. Consequently, the ground wate...
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The hydrological model has an important role to present the accurate and reliable information for water resources management. In this research, combination of HEC-GeoHMS and HEC-HMS that adopt the SCS-CN model have been chosen to analyse the hydrological characteristic at Upper Ciliwung Watershed. Ciliwung Watershed is one of 13 watersheds that has...
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Jakarta is a lowland area with 40% of its territory at an elevation below the sea level so it is very vulnerable to flooding. One of out many causes floods in Jakarta is by the overflow of the Ciliwung River. The Ciliwung Watershed has a very strategic value in Indonesia because the Ciliwung River is one of thirteen rivers crossing the nation's cap...
Conference Paper
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Groundwater utilization as a source of fresh water supply for various purposes in discharge area shows an ever to increasing trend, while land use of recharges also changes as development progresses. To meet its needs, many people rely on land-based exploration and exploitation. Groundwater is one of nature’s most valuable and inseparable resources...
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The primary input for hydrological the hydrological model is rainfall. The accurate illustration of rainfall in time and space is important for rainfall-runoff modeling since it impact the hydrological responses. The impact of spatial rainfall variability on runoff representation depends on the type of rainfall, the catchment characteristic (nature...
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Upper Ciliwung watershed in the JABODETABEKPUNJUR area experiencing rapid population growth, which in turn promotes the pace of infrastructure development especially increasing impervious land cover. This will trigger various stressors to the abiotic and biotic elements in the aquatic ecosystem. This study aims to examine whether the relationship b...
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Bojonegoro faces flood every year with less advanced prevention development. Bojonegoro city development could not peak because the flood results material losses. It affects every sectors in Bojonegoro: education, politics, economy, social, and infrastructure development. This research aims to analyse and to ensure that river capacity has high prob...
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The water availability (WA) of a region is one of important consideration in both the formulation of spatial plans and the evaluation of the effectiveness of actual land use in providing sustainable water resources. Information on land-water needs vis-a-vis their availability in a region determines the state of the surplus or deficit to inform effe...
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The population density as consequences of urbanisation in certain area may cause the occurrence of land utility shifting from natural site to impervious. Thus, this imperivious cover can be used as indicator of environment quality, particularly the water quality, such being the case of Jakarta, that 80% of ground water sample in Jakarta has been co...
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The Katulampa Weir is a part of Jakarta Flood Early Warning System for the Ciliwung River. The measured water level fluctuation in the Katulampa Weir is affected by the physical condition of the Upper Ciliwung Watershed. In this study, the definition and relevance of the impervious cover determination method based on the Total Impervious Area (TIA)...
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Urbanization and industrialization lead to the change of land cover from pervious into impervious. This can impact environmental problems such as water quality degradation that affects human health and water ecosystems. The study aimed to develop a regression-correlation model between impervious cover in Ciliwung watershed and water quality indices...
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Catchment area of aquatic system in Universitas Indonesia (UI) campus has a function as groundwater recharge for Depok area, which is the buffer zone of Jakarta. This catchment area has high level of imperviousness as a consequence of increasing population. The high imperviousness implicates in the degradation of the catchment area health. For that...
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The globalisation era characterised by the largely and extensively economic development has delivered the positive contribution as well as the negative ones like the two opposing sides of the same coin. The larger and massif construction in urban areas are negatively impacted on the shifting of natural land areas to become the residential areas, th...
Conference Paper
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Upper Ciliwung watershed in the JABODETABEKPUNJUR area experiencing rapid population growth, which in turn promotes the pace of infrastructure development especially increasing impervious land cover. This will trigger various stressors to the abiotic and biotic elements in the aquatic ecosystem. This study aims to examine whether the relationship b...
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Semarang City is one of the most influential coastal cities in Java Island. The city is facing increasingly-high water demand due to its development and water problems due to climate change. The spatial physiography and landscape of Semarang City are also exposed the city to water security problem. Hence, rainwater harvesting treatment is an urgent...
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Abstrack. The uniqueness of the urban physiographic landscape could share advantage as well as constraint for the sake of urban water availability. Physiography landscape of urban area will slightly affect the ability of a city in providing water needs of urban dwellers. An alternative solution to resolve the problem is rainwater harvesting. Semara...
Conference Paper
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Semarang is considered as a secondary city in a country like Indonesia. Beside its unique characteristics due to its location in northern coast of Central Java, it also faces increasing water demand. Semarang implements rain harvesting technology but has not yet achieved desired standard level. This study aims to identify community acceptance patte...
Conference Paper
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A cascade-pond system consists of six ponds located at Universitas Indonesia Campus, Depok. Its catchment area is dominated by high density urban area with moderate to high imperviousness. Some of riparian buffers surrounds six ponds are also occupied by high imperviousness that may lead some ecohydrological problems i.e. water quality degradation,...
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Jakarta is the capitol of Indonesia which located at the downstream part of Ciliwung. Flooding is a most natural hazard at Jakarta, almost every years its occur at Jakarta. Many infrastructure and researches have been done to decrease risk of flooding. Ciawi and Sukamahi Dams is one of the structural method proposed by government to decrease the pe...
Conference Paper
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Most researchers agree that imperviousness is the key predictive variable in simulation and empirical models used to estimate the stream quality as response variable. Therefore, the decision in selecting the imperviousness estimation method is crucial. This study aims at testing the accuracy of land use and population density methods to estimate th...
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Water plays a central and critical role in the life of every living creature. Thus, the presence of the groundwater should be administered properly both in its quality and quantity to fulfill the human demand. Groundwater consuming tends to increase along with the population growth rate, therefore planning and wise groundwater consuming is required...
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The findings of numerous studies on the responses of stream quality indicators to different levels of watershed development have been integrated into an impervious cover model. The focus on one development stressor, namely the impervious cover, allows the decision makers to use the impervious cover model as a watershed planning tool to forecast str...
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The population in the catchment area of Universitas Indonesia (UI) campus cascade-pond system is growing rapidly. The rapid growth of population increases the activities intensity in the catchment area, so that a better water resource management is urgently needed. The Dublin Principles in Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) among others sa...
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Aquatic system quality degradation by urban runoff owing to the effect of increasing impervious cover due to urbanization is becoming a serious issue. Based on 2015 data, with total imperviousness more than 60% in aquatic system catchment area of Universitas Indonesia (UI) Campus, the aquatic system quality is in poor condition. Best Management Pra...
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Catchment area of cascade-pond system at Universitas Indonesia (UI) campus is an area with high population density. The high population density has led to increasing impervious cover since it has to provide the housing needs. Increasing of impervious cover affected stream quality in the catchment area. The state of aquatic system quality can be ass...
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At present, Cisokan sub watershed in West Java Province, is not good enough to support good quality of life and many people living in the area are suffering from food deficiency. In many parts of the sub watershed, the land use/ land cover is consist of critical land, crop plantation in the hills without terraces and encroached forestland.To overco...
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The main problem in controling rainfall runoff in urban areas generally consists of the need to control the depth of peak discharge and flow throughout the system, in order to avoid unwanted puddles. Conventional paradigm in rainwater harvesting used the centralize rainwater management system. This method is about to drainage the rainfall rapidly o...
Conference Paper
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The increasing impervious cover brings out a flashier hydrograph, elevated concentrations of pollutants transported from impervious surfaces to streams, altered channel morphology, and reduced biotic integrity. The subwatershed-scale (5-50 km 2) is preferred for assessment studies, stream classification, and management planning. The impervious cove...
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Abstract Urbanization will result in increasing impervious cover (IC) which in turn will result a flashier hydrograph, elevated concentrations of pollutants transported from impervious surfaces to streams, altered channel morphology, and reduced biotic integrity (Belluci, 2007). Imperviousness represents the imprint of land development on the lands...