Dwi Yuniasih Saputri

Dwi Yuniasih Saputri


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Publications (51)
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This study focuses on self-regulated learning (SRL), a process in which individuals actively control their learning process through planning, monitoring, and self-evaluation. The purpose of this study was to analyze the level of SRL in the Surakarta Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program. The method used was a survey. The population in t...
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This study analyzes the learning readiness of elementary school students in implementing differentiated learning, on grade IV-VI students in Cluster 1 Puntadewa, Serengan District, Surakarta City. Differentiated learning involves modifying content, processes, and products according to student's readiness, interests, and learning profiles. This stud...
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Science literacy is crucial for prospective elementary school teachers to enhance their higher-order thinking skills. Science education that emphasizes the development of higher-order thinking skills is based on science process skills. This research aims to determine the relationship between science literacy and science process skills on HOTS (High...
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This study aims to determine whether there is a relationship between linguistic intelligence and computational thinking. The research method employed is quantitative, utilizing a correlational research design. The research sample comprised 73 students from 4 elementary schools in the Laweyan District, Surakarta City. Data collection involved a test...
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p>Keterampilan komunikasi merupakan salah satu kemampuan penting bagi siswa sekolah dasar untuk bersosialisasi dan belajar efektif. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengkaji literatur mengenai efektivitas penerapan Team Game Turnament (TGT) berbantuan Ludo dalam meningkatkan keterampilan komunikasi siswa sekolah dasar. Artikel ini merupakan kajian...
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div class="page" title="Page 1"> Permainan tradisional Nusantara kaya akan nilai budaya dan edukasi, namun kurang optimal dalam pemanfaatannya sebagai media pembelajaran di sekolah dasar. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengkaji strategi optimalisasi permainan tradisional Nusantara bagi guru SD di Indonesia. Artikel ini merupakan kajian literatur terk...
This classroom action research explains the application of learning using the talking stick learning model assisted by Quizizz interactive quiz media with the aim of increasing understanding of the concept of energy source material in grade IV students at SD Negeri Gawan 1, Gawan Village, Tanon District, Sragen Regency. This class action research i...
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One of the problems that is often encountered in the current study of the electrical engineering department is students’ low level of creative thinking skills. Therefore, this study aimed to test the effectiveness of the Sustainable Project Based Learning (SPjBL) learning model in improving the creative thinking skills of electrical engineering stu...
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Water is necessary for all types of life on Earth. Water is also essential for daily activities, such as cooking, washing dishes and dirty clothes, and cleansing oneself. Water is scientifically constituted of numerous components despite its appearance of being clear and odorless. Among these numerous applications, bathing, washing clothing, and de...
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Javanese script is very important for students to learn and understand, because Javanese script is a local wisdom culture that must be preserved in order to protect the nation's language culture so that it does not become extinct through the use of regional languages such as the use of Javanese script as a means for carrying out verbal and written...
p class="15"> This study was conducted to analyze learning activities that facilitate Basic Science Process Skills in students' thematic books. These skills include observing, classifying, inferring, measuring, predicting, and communicating skills. This study uses a qualitative approach. The data are in the form of student thematic books. The valid...
em>This study aims to improve written communication skills using the guided inquiry learning model in science learning.. This type of research is action research or Classroom Action Research (PTK). The research will be carried out in 3 cycles with 2 meetings and 1 evaluation test in each cycle. The implementation of guided inquiry learning in class...
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p> Plastic waste is a serious problem in Indonesia because plastic cannot be decomposed naturally and can have a negative impact on the environment and public health. Then the 3R principle is applied, namely Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. This socialization activity will focus on the principle of Recycle (recycling) through ecobrick in the village of...
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p>Indonesia is the second largest country that produces plastic waste in the world. Plastic waste is decomposed in about 1000 years. Plastic waste has a negative impact on the environment, such as the accumulation of garbage, which causes environmental pollution. Correct steps are needed to overcome these problems. One of the right strategies to ov...
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The purpose of this service activity is to improve teacher skills in developing HOTS-oriented learning model designs based on the Learning Management System (LMS) for elementary school teachers in Surakarta City. Participants in the community service activity totaled 30 teachers consisting of 10 class teachers of SD ICT Al-Abidin, 10 class teachers...
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The purpose of this community service activity is to improve teacher pedagogical competence in integrating learning models in a Learning Management System (LMS)-based project in ICT-based elementary schools. The method for implementing the community service activity uses training which includes the stages namely 1) Conducting Competency Analysis, 2...
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This study aims to analyze the talents/giftedness possessed by elementary school students in Surakarta in 2022. The research used a descriptive method, with a survey technique of talent scouting of sports search model utilizing sports search software. The sample of this study amounted to 50 students, who were taken using the total sampling techniqu...
p class="Abstract"> This research was conducted with the aim of analyzing the content of basic science process skills in the lesson plan of learning at SD Negeri Tegalrejo No.98 Surakarta . The research was conducted using a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques in this study used document studies and interviews. This research data is in...
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Digital literacy skills are mandatory for students to master so that they can process information wisely. The purpose of this research is to determine the level of digital literacy of elementary school students. The research method used in this research is quantitative. The sample of this research is 86 elementary students in Laweyan Sub-district,...
span class="fontstyle0">The purpose of this study was to describe the use of picture story books in Indonesian language learning in class II SD N 1 Dawuhan Purbalingga. This type of research is a qualitative research. Subject selection technique using purposive sampling technique. The research subjects were class II students and class II teachers a...
em>The purpose of this study was to describe students' descriptive essay writing skills. This type of research is qualitative research and was conducted on fourth grade students of SDIT Islamy. The subject selection technique used purposive sampling and took 20% of the class IV population. Data collection techniques using tests, observations, inter...
This study aims to analyze the misconceptions of science material theme VI heat and its transfer in fifth grade elementary school students. This type of research is a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques in the form of four-level diagnostic tests and interviews. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling, namely all fifth grade...
em> The purpose of this research was to describe the students' reading comprehension ability in class V SDN 01 Karangmojo. This study is a qualitative research with a case study approach. The subjects of this research were 5 fifth grade students of SDN 01 Karangmojo. The subject selection technique is done by criterion based selection. Research dat...
This research was conducted with the aim of analyzing the integrated content of TPACK with STEAM in thematic books. This research was conducted using a qualitative approach. The data is the form of content in thematic books. The validity of the instrument used in this study is to use expert validity calculations or Gregory and data validated by inc...
This study aims to describe the problem-based learning and collaboration model on science learning in elementary schools in the Industrial Revolution era 4.0 and Indonesia Society 5.0. This research is qualitative and descriptive. Data collection activities at the preliminary stage are carried out by exploring elementary school teachers' perception...
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Technological, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge (TPACK) can collaborate with the Science Technology Engineering Art Mathematics (STEAM) approach. STEAM is also essential for students to improve their ability and skills to operate and produce science and technology-based products, supported by the TPACK abilities of educators to develop quality te...
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The purpose of this service activity is to describe the use of interactive Student Worksheets (LKPD) with live worksheets as an effort to improve the cognitive aspects of learning outcomes for fifth-grade elementary school students on science content. This service activity is carried out in SD Negeri Jajar class V with a total of 22 students. The m...
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This service aims to increase the learning motivation of fourth grade elementary school students using interactive student worksheets based on live worksheets. The method used in this dedication is through training activities/workshops for teachers at SD Negeri Jajar, Surakarta and continued to be implemented for class IV students at SD N Jajar Sur...
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji keefektifan model pembelajaran outdoor learning melalui wisata edutainment untuk menumbuhkan sikap peduli lingkungan siswa sekolah dasar. Jenis penelitian ini yaitu eksperimen dengan desain penelitian menggunakan quasi experimental dengan bentuk one group pretest-posttest. Desain ini membutuhkan satu kelompok...
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This study aims to analyze the psychomotor assessment levels based on Anderson and Krathwohl's taxonomy in the integrated thematic book for grade VI, theme 5, entrepreneurship. Methods: This content analysis research used a descriptive qualitative approach. The form of research data was a distribution of psychomotor assessments, categorized accordi...
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The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of digital literacy indicators in improving students' reading interests. The research method used is quantitative. The samples in this study were the fifth-grade students at SDN Pajang IV, SDN Tegalrejo, SDN 1 Jajar, and SDN Setono, totaling 86 respondents. The data collection technique u...
The need for technology-based media is vital in the era of 21st-century education. Here, augmented reality media is a medium predicted to provide a more realistic experience successfully and in line with the developmental phase of elementary school students. For this reason, this study aims to analyze the need for augmented reality media developmen...
This research goals were to described the role of teachers in implementing student responsibility attitudes in Civic Education learning on rights, obligations, and responsibilities. This research used descriptive qualitative research with the research subjects of fifth grade teachers and fifth grade students of SD Negeri Tegalrejo No. 98. The data...
em>The Minister of Education and Culture of The Republic of Indonesia since March 24 2020 issued Circular No.4 of 2020 concerning the Implementation of Education Policies in an Emergency for the Spread of COVID-19, In this Circular Letter states that the learning process is carried out in their respective homes through online learning. The purpose...
p class="Abstract"> Abstract . This research was conducted to describe teacher’s personal and social competences applying disciplinary attitudes in civic education learning for grade I SD Negeri Tegalrejo No. 98 Academic Year 2020/2021. These research belongs to qualitative research with descriptive qualitative methodes and a case study approach. T...
p> Abstract. This research to describe the critical thinking skills of students on the material rights and obligations of the civic education learning class IV Tegalrejo Public Elementary School No. 98 academic years 2020/2021. Critical thinking was important to face the competition of life in the 21st century. This qualitative research used descri...
p class="Abstract">The purpose of this study is to analyze the level of motivation to learn Civics in online learning material relationship symbols with meaning sila Pancasila on the fourth grade students of SD Negeri Tegalrejo No.98 Surakarta. The method in this research is descriptive qualitative. Data collection in this study using a questionnai...
Conference Paper
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This study aims to describe the critical reading skills of upper primary students in elementary schools of Surakarta City. The researchers also analyzed the differences in critical reading skills of upper primary students from A-accredited and B-accredited elementary schools. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research. Informants in...
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Instructional media functioning to deliver the lesson has a very important role. There are a lot of instructional media used in learning process; one of those is interactive multimedia. This study aims to find out students response toward game based interactive media as instructional media in elementary school. The method used in this study was des...
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This study aimed to describe the existence of learning media and analyzed the need assessments of interactive multimedia based on game for 5th grade students of primary school. The method of this study was descriptive qualitative. It described the phenomena based on the situation. The method used to choose the sample was purposive sampling which ch...


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